<b>Month Four</b><br>David turns four months old today. This shot is a face he's making at the new wind chimes I've added to his play mat. I was sure he didn't like them when he didn't even look at them for a few days. Then suddenly, he learned how to attack them to make them go crazy and now all we hear are the chimes mixed in with giggles and loud noises David's learned to make.
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Month Four
David turns four months old today. This shot is a face he's making at the new wind chimes I've added to his play mat. I was sure he didn't like them when he didn't even look at them for a few days. Then suddenly, he learned how to attack them to make them go crazy and now all we hear are the chimes mixed in with giggles and loud noises David's learned to make.

Month Four
It's amazing to think that David's been a part of our family for four whole minths. Actually thirteen months if we count the time he spent in my belly. Part of me can't believe it's been that long and part of me doesn't remember a time David wasn't with us.

The changes from month three to month four have been exponential. In the last month, David's found his hand, his feet, and his voice. He now drools like nobody's business and he sticks everything in his mouth, including his toes. He has found a way to make a ton of different, funny sounds, some sharp and high-pitched and others gutteral and trembling. He can go between laughing and crying in less than thirty seconds. Sometimes he jumps back and forth between the two so much that you can't tell if he's mad, sad, or just playing.

His smiles have gotten wider and he can definitely recognize mom and dad now. His face lights up when we look at him, regardless of upset he might have been. He gives us kisses (or tries to bite our cheeks depending on your perspective) and his little hands are soft like cotton. He has learned to grab things and hold on to them, including my hair.

His favorite thing is to bounce up and down and when his daddy holds him up high. He has grown over 4 inches since he's been born and more than doubled his weight. He is cute beyond words and can drive us insane beyond words, too. He has learned how to get a constant whine going. He has learned to get bored and begun seeking more attention. All in the last four weeks. It looks like he's going to take after his mommy and be a big talker. He's practicing now. Along with the loud and stinky farts.

Having a baby is challenging. It's time consuming, it's humbling, it's frustrating. And it's incredibly rewarding.

And will be more so when he sleeps...

I love you David, happy four months. To four thousand more.

June 08, 2005 | personal | share[]
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