This was an interesting read. I liked the premise of the book and I certainly agree that women deal with so much bullshit even from men who think they are “not that kind of men” and yet the book was neither enjoyable nor very interesting to read for me. The characters weren’t likable, which, fair, maybe was the point but I also had a hard time engaging with the story. I did listen to it on audio and maybe that impacted my experience. I will think about it for some time which in its own way is the sign of a good book…
Despite feeling so-so about his first book, I picked this up anyway because the reviews were so strong and I liked this one way way more than the others so far. Clever and well plotted.
it looks like this series will end with the next book. I love these books and how sweet they are, i am looking forward to what Oseman creates next too!
3.5 stars I read this one cause my friend Lauren wrote about it and said it was fun and fast and I’ve been having a lot of trouble focusing lately. It didn’t disappoint. It was fun and fast 🙂
I will never ever get tired of these books. I look forward to each and every one of them and I hope she keeps writing them forever and ever. This one is a sequel to Antoinette’s story and I loved it so very much.