100 Days of Radical Wellness – 78

100 Days of Radical Wellness – Day 78

Sunday nights are usually tough for me but now that summer is getting closer and the days are longer, it’s a little easier.

I’ve been thinking about how to incorporate more art into my days. I miss it.

#100dayproject, #the100dayproject, #karenikaradicalwellness

Weekly Reflection 2021 – 15

  • The Best Part of this Week: it was really wonderful to get away a little this week.
  • I celebrate: booking our vacation, even if very last minute
  • I am grateful for:  getting to spend some days over the water. water always centers me.
  • This week, I exercised: I climbed 3 times a week, rode every day i was home times, did 10 mins of core and 10 mins of arms 5 days a week. And did 50 mins of restorative yoga and 40 mins of stretching.
  • This week, I said yes to:  working even though i didn’t want to.
  • I said no to: canceling my vacation for work.
  • I honored my values (love, learn, peace, service, gratitude): i am feeling grounded and peaceful for now. working on staying in this quiet place.
  • Top Goals Review: n/a
  • My mood this week was: calm
  • I am proud of: i am proud of all the exercise i am doing and how calm it’s making me feel.
  • I release: the desire to absorb others’ pain. it’s so hard for me when people i love aren’t happy..
  • Here’s what I learned this week: it’s always always worth going near the water.

Review: The Missing Treasures of Amy Ashton

The Missing Treasures of Amy Ashton
The Missing Treasures of Amy Ashton by Eleanor Ray
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.5 stars

” Alan Carver was what Tim had needed in his life. And he could have had his father back. If only his father had tried harder. Or if Tim had been able to forgive. Amy felt a wave of forgiveness wash over her like Roberta’s soap. If she had a second chance with the people she’d lost, she wouldn’t waste it. She’d forgive them and at the very least have her friends again.”

I loved this book from the moment I started it. I loved the author’s voice, I loved Amy. I was rooting for her from the beginning and didn’t stop for a moment. I loved how she loved all these flawed people around her and could see the magic in them and how she supported who they were.

“She didn’t have the heart to tell them that really, it was not the plants that mattered to her. It seemed strange that some people could be so kind while others destroyed beautiful objects for no reason.”

This is the story of Amy, whose best friend and boyfriend disappeared eleven years ago and she’s not heard from them since. She started hanging on to things and never let go so her house is a full-on hoarder house now and she still works at the company where she was doing an internship at 11 years ago. Her whole life is stuck.

‘Richard appeared at Amy’s gate. “We all have baggage,” replied Amy. She glanced back into her house. “No one travels lightly anymore.”’

But then a new family moves in next door and slowly little things start happening that unravels her life. I loved all the characters and how they were each flawed in their own way but none of them were perfect good or perfect bad. Even the tangential characters weren’t caricaturish.

but most of all i loved the voice this novel was written with. I felt drawn to it and found so much joy reading it.

with gratitude to Gallery Books and netgalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review

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Review: Every Vow You Break

Every Vow You Break
Every Vow You Break by Peter Swanson
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

This book was an absolute waste of time. It’s an incredibly fast read. Almost like watching a movie but then it gets completely unraveled at the end and you’re like WTF, totally stupid and I want my hours back thank you very much. I know writing books are an effort and I would never belittle that. I am sure many others loved this book and this author can clearly write. I just really really disliked this particular book.

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Review: Perfect on Paper

Perfect on Paper
Perfect on Paper by Sophie Gonzales
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3.5 stars

I read this whole book in one sitting. It was fun, sweet and a thoughtful YA story about a girl who’s giving everyone advice (secretly) and sort of makes a mess of things. I loved the characters and even though it was predictable for me, i still enjoyed its diverse characters.

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Review: Gold Diggers

Gold Diggers
Gold Diggers by Sanjena Sathian
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3.5 stars.

A friend of mine recommended this book to me and said it would get me out of my reading slump. It sort of did. What an unusual coming-of-age story about an Indian American boy, Neil, and his next door neighbor. I really liked the magical realism in this story that was woven into the story. I also loved how it started when he was a teen but then picked up again when he was in his twenties. It was a lovely story. (but did not really get me out of my slump!)

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Review: The Power of Vulnerability: Teachings of Authenticity, Connections and Courage

The Power of Vulnerability: Teachings of Authenticity, Connections and Courage
The Power of Vulnerability: Teachings of Authenticity, Connections and Courage by Brené Brown
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’ve listened to this series before. I will listen to it again. Brene’s lessons are ones I have to hear again and again in my life.

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Review: The Intimacy Experiment

The Intimacy Experiment
The Intimacy Experiment by Rosie Danan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I have really enjoyed both of Rosie Danan’s books in this series. I was very much looking forward to this one and it did not disappoint. If you’re into romance novels, you will love this series which has strong, 3-dimensional, and interesting characters with fun dialogue. I can’t wait to read more in the series.

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Review: A Million Reasons Why

A Million Reasons Why
A Million Reasons Why by Jessica Strawser
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was an interesting story about a woman who finds out she has a step-sister through a DNA test and the sister is sick and might need her to make a major sacrifice. This starts a rolling series of unraveling in the sisters’ lives and their parents’ lives, too. It brings up questions around what family is, when and for whom should you sacrifice and take chances. And secrets we bury for a long time. It was an interesting read.

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Review: Revival Season

Revival Season
Revival Season by Monica West
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the story of Miriam, the daughter of a Baptist preacher, who witness her dad doing something that fundamentally shifts what she thinks of him and starts unraveling their whole family slowly.

It’s the story of what pride can do to a man, to a family. The story of what loss feels like and how we carry our thoughts, beliefs, wishes and dreams of who we are, who we can be and who we were inside ourselves. It’s the story of what happens when you revere a person and come to find out they are human. It’s the story of unspoken truths and how the weight of them can break a family. It’s the story of how things can look one way from the outside and be completely different from the inside (as they often are.)

It’s the story of what happens when you can no longer hide your own truth, your own potential and choose to step into your own sunshine even a little bit.

This is a wonderfully written, terribly sad story of a broken family and a strong heroine that will stay with you long after you finish reading it.

with gratitude to Simon & Schuster and netgalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review

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Daily Year of Yes – 107

Year of Yes – 107

I don’t have much to say today. I am feeling calm and quiet. Likely still from vacation. I know next week will be stressful and busy so I am enjoying the calm while it’s here.

Here’s to sitting with the here and now and not paying down early to tomorrow’s stress.

Yes to calm.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

100 Days of Radical Wellness – 77

100 Days of Radical Wellness – Day 77

Today I took a twenty minute walk outside after I did my exercise. It was sunny and warm and the sunshine lifted my soul.

So grateful spring is here.

#100dayproject, #the100dayproject, #karenikaradicalwellness