Moments from this Week – 40

this week has photos from rock climbing adventures. my birthday. our weekend away in cayucos.

oh and back to school night for nathaniel.

such a rich week full of wonderful things.

Moments from this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Books I Read This Week 2018 – 40






I had a so-so week.

I started with Dear Committee Members  which was funny and I laughed and laughed. 

I then read The Line that Held Us which wasn’t the kind of book I’d normally have picked up at all but I liked it. 

I thought the The Dinner List was sold as a lighter book than it actually was. I still liked it.

Fear was what you think it would be.

I needed some laughter after the Woodward book so I grabbed David Sedaris live at Carnegie Hall and laughed and laughed.

I was excited to then read The Mermaid and Mrs. Hancock but about 3/4ths of the way through I still was not a fan and decided to finally stop reading it.

I then bounced around many many books, finally settling on An Absolutely Remarkable Thing which was fabulous, fantastic and just the best! Both of these brothers are so talented.

Here’s to a good reading week next week.

Books I Read this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Stories from 2018 – 39 – Barcelona Part 4

I am so grateful that we got to spend several days in Barcelona. This will be the last of my installments about our vacation and Barcelona. 

more on La Sagrada Familia. 

the doors were magnificent.

so much detail

some parts so modern and others so detailed and classical.

and these stunning doors.

they blew me away.

but of course my favorite was the light. 

i couldn’t stop taking photos of the stained glass windows. 

look at that amazing light.

can’t you almost feel it?.

i could have sat there all day.

it still gives me chills.

Then we went to this fountain and music show, it lasted two hours and was amazing.

light, water and music, what more can we ask for?

here’s the before with everyone waiting.

we took the subway there πŸ™‚

on our last day we saw some street art. 

on our last morning we went to this awesome maze. 

the kids had a lot of fun.

and then we went home to pack and we were grateful for a full vacation and for finally being ready to go home to our own beds. so grateful for this incredible vacation.

Stories from 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018here.

Stronger Than Before – 40


Weekly Intention: This is the week I’ve been working so hard for, for the last few weeks. We have a big offsite all week, so I expect this week to be early mornings, long nights and a lot of running around. My intention this week is to connect with my kids as much as I can in the early part of the week and then work as hard as I can when I will be away. I want to pace myself and do what I need to do to take care of myself. Let’s see what I can do.

This month’s intention is: Stronger than Before: Here’s your chance to give it one last push before the year’s over. Where are you still wanting to be stronger? How can you help yourself get stronger than before? How can you take things one notch higher? One notch deeper? Hmm this is an interesting one. I expect October to be a reasonably tough month so it’s good for me to think about how I can take it a notch deeper. 

One way I will stretch this week:  I think the hours alone will stretch me this week.

One boundary I will set this week: i will try my best to get sleep. I think it will be challenging.

This week, I will focus on pleasing: the head of our group. this is her week.

One new thing I will learn this week: how to put one of these on.

One area where I will go deeper this week: i think maybe i’ll take notes for my big event coming in December.

What do I need to sit with this week? i will just have to sit with not having much alone or recovery time this week. 

I am looking forward to: being at carmel even if I will be working. 

This week’s challenges: sleep. peace.

Top Goals: 

  • Work:  be all in.
  • Personal: get sleep as often as i can. take care of myself.
  • Family: love them hard.

I will focus on my values:

  • Love: love all the opportunities I get.
  • Learn:  what makes an offsite work well.
  • Peace: peace with being present.
  • Service: to work this week.
  • Gratitude: for kindness of others.

This week, I want to remember: that we worked hard and now we just do what we can.

Stronger Than Before is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Weekly Reflection 2018 – 39

How I got Stronger this week: I tried to work out as often as possible this week which was reasonably challenging because I worked a lot. A LOT. but I also hung out with my loves and even had a quick dinner with a good friend which was lovely. I was out socializing most of the weekend. Growing, learning, stretching. 

Top Goals Review: 

  • Personal: i did the best I could.
  • Family: I was quite present for the most part I think.
  • Work: October occupied all of this week indeed.

I celebrate: getting the planning process out the door.

I am grateful for:  a really lovely weekend away

Karen’s Points: one run, 3 body pumps this week. not awful. 

A Change I embraced: going to Tahoe was a change and I really did my best to truly enjoy it.

I let go of: trying to take alone time while in Tahoe. Too much going on.

Core Desired Feelings Check-in:

  • Fresh: our weekend in tahoe is my fresh of the week. 
  • Magical: watching the sun come up on Saturday over the beautiful lake.
  • Lighter: i felt light and peaceful while we were away. especially thanks to intermittent internet.
  • True: i am still really tired and worn out. but i am also grateful.

Where I chose Joy: going away for the weekend was really joyful.

I showed up for:  my family. and at work. and even my friend a bit this week.

A Mistake I made this week: I wasn’t as kind as i should have been, my goal is to always always be kinder than necessary but I fail as often as i succeed.

What I tolerated this week: exhaustion. mental and emotional (and physical.)

My mood this week was: peaceful on the lake. 

I forgive myself for: having unnecessary anxiety. it’s such a part of me, I don’t know how to not have it.

What I love right now: i am so looking forward to all the books that are scheduled to come out in October.

Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Moments from this Week – 39

we had visitors this week and an offsite and jake’s birthday.

and the kids running cross country.

i love looking at these photos.

Moments from this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Books I Read This Week 2018 – 39

this was a slow reading week but i like almost everything I read.

The Happiness Advantage was awesome. it’s a book i need to read several times.

I also really liked Before Happiness 

I really really really loved Meet Me At the Museum so sweet and gentle and lovely.

The History of Jane Doe was okay, i’ve read too many books like this.

Josh and Hazel’s Guide to Not Dating  was ok. a bit more romancy than i like to read but it was light and fun and easy to read during this long week.

Sadie was dark, sad, and awesome. i really liked reading it.

Solid reading this week. Here’s to another good week. 

Books I Read this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Stories from 2018 – 38 – Barcelona Part 3

I have so many more photos of Barcelona that I am having a hard time picking what to share since I don’t want to put all 500 photos here.

These are the beautiful buildings.

and street entertainers.

this is a person, isn’t that amazing?

nathaniel got into the spirit of things as always.

our airbnb was lovely.

the one place i wanted to see more than any other in this trip was La Sagrada Familia.

it blew me away.

i might have taken 1000 photos just here.

look at that amazing light.

this place was truly awe inspiring.

this one is from Guell Park. I will have more ofLa Sagrada Familia next time.

Then we went to the beach together. The kids loved it.

and I loved it even more because we just sat there and enjoyed the peace.

and my boys. 

they had really good coffee and smoothies here.

don’t you love Barcelona?! more next time πŸ™‚

Stories from 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018here.

Stronger Than Before – 39


Weekly Intention: Ok this is going to be an intense week of work and then I expect to be working late into the night much of the week and then on Friday I will be driving to Tahoe for the weekend for a school event I purchased last year. David will be camping the middle of the week. So we got a lot going on. And when we come back from Tahoe I will enter a very very tough week. So my intention this week is a few things: be the kindest I can be, I know that when I am tired I can be snappy or even less compassionate towards me and others. So I will work on this. Kind to everyone. Secondly, I want to be able to protect my sleep and exercise because i will get very little sleep the following week and possibly no exercise. And finally, i want to try to savor the moments as much as i can. these are all incredible opportunities for me to be a part of and I am super lucky. So I don’t want to take that for granted.

This month’s intention is: Love Strong: This month is hard. There are transitions, new schedules and more. Use this month to think about what it would look like to love more. Love yourself more: more self-care and kindness. What boundaries can help you? Love Jake more: what’s something you can do for the two of you? Love your kids more: How can you help them with the transition? well there you go, this week i will focus on kindness and seeing everyone’s perspective, finding a way to love everyone.

One way I will stretch this week:  i will see if i can cook a bit and preserve my exercise routine, let’s see. 

One boundary I will set this week: sleep i think that’s the one I need the most.

This week, I will focus on pleasing: hmmm. i think everyone a little bit. would that work? at least give everyone my full attention while i am with them.

One new thing I will learn this week: how to iterate more effectively

One area where I will go deeper this week: how to understand perspectives different than mine

What do I need to sit with this week? how to go the distance here. i have a lot of other deadlines after this october one.

I am looking forward to: our tahoe adventure even if it comes at a bad time. 

This week’s challenges: sleep. peace.

Top Goals: 

  • Work:  october is going to have to be it this week.
  • Personal: i’m just going to do the best i can this week.
  • Family: just be as present as i can in tahoe 

I will focus on my values:

  • Love: love and care and grace for everyone on my path this week.
  • Learn:  how to listen more, better.
  • Peace: peace with this week.
  • Service: to my organization, to my family.
  • Gratitude: for things coming together, even if last minute.

This week, I want to remember: that it always works out

Stronger Than Before is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Weekly Reflection 2018 – 38

How I got Stronger this week: This was a long week, I worked a lot and had really long days, sleepless nights, and a lot of headache. Despite all that, I managed to work out Monday, Tuesday and Friday this week. Not as much as I would have liked but still not nothing. I also showed up again and again in all the areas at work and at home as my best self as often as I could. I am calling it a best effort week as opposed to a really good week. 

Top Goals Review: 

  • Work:  october getting close to being done, planning officially started, december not really getting anywhere yet.
  • Personal: only ran once this week and for 20 mins. I did 2 body pumps. nurtition was so so and I really didn’t do much of anything else.
  • Family: i did not cook for jake :/,  i did help kids with school+routine, we started to figure out plans for the rest of 2018 and some of 2019.

I celebrate: getting the planning process out the door.

I am grateful for:  my husband whose kindness is just unparalleled. 

Karen’s Points: 2 body pumps, one run this week. reasonable with nutrition but not perfect. it was ok.

A Change I embraced: a lot of work. just so much repetitive work. long, difficult nights of not a lot of sleep.

I let go of: trying to do it all at once and focused on what was a must-do

Core Desired Feelings Check-in:

  • Fresh: all this experience around the october event is fresh for me.
  • Magical: getting to do a bit of art was magical. 
  • Lighter: i feel lighter during the weekends. is that fair?
  • True: i am tired. i am worn out. 

Where I chose Joy: i laughed a lot at work this week. 

I showed up for:  david this week who had an 8th grade tea at school.

A Mistake I made this week: i had a meeting that went really poorly, i sent an apology letter but heard nothing back :/

What I tolerated this week: lack of sleep.

My mood this week was: worn out. 

I forgive myself for: snapping a bunch this week. i don’t do well when we talk in circles.

What I love right now: that i can still sit out in the backyard even though it’s getting cold.

Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Moments from this Week – 38

and here we go. First week of Fall, September, School. 

school, us, running.

cooking, us. getting my hair done πŸ™‚

Moments from this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

Books I Read This Week 2018 – 38

I was away last weekend and took two days off this past week to be with people I love which meant less reading πŸ™‚

Note to Self was super quick and lovely, of course.

I really liked Fruit of the Drunken Tree even though parts of it were very very sad.

I swallowed Vox in a day. It made me furious but I couldn’t put it down.

Like Never and Always was another super fast year. It was exactly what I wanted at that time.

I then started and stopped 5 different books. Finally settling on Dear Madam President which was a quick and good read for me.

I had a few good books this week so I am calling it a success.

Books I Read this Week 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.