Daily Year of Yes – 93

Year of Yes – 93

Today was a lovely day of connection. I got to chat with my mom, my friend Evelyn and my friend Leslie and I got to go climbing with my husband.

So grateful for internet and telephones and zoom and whatsapp and facetime and all other ways to connect with people I love.

It really makes all this a million times more bearable.

Yes to finding ways to connect anyway.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 92

Year of Yes – 92

Today my husband took us to this little know gem of a place and we got to walk around and enjoy the fresh air and see art that is built on nature and into nature. It was quite magical. Even though it was a 45-minute drive from home it felt light-years away from any city.

It was a good reminder that I don’t have to travel far to be in a completely different environment. And that I don’t have to travel far to be in a completely different mindset either.

I didn’t want to go today. In fact I didn’t want to do anything. It took a lot of energy to get out of bed this morning let alone to leave the house. But, as always, I am sitting here and feeling grateful that I went.

And maybe one day I can be better about yielding to whim too.

Yes to nature, yes to saying yes. Yes to doing it anyway.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 91

Year of Yes – 91

Happy Thursday.

I am finding that I randomly stress about upcoming things that are not currently under my control like whether I will be able to find a slot to get vaccinated or things that I need to do but can’t get motivated to get done. Like finding someone to paint our house or renewing my license.

So instead I will list some things I am looking forward to:

– Climbing competition season is starting soon and I really love watching bouldering competitions so I am really looking forward to that in two weeks

– The kids have spring break in a week. I am trying to decide if we go.on vacation but plan to take time off either way. Looking forward to that.

– It’s been 70-80 here all week, really looking forward to spending more time outside in the fresh air.

That’s my current list. It’s making me feel better about what is and helping me focus on the now.

Yes to embracing what is. Yes to sunshine and time together.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 90

Year of Yes – 90

How are we already 90 days into 2021??

I have not been leaving the house enough this week and thus not enjoying enough of the sunshine that California is lucky to have this week.

Tomorrow I will make a point to go outside.

I still can’t really think of anything pithy to say. The days have been really tiring here and by the time it’s 7pm, I feel completely spent.

Looking forward to saying goodbye to March which is historically one of my least favorite months. And looking forward to April which promises to bring in a lot of change and celebration and maybe just maybe if we’re lucky, some vaccination.

I’m really hoping April proves to be an excellent month. Saying yes to April and what it might bring. Yes to what is.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 89

Year of Yes – 89

Today went by in a blur.

Now I am spent and ready to go to sleep.

I can’t even think of anything even remotely pithy so tonight I will say yes to an early bedtime and some rest for my tired brain.


#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 88

Year of Yes – 88

Before the pandemic came, Jake would take me climbing and I would do 2-3 routes and I was ready to go home. 45 minutes was plenty for me.

This past Saturday, we had an appointment from 6-8pm in San Francisco. We got there 5:58pm so we were the first people in.

We left 8:02pm. We were the last people out.

I took this shot on our way out. This is what they do to the ropes at the end of the night to put things away. And it was a symbolic moment for me as I realized that I could have easily gone another hour. I was having a lot of fun and I felt like I still had some strength left in me.

It’s not often I can see progress. Even as I’ve been climbing harder routes, I didn’t realize that my stamina was also improving until that moment.

Earlier this week j had a similar experience while doing my 10-minute core class. There was a move i couldn’t do at all and then suddenly I could do it. I have no idea what changed but I am so grateful.

Side note: I know my climbing posts might be getting tiring but….my kids are now older and prefer not to be photographed, I work 70% of my awake time, the rest of the time I’m either reading or climbing. It’s pretty much the only place I go if I am leaving the house. Once I get my shots I am excited to post photos that aren’t climbing or flowers. But that still appears to be at least two months away.

Yes to getting stronger and yes to increasing the my stamina. Yes to leaving it all on the gym floor. And yes to paying attention.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 87

Year of Yes – 87

Grateful for another day spent laughing with my boys.

Grateful for being able to get ranunculus at trader Joe’s despite missing the farmers market this morning.

Grateful for a meal out with my wonderful husband.

Grateful for good books.

Grateful for showing up and moving my body even when I don’t want to.

Grateful for sunshine and birds.

Yes to gratitude. Yes to noticing the small things because the small, ordinary things are what matter most in the end.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 86

Year of Yes – 86

Loving the backyard. Grateful for warm weather and slow days.

This morning I’ve started a slightly different routine, we’ll see if it sticks. I’ve also spent the whole day reading a book from beginning to end.

Now off to climbing.

Yes to quiet Saturdays and long weekends.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 85

Year of Yes – 85

It was 71 (22) degrees here today. I got to take a nice walk and also got to sit in the backyard for the first time since last year.

California spoils us with decent weather most of the year. And even though it has one of the shortest winters, I still find myself waiting for spring with baited breath.

I am so excited to sit in the yard, listening to the birds sing and breathing the fresh air again.

Yes to sunshine and flowers and birds and drinking the wild air!

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 84

Year of Yes – 84

I was journaling this morning and I had a huge moment of insight. On average this happens more often than not when I journal.

I write stuff down that I don’t even realize that I am thinking or feeling and then I see it on paper and I am like whoa!

This is one reason I wish I journaled more. I’ve been very intermittent with it. But this morning I did and it was very meaningful.

Which I hope will encourage me to do it again tomorrow morning.

Yes to writing it down. Yes to journaling.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 83

Year of Yes – 83

It was a really long day today. I started at 8am and it’s 9pm and I still have a lot of email to read but I can’t keep going to it will have to wait till tomorrow.

Instead now I will do some stretching and maybe yoga and then I will journal and read.

Tomorrow I can start over and maybe actually get through my email. Or maybe not.

Yes to calling it good.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

Daily Year of Yes – 82

Year of Yes – 82


By noon today I was already deeply wishing it was Friday. I am finding that my mood is all over the place. I can be euphoric and super frustrated and really angry and full of anxiety all in the span of a few hours.

Which means by the time the day is over, I feel like I have emotional whiplash.

There’s so much in the world I don’t understand and feel powerless against. There’s so much in my own life I feel I can’t control. There’s so much about myself I am often struggling with.

And at any moment, any one of those things can make my mood swing in a particular direction. Then add my husband, kids, friends, family to the equation. Then add the news. Then add the pandemic. And I am just done.

So today I am sitting here, feeling tender and sad and angry and a little broken with the weight of all that.

And right now, I’m saying yes to being here with all this. To letting myself be tired.

Tomorrow I will get up and try all over again. Because giving up is not an option.

Yes to being with it all and yes to showing up and doing it anyway.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes