Review: Big Swiss

Big Swiss
Big Swiss by Jen Beagin
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

While this was compulsively readable for me, I still felt conflicting feelings about it. It was interesting in almost the way an accident is interesting and you can’t help but look (except I am usually the type that doesn’t feel the need to look.) I liked the way it started and thought the premise was very interesting but then it didn’t really go anywhere for me and left me unsatisfied at the end.

View all my reviews

Staying Open – March 10

Staying Open – 69


We saw some really beautiful movies this year so far. I loved Closer, Living, Of an Age and The Quiet Girl. Each more beautifully acted than the other and each quiet and deeply touching.

Such beautiful art.

#open #olw #stayingopen

Staying Open – March 09


Staying Open – 68


One of the side benefits of the schedule change has been that I get to see this in person.

My first time seeing one in the big screen.

#open #olw #stayingopen

Staying Open – March 08


Staying Open – 67


And finally negative today! Took two tests just to be sure!

Went climbing tonight and I am so very glad to be out in the world again.


#open #olw #stayingopen

Staying Open – March 07

Staying Open – 66


That faint line means I am still stuck inside my bedroom. Alas.

Last year I exercised so much. This year it’s been a terrible terrible year for exercise so far. Here’s hoping after km healed from the surgery, I can turn it around.

Can’t wait to get stronger again.

#open #olw #stayingopen

Staying Open – March 06


Staying Open – 65


It was nice to work today so I could feel less cooped up. And my surgery got rescheduled so that feels good, too. now here’s hoping I get a negative test tomorrow and can hug my kids again.

I was thinking about the word open today and how wonderful it feels to embody it. Open feels so full of possibilities. So loving and kind. So generous and expansive.

It feels like being filled with sunlight.

No wonder I love my word this year so much.

#open #olw #stayingopen

Staying Open – March 05


Staying Open – 64


This is real life right now. I’ve been holed up in my room for three days and I already can’t stand it. I’ve read three books, watched two movies and a show, painted 6 tiny landscapes and did 4 hours of Korean.

I’m bored.

I miss seeing my people. I already hate my bedroom and I have to spend another few days minimum here before I can retest and then hopefully I can have my surgery only to find myself back in this bedroom for a few more weeks.

If you have shows, movies, books, or anything else you’ve loved, I’d love to know. I expect I am going to reach new heights of boredom here.

#open #olw #stayingopen

Staying Open – March 04


Staying Open – 63


The moments all blend into each other when I’m isolating. I miss my people.

#open #olw #stayingopen

Staying Open – March 03

Staying Open – 62


Too tired today. Mostly just have a blinding headache wish it would go away. It would make it easier to sleep!

#open #olw #stayingopen

Staying Open – March 02


Staying Open – 61


I was supposed to have surgery tomorrow. I woke up to a runny nose and a tickle of a cough today so they asked me to take a COVID test just in case. I had already tested at home so I was pretty sure I was in the clear.

I was wrong.

I have COVID again.

14 months since last time. It sucks. No surgery of course and now I have to sit alone in my bedroom again.

What a bummer.

I guess I’m going to have to stay open to whatever this means.

#open #olw #stayingopen

Staying Open – March 01


Staying Open – 60


Happy March. It’s still cold and rainy here so it doesn’t feel like spring at all. At least the days are getting longer.

One of the biggest aspects of having open as my word is making sure I remember that just because it’s always been this way it doesn’t mean it always has to be this way. I want to stay open to possibilities, open to change, open to a shift in perspective, in response.

That also requires paying attention, slowing down and not reacting but responding intentionally.

#open #olw #stayingopen

Staying Open – February 28


Staying Open – 59


It takes rain to get a rainbow.

Nothing much on my mind today. Feeling too tired to think.

#open #olw #stayingopen