Daily Joys – 72

Daily Joys – 72


So grateful for some time together in one of the best cities in the world. And grateful for people who show up for me. So lucky.

100 Days of Sketching – 19


Yes to calm and quiet.


Daily Joys – 71

Daily Joys – 71

Today’s joys: coaching, good friends checking in on me, getting some work done.

Daily Joys – 61

Daily Joys – 70

Connecting with good souls. Creating boundaries. Doing what needs to be done. All of which gives me joy.

Choosing Joy – March

I might be able to go back to weekly updates but I am not sure yet so in the meantime, I thought it would be interesting and worthwhile to make a reflection around what I want to look forward to in February and some of my goals and plans.

This months intention is to March:  Choose Joy:  This is usually your hardest month. No break, still too cold. It feels hard to make it through this month but you can. Choose joy. Look at your list from February.  Keep going.

March is likely going to be even bumpier than I’d imagined, so choosing joy will be instrumental in my ability to make it through this month and in my ability to give myself some grace. Bring it on.

Here are some goals for March:

  • continue to draw daily
  • Go back to nourish plans/list
  • do all of HCOTF
  • help N finish CDB
  • continue to support J
  • make plans for spring break
  • finish all the taxes
  • reach out to people and figure things out
  • take a class
  • help David with summer options
  • Find some summer options for N
  • journal
  • Step away from sugar and gluten for a while
  • Continue documenting the joy
  • Take time off
  • Connect with friends at least 2 times, ideally 4
  • Love my people
  • read more, still.
  • Scrap and catch up to OLW
  • Get ready to go back to work
  • Pick an option
  • Go climbing
  • Go on at least 2 dates with J
  • dive deeper into ease, release, equanimity, space, possibility and see what you might want to do for each.
  • prepare for N’s birthday
  • figure out linode and cloud stuff for email.

This is my list for now.

March, I am ready for you. Let’s do this. Let it be full of joy.

100 Days of Sketching – 18


Time to talk with my feet.


Daily Joys – 60

Daily Joys – 60


Much joy today hanging out with good friends and going climbing.

100 Days of Sketching – 17


Go ahead, take crazy chances.


Reflecting – February

February went by in a blink this year, as it seems to every year.

This months intention was to List the JoysSee what’s bringing you joy this month. Make lists. Pay attention. See if you can find patterns.

Interestingly, I did find patterns, I found that the things that bring me joy often have an element of my pushing limits/boundaries so I am growing or learning or things that give me a sense of awe. Also sometimes small things but often because they help me connect with a space of awe.

Here are some goals I had for February

  • Start OLW book and journal if it arrives
  • Go back to nourish plans/list
  • do all of HCOTF
  • Start 100-day project
  • Journal
  • Do art
  • Step away from sugar and gluten for a while
  • Continue documenting the joy
  • Do the stitching quilt fun
  • Read Beth’s books
  • Connect with friends at least 2 times, ideally 4
  • Love my people
  • Find something to learn
  • Go to SoCal and visit at least 3 schools for D
  • Read more books (I ready very few in January)
  • Find a fun documenting plan
  • Get organized and find a schedule that works at work
  • Help N with SSAT
  • Go climbing
  • Go on at least 2 dates with J
  • dive deeper into ease, release, equanimity, space, possibility and see what you might want to do for each.
  • Celebrate D’s birthday.
  • Setup D’s desk and contents.

On the positive side, I did many of these goals. I started (and am still doing) my 100-day project, read both of Beth’s books, visited colleges with my family, read more than January, journaled but only a little bit, exercised but did quite terribly on both nourishment and water. I did help my folks with their particular journeys and I feel mostly good about that. We celebrated D’s birthday and we did setup his new desk. I also did the values exercise with Brene. It was quite eye opening.

The end of February brought some twists which potentially imply some major changes for my life so that will make March an interesting month and I am grateful for the practice of release and ease I’ve been building into my life for over a year, now that will hopefully be instrumental. February was a profound in what I was able to do and what I’ve learned. I’m grateful.

Here’s to hoping March is full of joy.

Daily Joys – 59

Daily Joys – 59


The last day of February. Grasping to small joys like walking around the neighborhood today. Grateful.

100 Days of Sketching – 16


Take the moment to wind down.


100 Days of Sketching – 15


Look for the light. It is there.
