100 Days of Sketching – 10



Let your life overflow with color.


100 Days of Sketching – 9



Wings are not always for flying.


Daily Joys – 53

Daily.Joys – 53

Caltech and turtles. How could it not be joyful?

Daily Joys – 51

Daily Joys – 51

This little guy talked to me for quite some time this morning. So much joy.

100 Days of Sketching – 8



Home is where your people are.


Daily Joys – 50

Daily Joys – 50


I love seeing beauty outside the window when we’re driving, unexpected joys of water that takes my breath away.

100 Days of Sketching – 7



Sweet and delicious.


100 Days of Sketching – 6



Be brave. Reach for your dreams.


Daily Joys – 49

Daily Joys – 49


The photo doesn’t do it justice but this morning there was pink light everywhere. It was magical. Then I got to meet a friend for 4 hours and talk to another for over an hour. It was magical joy.

100 Days of Sketching – 5



Nature gives me endless joy.


Daily Joys – 48

Daily Joys – 48


As I was sitting at the bus stop today, dropping off my son, I noticed the beautiful moon in my rear view mirror so I had to snap a shot. It was magnificent.

Daily Joys – 47

Daily Joys – 47


So much joy seeing the sun come up as I exercise. I love nature.