Daily Year of Yes – 352

Year of Yes – 352


You can’t see it well but the moon was magnificent tonight. Giant and low and a reminder of the magic that is nature.

Life is all about these moments that live in the ordinary giving you a chance to pause and take in the magnificence.

Noticing the magic that’s right in front of your eyes.

I’m grateful that I managed to do that today.

Yes to remembering the extraordinary of the ordinary

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 351

Year of Yes – 351


Finally beginning to look like the holidays here. So grateful.

Yes to joy.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 350

Year of Yes – 350


And just.like that, officially on vacation for this year. This is my favorite time.if year. I get to wind all the way down and reflect and plan and dream.

But first a lot of rest and reading.

Yes to reading.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 349

Year of Yes – 349


I’ve been thinking about expectations a lot. And how I want to work towards not having so many expectations allows me to create a space where people and situations can delight me instead of disappoint me.

If I expect nothing, at worst I get what I expect and at best people surprise and delight me.

I like the idea of living with that.

Yes to opportunity to be delighted.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 348

Year of Yes – 348


I’ve been working on meditating daily. Some days are considerably more profound than others. Some days are considerably more quiet than others.

And I still keep showing up.

Because it all starts with showing up.

Yes to showing up.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 347

Year of Yes – 347


We usually go climbing Mondays and Thursdays. This is a very long week at work and I’ve been exercising a lot so I didn’t even feel like going tonight but then I decided it was good to get out of the house and move my body.

I promised myself that I would stick to easy routes only. I usually try to go up a grade with each climb but my plan tonight was to stick to easy.

So instead of.going harder I ended up going faster. I did 2-3 routes back to back in the time I would have done one and ended the night with twice as many routes total.

Which was a lesson in remembering that there are different ways of pushing yourself and if you’re not in the mood to do one, you can still do the other.

Sore and grateful now.

Yes to trying different ways.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 346

Year of Yes – 346


Meal prep day. (I made vegetables too, they were still in the oven when I took this shot.) If I have food in the fridge during the week, I eat said food for lunch.

If I don’t have food prepped, I eat pretzels and cheese sticks.

So food prep it is.

Yes to planning ahead.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 345

Year of Yes – 345


I am working hard to take the days as they come and to hold everything lightly. Including my opinions, thoughts and ideas of right and wrong.

Maybe it’s the closest I can get to non-attachment.

Or the closest I can get to being in the present moment.

It definitely means some things don’t get done. Also means that I often suffer less

I guess I’ll take that trade.

Yes to holding things lightly.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 344

Year of Yes – 344


Friday again.

Counting down the days until it’s downtime. Doing the next right thing and staying focused.

And resting.

Yes to the next right thing.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 343

Year of Yes – 343


People surprise me and say kind things to me every single day. I am really good at dismissing them and writing it off as them being nice.

But this week, I am working hard to receive it instead. Take it in and say thank you.

Yes to receiving

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 342

Year of Yes – 342


The older I get the less performative I want my life to be. The more inside out I want to live. The more grounded I want to feel. Calm, spacious, and kind. Ease and release.

I keep visualizing balloons lately and letting them go. People, thoughts, worries having them all float away.

Yes to release and ease.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 341

Year of Yes – 341


I love this season so much. I don’t love the short, dark days but I love our intentionality. I love how we actively work to add light to these days. I wish we did that all year long.

Yes to adding light.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes