December Daily – 14

The next page was Nathaniel’s tag. I love this photo of him!

I love that he says he is into programming.

And finally for day 15, I put photos of all our new ornaments for this year. I love this new batch a lot!

December Daily – 13

Day 13 is telling the story of Nathaniel and Dad going to archery class. I love love love these photos.

this year’s proving to be pretty simple but i love all the stories i get to capture 🙂

Books I Read This Week 2017 – 50

I skipped Erdrich’s previous novel but I loved the one before that (Round House) so I was excited to tackle her new dystopian novel: Future Home of the Living God. And while it was hard to read (because let’s admit it, none of her novels are easy to read – subject-matter wise) I enjoyed this book. I connect with her writing style even if I’ve had enough of dystopian for a while.

I picked up The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue for my Young Adult book club and I wanted to like it because everyone seems to have. But alas, it wasn’t for me. I don’t seem to connect with characters that go frolicking around regardless of what century they are in.

Your Best Year 2018: Life Edition was my new reflection/planning purchase for this year. I did 14 pages of journaling thanks to it on the plane to Sydney. I am enjoying using this book so far and look forward to continue using it. I’ve read all the pages up until the planner part starts which I will use in January.

I also finally got to read The Heart’s Invisible Furies which I’d checked out twice before. I made a list of books I want to make sure to read before 2017 is over and this one was on my list, so I decided I was going to tackle it for once and all. I am so so glad I did. I love love love loved this book. Even though I find Irish literature so difficult most of the time, this was a fantastic book. It was touching and funny. Some of the best dialogue I’ve read in a while. Loved this one.

The Deal of a Lifetime  is a short story by the wonderful Backman. I figured he wouldn’t disappoint me and of course he didn’t. It’s super fast read and I read it twice.

Fewer books this week since the Boyne book was so long. But so so worth it.

Books I Read this Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

December Daily – 12

Day 12 is telling a story that actually happened last Friday but I haven’t managed to tell it yet. This is about my visit to Nathaniel’s class during Choice time to do some crafts together.  

I added the photo of the kids working on it and then the sample Nathaniel and I made together.


Nourish Me – 50


  • I read: Only books this week, too. Maybe after next week I can browse a bit.
  • I learned: Calculus and Python classes for the kids took up all my empty moments this week.
  • I watched:  This one movie about whether to write or type 🙂 I also watched Lady Bird which was wonderful.


  • Exercise: I exercised every day this week despite crazy jet lag and major sciatica pain.
    • Monday: Body Pump
    • Tuesday: Body Pump Express
    • Wednesday: Tabata (for 18 mins only as I had to rush to a meeting.)
    • Thursday: Yoga and Body Pump Express with Jake
    • Friday: Body Pump Express
  • Food: Food was so so. Still no soda. Too much coffee which I have to quit. Ok on the meals but poor job on chocolate.
  • Body Care: I’ve done nothing here still. Will use the holiday season to get back on track. 


  • I rested: Sleep was not good this week because I was super super busy at work and had two evenings of meetings and two evenings of social commitments. So I really need more sleep.
  • I connected: I got to see a lot of work friends this week, too due to a summit we had. I had a date night with Jake. And got to see my friend Leslie. I also went to Nathaniel’s class. Not a bad week.
  • I journaled: I journaled thanks to the advent of light course but I am behind. still, i did some journaling!
  • I made art: December Daily baby!
  • Flowers: still filling my life and home with these and still loving it. 

I think this might be the week I quit coffee again.

Nourish Me Week 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

2017 Stories – 50 – The Sleepover Birthday Party

I know all the faces here are blurred except Nathaniel but I wanted to capture this story mostly for how wonderful it feels to see that Nathaniel’s already made some great friends at his new school. He was recently invited to a sleepover birthday party and even though he didn’t spend the night, he had an absolute blast. These photos make me so so happy and grateful.

Stories from 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

December Daily – 11

Day 11 is about work David and I are doing together. We are on week 8 of a Calculus class, both of us learning together. The last time I did Calculus was in high school so it’s been a while. The teacher is pretty awesome and funny so we’re enjoying it.

On the right side, I put a piece of paper where we’re solving a problem or two. [Using the chain rule!]

Love these stars. 

December Daily – 10

Day 10 has two stories: on the left it’s about Turkish tea I had in this cafe in Mountain View that I randomly stumbled into without knowing they were Turkish.

On the right it is about flowers. This year has been such a flower year that I couldn’t not have one in the book.


The pages are relatively simple but this book is not about the artsiness for me, it’s about all the stories. 


Living Intentionally 2017 – 50


Weekly Intention:  This is hopefully my last week working fulltime until 2018. The kids go on break this Friday and I’d like to go on break with them. I really enjoy taking two weeks off during this time of year so I am hoping it will be possible. Here’s to hoping! To that end, my intention is to:

  • Get as much done at work as possible to leave things in a really good state
  • Get rest and enter the holiday season not completely worn down
  • Make some intentional plans for what to do in the next two weeks

Things I want to get Done: Here’s the list for his week.

  • Work: do major round of 2018 planning get it to a good place
  • Work: done with email 
  • Work: do posters
  • Work: get done with matching
  • Work: plan for organizational structure
  • Personal: exercise every week day this week
  • Personal: make sure all 3 meals have a nutritious component
  • Personal: quit coffee
  • Personal: do Conway
  • Personal: do December Daily
  • Personal: do advent of light  
  • Personal: make 2018 plans iteration 3 + journal
  • Personal: Continue with the new scrapping/storytelling system. 
  • Family: take photos!
  • Family: Math with D and Python with N
  • Family: finish christmas shopping!!
  • Family: David’s culmination
  • Family: Holiday Party with Jake
  • Family: Make a plan for the next two weeks.

This month’s intention is:  Shine Slowly: And here it is. The end of one more year. You made it through. Tough times, joyful times. Celebrations and trials. Changes and all. You did it. Time to slow down. Time to make space for the next year. Growth comes after downtime for you. Take this time to store some energy so you can hit the ground running in 2018.

Ways to Shine this week:

  • One: Bold: planning baby, get it done! 
  • Two: Open: open to life without coffee
  • Three: Heal/Nourish: getting some solid sleep this week

I am looking forward to: holiday party and david’s culmination

This week’s challenges: getting through planning. ugh.

Top Goals:

  • Work: still planning 2018.
  • Personal: sleep+exercise+food+journaling. december daily. conway.
  • Family: making a plan for the next two weeks.

I will focus on my core desires (bold, mindful, nourish, love) by: not worrying so much and just getting things done.

This week, I will say yes to: being productive.

This week, I will say no to:  allowing email to pile up.

I am worried that:  i won’t exercise. i’ll eat poorly, make bad choices, not get enough nutrition.  i’ll disappoint the kids or jake. I’ll drop the ball at work. planning won’t be done. I won’t be able to take the following two weeks off. 

This week, I want to remember:  that all i have to do is show up and do the best i can with what i have.

December Daily – 9

Day 9 is about Nathaniel and I doing some coding and math together. I took a screenshot of the Python class we’ve been taking, and added some journaling to it.  

On the right side, I put a piece of paper where Nathaniel solved a math puzzle that his grandfather gave him. 

Here he is, solving it. 

I accidentally ripped some of the photo which is why I added a slew of stickers here.

I am sorry for the terrible lighting in the photos. If I can do it again, I will. Love love love this project.

Weekly Reflection 2017 – 49

How I shone this week: Oh man. I shone bright this week. I had a long week with a lot of meetings, a lot lot of work but I still went to Nathaniel’s class for a craft project, to the school for Lit Club, out with my friend Leslie, and date night and date afternoon with Jake. And I got some major rocks moved at work. All with jet lag. It was a tough week and I made it through. 

Things I wanted to get Done:

  • Work: planning iteration 3 is still underway and i did some major progress here. bonded with people. caught up and then fell behind on email again.
  • Personal: exercised 6 times, once at home. did OLW and Dec Daily. Journaled with Advent of Light. Made some more 2018 plans. Scrapped the new way. Ate better. 
  • Family: did math, python and calc. Took photos. did shopping round two. went to N’s class.

I celebrate: lovely news at work.

I am grateful for:  our lovely babysitter.

I nourished myself by: honestly: coffee which is not at all nourishment. 

Reflecting on my worries:  exercised a lot. ate okay but snacked poorly. was quite tired but showed up anyway. car was ok. card seems to be okay i think. december daily is also okay so far.

I let go of: keeping up with everything this week.

Core Desire Check-in (bold, mindful, nourish, love): 

  • bold: bold finally just getting it done at work
  • mindful: mindful that i am drinking too much coffee 
  • nourish: i would like to rest more, specifically sleep more.
  • love: i love my family so so so much.

What made me laugh this week: can’t remember anything specific this week honestly.

What I tolerated this week: really really long work week. 

My mood this week was: exhausted.
I forgive myself for:  dropping the ball on some work stuff while I was in long, long meetings
What I love right now: that i have one more week before I take some serious time off.

Here’s to a great week 50. I can’t believe we’re down to three weeks!

December Daily – 8

Day 8 is about exercise. If you’ve been reading here, you know I had to capture this story 🙂

I loved journaling on this 3×8 page. Fun to have some different sizes.