Drawing Books – Yes & I Love You

Yes & I Love You by Roni Loren

100 Days of Radical Wellness – Trial

100 Days of Radical Wellness – trial day

Ok thoughts from trying for one day: this is encouraging me to move more and in different ways so that’s great.

It also made me drink more water. Awesome.

When I had small moments of free time, I looked to see what else I can check off.

So far the list feels encouraging and not stifling. So let’s see what happens later this week!

#100dayproject, #the100dayproject, #karenikaradicalwellness

Daily Year of Yes – 25

Year of Yes – 25

I don’t like making mistakes. Especially when my mistake results in letting people down. I really have a hard time forgiving myself and for letting it go.

There was a communication mistake that I caught at work tonight and it resulted in a bunch of churn and frustration and now I am sitting here ready to jump out of my skin with frustration and disappointment.

The thing is, I’ve already learned the lesson I need to and I’ve taken the steps to ensure this particular issue doesn’t happen again. Which is really all I can do right now.

And if my kids came to me with all this, that’s exactly what I would tell them. That they did all they can do and now it’s time to give themselves some grace.

So here I sit trying to find a way to give myself grace. Trying to say yes to feeling this but also trying to stop myself from catastrophizing it so much and learning to be more generous with grace.

Yes to kindness to myself and others. It starts with me. I know it and yet it’s still hard.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Say Yes – 4

  • Weekly Intention: Hmm I think the intention of this week is to pay attention to the rhythms of my days and see where/if I can make small shifts. Observe.
  • This month’s intention is: January: Yes to Baby Steps: Start small. Make a plan for the steps you want to take and give yourself a lot of grace. Take a handful of steps. You got this. I did a bunch of planning towards some of my goals for at least February and March, let’s see how things go.
  • One way I will leap this week:  I have this new plan for my personal wellness and schedule, I think I will leap into experimenting with it.
  • One boundary I will set this week: I am going to try to start getting better about bedtime and sleep this week.
  • One area where I will go deeper this week:  The needs of L at work.
  • What do I need to sit with this week?  my schedule, if I want to add all of these items, I need to figure out how.
  • I am looking forward to: tracking things.
  • Focus on Core Desired Feelings (lighter, kinder, enough, magic, wild): i am hopeful that my 100day plan will help with all of these.
  • This week’s challenges: This is my last week at work before things change a bit so I am a bit anxious around that.
  • Top Goals: 
    • Work:  start changing cal, talk to L, next steps for NBU.
    • Personal:  start new plan
    • Family: take walks with J. spend time with kids each day just listening.
  • This week, I want to remember: this is all for me. i get to choose my life.

100 Days of Radical Wellness – Prep

100 Days of Radical Wellness – Planning

When I heard that the 100-day project was going to start in January 31 instead of April, I panicked. I had no idea what I wanted to do and I was already doing the daily yes on @karenika so I didn’t want to do something else at the same time.

But then the idea of radical wellness came to me and it wouldn’t let go. What if I focused on 100 days of radical wellness. What would that look like?

For me, a crucial step in the success of any project I attempt is the time I put into preparation.

So I spent the last few weeks thinking about what radical wellness means to me and what would I like the parts of my journey to look like.

And today, I finally put it all into a spreadsheet. I am not sure if this will work, I might be biting off way more that I can chew but it’s worth a shot.

Let the experimenting begin!

#100dayproject, #the100dayproject, #karenikaradicalwellness

Daily Year of Yes – 24

Year of Yes – 24

After a three-month hiatus, I drew again today and it felt magical. Sometimes starting again is the hardest thing to do. But we start and stop and pause and rewind and fast forward all the time in life. It doesn’t mean anything unless we decide it does.

I’ve been anxious that I have had to take such a long break from riding the bike. I was in the middle of such a good momentum and now it’s been 25 days since I haven’t ridden and sometimes I worry I never will again.

But that’s just my mind playing tricks on me. Just like how when you’re sick sometimes it feels like you’ll never be well again. But then you get better and forget all about that feeling.

Today I got to draw again and soon when my sciatica is more under control I’ll get to ride again.

Yes to beginning again and yes to knowing that no decision is permanent unless we say so. You get unlimited chances at life.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Weekly Reflection 2021 – 3

  • The Best Part of this Week: The best part of this week was making it through Wednesday, both for the country and for me personally at work. I was quite stressed out so once it came and went the rest of the week felt considerably lighter.
  • I celebrate: not having to watch the news as much anymore
  • I am grateful for:  my manager encouraging me to go outside my comfort zone and saying “yes” on my behalf 🙂
  • This week, I exercised: i did daily peloton classes: 15 minutes of meditation, 20 minutes of core, 55 minutes of full body strength, 10 mins of arms, 10 mins of stretch, and 10 mins of yoga. I also took 3 45min+ walks with Jake. My sciatica regressed seriously this week and I am likely back to 50% so I tried not to push too hard.
  • This week, I said yes to: attending a social (online) event i didn’t want to.
  • I said no to: quitting the medication even though i really wanted to.
  • I honored my values (love, learn, peace, service, gratitude): I am trying to make specific goals in my life to make it easier for me to have these more at the forefront of my life.
  • Top Goals Review: 
    • Work:  did the preso, though it was more of a Q&A. did my new schedule and talked to D.
    • Personal:  still did not start journaling.
    • Family: hmmm, i did some with N but and did spend some time with D, not sure either count
  • My mood this week was: stressed and anxious
  • I am proud of: doing it anyway
  • I release: the nagging thoughts that I am not using my time well and that i am wasting the minutes/hours/days of my life
  • Here’s what I learned this week: that I can trust myself.

Review: The Thursday Murder Club

The Thursday Murder Club
The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book was on so many of the lists I’ve seen in the last few weeks that I felt like I had to read it. It started out really fun but I started to get mixed up pretty quickly and because I was listening on audio and I was only able to listen in bits and pieces throughout the week, I lost track of the story and the characters quicker than I would have liked. I still finished it but I’m afraid I didn’t give it its due. I plan to read the next one on paper or listen to it in one sitting.

View all my reviews

Review: Mother May I

Mother May I
Mother May I by Joshilyn Jackson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I am usually a big fan of Jackson’s novels. I find the pacing, the character development and the plot intriguing and engaging, so I was really looking forward to this one.

And while I did read it all pretty quickly, this wouldn’t be at the top of my Jackson novels. It’s almost as if it’s two books. The first one is the plight of a mother whose baby is kidnapped and she’s doing what she needs to do to get her baby back and then the second book is the backstory of the kidnapper and the event that led her to it.

Either story, fully fleshed out might have been interesting but together it felt disjointed.

There are also several trigger warnings that go with this story, so please do look up those before you read it. I am not usually easily triggered but because the second part of the story felt so disjointed for me, I didn’t see it coming.

Even with all that, I still read this story fast and wanted to keep reading to see what happened and why. As with many Jackson novels, the characters were real and the story moved at a pace that made it hard to put down.

with gratitude to Harper Audio and netgalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review

View all my reviews

Review: Remember: The Science of Memory and the Art of Forgetting

Remember: The Science of Memory and the Art of Forgetting
Remember: The Science of Memory and the Art of Forgetting by Lisa Genova
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

“If we want to remember something, above all else, we need to notice what is going on. Noticing requires two things: perception (seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling) and attention.”

When I first picked up this book, I thought it would be slow-moving as most of the non-fictions are for me, so I geared myself up to “slog” through it.

I couldn’t have been more wrong.

From the first page onward, I was completely hooked. I read the whole book in one sitting and underlined passage after passage. I also told my colleagues about this book and quoted passages from it, shared ideas from it and would not stop talking about the endless ways in which the content fascinated me.

“What we remember about the past is also influenced by how we feel in the present. Our opinions and emotional state now color what we remember from what happened last year. And so, in revisiting episodic memories, we often reshape them.”

I’d read Genova’s fiction before so I knew she was a good writer. I also knew she was a neuroscientist and had studied memory. I’ve read about memory and brain in several books and I’ve taken classes so while much of what was in this book wasn’t completely new to me, I loved the simple, relatable and practical way in which Genova laid it out. I loved her practical tips.

If you’re interested in memory and how we remember (and how we forget) I promise you will be glad you read this book.

with gratitude to netgalley and Rodale for the early copy in exchange for an honest review.

View all my reviews

Daily Year of Yes – 23

Year of Yes – 23

When I was in college, Jake and I spent a whole weekend watching Twin Peaks. We spent weekends playing Day of the Tentacle and Full Throttle. We would really get into things and they would momentarily take over our lives.

A few weeks ago, we watched the first episode of the Korean drama show “Start-Up” together and he decided he didn’t want to watch anymore. I took a break too but then last night I decided I wanted to give it another shot.

The show is in Korean so I can’t do my usual multitasking and have to pay attention the whole time. This is pretty much a deal breaker for me. But somehow I got into it so much that with the exception of virtual birthday party for a friend, I’ve watched the show nonstop. I am on episode 15 and each episode is.75-90 mins long. So it’s like I’ve watched 13 movies today.

At first I was annoyed with myself for wasting the day away but right now I am feeling the comfort of really diving deep into something and living in that alternate universe for a while. It feels lovely.

Yes to going all in.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 22

Year of Yes – 22

Made it to Friday. I started today with a great conversation with a colleague, and then had a fantastic training on compassion, and the rest of the day wasn’t as exciting but I ended the day with my little one’s sixth grade fall culmination.

Now I’m exhausted and ready to sleep. But I also feel full. No residual stress or anxiety or frustration at the moment and that’s a rare thing for me. I’m grateful. I’m paying attention.

Yes to to a weekend full of rest, art, books, and hugs.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes