Daily Joys – 135


Daily Joys – 135


Outdoor climbing and being.home and rest.

100 Days of Sketching – 91




Move to the beat of your tune.


Daily Joys – 134


Daily Joys – 134


Grateful to be back home.

Daily Joys – 133


Daily Joys – 133


Graduation day. Exhausted but grateful.

100 Days of Sketching – 90





We all watch each other to feel less alone.


100 Days of Sketching – 89


Indulge and say yes to yourself.


Daily Joys – 132


Daily Joys – 132


On the plane. Watching TV. Worried about my people. Praying and bargaining constantly. Also grateful for so much.

Daily Joys – 131


Daily Joys – 131

Almost time to travel again. Rest day today, grateful for that.

100 Days of Sketching – 88



It’s ok to like and want alone time.


100 Days of Sketching – 87




Grace needs to exist both on the outside and the inside.


Daily Joys – 130


Daily Joys – 130


Tough day. Wonderful breakfast with friends and then just exhausted.

100 Days of Sketching – 86



Some days it’s hard to feel light so you have to pay attention.
