Daily Joys – 38

Daily Joys – 38


The world is such a beautiful place. Water gives me so much joy.

Daily Joys – 37

Daily Joys – 37


Connecting with a friend is always one of the most joyous parts of my day. Really grateful for good friends.

Daily Joys – 36

Daily Joys – 36


True joy putting together a table for big boy today. It looks so nice and clean now compared to how we’ve had it for two years!

Daily Joys – 35

Daily Joys – 35


A wonderful conversation with a good friend was definitely the moment of joy today. Also some stitching, some puzzle making.

Daily Joys – 34

Daily Joys – 34


Today’s joy was a deep, honest conversation with a friend at work. I love honest conversations.

Daily Joys – 33

Daily Joys – 33


Love taking on new fun projects and the idea of this is bringing.me a lot of joy right now.

Daily Joys – 32

Daily Joys – 32


The joy of today was getting to take a small time off in the middle of the day and spending it with my wonderful husband. Unexpected, kind and caring and really joyful.

Choosing Joy – February

I might be able to go back to weekly updates but I am not sure yet so in the meantime, I thought it would be interesting and worthwhile to make a reflection around what I want to look forward to in February and some of my goals and plans.

This months intention is to List the JoysSee what’s bringing you joy this month. Make lists. Pay attention. See if you can find patterns.

I like this idea. I’ve been posting daily on my joys anyway so maybe i can take a moment to reflect in February and see if I see patterns. Paying attention is never a bad thing.

Here are some goals for February

  • Start OLW book and journal if it arrives
  • Go back to nourish plans/list
  • do all of HCOTF
  • Start 100-day project
  • Journal
  • Do art
  • Step away from sugar and gluten for a while
  • Continue documenting the joy
  • Do the stitching quilt fun
  • Read Beth’s books
  • Connect with friends at least 2 times, ideally 4
  • Love my people
  • Find something to learn
  • Go to SoCal and visit at least 3 schools for D
  • Read more books (I ready very few in January)
  • Find a fun documenting plan
  • Get organized and find a schedule that works at work
  • Help N with SSAT
  • Go climbing
  • Go on at least 2 dates with J
  • dive deeper into ease, release, equanimity, space, possibility and see what you might want to do for each.
  • Celebrate D’s birthday.
  • Setup D’s desk and contents.

This is my list for now.

February, I am ready for you. Let it be full of joy.

Nourish – January

Well, an unexpected foray into covid definitely threw a wrench into January plans and definitely into Nourish plans. So I will recap January and we will see if I can reset for February.


  • Spaciousness: I have continued to do daily stretching, restorative yoga and frequent meditation. Meditation is the one I have been more inconsistent with and my hope for February would be to experiment with doing 5 minutes several times a day if that makes it easier.
  • Rest: With the exception of when I was sick, I’ve been pretty good about taking baths. I have been averaging more like 7 hours of sleep but it’s not terrible either. I do wish I could sleep more deeply throughout the night, not sure what the cure for that is.
  • Reflection: i have been noting one thing daily that gives me joy but I have not been journaling otherwise. This is something I still need to figure out how to incorporate into my routine.
  • Art: I did a little bit of art in January but not nearly enough. I’m thinking of doing this for my 100day project in 2022, let’s see if I can pull it off.


  • Exercise: I’ve been doing the bike and HCOTF calendar, even when I was sick. The climbing in January has been more intermittent than I would like but I am hoping it will come back with a vengeance.
  • Food: For about two weeks I managed to really limit my intake of gluten and sugar but then when I got sick, it all went out the door. I’m working on restarting this ASAP.
  • Water: I also did poorly on the water when I was sick but in general drinking 64 ounces of water daily hasn’t been an issue. The herbal tea journey continues.
  • Skin: I have not moisturizer on every day.
  • Floss: I did this for a while, need to get back on.


  • Learn: I really need to brainstorm more on this one.
  • Connection: I did several different outings in January. Did online book club, had a friend over for dinner, and went to a friend’s house for a get together. All of them were wonderful.
  • Music: I have been listening to a lot of music. HAIM and the playlist from the Extravagant Hope.
  • Face Masks: These are fun. I did two in January.
  • And more: I have been keeping a list of what gives me joy and it’s been quite fun to do and to see.

I did some and didn’t do others in January but I still feel good about it. Onward to February.

Nourish is a year-long project for 2022. You can read more about my projects for 2022 here.

Daily Joys – 31

Daily Joys – 31

Rainbows for the win. It is not getting old. Still brings me deep deep joy.

Reflecting – January

January did not go as expected this year.

My goals at the beginning of the month/year were as they often are:

  • Start OLW
  • Really lean into nourishing yourself, make a plan, templates
  • Do more art
  • Step away from sugar and gluten for a while
  • Start noticing the joy
  • Get organized at work
  • Journal more
  • Love my people
  • Find something to learn
  • Connect to others

While I did do many of these, many others also fell by the wayside. I had a positive covid test about halfway through the month and that meant that I spent the next two weeks isolated in my room, managing both family and work from there. I am grateful that no one else in my family got sick, that I recovered pretty quickly and experienced very few symptoms.

But it still threw a bit wrench into my January plans, of course.

Though it also came with a lot of reflection around life, priorities, what matters most, etc. Always good to have a solid perspective on those.

I still feel pretty good about January and feel deeply grateful for my life. I’ve been practicing noticing joy and do daily work to release, step into ease and create space in my life. I definitely can lean more into both space and possibility. And I wish I’d made time for art and journaling.

Here’s to hoping February is full of joy.

Daily Joys – 30

Daily Joys – 30


This was our cake to celebrate the end of these tough two weeks after and when I finally managed to get a negative test. Let’s hope that’s the end of this at least for a while.