Books I Read This Week 2017 – 44

I read about Everyone’s a Aliebn When Ur a Aliebn Too in a blog I read where the person said it was their best read of the year. I had never heard of this author so I must be missing some context because I wasn’t crazy about it at all.

I knew I would like  The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact  and I wasn’t wrong. Great book that I want to read at least once more for practical steps I want to take.

The Strength Switch: How The New Science of Strength-Based Parenting Can Help Your Child and Your Teen to Flourish  was also very practical and I loved it. I love the idea of the perspective shift this book recommends. I will need to read it a few times.

I read Towers Falling for the 5/6th grade Lit Club I teach at my sons’ school. It was about Sept 11, which I lived through in NYC. I didn’t like the book for a multitude of reasons. It was also the first time I read a book and listened to it where the narrator was incredibly awful. Above and beyond bad.

I am now almost done with Autonomous and even though I read all of it, I can’t fully tell you what it’s about. I mean I can but not really. Not sure it was worth all the time.

Here’s to more & better reading this week!

Books I Read this Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

Nourish Me – 44


  • I read: I’m grateful to be reading a wide range of books in any one week. I also read a few blogs, some Instagram and a few articles but really very few compared to books.
  • I learned: nothing new this week 🙁
  • I watched:  I haven’t even turned on my TV since I’ve been back. I have hours and hours of recorded TV that’s waiting for me, not to mention the new season of Stranger Things.


  • Exercise: I exercised daily this week. Two of my classes were canceled so I had to improvise!
    • Monday: Body Pump
    • Tuesday: Body Pump
    • Wednesday: Sculpt + Core
    • Thursday: Yoga
    • Friday: Body Pump
  • Food: Food’s been all over the place. I am not completely off but I wouldn’t say I’ve been eating well. I’m also getting sick now which sucks and I hope that it won’t be an excuse to eat poorly.
  • Body Care: did none still. It’s been a tough week, I hope to have a better one.


  • I rested: I slept so-so all week. 
  • I connected: I got to spend time with my friends Leslie and Kelly. Which was wonderful. 
  • I journaled: I did not journal a word this week!
  • I made art: I did nothing new 🙁 but looking forward to December daily.
  • Flowers: still filling my life and home with these. 

Grateful for nourishing myself more than average but I am slipping a bit and will make an effort to double down over the next few weeks before holiday season officially starts.

Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

2017 Stories – 44 – Mom & Dad

While I was in Seattle last week, my Mom and Dad arrived to the Bay Area. They had spent a week in Boston seeing my nephews and my sister and came here to see us. They stayed at a hotel really close to our house and I had the luxury of having a lighter week at work so I got to spend a lot of quality time with them every day.

It was really nice to sit in their hotel and not be rushing around and just relaxing and chatting together in the sun. This is not the kind of experience I get to have with my parents since they live so far away so I was really, deeply grateful.

They will be leaving today and I am hoping they will be back again soon!!

I love you so much mom and dad!!!

Stories from 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

October 2017 – Twenty Mantras – All

And here we are. Here’s to keeping this up. Yes, I can.

Love these.

Onward to November!

Twenty Mantras is a Monthly Project for October 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here. You can read about the start of this project here.

Living Intentionally 2017 – 44


Weekly Intention: So, this week is a mish mosh. My parents are here Monday and Tuesday but I have back to back meetings the whole time. Then Tuesday night is Halloween. Not my favorite. Wednesday has a trip to the kids’ school and then is full of meetings. Thursday also has a trip to the kids’ school. And then a hair appointment and Jake leaves Friday (and the kids have no school!) And of course I am sick! So my intention will be to rest as much as humanly possible. 

Things I want to get Done: Here’s the list for his week.

  • Work: do all the stuff i didn’t do last week!
  • Personal: exercise every day at work. 
  • Personal: fix the eating issue! 
  • Personal: Journal three times.
  • Personal: Start December Daily
  • Personal: Continue with the new scrapping/storytelling system. 
  • Family: do math+spelling with N
  • Family: make a plan with D for sure this time!
  • Family: Check in regularly with my nephews and my sister.
  • Family: take photos!

This month’s intention is:  Moving on to November: Shine for You: This is your month. Take all the time you need. Shine all your light on yourself. Be kind, practice self-care. Think about the next year and what you want. Think about the rest of this year. You’ve got this. Ohh how do these always come at the exact right moment!!

Ways to Shine this week:

  • One: Bold: Onward and upward with work this week. Let’s get stuff done!
  • Two: Open: Open to resting and recovering.
  • Three: Heal/Nourish: I just want to eat better.

I am looking forward to: resting a bit.

This week’s challenges: Meh most of this week feels tough at the moment.

Top Goals:

  • Work: moving the ball forward a bunch this week.
  • Personal: exercise+food+journaling.
  • Family: time with parents + jake + kids

I will focus on my core desires (bold, mindful, nourish, love) by: remembering what and who matters most this week.

This week, I will say yes to: loving my people.

This week, I will say no to: not resting.

I am worried that:  i won’t exercise. i’ll eat poorly. i wont be able to take the time to organize my life. i’ll let down everyone. i will get sicker. i will fall really behind. ugh.

This week, I want to remember:  sick is my body’s way of telling me i need rest.

Weekly Reflection 2017 – 43

How I shone this week:  This was a good week but also another crazy one. A lot of leadership was away at an event so I had more free time than usual this week but my parents were in town so I gave all of my free time to them. I also volunteered at my kids’ school on Friday all night. I am now a little sick and really, really spent. I am trying to shine but I am not sure I have it in me to do anything but rest for a bit.

Things I wanted to get Done:

  • Work: cleared a bunch of email but not fully caught up. no survey, no posters, yet. didn’t write or brainstorm enough. i will have to catch up this week assuming i don’t get sicker.
  • Personal: exercised, scrapped, ate soso, zero journaling, didn’t start DD yet either 🙁
  • Family: spent time with family, but did no math, no project planning, nothing. boo. did take photos.

I celebrate: i got promoted this week so I am going to go ahead and celebrate that.

I am grateful for: getting to spend so much time with my parents.

I nourished myself by: not much this week unfortunately.

Reflecting on my worries:  I exercised. i ate not great, but not awful. i did let some people down but came through for others. trying to get it right more often than not. fail sometimes. 

I let go of: getting work done this week. 

Core Desire Check-in (bold, mindful, nourish, love): 

  • bold: i had a lot of bold conversations for my kids’ school this week.
  • mindful: mindful that i need sleep and rest so i don’t get sicker
  • nourish: i need to forcefully go back to my healthy eating
  • love: i love my family so much!

What made me laugh this week: Nathaniel, Kelly, my husband. Love them all so.

What I tolerated this week: being semi-sick all weekend.

My mood this week was: rushed.
I forgive myself for:  not getting it all right. i just can’t ever seem to.
What I love right now: i love that my parents are here!!

Here’s to a great week 44.

October 2017 – Twenty Mantras – 20

karenika.comThis card says: Yes you can. I know that sometimes, often times, it feels impossible, like you will never get better at any of this. Like you can’t do one more squat or exercise. But you can and it will. Just keep at it, You can do this.

This is my life motto: yes, you can! 

Twenty Mantras is a Monthly Project for October 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here. You can read about the start of this project here.

Books I Read This Week 2017 – 43






Byron Katie’s A Mind at Home with Itself is as magical as I knew it would be. If you’ve never read her, I can’t recommend her enough. If you have, I am sure you’ll read this anyway.

I wasn’t sure Unf*ck Yourself would be good. But it turned out to be useful and inspiring.

Forest Dark was okay. I read it on the plane and probably focused 70% on it but I am not sad I read it. 

I started Turtles all the Way Down on audio but being that it was John Green, I couldn’t get myself to not switch to the book so I could read faster and look at his words like I like to. So I ended up reading the whole thing in one shot. I loveloveloveloved it. Don’t take my word on it, there are some great reviews of this book and why it’s very well written and very much worth your time.

I then dabbled into The No Asshole Rule to see if it would be worth it. It was okay. It would have been more helpful if I were some CEO or even manager.

I read The Sun and Her Flowers over the course of the week in the quiet mornings and I loved it. I will say that I loved her first book more but this one was magical all on its own. Some really sensitive material in case you haven’t read her before.

I had stared Sourdough before but I finally finished it on the plane back. It was okay but not amazing.

Here’s to more reading this week!

Books I Read this Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

October 2017 – Twenty Mantras – 19

karenika.comThis card says: Celebrate. It’s important to work hard. It’s important to keep showing up. It’s important to keep at it. But it’s also important to celebrate! To give yourself the credit you deserve. To pat yourself in the back for all the work you’re doing.

take the time to stop and acknowledge the accomplishment for what it is, Karen!

Twenty Mantras is a Monthly Project for October 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here. You can read about the start of this project here.

Nourish Me – 43


  • I read: I still only read books this week.
  • I learned: I finished my work for Brene’s class and I loved it. Still trying to see what to take Nov/Dec.
  • I watched:  I watched a lot of Riverdale while I was in Seattle. 


  • Exercise: I woke up at 6am every morning while in Seattle and exercised. But it was only for 15 minutes on the treadmill and not going so fast. So I am not sure I get a lot of credit for it.
  • Food: I ate well every breakfast, and lunch, it was so-so for dinner.
  • Body Care: did none! 🙁


  • I rested: I slept poorly all week. 
  • I connected: Got to see a ton of work friends both from Seattle and Sydney. I went to visit my friend Radhika and her baby and I even got to see my friend Leslie yesterday!
  • I journaled: I did journal for Mapmaker and Brene but I nothing more.
  • I made art: I did finish November and my plan for this week is to get December Daily ready
  • Flowers: got back home and bought flowers first thing.

So grateful still, I have more shots on instagram though very few this week.

Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

October 2017 – Twenty Mantras – 18

karenika.comThis card says: Have a sense of humor. when you’re sitting in class, struggling with all the hard work, remember that it won’t get better without work. instead of chastising yourself, have a sense of humor about this whole thing. Take it easy on yourself. It will be easier to get through the tougher moments if you laugh.

and not cry 🙂

Twenty Mantras is a Monthly Project for October 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here. You can read about the start of this project here.

2017 Stories – 43 – Seattle

This was the most amount of time I’ve spent in Seattle. I left Sunday night to ensure a full workday on Monday and then I scheduled my return flight for late late Friday so I could also work that day. Getting- work-done-wise, it was a good call. Almost every single of my minutes were full and I did not feel like any of the days were wasted.

But on a personal level, it was a long trip. I feel like 4 days works better than 5. I work super long and hard and then I spend day 5 recovering. Whereas now, I worked all those days, flew back home really late, woke up really early and had to take the kids for flu shots, then swimming lesson, then buy groceries, and then cook food for the week. Which is all too much after working nonstop for 5 days.

So now I am exhausted and will end up spending all this week catching up.

But alas, that’s the rhythm of my life and I still prefer it over the inflexible schedule I used to have. All in all, besides the rain, Seattle was still fun to visit and I am really grateful for everyone I work with!

Stories from 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.