2017 Stories – 48 – Thanksgiving Visit & Grandparents Day

Thanksgiving is not a big ordeal in our house. Not having grown up in the United States, I never connected with this day for some reason. I love the idea of being Thankful but I don’t like most of the food, I don’t like to travel when it’s crazy, and I don’t cook.

This year, we were super-lucky to have my nephew Jeff come to visit us. It’s his first year in college so he came to be with us. Our kids’ school has Grandparents’ Day during this weekend, as well so it was extra-special for the kids that he came to school and did activities with each of them.

We were so grateful to have him here and making this Thanksgiving extra special. 

And I am deeply happy. I love my tree. I love the lights. I love everything about it.

Stories from 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

November 2017 – Art Boards – 19


Here’s the vision board from 2016. My word was choose.

Art Boards is a Monthly Project for November 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here. You can read about the start of this project here.

Living Intentionally 2017 – 48


Weekly Intention:  I will be in Sydney this week. This is my last work trip of the year and I usually try to be home and present for December. I try to take a lot of time off during December, too so this is going to be a work-really-hard week. My intentions are to make sure I spend a lot of time with each of the team members and leads while I am there. To work really hard and really connect with each person so that when I get back on the plane, I am totally spent and the trip was 1000% worth it. I also would really love to exercise at least a little bit while there.

Things I want to get Done: Here’s the list for his week.

  • Work: do round 3 of 2018 planning
  • Work: catch up on all email
  • Work: work on the doc for S
  • Work: do a lot lot of SYD work for both T and C
  • Personal: exercise 3 times while there
  • Personal: make sure all 3 meals have a nutritious component
  • Personal: eat well on the plane 
  • Personal: make 2018 plans iteration 2 + journal
  • Personal: Continue with the new scrapping/storytelling system. 
  • Family: take photos!
  • Family: talk to kids daily

This month’s intention is:  November: Shine for You: This is your month. Take all the time you need. Shine all your light on yourself. Be kind, practice self-care. Think about the next year and what you want. Think about the rest of this year. You’ve got this. 

Ways to Shine this week:

  • One: Bold: Working super hard, make huge strides in planning
  • Two: Open: open to taking a bit of alone time in sydney maybe too?
  • Three: Heal/Nourish: can i eat well in Sydney?

I am looking forward to: seeing my workmates in Sydney and the plane ride, too.

This week’s challenges: just the jetlag and working hard and being away from my boys.

Top Goals:

  • Work: planning 2018.
  • Personal: exercise+food+journaling.
  • Family: getting things prepped for when i am out.

I will focus on my core desires (bold, mindful, nourish, love) by: showing up for my team in SYD and really getting so much work done.

This week, I will say yes to: connecting with work mates.

This week, I will say no to:  worrying and also i want to be aware of how much social time i spend.

I am worried that:  i won’t exercise. i’ll eat poorly, make bad choices, not get enough nutrition. the trip won’t be worthwhile. i’ll do too little. i won’t spend enough time with SYD folk. I will miss the boys too much. i’ll have bad jetlag.

This week, I want to remember:  that I love this flight. i love my team there. I will give it my all.

November 2017 – Art Boards – 18


Here’s the vision board from 2015. My word was brave (my favorite OLW so far.)

Art Boards is a Monthly Project for November 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here. You can read about the start of this project here.

Weekly Reflection 2017 – 47

How I shone this week: I wish all the weeks could be short weeks. There’s something special about working super-hard for a few days and then resting. Work is better, rest is better. At least for me. I shone this week by trying hard to show up for my kids and my nephew. I’ve loved having more family time and I’ve also loved a little down time. Now I am on a plane off to Sydney.

Things I wanted to get Done:

  • Work: i got organized for planning, let’s see how it goes. caught up on email and started doc for S.
  • Personal: exercised at work but not at home, added more nutrition to meals, scrapped, didn’t do round 2 of 2018.
  • Family: went to grandparents day and hung out with Jeff! did Calc with David and Python and Math with Nathaniel. 

I celebrate: having Jeff here!!

I am grateful for:  a few days off work to rest and be with family.

I nourished myself by: having family time!

Reflecting on my worries:  I exercised but not enough, ate better but not well. spent a lot of time with jeff. i’ve tried not let down everyone. tried to show up and do my best.

I let go of: getting too much done this week.

Core Desire Check-in (bold, mindful, nourish, love): 

  • bold: bold with pushing back this week.
  • mindful: mindful that the year is ending and i’d like to take some serious downtime.
  • nourish: what can i do to get myself more nourished?
  • love: i love so much of my life.

What made me laugh this week: Jeffiko!

What I tolerated this week: a very long Tuesday. and Wednesday, too.

My mood this week was: grateful.
I forgive myself for:  feeling tired all the time.
What I love right now: family this week!

Here’s to a great week 48. Five more weeks!

November 2017 – Art Boards – 17


Here’s the vision board from 2014. My word was listen.

Art Boards is a Monthly Project for November 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here. You can read about the start of this project here.

Books I Read This Week 2017 – 47

Sometimes I get to a point where I don’t feel like reading anything that’s in my list of books. I have piles and piles from the library and then I start at them and nothing jumps out at me. This is where I was when I finally picked up We Need to Talk: How to Have Conversations That Matter and it was the best transition book. It was interesting, not super long and engaging. I knew nothing about the author and had no preconceived ideas. I enjoyed it.

I then moved on to Lagom: The Swedish Art of Living a Balanced, Happy Life because I knew it would be light and easy and still fun and useful, and it was exactly all that.

I then finally felt like reading more but still not sure so I chose Dear Martin which I thought would be right there. and it was. I liked it a lot. I am glad I read it.

I knew very little about Heather, the Totality except that it was by the person who wrote Mad Men and it was really short. I figured there was no harm in picking it up and giving it a try. Before I knew it, i had already finished it. It wasn’t my favorite. Ended abruptly. Felt like it was a character study but with characters that weren’t worth studying.

I then decided I was ready for The Snow Child even though i knew it would be depressing. It was actually not as depressing as I worried it would be and I ended up really liking it. Sometimes it’s finally the right time and mental state for me to read a book and this was that.

I have a few books that are underway and I am looking forward to Thanksiving downtime and the flight to Sydney to read a bunch more on my list!

Books I Read this Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

November 2017 – Art Boards – 16


Here’s the vision board from 2013. My word was present.

Art Boards is a Monthly Project for November 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here. You can read about the start of this project here.

Nourish Me – 47


  • I read: a bunch of fiction and non fiction this week. I am at like book #260 for this year. This has definitely been a year of reading for me. I will need to reflect on the impact and value of this.
  • I learned: I am still continuing to do work with the kids though this week I didn’t have enough time. I also learned about Structured Word Inquiry and Real Script for the kids. I’ve also done a bunch of Math with Nathaniel this week and I did Science as well which is definitely hard for me.
  • I watched:  No TV this week. We watched a half of Baby Driver but that was it.


  • Exercise: I exercised six times this week. My first full week in three weeks so it felt good.
    • Monday: Body Pump
    • Tuesday: Body Pump
    • Wednesday: Pilates
    • Thursday: Yoga
    • Friday: Body Pump and Pilates
  • Food: What I wrote about food applies this week too. I am not eating fast food or doing anything extreme, and when I am at work, I still eat the salads but I also eat more chocolate than I have and drink a lot of coffee and soda. I’ve been eating crackers or something small, simple, and unhealthy at home. I want to fix this but am not feeling motivated in the right way for some reason. 
  • Body Care: I’ve done a tiny amount here. 


  • I rested: I am still sleeping poorly. 
  • I connected: I had a lot of friend time this week: my friend Leslie and then Tamara and then went to my YA book club. It was wonderful. I also had a wonderful time with Jake.
  • I journaled: I journaled a lot for 2018 so I feel a bit better here.
  • I made art: no art at all this week but I feel compelled to make plans for 2018.
  • Flowers: still filling my life and home with these. 

At this point i just want to make a contained plan for the last 5 weeks of this year.

Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

November 2017 – Art Boards – 15


You can read the story of this project here.

Those are all the boards I’ve created in the last few months. I figured since that was fewer than twenty, I could use the last six to share my yearly vision boards with you. Here’s the one from 2012. The first one I made. My word was savor.

Art Boards is a Monthly Project for November 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here. You can read about the start of this project here.

2017 Stories – 47 – Climbing

Earlier this year, we went to Idaho so I could go to Brave Girls Camp. The kids were on break so they were kind enough to come with me because I didn’t want to leave everyone behind. During that trip, while I was in class all day, every day, the kids and Jake went on different adventures every day. 

One of these adventures was going to a climbing wall. Before this trip, the kids had climbed walls at Fairs, etc but never all that seriously. During that one day, they had such an extraordinary time that since then we’ve had them take a week-long climbing camp and Jake has taken them to Planet Granite several times.

This past weekend, he suggested I go along just so I could see the kids climb. At first, I was all whiny about it because I generally use that time to have quiet time. When I got there, I was still not super thrilled about it. But towards the end of our time, David really came alive and started working harder and harder. And that one moment made me realize that all of the time I spent there was worth it. 

It reminded me that sometimes it takes a while for us to get in the flow enough to get to a place where we really connect with something. Where we want to push ourselves harder and try more. It was such a joy to see both my kids come alive in a way I don’t usually get to. 

All in all, Jake was right of course and I am really glad I went. 

And I am deeply happy. I love my tree. I love the lights. I love everything about it.

Stories from 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

November 2017 – Art Boards – 14


You can read the story of this project here.

And here’s another one from Brene’s class. This one is two lists, love does not and love does. Left side is does not. 

Love does not:

  • ask you to change
  • judge
  • belitte
  • use sarcasm
  • yell
  • shame
  • humiliate
  • manipulate

Love does: 

  • accept you just as you are
  • assume the best
  • forgive
  • patience+kindness
  • meet you where you are 
  • unconditional
  • hug
  • apologize
  • give you space
  • give
  • snuggle

Art Boards is a Monthly Project for November 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here. You can read about the start of this project here.