Moments of Gratitude – 29

Here’s to Seeing more Magic in 2019.

Moments of Gratitude is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here.

Joy of Art – 34

I’ve been doing art daily for the last few months, each of these pieces matches with a book I am reading. You can see them all daily in my instagram.

Joy of Art is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here.

Books I Read This Week 2019 – 35

Here are my goodreads reviews. If you’re on goodreads, add me as a friend so I can see your books too! I’ve also started an instagram account where I join my love of reading with my love of art.

Never Have I Ever (3.5 stars): 3.5 stars mostly because I was surprised more often than i usually am

I enjoyed this book more than I thought I was going to. I appreciated a mystery without the unreliable character trope or even the dislikable character one. The main character had secrets to hide and she was flawed but she also was real and reasonably realistic in my opinion. Roux was a bit more complicated in that I had to buy into some of her past and present and motivations. Some seemed plausible but others were a bit harder for me to believe. There were several times I was surprised in the story mostly because it went in a direction I just hadn’t really thought of for this type of story. The fact that it wasn’t like all the other mysteries I’ve read in the last two years helped in this case. Overall, it was an enjoyable read, especially if domestic mysteries are your thing.

Pretty Guilty Women (3 stars): There have already been quite a few comparisons between Pretty Guilty Women and Big Little Lies and there are indeed many parallels. This story takes place over a wedding weekend in a resort spa. One of four old friends is getting married and none are really that close anymore. There’s also an older woman whose husband is related to the wedding party. These four women (excluding the bride) are involved in a crime, and the book goes from one character to another telling bits of their back story and then telling bits of what happened over the weekend to culminate in the crime. Each chapter opens or closes with short police interrogation. Each woman has her secret or personal drama so each of those also unravels throughout the story. So the structure and the plot are quite similar and some of the subplots are, too.

But I still enjoyed reading it. It was a fast-paced read that kept me up late at night waiting to find out what happened and who died and how each character’s back story unfolds. If you enjoyed Big Little Lies, and are looking for something similar, you will enjoy this.

Thank you to netgalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for an early copy in exchange for an honest review

The Great Unexpected (3 stars): I think I was an outlier for this book. All the reviews are glowing and yet I really struggled with it. This was a bit like Ove for me where a disgruntled, old man finds friendship and then changes over time. It’s about the value of friendship and how life changing that can be. There are some really heavy themes in this one around abuse, suicidal ideation, etc. But it just never really landed with me, I didn’t feel connected to the main character and didn’t find myself rooting for him. I did love the secondary characters but in the end, it was reasonably predictable so that mixed with my lack of connection meant this wasn’t a standout for me.

Lanny (3.5 stars): 3.5 stars on uniqueness alone. I started this book months ago and then had to put it on hold because I was having such a hard time following it. I finally came back to it, and it was still hard but I decided to stick with it and I am glad I did. It is an incredibly unusual book. I can’t even say I loved it but I loved its uniqueness and it will stay with me for quite a while. I love books that do that. This book is about so much but most of all it’s about society, connection, mankind. Loss, too. I don’t want to give too much away. It’s a short book. It was an interesting audio experience and I have no idea how it is in print. If you’re adventurous I’d recommend trying it and seeing if it resonates with you.

And there we go, an ok week of reading. Here’s to a great week next week.

Books I Read this Week 2019 is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here. I am also tracking my books in real time on Good Reads here. If you’re on Good Reads add me so I can follow you, too! I’ve also started an instagram account where I join my love of reading with my love of art.

Stories from 2019 – 35

david and jake in los angeles
date night with jake
akseliko visiting
google io
nathaniel’s birthday party

Here more stories from my 2019 album. The content for these comes from Ali Edwards Story Kits.

Stories from 2019 is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here. Everything on the pages is from Ali’s Story Kits unless mentioned otherwise.

Everyday Magic – 35

Weekly Intention: This week comes with a collection meetings and the first week of school. That’s a lot of transition and work for one week so my intention this week is to sleep well, continue to work out, and be as kind as I possibly can to everyone (including myself.) Let the transitions begin!

This month’s intention is: Work Your Magic: Time to get organized again, transitions are coming, big ones this time. Get organized, plan, prepare and do what you need to do. Done for school. Not done for clothes. This one might have to wait.

One way I will show up this week:  open.

One magic I will make this week: we are doing to be taking a family trip for the three day weekend, so that will be my magic this week.

This week, I will pay attention to: work and where I can lean in more

This week, I will be kinder to: my kids and how i can help them with the transitions.

This week, I will focus on pleasing: i’ve been sick so i think this one will have to be giving my body what it needs.

One new thing I will learn this week: how to do some of the performance work

I am looking forward to: our mini-vacation

This week’s challenges: every day this week is long and we have our first week of school so those two things will be challenging on top of each other.

Top Goals: 

  • Work: markets preso, tokyo preso, proposal for ux team, 15 plan v1, packets, strat 2020, and perf1.
  • Personal: daily drawing, exercise, journal, hike, see if I can make 5am wakeup happen (maybe this week!), make time to sleep.
  • Family:  family photos, clean out kids’ closets, first week of school, vacation, date night, hug kids.

I will focus on my values:

  • Love: i am loving my work lately. so lean into that.
  • Learn: learn about this year for both my kids.
  • Peace: with transitions and never being able to catch up at work
  • Service: my health
  • Gratitude: for learning to balance

This week, I want to remember: i am having so much fun.

Everyday Magic is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here.

Weekly Reflection 2019 – 34

Magic I Saw this Week: This week’s magic was having David back, seeing both my kids lean into their new transitions, hiking with jake, some awesome conversations at work.

Magic I Made this Week: i went climbing despite being really sick. i went to the kids’ school and saw my friend Kelly. I also worked for 10+ hours over the weekend which helped me catch up seriously.

Magic of Me that I explored Week: nothing new here.

Top Goals Review:  

  • Work: cleaned out all the email, got a bit of a markets and tokyo schedule done, did proposal for ux team, did figure out culture d&i, and felt more organized.
    Personal: did daily drawing, exercised, did not journal, did hike, did not make 5am wakeup happen, did make time to sleep.
    Family:  took family photos, did not clean out kids’ closets, did get ready for school things, did hug kids.

I celebrate: a good week at work

I am grateful for: my life right now.

This week, I exercised: i was quite sick this week and had a fever so i did one body pump and a little bit of climbing.

Self-care this week: still not super great on self care at the moment.

I showed up for: david’s school and work.

I said yes to: working a bit longer days again.

I said no to: letting the sickness get to me.

Core Desired Feelings Check-in:

  • Embrace:  i am embracing being a bit sick :/.
  • Alive: i feel so alive when i have work i like doing and time to do it.
  • Lighter: i feel lighter having made the decision.
  • Kinder: this is a constant work in progress for me.
  • Surrender: surrendering to having to work longer/more

What I tolerated this week: sickness .

My mood this week was: tired.

I am proud of: all the work i got done

I forgive myself for: not exercising as much this week.

Here’s what I learned this week: i learned that I have a lot more to learn.

What I love right now: i love much of my life right now. it’s so full and rich, i am very grateful.

Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here.

Moments of Gratitude – 28

a few more galapagos photos and then just ordinary life this week.

Here’s to Seeing more Magic in 2019.

Moments of Gratitude is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here.

Joy of Art – 33

I’ve been doing art daily for the last few months, each of these pieces matches with a book I am reading. You can see them all daily in my instagram.

Joy of Art is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here.

Books I Read This Week 2019 – 34

Here are my goodreads reviews. If you’re on goodreads, add me as a friend so I can see your books too! I’ve also started an instagram account where I join my love of reading with my love of art.

Chances Are… (4 stars): I really enjoyed reading this story of three male friends who have one last get together on Martha’s Vineyard before their lives wind in different directions. At the time, they have this female friend, Jacy, with them, too. She’s engaged to be married and this is also a getaway weekend for her. But then she disappears and none of the boys (as far as we can tell) know what happened to her.

These three friends meet again on Martha’s Vineyard 40+ years later and through winding back and forth we learn about each of the characters (and Jacy) by the end of the book. Russo is a great storyteller and his characters are three-dimensional and feel so real and familiar. 

The part of this book that resonated with me so much is that feeling many of us carry with us as we get older and choose certain paths over others (or certain options are not available to us) and we keep wondering what would have happened had it gone this other way. Each of these men think about Jacy and what would have happened if she chose one of them. 

There are many other themes in the book, one of the most dominant being Vietnam which played a huge role during the formative years of these characters and the choices they made because of it. I also enjoyed the Vineyard setting since I was familiar with all the neighborhoods.

All in all, I feel you can’t really go wrong with a Russo book.

That’s what Frenemies are For (3.5 stars): I enjoyed this book much more than I thought I was going to. Even though most of the characters were reasonably stereotypical and the story of Manhattan socialites is not new to me, I still had fun seeing the main character go through all the different changes and grow in the process. Another reminder that it’s best to be who you are and do what matters to you and find the real people who matter. The rest is all a waste of time.

The Book Charmer (3.5 stars): I really enjoyed the time I spent with this book. It’s about a small town with a small twist of magic thrown in there. The characters are all lovely and developed. Even though the story went to a predictable and sweet place, I really enjoyed the stroll I took down with all of these characters and this story. I usually round down but this story was so charming and the extra twists with the books was the clincher for me. If you’re looking for a sweet read and small towns are your thing and books are your thing, you will love this book.

On the Corner of Love and Hate (3 stars): This story is billed as a hate-to-love story but I think it’s a bit more subtle than that. The two main characters have been [best] friends from childhood and they are now working together. The entire story is told from Emmanuelle’s story and even though she’s saying certain things, the reader can still see beneath her conversation to see the slow build and the residual feelings here. Even though we don’t read Cooper’s perspective, we can also tell that he cares for her and there’s likely more there from Cooper’s side, too. The story builds slowly and there are parts where Emma feels a bit too hysterical for me but on the whole this was pleasurable and interesting the whole time and I stayed up two hours past my bedtime because I didn’t want to stop reading. I was rooting for the characters the whole time and really enjoyed when they finally came together.

This is not a super-steamy romance, it’s more sweet than it is steamy and if politics is interesting to you, that’s a bonus fun layer to the story.

thank you to netgalley and gallery books for an early copy in exchange for an honest review.

And there we go, a good week of reading. Here’s to a great week next week.

Books I Read this Week 2019 is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here. I am also tracking my books in real time on Good Reads here. If you’re on Good Reads add me so I can follow you, too! I’ve also started an instagram account where I join my love of reading with my love of art.

Stories from 2019 – 34

our trip to pacific grove
our trip to pacific grove part 2
our trip to pacific grove part 3

Here are more stories from my 2019 album. The content for these comes from Ali Edwards Story Kits.

Stories from 2019 is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here. Everything on the pages is from Ali’s Story Kits unless mentioned otherwise.

Everyday Magic – 34

Weekly Intention:

This month’s intention is: Work Your Magic: Time to get organized again, transitions are coming, big ones this time. Get organized, plan, prepare and do what you need to do. Ok I did some last week but I still need to get the clothes sorted. No word on supplies yet.

One way I will show up this week:  ready.

One magic I will make this week: i’m going to be doing my keratin treatment which will be magical.

This week, I will pay attention to: work rhythms and d’s schedule

This week, I will be kinder to: both of the kids who will be transitioning to thinking about school

This week, I will focus on pleasing: one core area at work. birthday maybe?

One new thing I will learn this week: whether i get to be the point person.

I am looking forward to: hearing all about D’s adventures this week

This week’s challenges: lots going on this week with D having to be at school three times, going away for a trip, N having to be at school once and the long hair appointment. just a lot to juggle with the also long work days.

Top Goals: 

  • Work: clean out all the email, get a markets and tokyo schedule done, proposal for ux team, figure out culture d&i, just feel more organized.
  • Personal: daily drawing, exercise, journal, hike, see if I can make 5am wakeup happen, make time to sleep.
  • Family:  family photos, clean out kids’ closets, get ready for school things, hugs kids.

I will focus on my values:

  • Love: love for the outdoors
  • Learn: learn all about high school
  • Peace: with all the upcoming transitions
  • Service: my job, my kids, my husband
  • Gratitude: for learning to let go

This week, I want to remember: the downside of this year is low low low.

Everyday Magic is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here.

Weekly Reflection 2019 – 33

Magic I Saw this Week: This week’s magic was seeing Jake’s family visit and having all the kids play together and watching my husband share his love of climbing with his family.

Magic I Made this Week: Since my last update Jake and I did two hikes. One to strenuous one in East Bay and one easy but longish one in Palo Alto. It was wonderful.

Magic of Me that I explored Week: hmm i did some fantastic work with my coach this week. some good learnings.

Top Goals Review:  

  • Work: did a small amount of work on next steps on tokyo and markets, i made some progress on figuring out culture d&i, i didn’t yet sort out the growing leadership stuff, i so did not stay on top of email.
  • Personal: i did do my daily drawing, i exercised , i journaled a bunch, i hiked, i did not really do one new thing daily, and i did do one yoga but no walking or other morning plan, i did make time to sleep.
  • Family:  we took family photos, we did not clean out kids’ closets, we did not get ready for school things, hugged kids.

I celebrate: starting hiking and my solid 5.9 climbs this week.

I am grateful for: the time we spent with Jake’s family.

This week, I exercised: i had a great week. i hiked on Sunday, did body pump on Monday and Wednesday, did yoga on Tuesday, went rock climbing on Thursday and hiked again on Friday. It was a good week.

Self-care this week: not super great on self care at the moment.

I showed up for: hiking.

I said yes to: working a bit longer days

I said no to: working more

Core Desired Feelings Check-in:

  • Embrace:  i am embracing this new hiking goal.
  • Alive: i feel so alive in nature.
  • Lighter: i will feel lighter when all my email is done.
  • Kinder: i am working on this so hard. i am working on rewriting my tapes.
  • Surrender: surrendering to having to work on the weekends

What I tolerated this week: soreness .

My mood this week was: positive.

I am proud of: all the working out this week. the climbing and hiking both!

I forgive myself for: not being in as good a shape as I wish I were.

Here’s what I learned this week: i learned that I have some tapes I wasn’t even aware of. I’m learning.

What I love right now: i love being out in nature.

Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here.