Review: Under the Whispering Door

Under the Whispering Door
Under the Whispering Door by T.J. Klune
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It is impossible not to love this book. I dare you to try.

This is the story of Wallace, a lawyer who dies from a heart attack and is brought to Hugo who lives in a “tea shop” where Wallace will cross over with Hugo’s help. Wallace wasn’t the very best person when alive, let’s just say. But now as he lives in the tea shop with Mei (his reaper) , Nelson (hugo’s grandfather), Hugo, and Apollo (hugo’s dog) he learns more about life and how to live than he ever did while he was alive.

As with TJ Klune’s other novels, these characters wind their way into your heart and never let go. The story is deep, joyful, meaningful and deeply heartfelt. If you let yourself feel it, there’s no way this story will not warm your heart and make you feel deeply grateful.

I loved every minute I spent with it.

with gratitude to netgalley and Tor Books for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Review: Notes from the Burning Age

Notes from the Burning Age
Notes from the Burning Age by Claire North
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I usually love Claire North’s books. I’ve read many and have really enjoyed all of them. The writing in this book was really good and the details of the dystopian world were very intriguing. What ended up holding me back was that I couldn’t get attached to any of the characters enough to care and much of this story required the reader to really root for the main character (at least in my opinion.)

Parts of the story was very interesting and then parts dragged, for me. This is very unusual for a Claire North novel and I can’t wait for her next one because I am confident I will enjoy it.

with gratitude to netgalley and Hachette Audio for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Review: The Maidens

The Maidens
The Maidens by Alex Michaelides
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I thought this mystery novel was okay. I didn’t guess the twist but I also have to say I just didn’t get attached to any of the characters enough to care. It was somewhat interesting and I really enjoyed the literary and mythological references but this one wasn’t a huge hit for me.

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Review: What a Happy Family

What a Happy Family
What a Happy Family by Saumya Dave
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This great novel has nailed the intricacies of navigating a family that at its crux deeply wants to love and support each other and yet due to so much pressure from culture, norms, and personal fear around vulnerability, they each suffer in silence until things start unraveling deeply and what feels like irreparably. Their journey to unravel and their journey back to each other are both wonderful to read.

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Review: The Layover

The Layover
The Layover by Lacie Waldon
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Sweet, fun story that is perfect for when you want something light and fun. I enjoyed the time I spent with it.

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Drawing Books – Who Is Maud Dixon?

Who is Maud Dixon by Alexandra Andrews

Daily Year of Yes – 205

Year of Yes – 205

From the moment I wake up on the weekends I find that the time starts tick tick ticking. Hours pass and my list of things I want to do grow and grow.

I read two books today. It was lovely and relaxing. I exercised and talked to my mom. And I did nothing else. My list of what I want to do in a weekend is 10 days worth in two days.

And such is life.

I will never get through all my list and that’s wonderful because it means I have a lot of things that give me joy. So I will tackle a few each time and look forward to the others next time.

Yes to relaxing weekends.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 204

Year of Yes – 204

Love this boy. He’s the epitome of kind. He helps me tens of times a day. Gets me tea, water, puts my dishes into the machine, opens the backyard umbrella, closes it, folds the laundry, I could go on and on. He helps me all day long.

In just a few weeks the kids will be back to school and I will be back to work. And life will sort of go back to how it was before the pandemic. The delta variant is surging here in California so we’ll see if things change (hopefully not) but assuming they don’t, we will no longer be home together all day every day.

And while I am happy for my kids because they deserve a normal life with friends and a great educational environment, I am grateful that we got this time together for the last 16 months. We are far from perfect but I love my people very much and it’s been a gift to get to spend this time together. I haven’t spent this much time with them since before they started school.

Grateful for tiny silver linings today.

Yes to family.


Daily Year of Yes – 203

Year of Yes – 203

This has a very long week and I am very excited that it’s Friday tomorrow. I am ready to rest.

I was too tired and overwhelmed to go climbing tonight but last minute I decided to go anyway and here I am on my way back and had a really good night of climbing. A lot of solid exercise and also more quiet in my brain.

This is why I try to practice doing things even when I don’t feel like doing them. Because more often then not, I am glad I did it.

Yes to doing it anyway.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 202

Year of Yes – 202

I was at my coaching meeting today where I was sharing some of what happened last week with her and as I spoke I suddenly made a connection that was so obvious in retrospect but it changed all of how I think and see things in a fundamental way.

Those are my favorite moments in coaching. When I can make a connection that shifts my perspective so that from there on I can see it again and again in my life. What a gift.

Yes to learning about myself and my patterns.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 201

Year of Yes – 201

Too tired for a pithy update tonight. Yes to taking what I need.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 200

Year of Yes – 200

I am so in my head for the last week. I can almost hear the conversations going on and on in my head. And yet I can’t seem to stop them.

So I’ve decided not to.

Maybe they just need some room right now. And resisting isn’t going to help. So i am giving them the space they need and trying to observe without reacting.

Let’s see where this goes.

Yes to what is

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