Daily Joys – 141

Daily Joys – 141


Time with kids is never wasted. Feeling off but unsure in what way.

Daily Joys – 140

Daily Joys – 140


Long day with a good friend. One boy back, another one coming soon. Also some sad news. Trying to balance it all.

100 Days of Sketching – 97




Small things can bring big joys.


100 Days of Sketching – 96



Share your moments.


Daily Joys – 139

Daily Joys – 139


A college panel, chat with a friend, helping a friend and some lovely quiet time. Grateful.

100 Days of Sketching – 95



Coffee date


Daily Joys – 138


Daily Joys – 138


Time with a friend. And alone time. Grateful.

100 Days of Sketching – 94




Show up for the people in your life.


Daily Joys – 137


Daily Joys – 137


Morning coffee with a friend. Rest time. Still recovering.

Daily Joys – 136


Daily Joys – 136


Lunch with hubby. Grateful.

100 Days of Sketching – 93



Bloom into who you are.


100 Days of Sketching – 92




You are home.
