100 Days of Sketching – 80




Celebrate yourself today and every other day.


Daily Joys – 122


Daily Joys – 122


All over the place today. Still grateful.

100 Days of Sketching – 79



There’s nothing as magical as being seen. Truly seen.


Choosing Joy – May

Still enjoying the monthly cadence.

This months intention is:  Deep Joys: Take some time. Be still. Listen to the whispers of your soul. Hug your people. Dig deep and see what brings you deep joy.

It’s always interesting to see how well these seem to work out each month. Or maybe that they are recurring themes in my life of what I need to hear. Either way, I am definitely planning to be still and hug my people in May. And also to dig and see.

Here are some goals for May:

  • continue to draw daily – finish out the 100-day project
  • Go back to nourish plans/list – or at least make progress
  • do most of of HCOTF
  • Jeff’s graduation in Boston
  • Parents here
  • Support J
  • celebrate Nathaniel’s birthday party
  • connect with at least 6 friends
  • help D and N
  • journal
  • Continue documenting the joy
  • Love my people
  • read more, still.
  • Scrap and OLW
  • Go climbing
  • dive deeper into ease, release, equanimity, space, possibility and see what you might want to do for each. ( never did this in April)
  • figure out linode and cloud stuff for email.
  • take care of karenika email
  • find a class to take
  • work on a daily practice of giving yourself grace
  • Be ok with not getting much done, rest.

This is my list for now.

May, I am ready for you. Let’s do this. Let it be full of joy.

Review: Big Feelings: How to Be Okay When Things Are Not Okay

Big Feelings: How to Be Okay When Things Are Not Okay
Big Feelings: How to Be Okay When Things Are Not Okay by Liz Fosslien
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

We need more books like this in the world. Hard things are happening to all of us and it’s been an exceptionally tough few years. I really really appreciate how honest and open Liz and Mollie are in this book. How they do not shy away from the things that are incredibly hard to talk about. They go into the dark places and they hold your hand and give you some ideas of what might help while you’re there. They don’t mince words, they don’t assume they know more than they do or that there are easy answers. They do what they do best: they make you feel less alone in the world. They make you feel seen. I am so grateful for what they do.

with gratitude to edelweiss and Portfolio/ Random House for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

View all my reviews

Review: The No-Show

The No-Show
The No-Show by Beth O’Leary
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

For some reason it took me forever to get into this book and follow the story line of each of the women. Thankfully I hadn’t read enough about the plot so the way it came together in the end was all new for me and really made the book so magical. I recommend reading this one without knowing too much in advance.

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Review: Answers in the Pages

Answers in the Pages
Answers in the Pages by David Levithan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Levithan is such an excellent writer.

This book has three ongoing storylines. A boy whose class is reading a book that his mom doesn’t approve of and would like removed from the curriculum, excerpts from the book itself, and two boys who are becoming friends as they do a school project together.

Each of the stories is wonderful and joyful on their own and Levithan’s magic is all over it. I don’t want to say more lest I give away the best parts of the book.

This story is a great reminder that books are magic and we all love who we love and kids can save their parents. I loved every minute I spent with it.

with gratitude to netgalley and Random House Children’s for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

View all my reviews

Review: The Paris Apartment

The Paris Apartment
The Paris Apartment by Lucy Foley
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3.5 stars.

I kept dragging my feet on reading this mystery and I am not sure why. It was perfectly good. Interesting twists, engaging plot. If you like Foley’s other work, you will enjoy this.

View all my reviews

Review: Home or Away

Home or Away
Home or Away by Kathleen West
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I loved this story about an ex-hockey player who almost made it to the Olympics but didn’t as she brings her family (and her hockey playing kid) back to her hometown to face some of her own fears and past as her son learns how to navigate his new team.

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Review: True Biz

True Biz
True Biz by Sara Novi?
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What an unusual book. I really loved my time with this story that involved so much deaf culture and so many interesting facts about deaf history. I learned ASL years and years ago and this book made me want to go back and restudy so much of what I’d learned back then.

View all my reviews

Daily Joys – 121

Daily Joys – 121


Grateful for my hairdresser. Breakfast with a friend. And a quiet day at home.

100 Days of Sketching – 78


Keep those who see you close and be grateful.
