Daily Year of Yes – 321

Year of Yes – 321


I’ve been thinking so much about friendship lately. How we make friends, what kind of friends I want, and why.

It’s hard to make friends as an adult. It’s hard for me to invest time into something that might or might not pan out.

I don’t have the answers. I’m s just thinking about it.

Yes to friendship.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 320

Year of Yes – 320


Yes to medicine.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 319

Year of Yes – 319


I have not climbed in about ten days; it was really nice being back at the gym.

This morning little boy’s bus didn’t show up so I ended up having to drive him to school unexpectedly. It ended up being a two-hour trip and a lot of rush hour driving. I did not miss driving or rush hour. And while I wasn’t excited about making the trip, I felt grateful that it happened to be a light morning for me and I didn’t have to panic about work.

The feeling of ease is still here and I’m still practicing so much more awareness and release than before. I am so incredibly grateful for it.

Yes to ease.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 318

Year of Yes – 318


I used to have so much anxiety on Sunday nights. I used to feel the loss of the weekend and the impending weight of the week ahead of me.

I don’t feel that way anymore.

One of the side effects of the work I’ve been doing has been the calm feeling of being in the present moment. I am here now and I am doing the best I can with this moment.

Tomorrow I will wake up and deal with that moment.

Yes to being in the present moment.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 317

Year of Yes – 317


I woke up feeling bleh this morning and continued to hold on to that feeling all day. So, as a result, I didn’t get anything done, nor did I manage to put myself into a decent mood.

Alas some days are like that.

Yes to what is.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 316

Year of Yes – 316


We made it to another Friday.

People say the seasons don’t change in California but they do. It.mightbbe more subtle but it’s there. Sometimes change can be hard to see when it’s gradual. You have to be willing to look closer.

Yes to paying attention.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 315

Year of Yes – 315


Working in growth today. Understanding how to find my boundaries and how to know where to stop and where to keep pushing. When to lean in and when to walk away.

It’s all so tricky.

Yes to always learning and always growing.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 314

Year of Yes – 314


We’ve had so many small and big things to celebrate this week and yet there’s always more to work on and more to do so we haven’t taken enough time to stop and really pat ourselves in the back.

To take a moment and really celebrate. To shine a spotlight and really soak in it, even if for a moment.

We need to do that more often. I want to do it more often. I want to celebrate my people and our wins, small or big. In fact I want to celebrate huge.

Because there are and will continue to be losses too. There always are. And when they come they have no problem taking our breath away and making sure that we focus on them fully.

So the wins…. they deserve as much attention if not more. They may not make as big a scene about it, but that’s even more reason to make sure we take the time and honor them appropriately.

Yes to celebrating.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 313

Year of Yes – 313


I was talking to my son about reflection and journaling yesterday. For me, journaling is a way to hear myself think out loud. For some, it’s a way to look back and see their growth. For others it’s a way to discharge emotions. I do those too. But for me the biggest advantage is a connection with myself. Once I know what I am thinking, it’s often easier for me to solve it. Or to let it go.

Knowing is the first step and journaling is usually my path there.

Yes to journaling.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 312

Year of Yes – 312

Some days are just quiet. This was one of those days.

Yes to quiet.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 311

Year of Yes – 311


I was in an 8pm meeting in Thursday when several other parents on the call were talking about how they had to distract their kids or feed them something simple so they could make it to this call. At that time, my youngest was upstairs folding all our laundry, including sheets and towels.

Today, after he and I went grocery shopping, my back started hurting on the way home, so when we returned, he put away all the groceries, washed all the fruit and vegetables, put the bags by the door and then started the dishwasher and a load of laundry.

No one and nothing is perfect here, not even close. And yet there is so much goodness in my life. People who love me and find millions of ways to show me that love. Little boy does it by saying yes to the chores. And hugs. He also always says yes to hugs.

I am so very lucky and so very grateful.

Yes to seeing those who love us.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 310

Year of Yes – 310


We decided to do something different tonight so we drove to the city and went to a comedy club. This was my third time ever in a comedy club. I wasn’t sure what to expect but I had spent most of the day being cranky so I figured I didn’t have much to lose.

And it turned out to be really fun. Only one of the six acts was really really funny but all of them were ok and it ended up being a really differebt night fur us.

Yes to trying new things.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes