100 Days of Radical Wellness – 35

100 Days of Radical Wellness – Day 35

Best part of going to the gym in a Saturday night is how empty it is!! I left everything at the gym today. I am sore and tired and so grateful.

Here’s to hoping the gyms can stay open.

#100dayproject, #the100dayproject, #karenikaradicalwellness

Daily Year of Yes – 64

Year of Yes – 64

Feeling grateful today for a healthy mix of everything. I started the day slowly, meditating and finishing my book in bed and then connected with my friend Kelly for a long while which was wonderful. And then I started doing lots and lots and lots of work and then read all my email. And then I exercised. And finally my husband and I went out to have some dinner.

A lot in one day.

But I feel full and happy. And readier for the weekend than I usually feel even though I didn’t finish all the work I’d wanted to.

Yes to getting things done and yes to connecting with people I love!

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

100 Days of Radical Wellness – 34

100 Days of Radical Wellness – Day 34

I have done a really poor job of keeping track of things this week. But I am excited to see that some of the wellness acts are now internalized for me. That’s the biggest goal for this project.

Make it automatic so it doesn’t feel like an effort.

Here’s hoping!

#100dayproject, #the100dayproject, #karenikaradicalwellness

Daily Year of Yes – 63

Year of Yes – 63

Last summer, as part of adding some fun into my days I subscribed to two monthly boxes.

One of them was a collection of snacks which was fun for a while but ended up not being as tasty for me so we stopped it a few months ago.

The other one was @ipsy which is a makeup sampler set. You get 5 items each month for $12. You can take a survey first so it’s more catered to your skin/hair etc.

I don’t wear makeup often and know nothing about skin care or how to put make up on to be honest. But I’ve still loved getting this little surprise in the mail each month. Because of what I prioritized I have received a lot of moisturizers and great brushes which I had none of. And now I’m slowly building a small stash of lipstick, blush and other things. Looking at this makes me happy which is a lot to say cause I usually hate waste and things that I don’t use but this doesn’t look like waste to me it just looks like possibility which is super fun.

I’ve also just started following them and I love everything this company is about so that’s just a complete added bonus that I hadn’t anticipated.

now I just have to start watching some videos and learn how to use all these products. I love the fact that it’s all small samples so I can use them and then decide if I like them and go all in. This is not an ad. I just put all my stash together today and realized how happy this little thing is still making me.

So here’s to small happinesses today. Finding ways to add a little bit of color and joy to these bleakish days.

Yes to adventures and fun with make up and skin care!

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

100 Days of Radical Wellness – 33

100 Days of Radical Wellness – Day 33

All the climbing gyms in the bay area are finally open again. I am very excited.

This hasn’t been the easiest week for wellness but I am still doing so much more than I was and this project is the reason why.

#100dayproject, #the100dayproject, #karenikaradicalwellness

Daily Year of Yes – 62

Year of Yes – 62

Today at work we had a half a day summit which was about recharging. I’ve had so much work lately that I thought it would be ridiculous to spend half a day talking about recharging instead of just getting my darn work done.

I was so wrong.

The event was so inspiring and calming and relaxing that I felt good all day and I still have a lot of work and it will still all get done. I’m glad I took some time out today and listened to smart and thoughtful people.

I need more of that in my life.

There’s always more work. It’s like sand, it fills into all the moments I have in my life so it’s my job to create space for what I want first and then let sand take over the rest.

Yes to being inspired. Yes to creating space.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

100 Days of Radical Wellness – 32

100 Days of Radical Wellness – Day 32

For the second time this week, I ate out. Even thought it meant I ate past 6pm, it was worth it. The food was delicious, the walk was great, and getting out and talking was great.

All the climbing gyms in the bay area are now open so that makes me super happy too.

Here’s to being flexible and enjoying the little moments of normalcy.

#100dayproject, #the100dayproject, #karenikaradicalwellness

100 Days of Radical Wellness – 31

100 Days of Radical Wellness – Day 31

Well day two of March and I am no closer to picking my thing. And I missed all of the things from yesterday I think. So. There’s that.

I am still moving a lot. Food is a bit all over the place. Soul work is also all over the place.

I think I need to lean into those. I will come up with a plan 🙂

#100dayproject, #the100dayproject, #karenikaradicalwellness

Daily Year of Yes – 61

Year of Yes – 61

My husband and I woke up at 5:45 to take our chances at the climbing gym this morning. I had a last minute meeting scheduled on top of our pre-scheduled time so we figured we’ll try our chances at walk-in. We got dressed and drove to the gym and it turned out all the walk-in spots were gone.

So we decided we would try to go to a coffee shop near our house and see if we can have some breakfast. It was really cold so sitting outside wasn’t going to be an option. But when we got there, there were only three people inside so we were able to order food and sit inside to eat it.

First time since last March.

It felt amazing. I think because it felt just a tiny bit normal even though we were wearing masks in between chews and sips. Even though there was almost no one else inside. Even though we could only sit for a short little while to reduce risk. It still felt the closest to normal since last year.

Yes to tiny glimpses of normalcy. Yes to delicious avocado toast. And yes to coffee!

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 60

Year of Yes – 60

I miss life before covid. At this point, I miss it every single day. I am tired of the sameness of every single day. Wake up, exercise, meetings, bed. Very few other things in the middle and mostly the same food every day.

So tired.

And if I could change it, I would do so without question.

And yet, I am so grateful to get to spend a bit more time with my kids. I would not have wished this upon them in any way. And I also know that in a matter of minutes they will be grown up and gone, creating and living and hopefully thriving in lives of their own.

So, amidst this terrible experience, I am grateful for a little more togetherness with these people I love so much.

Yes to togetherness, yes to seeing their smiley faces and getting hugs in the middle of the day.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

100 Days of Radical Wellness – 30

100 Days of Radical Wellness – Day 30

Happy March.

As part of my One Little Word class, I’ve been trying to figure out what daily habit to start this month. Here are some options I considered:

– journaling
– water a lot more water
– cold showers
– whole foods only
– no food past 6pm

It’s the end of the first day and I still haven’t been able to pick one. It all feels a bit much. Maybe because I’m already doing the wellness journey. I will have to sleep on it one more night.

#100dayproject, #the100dayproject, #karenikaradicalwellness

Daily Year of Yes – 59

Year of Yes – 59

Since we’ve started working from home, my workplace has been doing small and big gestures to try to make working from home smoother.

Last week, they sent me an email saying that they noticed my computer was really old and asking if I would like a new one. I was delighted and went ahead and ordered the newer computer which came on Friday.

I then spent most of the day feverishly trying to setup my new computer to be like my old one. I moved over all the files, installed the apps I use, re-set the screensaver and background, fixed up my dock so it looks the way I want.

Since it’s been a few years, some of my apps wouldn’t work. And the many, many stickers I had on my cover would no longer come off. I spent hours trying to solve both of these problems.

But I could not.

Frustrated, I put it all aside and didn’t touch it all weekend. And now I am sitting here and thinking that maybe there’s a lesson here for me. Maybe this is a moment in time where I get to take a step back and start over and let some of what I’ve been carrying go.

Even if it’s an app I’ve come to rely on or a sticker I love, maybe it’s healthy to just let things go occasionally and start over. With new routines and new favorites and a fresh outlook.

A new start.

Maybe I don’t have to carry it all to my next phase. Maybe this creates the space to figure out what I want to pick up next. And maybe this is the universe nudging me to let go.

Yes to letting it go and yes to letting it be.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes