Moments of Gratitude – 15

drawing, tech challenge, flowers
celebration cupcakes. my night star light. more art. and my wonderful boys.
more tech challenge.
more science fairs, more awards, calculator game!

Here’s to Seeing more Magic in 2019.

Moments of Gratitude is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here.

Joy of Art – 20

find ways to bring joy into all your moments.

These are small pieces I do at work or at home at night to help remind me why I love doing art. 

Joy of Art is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here.

Books I Read This Week 2019 – 21

This was a low-reading week, for me, but most of the reads were fantastic, so that’s a great week in my book. Here are my goodreads reviews. If you’re on goodreads, add me as a friend so I can see your books too! I’ve also started an instagram account where I join my love of reading with my love of art.

The Honey Bus (4.5 stars): What an absolute gift of a book. I am so glad I didn’t know much about this book because I might have not read it thinking it was yet another memoir, or a book about bees, or whatever excuse I might have had for thinking it wasn’t for me. But it was. It so was.

This wonderful book is about a girl whose family falls apart after the separation of her parents when her mom goes back to her family home with the two kids. The mom is (for her own reasons) uninterested in paying attention to the kids and there’s so much neglect, yearning, need for belonging in this book and yet also so much salvation, hope and kindness.

The story is so beautifully told, pulls you in so much and makes you root for her and feel for her and cheer for her, and live all these moments with her. Beautiful observations from Meredith about family dynamics, school dynamics, and life dynamics. To top that off, there are great stories about the bees, that makes you realize the amazing creatures that they are.

An absolutely beautiful story about bees, a family, and how much of a difference one single person’s love can make in a person’s life. Absolutely recommended.

Ask Again, Yes (4.5 stars):  I loved every bit of this book.

“The thing is, Peter, grown-ups don’t know what they’re doing any better than kids. That’s the truth.”

I’ve noticed that sometimes the quietest stories are my favorites. Stories where I slowly get to know each character and before I know it they have grown on me so much that I can’t imagine waking up another day and not finding out about how they’re doing. The best novels are like that for me. Characters that I miss deeply. Characters who are flawed and so deeply lovable and so deeply real.

“She’s learned that the beginning of one’s life mattered the most, that life was top heavy in that way.”

And this book is full of them. Almost every character is imperfect. They are messed up, broken, struggling, and just working hard to move forward in life. Terrible things happen in the book, and sad realities of life surface. There are heavy issues like parental abandonment, substance abuse, mental illness, and sexual abuse. The scars of life’s experiences and the intermingling of all this deeply affects these characters, all of whom I had come to cherish in some way or another.

“It wasn’t that she didn’t love him, he knew. It was that she loved him so much that it frightened herm loved him so much hat she worried she might have ti protect herself from it. He tried to let her know that he’d figured that out, finally, that there was no need to explain, but then he realized that she might not know it herself.”

It’s hard to get the ending of such a book right. But this author does it just perfectly. It’s true. It’s real. It’s not a pretty bow tied perfectly and yet it still manages to leave glimmers of hope. I have enjoyed all my moments with this book and I am glad I stuck with the slow simmer. These characters will stick with me for some time.

With gratitude to netgalley and scribner for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

Miracle Creek (4 stars): I had heard so so much hype about this book that it was almost impossible for it to live to all the gushing reviews. But, alas, for the most part, it totally did.

I love character driven stories, and if the author manages to put together a character-driven story and then add an interesting plot on top of it, and then weave some fascinating courtroom drama on top of that, how do you not love what the result is? This book handles a lot of serious issues like autism, immigration, motherhood, disability and more.

Each of the characters is flawed and struggling with their own lives/truths and trying to find their way through their lives. And then there is so much lying, so many layers of hiding the truth that all peel back layer by layer as the story unfolds that the reader’s grief just incrementally gets deeper.

I loved how much this book made me think about immigration, about family dynamics, about what it means to do the right thing, about secrets we keep from each other. About moral decisions. About being true to who you are. And so much more.

If you’re like me and are afraid to pick this one up due to all the hype, you won’t be disappointed. It’s really deserved.

How to be Yourself (3.5 stars): I’ve started this book a few times before I made my way through it. I didn’t read the full title so I didn’t realize at first that it was about social anxiety. I am definitely introverted (though likely not shy) and it’s rare that I’d choose a social setting over a book on any day. But I know that it is important to socialize and this book has some simple, tangible tips on how to make it easier for people like me. Some of these I have tried and already found to be true. For example, I find it easier to socialize at my kids’ school if I have a role to play and a purpose to be there. I also find it easier to socialize in settings that have a common interest like book club or crafts or a class etc.

The biggest little piece of nugget this book left me with that I will remember, however, is that when I am anxious about looking a particular way around someone new I meet or in an environment that’s anxiety inducing for me, I just have to remember people want you to be kind to them. That kindness is valued and remembered over anything else. Like the saying goes: people might not remember what you said but they will remember how you made them feel.

This makes it easier for me. All I have to do is show up and be kind. I can do that much.

The Mother-in-Law (4 stars): I really enjoyed this book so much more than I thought I was going to. I thought it would be another twisty thriller with unlikeable characters. I’ve read too many of those. I hadn’t read anything about this book nor had I read this author so I had no idea what to expect.

First thing I loved about this book is that it’s actually quiet and not hysterical. None of the characters felt over the top to me (well maybe except for one but that comes in at the very end). They were all interesting, flawed but reasonably real characters. The men were not as developed as I wish they were but the mother in law and the main character were and I really enjoyed reading about the characters. While there was the underlying “whodunit” it was so much more about the people and not the mystery for me. And yet I felt the book moved really fast and I kept wanting to read more.

A pleasant surprise for me.

And there we go, an good week of reading. Here’s to a great week next week.

Books I Read this Week 2019 is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here. I am also tracking my books in real time on Good Reads here. If you’re on Good Reads add me so I can follow you, too! I’ve also started an instagram account where I join my love of reading with my love of art.

Stories from 2019 – 21

This story is about the Google holiday party.

Here are two more stories from my 2018 album. The content for these comes from the “joy” kit. 

This one is about our super fun pizza-filled Thanksgiving.

Stories from 2019 is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here. Everything on the pages is from Ali’s Story Kits unless mentioned otherwise.

Everyday Magic – 21

Weekly Intention: soooo… this plan that i had…: My intention this week is to make a prioritized list for the next two weeks. Five things I want to move forward in a major way at work and five things for me or home. Let’s make a list, let’s get it done. That’s the plan. Get out of the slump. I still did not do any of it. I did not make a plan, I didn’t get it done, and I did not get out of the slump. So resetting it didn’t work either. So I am going to try to give it one more week and also to set the intention to slow down and be really present this week. Let’s see if that works.

This month’s intention is: Quiet Magic: Time to rest a little bit before things get crazy again. By the end of this month, you have graduations, parties, transitions, culminations etc. Use the time to add some quiet to the days and really connect with the magic in your life again. This week I will try to meditate daily.

One way I will show up this week:  Just present, open and listening this week and slowing down.

One magic I will make this week: i plan to work from home again one day and i will possibly see a work friend (actually two!) so that will be great if it sticks.

This week, I will pay attention to: what’s still weighing me down and see if i can actually offload a bit.

This week, I will be kinder to: my kids. super kind.

This week, I will focus on pleasing: my intention maybe? i feel like it would really help if i could do it

One new thing I will learn this week: maybe a little about organizational development

I am looking forward to: there’s a bit of magic every day this week but mostly sunday/monday when Jake is back here again!

This week’s challenges: No one day looks super challenging this week, hopefully.

Top Goals: 

  • Work: ok so here i think i just really need to step out of the “last minute ” mode and be more thoughtful so goal one is to make lists and prioritize them, goal 2 is to start implementing a bit.
  • Personal: daily drawing, journal, and yoga, sleep.
  • Family:  figure out summer #2, book final camps. rest. spend time with my family.

I will focus on my values:

  • Love: love for my life how it is now.
  • Learn: learn how to move in my role better.
  • Peace: peace with how i feel.
  • Service: to doing the bits of things that need getting done as summer approaches (and school ends, and summit is coming, and vacation is also coming, and a class in between the two.)
  • Gratitude: for my life.

This week, I want to remember: it’s all going to be ok. i can rest.

Everyday Magic is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here.

Weekly Reflection 2019 – 20

Magic I Saw this Week: Lots of magic this week. Nathaniel with his crazy hair day. Taking a day at home and a day in the city. Having David back in town finally. Getting to see him and his elementary school friends all back together was really magical. Getting to spend a small amount of my morning with my friend who was kind enough to drive me was really really magical. We were supposed to have a lot of rain this week but it magically was only a little bit, which also made my week much better.

Magic I Made this Week: I went climbing with Jake on Thursday before work again. We took a walk around the pond nearby which always feels magical and happy for me and saw a teeny tiny cat this time which was bonus. I made sure to do a lot of hugging with my kids and my husband. Nathaniel was at a sleep over one night so we had a date night in the city which was also magical.

Magic of Me that I explored Week: I did some more journaling this week and read one book on anxiety.. still slowly moving forward.

Top Goals Review:  

  • Work: I did PM Summit schedule v1, i did not work any on the site. Still working on understanding priorities. I did say hi to all new team.
  • Personal: did daily drawing, did not journal and did less yoga than i was doing, i want to get back on track here, i did get 7-8 hours of sleep, did not come up with routine, no gluten until weekend where i decided that was enough.
  • Family:  i still have not figured out summer #2 so i did not book final camps. i did rest. and i spent time with Jake and Nathaniel.

I celebrate: david being back home!

I am grateful for: my husband.

This week, I exercised: one day of body pump, one day climbing, and 3 days of yoga this week.

Self-care this week: a little bit of journaling, a lot of resting, working from home one day.

I showed up for: the san fran office on tuesday even though i was all worried about it.

I said yes to: having jake in boston this weekend for his school reunion even though friday was too hectic for me.

I said no to: working more. going to book club on monday when i was already going to have to be ‘on’ all day tuesday.

Core Desired Feelings Check-in:

  • Embrace: i am embracing how tired i feel lately.
  • Alive: i feel like not booking this vacation is still making me drag a bit so i am really looking forward to getting it done.
  • Lighter: now that david’s back, there’s sunshine again
  • Kinder: i’m focusing on being kind to everyone now.
  • Surrender: i keep reminding myself surrender.

What I tolerated this week: i’ve been feeling really really tired lately, not sure if it means anything or if i just really need some offtime but i am trying to tolerate it.

My mood this week was: anticipation.

I am proud of: my kids and my husband, so much.

I forgive myself for: how little i seem to be getting done lately

Here’s what I learned this week: quitting gluten had no impact on my life

What I love right now: I love having all my family back in the continental US!

Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here.

Moments of Gratitude – 14

scrapping! more tech challenge and drawing!
science fairs, doing work, spending time in the sunshine.

Here’s to Seeing more Magic in 2019.

Moments of Gratitude is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here.

Joy of Art – 19

this is one of the life book lessons from 2019. i love the way it turned out.

These are small pieces I do at work or at home at night to help remind me why I love doing art. 

Joy of Art is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here.

Books I Read This Week 2019 – 20

Another mixed week this week. A handful of reads I loved and the rest were so so. Here are my goodreads reviews. If you’re on goodreads, add me as a friend so I can see your books too! I’ve also started an instagram account where I join my love of reading with my love of art.

There’s a Word for That (3.5 stars): There’s always the opportunity to make dysfunctional families look too over the top and just ridiculous when you write a book like this. And the beginning started off a little like that for me but then the story unfolded and I got attached to each character a little bit in different ways and they each were so endearingly human that by the end of the book I was rooting for most of them. Lovely, sweet story. I really enjoyed this one.

Feast Your Eyes (4 stars):  Myla Goldberg is such a good writer. I loved Bee Season and was anxiously awaiting this book. It did not disappoint. Feast Your Eyes is about Lilian who is a photographer and a single-mother. It’s a story about being a woman in the 50s, being willing to pursue your dreams, take chances, make a statement. 

The book is told from the perspective of Samantha, her daughter, who interviews Lilian’s friends and colleagues. She also includes journal entries and letters. When you listen to this book on audio is actually has a bit of a similar structure to Daisy Jones but it’s a completely different topic.

This is a beautiful story about the unintended consequences of a moment in public, the multi-layered texture of loving both your job and your kids, the journey of finding yourself and trying to find freedom in the 50s as a woman. It’s a beautiful story and it’s beautifully told.

Weight of a Piano (4 stars): I absolutely loved every moment of this book. I am always weary when books claim to be like other books I’ve loved and this one had some hefty comparisons to live up to but within moments of starting to listen to it, I was lost in its world, vested in its characters and did not want to put it down. I loved the characters, the writing, the intertwining, all of it. This book is about family, immigration, love, loss, identity, belonging, the power of music and so much more. The pacing of the story was just right for me and at different times I was more invested in one character than the other but overall I found myself just wanting to be in this story for as long as possible. It even managed to end in way that felt just right. I’ve never read this author before so I don’t know if all her novels are just the perfect ones for me but I can’t wait to explore them if they are anything like this quiet, lyrical, beautiful and profound story.

Maybe Someday (2.5 stars): I read this whole novel in one sitting. Well, I listened to it. That’s 5+ hours on a week day. I just could not stop once I had started and that alone makes this novel a 2.5 star rating for me. I liked the story and I liked the two main characters, even a few of the side characters. But here’s where things come to a halt for me, this story felt empty in the end for me. It felt like an appetizer or a dish with empty calories. It didn’t satisfy me deeply. Maybe because it felt like it stayed too on the surface for the kind of stories I like to read. Sometimes I am in the mood for this type of meal/book but maybe this time I wasn’t. It felt like I was since I pretty much inhaled the novel but alas afterwards I was left with an empty feeling. Much of the character development/depth was either offscreen or through telling and not showing and maybe that’s why I felt like I wasn’t really experiencing the novel. Having said all that, dialogue was great, and the pacing is just so unputdownable. Sometimes empty calories are just fine.

Reasons to Stay Alive (3.5 stars): This is a short but not light book. I imagine that’s obvious from the title but I felt the need to mention it just in case. While, for me, this book was a bit too short and I found myself craving more. More on how to help get better. More on things to try. More on figuring my way out of the dark. I know that’s not the point of it so I don’t want to duck the author for that. This is a profound and honest story and we need so many more of these. I deeply appreciated the candor, the vulnerability, the openness. I am deeply grateful for the courage it took to write this. I just wish it were a bit more tangibly helpful for me (and I know that’s a lot to expect from a book with where I am at this moment.)

Have More Fun (3.5 stars): Super quick read. I didn’t know anything about Mandy Arioto and there are bits of this that don’t resonate with me but the overall sentiment is so near and dear to my heart and something I really want to do. There are so many little pieces of gems here but the part I loved the most is how she talks about putting having fun with your kids and liking your kids above trying to fix all the things they do wrong. I can’t remember her exact wording but the idea of liking them as people and having fun with them is exactly what I want to put as #1 in our lives. I want them to look back on these years and smile with all the fun we had.

The Girl He Used to Know (3.5 stars): I read this whole story in one shot. I loved the characters. My biggest complaint is that I wanted to know them more, I loved the scene with Annika’s mom because it was such a resonant scene as a mom and it showed so much of who she was. There weren’t a huge number of cases where there was that type of depth of showing. Glimmers here and there but I yearned for more. Especially with Annika’s roommate whom I adored. I know she is not a main character but she added so much depth to the story. Overall though, this was a quick and loving story for me.

Fifty Things That Aren’t My Fault (3 stars): This book is written by the creator of the Cathy comic strip. I didn’t grow up in America so I read only a few of these comics but I’ve enjoyed them and this book got really high ratings so I thought I would give it a try. It’s an honest, sweet book at times but it also has a some dark undertones and parts where it feels like she’s highlighting all the millions of things we women grapple with. It’s resonant and sad and serious and also funny and sweet and tender.

And there we go, an ok week of reading. I am on book 166 for 2019, so much for reading less this year. Here’s to a great week next week.

Books I Read this Week 2019 is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here. I am also tracking my books in real time on Good Reads here. If you’re on Good Reads add me so I can follow you, too! I’ve also started an instagram account where I join my love of reading with my love of art.

Stories from 2019 – 20

This story is about how I am trying to choose joy. I try again and again.

Here are two more stories from my 2018 album. The content for these comes from the “joy” kit. 

This one is about my word of the year. Magic.

Stories from 2019 is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here. Everything on the pages is from Ali’s Story Kits unless mentioned otherwise.

Everyday Magic – 20

Weekly Intention: So this was last week’s intention: My intention this week is to make a prioritized list for the next two weeks. Five things I want to move forward in a major way at work and five things for me or home. Let’s make a list, let’s get it done. That’s the plan. Get out of the slump. I did not do any of it. I did not make a plan, I didn’t get it done, and I did not get out of the slump. In fact, I think it’s fair to say I am deeper in the slump. Soooo… not sure what that means for setting intentions this week. Maybe I should just go with what I had set for last week or maybe I should set nothing since I am failing so miserably.

This month’s intention is: Quiet Magic: Time to rest a little bit before things get crazy again. By the end of this month, you have graduations, parties, transitions, culminations etc. Use the time to add some quiet to the days and really connect with the magic in your life again. I have been resting. I also would love to meditate a bit this month.

One way I will show up this week:  Hmm I want to show up less tired this week. More energetic. Is it possible I wonder.

One magic I will make this week: i will be going to book club hopefully. I also will work from home one day hopefully.

This week, I will pay attention to: how I feel. I think I need some stepping back, reflection time. (i think this bears repeating.)

This week, I will be kinder to: how patient i am with myself.

This week, I will focus on pleasing: a few todo list items, i think getting them off my chest will make me feel better.

One new thing I will learn this week: how to get stuff done? 🙂

I am looking forward to: Friday when I’ll be able to hug David again!!

This week’s challenges: David being gone is in fact really tough on me. Also Tuesday I will be traveling to the city. Monday will be a long day with my going out at night if I do.

Top Goals: 

  • Work: Ok let’s try this again: PM Summit schedule v1. A solid work on the site. Understanding priorities. Hi to all new team.
  • Personal: daily drawing, journal, and yoga, sleep, routine, no gluten.
  • Family:  figure out summer #2, book final camps. rest. spend time with Jake and Nathaniel.

I will focus on my values:

  • Love: Love for myself.
  • Learn: learn what’s important to get done before we head into the summer.
  • Peace: peace with how long things are taking me.
  • Service: to work. i need to get things done.
  • Gratitude: for my husband.

This week, I want to remember: i have more time than i think and less time than i think.

Everyday Magic is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here.

Weekly Reflection 2019 – 19

Magic I Saw this Week: It was magical to see how David enjoying his time in Spain and trying new foods and just growing up so much. My husband is just pure magic. Made of magic inside and out. So are my kids. My mom, too. She sent my son pants he loves all the way from Turkey and packed a few wonderful little surprises for me, too. How lucky am I?

Magic I Made this Week: I went climbing with Jake on Thursday before work. That was magic. I went to a book brunch for my kids school and saw my good friend there. I then went out again to have coffee with another friend. Honestly, just showing up to basic life has been magic this week.

Magic of Me that I explored Week: I did some OLW journaling. Not as much as I wanted in general but slowly moving forward.

Top Goals Review:  

  • Work: I did not do PM Summit schedule v1 or any work on the site. or really understanding priorities. Pretty major fail this week.
  • Personal: i did daily drawing, journaled a tiny bit, and yoga most days, i sleep but not soundly, i miss david!, did not make a routine, no gluten all week but tons of chocolate!
    Family:  i still did not figure out summer #2 or book final camps. i did rest. spent a little time with Jake.

I celebrate: showing up this week. some days that’s a big win.

I am grateful for: david having adventures.

This week, I exercised: 2 days of body pump, one day climbing, and 4 days of yoga this week.

Self-care this week: a little bit of journaling, a lot of resting

I showed up for: social events i didn’t want to go to.

I said yes to: IO

I said no to: working at night.

Core Desired Feelings Check-in:

  • Embrace: i am embracing adding bits to my routine that might help with how I feel. looking for things.
  • Alive: i feel like not booking this vacation is making me drag a bit so i am really looking forward to getting it done.
  • Lighter: not feeling all that light
  • Kinder: trying really hard to be kinder to myself.
  • Surrender: i keep having to surrender.

What I tolerated this week: i’ve been really down.

My mood this week was: sad.

I am proud of: so much of my life.

I forgive myself for: how i feel at this moment even as there’s no “reason” for me to feel it.

Here’s what I learned this week: i underbuy too much.

What I love right now: I love the weather. i know it’s a small thing but it has a big impact on me.

Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here.