October 2017 – Twenty Mantras – 17

karenika.comThis card says: Choose growth mindset. When you’re sitting in class and frustrated that you are just not good at this, remember to hold on to that growth mindset. Remember that what it takes is work. You were not born to be perfect at this, it takes work to grow. To get better. Choose growth.

i expect other things to take time and effort but when it comes to this, i am so much less patient.

Twenty Mantras is a Monthly Project for October 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here. You can read about the start of this project here.

Living Intentionally 2017 – 43


Weekly Intention: So, this week is a quieter week at work which is lovely because my parents will be here all week! So my intention is to focus on my time with my parents and not take it away from work or me or kids or Jake. I’d like to spend more time with Jake this week too and take advantage of the fact that my parents are here. Patience and slow but continuous progress is the goal.

Things I want to get Done: Here’s the list for his week.

  • Work: clear out email. 
  • Work: survey for summit
  • Work: do posters
  • Work: write more down for T and have conversations with C
  • Work: get to brainstorming for C 
  • Work: finish reading and prepping Y
  • Personal: exercise every day at work. 
  • Personal: eat clean clean clean. 
  • Personal: Journal three times.
  • Personal: Start December Daily
  • Personal: Continue with the new scrapping/storytelling system. 
  • Family: do math+spelling with N
  • Family: make a plan with D for sure this time!
  • Family: Check in regularly with my nephews and my sister.
  • Family: take photos!
  • Family: Spend time with mom and dad!

This month’s intention is:  Shine On: You’re doing great. You made it through September. The year is starting its countdown and you can do this. Remember to keep going. Shine on. Don’t stop now. Just one day at a time. Last week of October, gotta make this one count!

Ways to Shine this week:

  • One: Bold: let’s see if i can take solid advantage of this quieter week.
  • Two: Open: Open to the possibility that this can be a productive week and not a draining one.
  • Three: Heal/Nourish: i’d like to keep track of what i eat and go back to taking photos of things this week.

I am looking forward to: time with my parents

This week’s challenges: Monday is the toughest day this week but it will still in general be hard to balance life this week.

Top Goals:

  • Work: one more iteration of plans for 2018 (and catch up on email.)
  • Personal: exercise+food+journaling.
  • Family: time with parents

I will focus on my core desires (bold, mindful, nourish, love) by: remembering what and who matters most this week.

This week, I will say yes to: making choices that reflect my values.

This week, I will say no to: feeling bad all the time which i often do when i have visitors because i don’t know how to balance it all.

I am worried that:  i won’t exercise. i’ll eat poorly. i wont be able to take the time to organize my life. i’ll let down my parents. i’ll let down my husband or my kids or myself or something else. i will feel wiped out all week. i will fall really behind.

This week, I want to remember:  that one week is not that long and what matters most is to be with the people I love.

October 2017 – Twenty Mantras – 16

karenika.comThis card says: Rest. You are in this for the long haul. Remember that you want to go on and on with this lifestyle. To do that, you need to be able to cut yourself a break every now and then. This means taking a rest day. Letting the muscles repair themselves.

rest is hard for me, i am always scared i will quit if i rest. 

Twenty Mantras is a Monthly Project for October 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here. You can read about the start of this project here.

Weekly Reflection 2017 – 42

How I shone this week:  I spent all of this week in Seattle. Here are few ways I shone:

  • I tried to spend a lot of time with each of my colleagues and have the hard and deep conversations
  • I woke up each morning at 6am to exercise even though I felt exhausted
  • I talked to my kids and Jake every morning before drop off and every afternoon after pickup
  • I balanced social dinners with alone time and tried to get a reasonable amount of each.

None of it was perfect but I did show up and try my best.

Things I wanted to get Done:

  • Work: hmm i didn’t stay on my email this week. i’ll have to clean it all up at some point. i think the summit did go well. i made posters, yay! I did spend time both with T and C and see my friend Radhika! 
  • Personal: exercised every morning, ate on the clean side let’s say, i didn’t journal even one time there :(, did mapmaker 12 and brene art, scheduled November project and did my scrapping system.
  • Family: did math with both kids. Did not finish plan for D. made all of the lunches.  checked in with everyone. took photos and i am spending time with mom and dad!

I celebrate: being back home.

I am grateful for: I am really grateful to be back home in my own bed and super grateful my parents are here!

I nourished myself by: taking alone time when in Seattle so I could make sure to have the energy needed.

Reflecting on my worries:  I exercised. i ate not great, but not terribly. I didn’t organize my life at all. i did get a lot done in Seattle but indeed not enough. It definitely wasn’t a waste. I am not sure about the disappointment but I am trying to feel better in my head.

I let go of: making sure everyone is happy.

Core Desire Check-in (bold, mindful, nourish, love):

  • bold: i had a lot of bold conversations this week.
  • mindful: mindful that i need sleep and recovery
  • nourish: i still need more sleep.
  • love: i love my family so much!

What made me laugh this week: sweet Radhika and her family and all my work friends.

What I tolerated this week: a low-grade headache all week.

My mood this week was: tired.
I forgive myself for:  not being able to do all the things I wanted to.
What I love right now: i love that my parents are here!!

Here’s to a great week 43.

October 2017 – Twenty Mantras – 15

karenika.comThis card says:Choose you. You spend a lot of time supporting others. The kids, work, home and Jake. They are all worth your time. but so are you. You can and should choose you, too. The best version of you is who they need.

I need my own light to shine so I can help them shine theirs.

Twenty Mantras is a Monthly Project for October 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here. You can read about the start of this project here.

Books I Read This Week 2017 – 42

Conversations with Friends sounded like a book I might not like but I decided to tackle it anyway and while I didn’t love it, I did in fact like reading it.

I read Letters from Rifka as part of the Lit Club I run in my kids’ school for 5th and 6th grade. I’d never read it before and I loved it. Wonderful book about immigration.

I wasn’t sure The Four Tendencies had anything new to teach me. I have read all of Rubin’s books and I knew about the Tendencies already. But I love love loved this book and I am so very glad I read it. I learned tangible, useful takeaways from this book!

They Both Die at the End had also been on my pile for a while. I finally got to it and I am glad I did. It wasn’t fantastic but it was a really solid read. 

I wasn’t sure about Warcross but I knew I wanted to at least give it a try. It was a quick, fast paced read. If you’re into that type of YA, it was good. Not excellent though.

I’ve been waiting to read Jane, Unlimited for months! I am a huge Kristin Cashore fan and have loved all of her books. I loved the premise of this book, too. I am about one quarter of the way in as I type this and I love it, of course.

I have some fantastic books on my pile and I cannot wait to read them all.

Books I Read this Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

October 2017 – Twenty Mantras – 14

karenika.comThis card says: Hydrate. You are now using a lot of your body. You aren’t drinking garbage anymore. So now you need to make sure to hydrate. Drink water. Also hydrate your skin. Your feet. Your hair. All of your body can use more water. More moisture. Feed it and hydrate it.

I never drink enough water. I need to do better here. 

Twenty Mantras is a Monthly Project for October 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here. You can read about the start of this project here.

October 2017 – Twenty Mantras – 13

karenika.comThis card says: Be flexible. You have a lot of things going on in your life. Kids, work, travel, school, schedules, last minute meetings. Things will not work perfectly. If you want this to be a life style, you need to be flexible. You need to work with what you have and make the most of it.

When i am rigid i always lose out. Flexibility is the only way forward here.

Twenty Mantras is a Monthly Project for October 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here. You can read about the start of this project here.

Nourish Me – 42


  • I read: I am reading so so many books lately. I don’t want to do anything but read. 
  • I learned: This is the last week of Stephanie’s class and I’ve begun doing the art for Brene’s class. I am super excited and also want to make sure I sign up for a new class for October/November. I am open to ideas.
  • I watched:  It was a choice between TV and books this week and books have won!


  • Exercise: I did five classes this week because my Body Pump teacher was out of town on Friday:
    • Monday:Body Pump
    • Tuesday: Strength and Core Training
    • Wednesday: Pilates
    • Thursday: gBarre 
    • Friday: Pilates.

I won’t even admit to how I haven’t added anything else to my schedule. Maybe when I am back from Seattle? 

  • Food: 
    • I will admit I am not crazy about the smoothies lately. But I am still doing them most days than not.
    • It would have been best if I were super strict this week in preparation for my trip to Seattle but I wasn’t. I didn’t do terribly but I could have done better. Here’s to hoping next week doesn’t suffer because of it.
  • Body Care:
    • I did a few face masks this week but this is an area where I can really do better.


  • I rested: This week, too, was full of 11pms, I will do better here!
  • I connected: A friend on Thursday and another friend on Friday. It was wonderful. I also went to the book event i mentioned where I saw another friend. It was all great. 
  • I journaled: I did journal for Mapmaker and Brene but I still want to do more here.
  • I made art: I am planning to use my Mapmaker and Brene works as my November art. I feel like I haven’t done art in such a long time, though.
  • Flowers: Bought more flowers this week. Still loving them.

So grateful for my progress, I have more shots on instagram though not that many recently.

Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

October 2017 – Twenty Mantras – 12

karenika.comThis card says: Do one new thing daily. Let’s take this one step at a time. You need to choose one new thing every day. A new food. A new exercise. Clothes. Some thing for your skin. Some mental health choice. Something new to you. This is how you grow. You can do this! Just one new thing every new day.

I like the idea of one new thing every day. Or even one new thing every week!

Twenty Mantras is a Monthly Project for October 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here. You can read about the start of this project here.

2017 Stories – 42 – Maggie Steifvater

I live pretty close to a wonderful book store which regularly hosts awesome author events. I always intend to go, but rarely actually go. I had planned to go to the Maggie Steifvater reading this week but then Tuesday was long and tiring and I wanted to bail (as I often do.)

I dragged myself out of the house to do it and I am so glad I did. She was fantastic and hilarious and the hour I spent there made me laugh and smile and made me love her even more.

Now I can’t wait to read her book!

More importantly, this is a reminder for me to go even when I don’t feel like going! 

Stories from 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

October 2017 – Twenty Mantras – 11

karenika.comThis card says: Be Open. I know you are scared. I know you are worried that you will stop. That it will all go back to the way it was. That you’ve tried and failed so many times. But choose to be open to the possibility that it’s going to be okay. That this time can be different.

Maybe not. but maybe so.

Twenty Mantras is a Monthly Project for October 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here. You can read about the start of this project here.