Weekly Reflection 2021 – 7

  • The Best Part of this Week: The best part of this week was taking a little time to get away with my boys.
  • I celebrate: just feeling content at the moment.
  • I am grateful for:  my new admin who’s helping me have lunch everyday and helping me stay more sane in general.
  • This week, I exercised: I did so much exercise this week! 40 mins of core exercises, 40 mins of arms exercises, 60 minutes on the bike, 20 minutes of yoga, 20 minutes of stretching, and 3 hours of hiking/walking and I went climbing!
  • This week, I said yes to:  taking a short vacation.
  • I said no to: still not drawing and journaling unfortunately.
  • I honored my values (love, learn, peace, service, gratitude): taking a vacation is a step closer to honoring all of my values.
  • Top Goals Review: 
    • Work:  made it through nbu review.
    • Personal:  did not really get back to drawing and journaling
    • Family: took walks with J. did one thing with N and D.
  • My mood this week was: a bit rushed since i only had two and a half working days.
  • I am proud of: taking time off when it’s so hard for me to do so.
  • I release: that i didn’t get all my exercise done this week.
  • Here’s what I learned this week: i really need to remember to spend my energy and time on what matters most.

Daily Year of Yes – 52

Year of Yes – 52

I find that my brain is constantly jumping back and forth between thoughts.

There are contradictory thoughts and dormant thoughts that pop up like popcorn at random times especially if I’m on vacation of some sort and thus relaxing. why aren’t you doing this? why don’t you want to do more of that? You really should be doing this other thing.

My brain tells me what to do and it reprimands me about all the things I’m not doing. It’s constantly striving constantly optimizing and constantly judging.

This is one of the reasons I am trying to meditate more and rest more so that I can learn to quiet my own brain. So I can let those thoughts rise and then disappear. This is the only way they don’t take up all the space.

Taking a bath is another way I can slow down and pay attention to the voices and tell them everything is going to be okay.

Yes. Everything is going to be okay.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

100 Days of Radical Wellness – 22

100 Days of Radical Wellness – Day 22

We came home from our trip today and all I could think about was how I wanted to go climbing.

usually when we’re back from a trip like this all I want to do is rest and be alone. But now we have our Sunday routine and I really miss the climbing when we don’t do it.

So I told my introvert itself to be quiet, took a little nap and then a shower and went back out to do some climbing.

Of course it was worth it because it’s worth it every single time. And now I’m resting in a bath, grateful for this day.

There’s always magic in going out and doing the thing.

#100dayproject, #the100dayproject, #karenikaradicalwellness

Daily Year of Yes – 51

Year of Yes – 51

Into the wild we go.

We’ve been spending most of vacation doing nothing. I love doing nothing together.

And then there are these magical moments in the wild. And my soul is filled to the brim.

Yes to the wild. Yes to togetherness.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

100 Days of Radical Wellness – 21

100 Days of Radical Wellness – Day 21

Magic is only a moment away, every single day.

Just around the corner.

A wonderful walk in the woods today was deep, radical wellness for my soul.

#100dayproject, #the100dayproject, #karenikaradicalwellness

Daily Year of Yes – 50

Year of Yes – 50

There’s something magical about being near water. Hearing the waves and the wind and smelling the fresh air. It never gets old.

So grateful today for time resting, time outside, and time being with my people.

Yes to togetherness and serenity.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

100 Days of Radical Wellness – 20

100 Days of Radical Wellness – Day 20

Decided to give myself a grace day. Maybe that’s part of radical wellness too?

#100dayproject, #the100dayproject, #karenikaradicalwellness

Daily Year of Yes – 49

Year of Yes – 49

I love routine and for the most part I think that’s a really good thing. Routine allows me to create an intentional life and spend time on what matters most to me and what I want to improve. Routine makes it easy to show up and easy to get things done.

And yet it also makes it easy to get stuck in a rut. Doing the same things again and again doesn’t give me the time to take a step back and evaluate.

This is where a change of scenery helps the most. A new place, a change in routine, a new perspective.

For someone who loves being home as much as I do, it can be really hard to go on vacation. And yet time away is always helpful.

Every single time.

Yes to taking time away. Yes to rest. Yes to the woods.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

100 Days of Radical Wellness – 19

100 Days of Radical Wellness – Day 19

Part of what I want to work on during this journey with radical wellness is small tweaks that could lead into lifetime routines.

I don’t believe that big changes that take a lot of energy to maintain are often sustainable. But small changes can be.

I might not be able to meditate for 30 mins but I can do it for 5 mins while still in bed every morning.

I might not be able to eat only healthy food but can I make a rule where I have to eat something healthy first? And then whatever I want?

I might not be able to do a 30-min exercise class daily, but can I stack 3 10-min classes throughout the day?

Can I write.one paragraph of journaling? Can I go to bed 15 mins earlier? Can I reconnect with one friend a month?

What are small or tiny steps I can take to shift behavior slightly and still make strides in my wellness journey?

#100dayproject, #the100dayproject, #karenikaradicalwellness

Daily Year of Yes – 48

Year of Yes – 48

Wednesdays are tough over here. I start 8am and don’t end until 8pm, at which point I am wiped and can’t even think.

So I start my days with meditation and yoga to ensure I am calmer than usual and grounded.

And I think I need something to also end my days with so I can re-ground myself again so I don’t carry over Wednesday’s stress to Thursday. Maybe that’s a short walk outside or a short journaling session.

Either way, today I’m grateful to have made it through this Wednesday and grateful that this week is almost at an end. It was a short but mighty week so far.

Yes to yoga and yes to grounding. Yes to making in through Wednesdays!

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

100 Days of Radical Wellness – 18

100 Days of Radical Wellness – Day 18

I continue to be excited about this project and all the ways in which it’s encouraging me to push myself or make small changes towards prioritizing wellness.

It’s been such a gift.

I love that it allows me to appreciate and celebrate what I am doing without punishing myself for what I am not doing.

That might not sound like a big deal but it’s a huge deal to someone who tends to focus on the negative more often than not.

#100dayproject, #the100dayproject, #karenikaradicalwellness

100 Days of Radical Wellness – 17

100 Days of Radical Wellness – Day 17

One of the things I’ve learned when it comes to wellness is that we don’t all care about the same things and value the same things.

I have friends who consider putting make up on in the morning or making their bed in the morning part of their wellness journey. Those would not make it on my list. But getting my hair done would.

To be fair, it wouldn’t have five years ago. Back then, I’d get my hair done once every 4-5 months and that was plenty. Now it’s a monthly appointment and one I look forward to. Something that makes me feel happy and helps me feel more comfortable in my body.

I used to be very judgemental about how people should get to spend their time and energy. And I’ve learned that we each walk our paths and it is not up to me to say how others are walking theirs. I am learning how to walk mine and how to define what wellness means to me.

#100dayproject, #the100dayproject, #karenikaradicalwellness