Daily Year of Yes – 188

Year of Yes – 188

Note to self: I never want to go anywhere and yet always love having been on adventures.

We went climbing today and had to use his trad gear. We climbed a chimney and some slabs. It was super fun. Just the right amount of adventure for me.

Here’s hoping I will remember this feeling for next time.

Yes to adventures.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 187

Year of Yes – 187

Taking a walk together during the golden hour. Love this family so much.

Yes to family.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 186

Year of Yes – 186


Just feeling grateful for time off today. For getting to spend time with my boys. Getting to chat with my mom and dad. Getting to read all day and do art. It takes me several days off in a row to finally wind down and I am not there yet.

I am still enjoying the rest and recovery and taking things slow so I can fill my cup.

Yes to family time.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Drawing Books – What if You and Me

What if You and Me by Roni Loren


Daily Year of Yes – 185

Year of Yes – 185

Made some fun art today.

Happy 4th of July for those observing. I am grateful for this country where I’ve made my chosen home. I’m grateful for getting to see friends for the first time in a long time. I’m grateful for good books, art supplies, my backyard, quiet time and family time.

Yes to art.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Drawing Books – Yoga Pant Nation

Yoga Pant Nation by Laurie Gelman


Daily Year of Yes – 184

Year of Yes – 184

I was chatting with a few friends the other day about how new things always seem hard until we unlock some initial progress.

Running feels untenable until I have a baseline cardiovascular strength. Before that it’s just nonstop pain. But slowly if I don’t give up, I can build my capacity and I can start getting to a place where improvement becomes possible.

The same applies to drawing, photography, learning languages, and many other skills. I remember before I left for Tokyo back in 1999, Jake and I had listened to how to pronounce Japanese numbers and I felt I could never ever possibly learn that language. And I did, of course. Hours and hours of studying is what it took.

I’ve made a lot of improvements in my strength this year, I’ve gotten to a point where climbing harder, riding the bike harder, and doing core have all become feasible. I’m not where I want to be, yet but I can see the line of sight much more visibly than I ever have before.

This makes me think about all the other areas of my life where I’d intended to lean in but I never got past that first stage. Maybe it’s time to pick one or two and see what I can do.

Yes to progress. Yes to keeping at it. Yes I can.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 183

Year of Yes – 183


And the vacation officially begins. So grateful.

I watch bouldering competitions when I ride the bike each morning and in today’s competition, one climber tried to top six times and with just 16 seconds to go he tried one more time and made it with one second left to go. Another climber was the last to go on the last boulder and went from being in sixth place to third place in the final minute.

Astounding moments for sure.

And also astounding moments happen every single day and every single moment.

A reminded to never ever give up on what you want.

Life is unpredictable.

Yes to keeping at it.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 182

Year of Yes – 182

I am about to take vacation from work for the first time in a long, long time. We’re not even traveling anywhere all that exciting but just the thought of resting for a bunch of days in a row feels blissful right now.

Bring it on.

Yes to vacations and adventures and time off.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 181

Year of Yes – 181

All my pictures are either of flowers or of climbing. Once I start doing other things I might have more variety.

And here we are, last day of June. Half of this year is over.

The first half of this year was eventful for me. A lot happened at work, a lot happened at home, a lot happened around my personal goals.

I feel good about the progress I made and feel grateful for the ways in which I was able to move through some of the tougher parts.

Here’s what has helped me the most:
– the morning exercise continues to be a way I can have some early wins in my day
– the restorative yoga has been the single biggest life changing addition to my life. It pays dividends every single day
– chatting with my friend Kelly weekly has been my one big connection I’ve kept this year and it has been a lifeline
– my climbing has improved exponentially since I’ve leaned in and continued to invest in it
– my coach at work has helped me synthesize my thoughts and feelings at a time when it’s been hard to think at all
– I’ve loved reading, doing art, journaling and all other activities that help me fill my own cup
– the 100 days of wellness effort really created some fundamental habits that have stuck long after project completion and I am very grateful for it

For the second half of this year I wish for more adventures, more wilderness, and more connection. Despite the challenges I’ve loved spending all this time with my family and really desperately miss my extended family and my friends.

Despite everything, I have grown and learned a lot this year so far. I am grateful for this moment and really hoping that the second half is full of adventures and joy and connection.

Happy almost July.

Yes to introspection and growth.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 180

Year of Yes – 180

I don’t have anything pithy to say today. Just trying to do the next right thing. Grateful today.

Yes to showing up and doing what’s needed.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 179

Year of Yes – 179

As I am onboarding a new leader at work and mentoring two other new employees, I’ve been thinking a lot about beginner’s mind and the resistance to change.

I’ve been thinking about where I’m doing things in my life “the way I’ve always done them” and where I’m open to new possibilities.

What would happen if I put all of my assumptions away and looked at my life with fresh eyes? Is that even possible?

What if I wrote down my goals and then had to think of 6 different ways to get there? Would that help me realize that there is no one right way? Would that help me be open to ways that I can’t brainstorm by myself?

As we talk about going “back” to “normal” life the way things were, I’m wondering if this is the perfect time to revisit some assumptions and challenge myself to be more open minded. More creative and resourceful.

Yes to shifting perspective and yes to questioning assumptions.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes