Daily Year of Yes – 255

Year of Yes – 255

Hello 47.

Today is my birthday. I am so grateful for another year around the sun. Each year I get is bonus and filled with so much joy and so many stories.

I had a very hard time thinking about any presents or special things to do today. The fact is, I have all I need and I am so content and grateful for my life right now. I have a few really good friends, a beautiful family I adore, a home I love, a job that is filled with interesting, kind and smart people.

I have hobbies I enjoy like reading, journaling, and many different kinds of art. I am active and spend time both on the bike and climbing in the gym. I spend a lot of time reflecting on my life and appreciating it.

Sure, there are things I would like to learn and do and be. There are times I feel worried and sad and anxious. There are days I feel tried and bored and frustrated with parts of my life.

But, on the whole, as someone who had big dreams for her life, I see that so much of what I wished for is here in my life and I don’t want to take that for granted. Not for a moment.

As I’ve been practicing saying daily lately, “thank you for everything; I have no complaints whatsoever.”

Thank you.

Yes to the privilege of getting older.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Weekly Reflection 2021 – 36

  • The Best Part of this Week: The best part of this week was celebrating with Jake on Tuesday and having the day just to ourselves.
  • I am grateful for:  that the plans I had for Jake’s birthday worked out for the most part.
  • This week, I exercised: I’ve definitely been exercising less lately but i am trying to give myself grace about it.
  • This week, I said yes to:  celebrating Jake.
  • I said no to: pushing through the pain.
  • I honored my values (love, learn, peace, service, gratitude): very very grateful for being healthy.
  • Top Goals Review:
    • Work:  finished my calibration and finished manager perf, did not really forward on September deliverables, did not yet think of more conversations, did try to remember what matters most.
    • Personal:  did some more journaling and art, did not find another class, exercised a bit.
    • Family: climbed with J, celebrated J, got david to do ACT but not the class, did not find something for N, helped the kids with school and J with work
  • This week, I want to remember: I am so grateful to make it to 47!
  • My mood this week was: relatively good.
  • I am proud of: getting perf done.
  • I release: the unease and the nervous energy.
  • Here’s what I learned this week: things are ok, please appreciate them

Daily Year of Yes – 254

Year of Yes – 254

20 years ago, today, my husband and I were living in NYC. We were still just dating then. I was working on Wall Street but only three days a week, Wednesday through Friday. On Mondays, I volunteered at a nonprofit by working at their bookstore or thrift store and on Tuesdays I’d volunteer at the New York Society for the Deaf. My husband had just left his job at a different Wall Street firm and was thinking about what he wanted to do next.

So, on this Monday morning, we were both at home, with the TV turned to Good Morning America, as we both worked on our computers. Back then, I had the TV on all the time for background noise.

We saw the first plane hit the first tower and listened to the hosts trying to figure out if it was a mistake. Both of us were incredibly lucky and managed to connect with our parents to let them know we were home and safe. Minutes later, the second plane hit and all the lines went dead.

The hours that followed were ones I will never forget. The smoke I could see from my window, the friend who had run out of the building just before it collapsed and had to take shelter in our home because he couldn’t return to Brooklyn, the people my husband had worked with who were in the buildings and never even had a chance, the restaurant we’d had our most recent holiday party at, now gone.

The days that followed felt surreal, so many threats and nonstop CNN to wrap our heads around the devastation. I still remember those days so acutely.

Twenty years have passed in the blink of an eye. I mourn the losses from that terrible day and all the losses accrued as a result in the last twenty years. I know that being alive here and now was a lot of luck on both of our parts and I am so grateful for it.

Yes to remembering.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 253

Year of Yes – 253

I’ve been making a concerted effort lately to remember the bigger picture and the wider story.

Every moment of every day is just a sliver in the story of my life and a speck of dust in the universe. It helps me to remember this because it reminds me that this is not the whole story. And that this moment isn’t that big a deal in the greater scheme.

That helps me breathe in and enjoy this moment when it’s good, and breathe in and remember that it will pass when it’s not that good.

Yes to keeping things in perspective.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 252

Year of Yes – 252

I have a lot of pain today. I woke up at 3am with pain and it just didn’t go away all day.

So I rested this morning instead of exercising. And I am resting now.

I expect it will go away tomorrow and if it doesn’t I will rest some more. I am learning that part of exercising a lot and pushing myself is learning when to rest and having faith that it’s ok to rest a bit and it doesn’t mean I’ve quit.

So now I rest and tomorrow I’ll see where I am.

Yes to listening to my body.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 251

Year of Yes – 251

Today had promised to be challenging with 5 different back to back activities in the evening and while I was excited about many of those, I was less excited about having them all back to back in one night.

I had no idea the morning would be challenging too.

I am just glad this day is over and that it ended well.

So for today I will be grateful I made it through and call it good.

Yes to making it through

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 250

Year of Yes – 250

When we turned 40, my husband and I decided that life is short and getting shorter, so birthdays need to be celebrated much more.

We started taking a day off work for each of our birthdays. Today was our day for Jake.

We drove up to the city and ate what might be the best croissant I ever had. We went climbing. We sat together in the yard.

It might not look like much but it was our way of being together just the two of us, giving attention and time to each other.

Time is the most precious gift we can give since we never get to save it up. I am so glad I got to spend mine with him.

Yes to being together.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 249

Year of Yes – 249

Three-day weekends are the best.

Feeling spacious and calm and grateful. I hope you are feeling open and spacious and calm too.

Yes to being here now.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Say Yes – 36

  • Weekly Intention: There’s a lot going on this week to celebrate my wonderful husband. it might easily become too much so my intention is to stay present, take what i need and remember that i chose this.
  • This month’s intention is: Yes to Possibilities: Time to root and surrender. This is a hard month for you. Transitions are rough. But you also turn 47. It’s magical to get to have another year. Remember the growth mindset. Let go of your preconceived ideas and embrace the possibilities. yes to magic.
  • One way I will leap this week: i am enjoying tracking the daily checkin so i will continue with that.
  • One boundary I will set this week: i will take time alone when i need it.
  • One area where I will go deeper this week: celebrating my husband.
  • What do I need to sit with this week?  maybe some thoughts for 2022
  • I am looking forward to: this week’s shenanigens.
  • Focus on Core Desired Feelings (lighter, kinder, enough, magic, wild): still feeling centered, lighter and connected to myself.
  • This week’s challenges: Wednesday is a really overloaded day, making it through this week might become challenging.
  • Top Goals: 
    • Work:  finish my calibration and start manager perf, move forward on September deliverables, think of more conversations, remember what matters most.
    • Personal:  more journaling and art, find another class, exercise.
    • Family: climb with J, celebrate J, get david to do class+ACT, find something for N, help the kids with school and J with work
  • This week, I want to remember: Thank you for everything. I have no complaints whatsoever.

Weekly Reflection 2021 – 35

  • The Best Part of this Week: The best part of this week was a chat with my friend Sandra.
  • I celebrate: my sweet, wonderful husband’s birthday!
  • I am grateful for:  kind people. i’ve had a very kind fence person help me this week and it was so deeply appreciated.
  • This week, I exercised: I’ve still been riding, climbing, doing core, arms, restorative yoga and stretching regularly. it’s been much more inconsistent this past week but I am still showing up.
  • This week, I said yes to:  staying in the quiet place.
  • I said no to: getting riled up over things that don’t matter.
  • I honored my values (love, learn, peace, service, gratitude): i still feel like i am in the “good place” i feel calm and centered and able to notice my emotions.
  • Top Goals Review:
    • Work:  did next iteration of perf, started on September deliverables, had conversations.
    • Personal:  did a little more journaling and art, did not find another class, did rest a lot.
    • Family: climbed with J, get did david to do class+ACT, no more SAT with N, i did help the kids with school and J with work
  • This week, I want to remember: Thank you for everything. I have no complaints whatsoever.
  • My mood this week was: connected.
  • I am proud of: staying with the calm feeling.
  • I release: the unease, the unknown, and what didn’t get done.
  • Here’s what I learned this week: i have no complaints.

Daily Year of Yes – 248

Year of Yes – 248


Today is my sweet, wonderful husband’s birthday. How lucky are we to get to have another turn around the sun, especially during times like these.

We celebrated with small presents, some nerdy awesome home-made gifts by the kids (a kernel extension that creates ASCII cake and a game that guides you through a confetti filled room.) and a lovely, fancy brunch.

Here’s us on the way home from brunch. I am so grateful for my family. I am so grateful for this man who has spent the last 27 years with me. He sees me, he loves me, he fills my life with light.

Here’s to many more birthdays together, my love.

Yes to celebrating.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Review: The Heart Principle

The Heart Principle
The Heart Principle by Helen Hoang
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Helen Hoang is a very talented writer. She knows how to create characters that are flawed and 3-dimensional and really lovable and real. You empathize with her characters, their struggle, and you feel their feelings alongside them. You cheer for them. This book is no exception. Outside of the beautiful romance, it also tackles caring for the elderly and how it can take its toll on you, asking for help, adult ASD diagnostic and how it can affect your life, depression and more.

can’t wait to read more of her.

View all my reviews