Stories from 2018 – 10 – Sydney in February

I was lucky enough to go to Sydney again for work in February. This time, I spent a weekend there due to some scheduling changes. While I am always sad to spend a weekend away from home, I tried to make the most of this one by reading a lot, walking around a lot, and enjoying the beautiful summer in Australia.

I find that water heals me and there’s almost nothing i love as much as being by the water so Sydney is such a gift to me. I have one more trip coming up in May but otherwise I am not sure when I will be there again so that makes me extra grateful for this trip.

Here are some of my photos from the week in the city.

Love this beautiful city.

Stories from 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018here.

Stronger Than Before – 10

Weekly Intention: Jake’s back and I have a long week of meetings this week. Thankfully, no evening activities. I have follow up from the accident last week and otherwise I expect to be fully focused at work and on my family. My intention for this week is to move on. To do the mourning I need to do and then allow myself to forgive myself and focus on what matters most again.

This month’s intention is: Party Strong: This month is for celebrating. You’ve worked hard, they’ve worked hard. Everyone’s working hard. Make sure to pause and celebrate. Have a party. Take a moment daily and pat yourself in the back. Pat your loved ones in the back, too. Interesting timing for this one. I’ll see what I can do here. March is usually a tough month for me and I didn’t start on the very best foot, so maybe taking a moment to celebrate is a good thing.

One way I will stretch this week:  honestly with more meetings at work, trying to learn my job.

One boundary I will set this week: between me and myself this week on how much I will allow last week to impact me.

This week, I will focus on pleasing: my wonderful husband. he so deserves it.

One new thing I will learn this week: i am taking an AP Physics course with David and i am going to say this still counts.

One area where I will go deeper this week: identifying some focus areas for work.

What do I need to sit with this week? i need to sit with how i am feeling and how to heal.

I am looking forward to: having jake back at home.

This week’s challenges: following up for some of the needed work on our car.

Top Goals: 

  • Work:  more 1-1s, summarizing, iterating.
  • Personal: keep body pumping, make a food plan, do olw march. 
  • Family: getting into a routine with david and our physics class.

I will focus on my values:

  • Love: i want to journal some this week to help me feel my feelings.
  • Learn: learn how to do my job.
  • Peace: peace with what happened.
  • Service: this week’s service is getting back in the car when i really don’t want to.
  • Gratitude: for my husband. my kids. my parents.

This week, I want to remember: it’s going to be ok. i’m going to be ok. things happen. life is not a straight line. 

Stronger Than Before is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Weekly Reflection 2018 – 09

How I got Stronger this week: I am almost done with my 30day yoga adventure in February and since March started, I’ve already started my March goal which is 31 days of Body Pump Express. I have been doing it at home every morning. And since I’d started February 2 days late and it only had 28 days, I’ve had 4 days of overlap of doing both. Which has been hard just schedule wise. Mentally this was a challenging week as I am trying to learn so much about how to succeed in my new job. also emotionally it was rough because I was in a car accident. And scheduling wise it was also tough because Jake was out of town 6 of the 7 days. But I pulled through. I’m making forward movement on all counts. I am showing up and I am trying. 

Top Goals Review:  had more 1-1s, making progress on the roadmap and the reviews, learning, made march plans and spending a lot of time with the kids.

I celebrate: I celebrate no one getting hurt. 

I am grateful for: my husband. i know i say this a lot. but i am so grateful for how much he helped me on Thursday. How he was there for me again and again and said exactly what I needed to hear. He’s magic.

Karen’s Points: For March, it’s body pump all the way. the food is still yoyo but i will see ifi can make a plan for that this weekend, too.

A Change I embraced:  i embraced jake being gone a lot this week.

I let go of:  i am working on letting go of all the shame, guilt, sadness, frustration i feel around the accident.

Core Desired Feelings Check-in:

  • Fresh: hmmm maybe body pump daily?
  • Magical: this week’s magical moment is jake.
  • Lighter: i am trying to be graceful again with this week’s unexpected news.
  • True: allowing myself to feel my feelings. 

Where I chose Joy:i chose joy on tuesday within the chaos of driving to kids’ bus, to work, to the school, to food, back to school, and home and then wake up and drive back to school and back to work. a lot of driving this week. 

I showed up for: david this week where i advocated for one of his upcoming trips.

A Mistake I made this week: the accident and all of what came after felt worse than a mistake. it felt awful.

What I tolerated this week: so much driving. so much rain. so much sadness.

My mood this week was: sad.

I forgive myself for: how i feel about the accident.

What I love right now: I love that my kids are thriving. i am so grateful.

Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Moments from this Week – 09

This week is about David’s birthday, some leftover photos from my trip to Sydney. Photos during yoga, traffic tickets, swimming class, drop off, and some wonderful together time. Oh and my new job. <3

Moments from this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Books I Read This Week 2018 – 09

Some okay reading this week. 

I started with I Found You which was okay. It wasn’t amazing but it was an enjoyable read and a pretty quick one.

An American Marriage was wonderful even though the content was so heart wrenching and difficult. It was a a great way to tackle a much-tackled topic in a creative and engaging way. I really enjoyed it.

Everything Happens for a Reason was a quick read and quite sad. I’ve read several such books at this point and this one wasn’t my favorite but I find them all worthwhile. It helps me stay centered and remember what matters most. 

The Dangerous Art of Blending In was a Young Adult. My first in a while and I don’t know if it was that it has been a while or something else but I didn’t love this book. Really serious subject matter and content and yet I couldn’t get past how exceptionally terrible the mother is. I just couldn’t deal with it..

Self-Portrait with Boy was interesting. Different than a lot of other books I’ve read before which says a lot of course but this book dragged out a bit more than I would have liked. Otherwise, it was an interesting read.

Asymmetry was the last read of this week. It was also unusual and all the reviews talk about how clever it is. I’ll admit I listened to and read this while we were in the car so my attention was split and maybe I didn’t understand its smartness. I liked the stories okay but I didn’t get the deeper part of this book.

Here’s to reading more!

Books I Read this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

On My Mind – 09 – On the Path to Stronger


My word for this year is Strong. 

Strong has a lot of meanings. And while my goal is to get mentally and emotionally stronger this year, I first picked this word because I wanted to get physically stronger. I want to end 2018 considerably stronger than I started it. While I would also like to be thinner, fitter, and healthier, my first priority is still to get stronger. 

Over the course of my life, I’ve been thin and I’ve been relatively healthy but I’ve never been strong. It’s just not an adjective I would associate with myself. I can’t bench heavy weights, I can’t do pull ups, in fact I probably couldn’t carry either of my children at this point. (They are not babies anymore!)

I have some problems on my back and neck and jaw and I’ve always had chronic pain. But I’ve lived with it forever and I will say that I’m likely in less pain now than I’ve been in most of my life. I am also stronger now, too. I’ve been going to the gym at work for at least 3 times a week since last August. That’s six months of solid exercise. 

But it’s nowhere near enough.

And I’ll be honest that I don’t have it in me to spend two hours at the gym each day. I don’t have the initial strength and the ongoing discipline to push boundaries here.

And yet. 

And yet, I have this huge ache to get stronger. I watch instagram videos of women who can lift heavy weights, do pull ups and otherwise have the skills I seem to be craving. If only watching others would make me stronger, I’d have totally won by now. 

Alas, it does not.

So I want to work on this a little at a time and make consistent progress. My path to stronger is going to have to look like slow and steady progress. I did the Whole 30, 10mins of cardio, 10mins if strength, 10 mins of stretching in January and 30 days of yoga in February and now I want to make a new goal for March. Something I can do every single day regardless of where I am and how busy I am that day. Something that’s a clear indication that I am getting stronger. Something that builds my muscles, my cardiovascular health, and my mind. 

I understand that the path to strong is long and arduous but some days I just wish it weren’t so hard.

On My Mind is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Stories from 2018 – 09 – Skiing 2018

We try to go skiing at least once a year. Ideally, we’d go two, three times so the kids can get enough time on the slopes and actually get comfortable with the sport. However, it doesn’t seem to work out for more than once a year. And this year, this weekend was our trip. Because of my new job, we weren’t clear if we would go until pretty close to the last minute so we did what we usually do which is to stay in Reno where there are always plenty of hotel rooms. And then we drive over the Diamond Peak in the morning and the kids go to school while Jake and I drive. 

This year, it was exceptionally cold and David didn’t want to take lessons for two days so both kids did one morning of lessons, Nathaniel also did the afternoon and the next morning but David stayed with us the rest of the time. After the first day, it was so incredibly cold that I decided I was not going to ski the next day. So I bailed while the boys kept skiing.

Little boy waiting for the teacher.

On the way back to the hotel after our first day. David fell asleep within 5 minutes of this photo. Jake had to focus really hard since the roads were very icy. 

Skiing is always an adventure and I will admit that while I like the skiing itself, I really dislike the cold and the inordinate amount of work (and money!) this sport entails. But alas, it’s a really fun sport.

And an adventure. 

Stories from 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018here.

Stronger Than Before – 09

Weekly Intention: Everyone goes back to school and work this week. My manager is out of town so all of my week will be getting focused and caught up to speed on my new work and getting ahead in my old job so I can make sure to give him more time when he’s back. Jake will be gone most of this week and I will have to juggle work and pickup/drop off which I know will be tough. I also have to go to the kids’ school twice this week. Personally, my intention is to spend a bit extra time resting and a beat longer which each kid to make sure I am not rushing through this week. At work, I want to also get organized a bit.

This month’s intention is: Physically Strong: This is your month. Get out there and get strong. Increase the weights. Add more cardio. Make a plan. You can do this. You have it in you. Still working on the yoga. Will think about my March plans this week.

One way I will stretch this week:  i will be starting to make decisions and that will require stretching (at work.)

One boundary I will set this week: i will have to be clear with my work/home boundaries this week as I will be mostly an only-parent this week.

This week, I will focus on pleasing: hmm i think this week will be dedicated to Jake as I give him the room to go on his business trips.

One new thing I will learn this week: i am taking an AP Physics course with David which is kicking my …. since I know nothing.

One area where I will go deeper this week: i guess i will dive deeper in the product roadmap this week, too.

What do I need to sit with this week? i need to sit with understanding my job better, diving deeper and carving some solid work for myself.

I am looking forward to: feeling a bit more at home here. i know it will take some time.

This week’s challenges: balancing work and home this week without jake.

Top Goals: 

  • Work:  more 1-1s, product roadmap and reviews, making a plan for next steps.
  • Personal: making march plan, picking something to do daily. 
  • Family: spending time with both boys this week and making sure they get back into the groove of school. 

I will focus on my values:

  • Love: i want to spend my evenings with a little self-care this week.
  • Learn: learn more about the organization as a whole.
  • Peace: peace with juggling things this week.
  • Service: this week’s service is all the drop off and pick ups maybe? 🙂
  • Gratitude: for having the space to juggle all i have to juggle this week.

This week, I want to remember: that it’s all going to look different in three months and then again in six months. be patient.

Stronger Than Before is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Weekly Reflection 2018 – 08

How I got Stronger this week: I worked hard on getting stronger this week, on all counts. I went rock climbing with my boys on Monday which was hard but also satisfying as I was able to get to the top of the easiest climb on my first morning. Tuesday and Wednesday was a lot of meetings, juggling new and old job. I also went to Body Pump on Tuesday morning so my muscles were very very sore by Wednesday. On Thursday, I took David to his doctor checkup and then took some meetings before we got on the road at 11am where I took more meetings and did more work while Jake drove. After all my meetings were over, I drove for a bit but then the roads got very icy and I decided it wasn’t safe for me to drive so Jake drove us all the way to Reno. On Friday, I skied all day with Jake and then with Jake and David. And it was so cold that I couldn’t feel my fingers or toes. So, finally, on Saturday, I decided to rest. I’ve still done the Yoga every single day regardless of where I am or how tired I am. This week was both intellectually and physically taxing. But I made it and I am hopefully stronger for it. 

Top Goals Review:  had more 1-1s, making progress on the roadmap and the reviews, rested a bit but was also physically active this week so not sure if it counts, and we went on vacation! wee!

I celebrate: I celebrate our little time off this week and also getting started in my job. I am making progress, however small.

I am grateful for: all the people in my life who forgive me despite my poor behavior. I go to bed every night vowing to do better the next day but then I wake up and I inevitably do something I am not very proud of. Again and again. And the people in my life give me more chances to get it right. I am so grateful for their kindness. And I will keep trying to get it right.

Karen’s Points: Still haven’t taken the time to revamp things. My eating this week has been so-so. While it’s not super poor, it’s definitely nothing to be proud of. My plan for March is to bring some of the discipline back into the eating. I also plan to go back to the cardio and do body pump more regularly. Let’s see how much progress I can make.

A Change I embraced:  the rock climbing was new and scary.

I let go of:  skiing on the second day when I just felt bone tired and really, really cold. I needed a break and I took it. i also let the kids and Jake ski alone which for most people is nothing but for me it was a big letting go.

Core Desired Feelings Check-in:

  • Fresh: rock climbing.
  • Magical: this week’s magical moment snuggling in the hotel with my hubby and kiddos
  • Lighter: i am trying to get through this new job transition with a lot more grace than I would usually grant myself, trying to keep things lighter and not be overly anxious.
  • True: working hard to stay true to what matters most to me and balance that with what matters to the people who matter most to me.

Where I chose Joy: i chose to share climbing with my family. I chose joy when i went skiing and then when i decided not to ski

I showed up for: nathaniel, where i helped him stay focused on his math. he’s been making steady progress and is not on 6th grade math.

A Mistake I made this week: i behaved poorly last night when i was really tired and felt under-appreciated and frustrated and hurt. none of those are good excuses for my poor behavior. i will do better next time.

What I tolerated this week: being super sore all week and the extreme cold.

My mood this week was: exhausted.

I forgive myself for: not skiing on the second day. I felt bad about leaving the boys alone but I was totally spent.

What I love right now: I love that spring is right around the corner.

Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Moments from this Week – 08

The reason I love this project so much is because it works so well with my actual life. I was away in Sydney for most of this week but I took some photos and Jake took some photos and then I focused mostly on the photos instead of the words this week since I wasn’t here to write daily. And I still have a wonderful page from this week. I love love love this project. <3

Moments from this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Books I Read This Week 2018 – 08

I read some of these books while I was traveling back from Sydney. The 14 hour flight lends itself to some wonderful reading, especially since I can’t sleep on airplanes. I only watched one movie in the roundtrip flight so that was almost 25 hours of reading time.

I’d intended to tackle You last year but never got to it and then I heard they’re making a movie of it this year soI wanted to read it first. But alas, it wasn’t the best use of my time. It was creepy and sad and didn’t redeem itself at any point. At least now I know that I won’t be watching the movie.

How to Stop Feeling Like Sh*t was a quick read that I skipped around in since not all the chapters were relevant to me. It’s one of those books I will likely refer back to but isn’t at the top of my list.

Faster Than Normal was interesting especially because I am married to a person with ADD and there was a section on how to work with that better. Having said that we’ve been together for 23 years so I think we’ve already done much of what he recommends. There were some valuable bits in here if you do have ADD, however.

The Wife was the next mystery of the year. I’ve read so many mysteries this year, far more than my usual share and I am definitely growing tired of them but this particular one was okay. It was considerably less irksome than some of the others I read and the twist didn’t bother me nearly as much as they usually do.

How to Stop Time was lovely. I am not sure I can even explain this book but it’s science fiction and literary fiction and maybe a tiny bit of mystery. I enjoyed how different it was.

Do Over had some valuable bits, especially as I am starting a new role (though not in a new company etc.) It was a quick read and I liked it.

Force of Nature was the best read of the week. I’ve read this author’s previous book last year and it was also very good. This is the kind of thriller/mystery I can get behind. With strong character development, wonderful atmosphere and solid writing.

 Force of Nature is the 41st book I read this year. Here are some stats so far:


  • Liked: 23
  • Loved: 8
  • Meh:9
  • Disliked: 1


  • Nonfiction: 17
  • Fiction: 12 
  • YA: 3
  • Mystery: 9
  • Middle: 2
  • Scifi: 1

Here’s to reading more!

Books I Read this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

On My Mind – 08 – Look Forward to, Like Doing, vs Like Having Done

Those of you who’ve read here a while will not be shocked to hear that I do many, many things each week. I try to set specific goals for myself and then I also try to achieve them. I am an Upholder so the only person I need to be accountable to is myself. I work hard to honor who I want to become. 

I was thinking on the drive home this morning that while I do a lot of things, I think people assume that I feel the same way about all the things I do and that I must really have good sense of discipline. One of the things I’ve learned as I get older and live more and more intentionally is that if I wait until I feel like doing things, I will never do them. There are many many many things in my life I do because I know that I will be glad I did and not because I like doing them. In fact I’d say there are three categories for me:

  • Look forward to doing: These are things I can’t wait to do. I really love doing them and I am excited when I know the time is coming. There are very few items on this list: reading, some vacations, hugging my family, date with certain friends and resting/sleeping. That might be it. There are many one-off items on this list but routinely I probably only really look forward to these few things. 
  • Like Doing: These are things that I don’t always look forward to but as soon as I start doing them I love them. I am immediately glad I am doing them. This is a wide list for me but here are some examples: tucking nathaniel in, taking math classes with the kids, body pump, yoga, stretching, vacations that aren’t on the previous list, online classes, spending time helping my kids, volunteering at the kids’ school, scrapping/art/journaling etc.
  • Like Having Done: This is, by far, the biggest list for me. These are things that I know are good for me but I rarely naturally want to do them and I don’t always enjoy doing them (sometimes I might but it’s not consistent enough to make it to the previous list). Many of the growth areas of my life (or the chores) would fall in this category. Things like: cardio/barre type exercise, eating healthy most of the time, getting up early, driving kids to their extracurriculars, picking kids up from the school, cleaning out my email, packing lunches for the kids, crossing off all my todos, self care like getting my hair or nails done. Putting cream on my body, flossing, etc. 

I try to have a healthy distribution of the three things but the third bucket is always biggest for me. I don’t like doing these things any more than the next person but I try to balance it out by having enough things in the other two and by reminding myself that I am always grateful at the end and that these efforts accumulate. It’s a lot of self-awareness, tracking outcomes, and self coaching to remind myself that it’s worth it.

Now that I am seeing it all laid out in front of me, one of the things I want to work on is balancing each throughout my day/week. I want to make sure I do combination of these every day and each week. The weeks when it’s so much more of one vs the other are always the weeks I feel off balance. Even when it’s all #1 and none of the other two. I benefit from having all three in my life. 

And of course there are things that i do that I don’t like to do and am not glad I did, but I try to reduce those as much as possible. Those can accumulate into a life that feels draining and bitter and that’s something I don’t want to experience any more if I can help it. 


On My Mind is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.