Eyes Closed

There are days when I get depressed.

I’ve never been a big social activist. To be fully honest, I spent the first eighteen years of my life oblivious to much around me. Years of childhood hazing combined with an ultimate escape land provided by the millions of books made sure that I spent my days unaware of my surroundings. I don’t mean to imply that I didn’t care. As a kid, I tutored other, less fortunate, kids in math, and later on, English. But, even as a teenager, I never got involved in the political or social conversations that many people around me debated over. Just like I didn’t feel at ease with the lipstick-brand-name-jeans-and-ski-in-Switzerland crowd, I didn’t find a home with the people who wanted to save the world. Or at least talk about saving the world.

Back then I knew too little to be disappointed.

During college, I started getting a little more involved with those around me. For the first time in my life, I felt like my surroundings invigorated me. I wanted to suck it all up. After drenching myself in it, I wanted to get others hooked on as well. Thus, I became an Orientation Counselor. I joined the Student Dormitory Counsel and organized part of the on-campus carnival entertainment. I signed up to be a Pre-college counselor. And later, a Resident Assistant. As part of those jobs, I got more involved in community service. I did Habitat for Humanity a few times. I went to a food bank. I became a sexual assault counselor. I moved up to organize school-wide programs like sex week, where we tried to address important issues and raise sexual awareness. I worked for the school newspaper. I taught computer classes. I served on the residence life judicial board. While I wasn’t very involved in the city or outside community, I was mad about my school. I knew a lot about it and worked hard to make parts of it better.

At that point I was too intoxicated with the possibilities to get distraught.

Upon graduation, I moved to New York City. I signed on with an investment bank and got to work. In my first year, I became involved with two volunteer programs: Everybody Wins, whose goal was to instill the love of reading in elementary school children and Young Women’s Leadership Club, whose goal was to teach high school girls the skills necessary to get accepted to college or to find a job. The work took about six to eight hours a month away from my jam-packed schedule. I became a member of the New York Public Library so I could checkout children’s books that my third grader and I read during our lunch hours. My first year, I convinced a bunch of my friends to volunteer for New York Cares Day. By then I had also joined Jake in returning back to City Year for the Serve-a-thon in Boston, each year. My firm started a community service program where they gave each employee a day off, paid, to do community service. I went back to Habitat. I did Junior Achievement. I volunteered at pet shelter dog shows. I still didn’t think I was affecting my environment as much as I could have, but I felt good about giving some of the little time that I had.

I think the sorrow might have started when I saw how my third grader couldn’t read.

A year and a half ago, I decided I wanted to reduce my hours considerably so I could spend some time volunteering at the New York Society for the Deaf. I’d been taking classes at NYSD and wanted an excuse to improve my sign language. I asked around and found out that almost all the opportunities were during the day, so after a lot of searching, I changed my work to a 3-days-a-week arrangement and started spending one of my other days at NYSD. I didn’t care about what I did, I just wanted to be of help. A few months after that, I started spending part of my other day at Housing Works used bookstore, where I help run the register and do other necessary jobs. I’d say I’m still not involved with my environment as much as I want to be. My life is still pretty much the same, except for the wonderful people who’ve added color and insight into it. The people I’ve met in my multiple volunteer opportunities.

They’re what make me worry.

A few months ago, I decided the few days weren’t enough. I wanted to make more of an impact. I wanted to educate myself. I wanted to learn about what makes parts of our society fail. I wanted to make it a better place. I talked to a lot of people. Many told me I was naive. A whole bunch told me that I could do that with my money. Others told me it was a fruitless endeavor. A few encouraged me to give it a try. I looked around a lot and finally settled on Teach For America. I was inspired by what they stood for and figured I’d be proud to be a member of an organization with its goals. I applied. I got accepted. If all goes well, I will be an elementary school teacher by this September.

Now, I’m reading a lot about education and the plethora of the issues faced by educators today. I’m reading about racial bias and gender bias. I’m reading about poverty and parts of United States that would, should, make some people ashamed to call themselves American. I’m seeing that ignorance is bliss for many people. I’m finding out that a lot of people whine about how bad things are but don’t do much about it. I’m realizing that there’s a lot of work to be done. I’m horrified by the way many children are treated.

And I get depressed.

I see why people tell me I can’t change the world. I know many have tried and failed. I know that it feels like an insurmountable undertaking. I get annoyed at the disorganization of some non-profits until I try to remind myself that most of these people are working practically for free in a job that’s often under-appreciated and definitely under-employed. Tons of people have told me that it’s not my job to fix the world.

But it is.

I live in this society. I reap the benefits of many people’s hard work. I take for granted that someone grows the food I eat, that someone collects the garbage I accumulate, someone drives the subway I ride to work. I make money and live in a well-insulated house with doormen and elevators. I’m surrounded by people who make enough money to afford big houses and expensive vacations. It’s easy to lose perspective in my environment. And that’s exactly what many people do. Yet, if any part of the society decided not to execute its function, my world could crumble. It’s my job to make sure that hardworking people get rewarded. It’s my job to make sure that we can offer excellent education to everyone so our society as a whole can improve.

Most importantly, I plan to bring children into this society. It’s my job to make sure that my kids can grow up in the best society I can provide. I don’t want my children to have to worry about racial or gender discrimination. I want high quality education not to be an option that only the rich can exercise but a necessity and a guarantee to all children. I want my kids to be proud to be a part of their society. I want them to grow up secure of their abilities and opportunities. And I don’t want all that to be tied to my income.

It’s just as much my job to make this world a better place as it is yours. The more I read, the more I see, the more I hear, the more depressed I get. The sadder I get, the angrier I get. The angrier I get, the more determined I get.

My eyes might have been closed before, but they’re wide open now. And it’s never too late.

Previously? Dumb For Life.

Dumb For Life

“Intelligence is genetic.”

I have had conversations on the nature of intelligence with several people in the last few months. The talks start softly, rise to animated levels and end without a climax. If I’ve concluded anything it’s that people don’t know enough to argue one way or another on the subject matter.

The first problem we stumbled upon was the definition of intelligence. What does it mean to be intelligent? Does it mean you can solve mathematical problems easily? Or that you pick up new information quickly? Are you intelligent if you have several college degrees? Or is it related to street-smarts? What about an amazing painter, is he intelligent?

I find intelligence to be extremely difficult to define. Everyone seems to have his or her own mis-definition, misconception, or bias. But no one can give me an all-encompassing definition. And don’t even get me started on those so-called intelligence quotient tests.

Even though one cannot talk about how a characteristic is obtained when one cannot even define the attributes of that characteristic, we can move to the next issue of how one becomes intelligent. The idea that intelligence is inherited is too limited for me.

If intelligence is inherited, then why do we bother to push the limits? Why do we go to school and work so hard? It’s all a useless endeavor to grow gray cells.

If it’s something passed down from your parents, how come the world has intelligent and stupid people? Wouldn’t the stupid people be weeded out by now?

The idea that you’re locked into an intelligence level at birth is so depressing to me. That means, no matter how hard you try and how much you work, you can never improve your level of intelligence. Doesn’t the idea make you want to cry too?

I like to believe that intelligence is a multi-threaded personality trait. It’s like an octopus with lots of tentacles, each defining a different aspect of intelligence. I also like to think that we’re each born with a capacity of unlimited intelligence, whatever that means, and all we have to do is water the seeds given to us.

I understand that different people have knacks for different things inherently, though even that can possibly be attributed to nurture but that’s a side issue. Even if one person is quicker with addition than another, it doesn’t mean that person was born more intelligent.

Maybe I’m too optimistic or naive, but I’m going to keep believing that everyone is capable of being extremely intelligent until someone can prove me otherwise. In the meantime I’m hitting the books on this subject matter. Howard Gardner seems to have written a lot on the issue. Do you know of anyone else?

Previously? Special Moments.


I simply haven’t had time.

The demanding jetlag refuses to leave. The upcoming wedding has been looming in the not so distant future and the details change hourly. The only thing we know for sure at this point is that Jake and I love each other. Which, I guess, is all that matters.

We spent a weekend talking to three cake people, two photographers, four caterers, two florists, and a band. The amount of money that spills from these people’s mouths so easily appalls me. The amount of work required to do a really simple wedding has begun to overwhelm me. I just want people to come and to have a good time. Is that really so hard?

This weekend is another several-hour drive to meet the officiator. I know it will be over soon. It has to be. May is approaching rapidly. Thankfully.

I came home to an envelope from my job, requiring that I fill college applications and get recommendations. I’ve graduated from college too long ago. I don’t have any professors to write recommendations anymore. My Wall Street boss can’t really speak on behalf of my capacity as an educator. Not to mention the ten hour exam I will have to pass next weekend. I can’t really understand why I do this to myself over and over again. I must truly enjoy major challenges or loathe comfort.

I haven’t even truly begun the apartment hunt, another overwhelming block in my hourly rising battle of getting things done.

So, you see, I want to be pithy. Instead, all I can be is amazed at my ability to keep complicating my life and marvel at my pleasure of torturing myself. Why do I keep striving to make my life more complicated? Why can’t I just relax and enjoy life for a change?

I’m reading “Fast Food Nation” and put it down for the supremely unchallenging Grisham. I sit and watch TV. I run around and repeat details of my wedding to a million strangers. I am tired of giving my address and phone number out.

Things will calm down soon, right?

Previously? Jetlag.


I don’t get jetlag.

This August, I will have been living in the United States for ten years. During college, I used to go home twice a year: Christmas and summer. Since my nephews were born, I’ve been trying to go home as often as every three to four months. With that many trips back and forth, one can waste a lot of time over jetlag.

During the week I spend at home, I don’t even switch my watch to Turkey-time. I just keep adding 7 each time I glance at it. Impractical, you say? Well, habits are hard to break. I feel like if I don’t change the watch, I will be in tune with both time zones at all times.


We came home two nights ago and as of 7pm tonight, by body is screaming “Please please let’s sleep.” My brain tries to explain to my body that if it could only hold out for a few hours, life would go back to normal much more quickly. And yet, here I am, staring at my computer, forcing myself to write an entry.

The truth is my brain is almost completely shut down, making it impossible for me to come up with something pithy or funny. Okay, so I’m never funny, but you get my point.

So I spent ten days in Istanbul. Our parents got along really well. I took over 300 pictures. I spent a wonderful night chatting with my sister until 3am while the kids were sleeping in the same room. I found a beautiful wedding dress and comfy shoes. I got my invitations printed. I bought shoes, skirts, dresses and pants. And lots of books. I read the Time Machine and finished most of the Count of Monte Cristo. I had a wonderful hot chocolate with my best friend, Levent. I got to see my best friend Milka and her son Moris. I had an amazing engagement party. I got wonderful presents. I slept, I relaxed. I felt glad to be alive and thankful for my life.

So, I spose if the cost of these incredible ten days is a bit of jetlag, I could do much worse.

I’m off to bed to doze off while I read the rest of the Count of Monte Cristo.

I promise to do my best to get awake and pithier soon.

Tho, I am leaving for Boston day after tomorrow.

Previously? People Watching.

People Watching

I’ve been a member of metafilter since September 8, 2000.

It appears I have posted twenty-five comments, more than half of which are replies to the one link I posted. One could easily deduce that I’m not an active member of the site.

The fact is I read the site almost daily and, often, several times a day. And I don’t just use it for the links; I read the comments, I look at the links. At times, I even print out some of the more interesting conversations so I can read and think on the subway home.

While reading the interesting goings on at metafilter tonight, I realized what I love about the site so much. I’m the sort of person who likes to people-watch. I can sit for hours and observe the people passing by and I also love making new friends, finding about their ideas and thoughts. Metafilter gives me the luxury of both without having to leave the comforts of my home.

I like to be able to click on a topic on a controversial issue and see tens of viewpoints and at least a few well thought out opposing arguments. I like the wide range of its members. Geographically. In age. In background. In priorities. In just about every which way. It’s the kind of varying audience that would be almost impossible to arrange in real life. Talk about getting to do some quality people watching.

I read about all these people getting fed up/frustrated/emotional about the changes in the site and making their dramatic exits and it makes me ponder. I’ve observed all the changes in the site too and there are days I get annoyed because there are too many links and not enough quality conversation. There are days I feel like it’s all crap. But then a neat topic starts up and I remember how much I love it.

I guess a people watcher never really gets emotional cause she’s observing and not really an active part of the crowd and hence feels less of a sense of belonging. Hence less of the sense of loss.

Or so one would think.

All I can say is that if Metafilter disappeared tomorrow, I would be really really sad. And if I can feel this way as a member who mostly watches from afar, I can only imagine the sorrow of its core participators.

Previously? Chocolates and White Dresses.

Point of View

I’ve realized that, like many others around me, I’m a victim of ‘limited point of view.’

I remember years of torturous childhood experiences and pain just to be able to hang out with the group of people I was initially thrust in. My parents’ friends’ children. These people, purposefully or not, made me feel worthless on a regular basis. They made fun of my looks, my habits, my opinions, my preferences. Just about everything. They hurt me so much and so to the core that I can recite most of their words even today. I can even tell you exactly where those words were uttered. But I couldn’t even perceive the idea of not hanging out with them. I had no other friends. If I stopped trying to fit in this group, I’d be completely alone. It felt as if I had absolutely no other choice.

A few years later, an opportunity presented itself and I was able to find a new group of friends more accepting and rewarding that the previous, which helped me regain some of my long lost sense of self and allowed me to find even more appropriate friends. The hardest part was straying from the initial path.

Looking back, it’s easy for me to say that I should have left even sooner, I should have made friends of my own. But the fact is, at the time, my limited point of view did not allow for that possibility. It’s hard to seek something that doesn’t even cross your mind, or something that’s clearly not an option for you.

The same thing happened when I graduated from college. Having wanted to study computers since I was ten, I immediately found a job as a programmer and got on the path to ‘success.’ In the first few years I had a lot of tough times. Worked many weekends and late late nights, dealt with irresponsible and immature bosses, took a lot of the stress home with me. There were many times I spent hours crying from frustration and loss of hope. Even though my family and loved ones told me to quit, I never considered it to be an option. I didn’t really see a way out.

It sounds stupid now, but it truly was a lack of point of view at the time. I was so locked in my path that it seemed unthinkable to waver. It took a long time for me to come to terms with my unhappiness and I had to get really miserable before I started taking initiative. And literally within the week I moved into my new job, I wondered what took me so long. I realized that it was easily possible for me to be happy at a job and that I was insane for having suffered as long as I did in my previous one.

Hindsight is always 20/20.

I am now standing at another crossroads in my life. Another case where I am struggling to look at my life from another point of view. Giving up a lucrative job and one that appears successful and amazing to others. A job that I enjoy. This time it’s for a bigger cause. This time I don’t know if things will work out. I’m feeling the same anxiety I’ve felt before. The fear of leaving the comforts of my chosen path. I’m struggling to let it not get to me.

I’m trying to stand on my table and look at it from a different point of view.

Previously? Shortchanged.


“We sometimes ask our students at The American University to list twenty famous women from American history. There are only a few restrictions. They cannot include figures from sports or entertainment. Presidents’ wives are not allowed unless they are clearly famous in their own right. Most students cannot do it. The seeds of ignorance were sown in their earliest years of schooling.” – Failing at Fairness by Myra & David Sadker

My friend Ashlie used to refuse to read novels written by men. She told me that her high school and college education was male-dominated and she had decided that she needed to compensate by reading many of the women authors that get neglected within our schools.

I can’t say she doesn’t have a point.

Today, I can name many fantastic authors, but if I look back upon my formal education, with the possible exception of the Bronte sisters and Jane Austin, I don’t believe we studied any women writers. Female scientists? Marie Curie. That’s the extent of the list I was ever taught. Can’t even think of one female mathematician or physician. Historical figures? Short of presidents’ wives, I got none. Well, there’s Anne Frank, but I’m not sure what category she falls under.

Quite pathetic if you ask me.

I was never explicitly told that just because I am female, I’m not supposed to be good at a certain field. In elementary school, I rocked in math and the teacher never made me feel like that was a bad thing. For middle and high school, I attended an all-girls school so obviously there was no male-female competition there. But I have consistently been interested in the male-dominated fields and I have never felt intimidated by the men around me. So I always thought that maybe I grew up without gender discrimination.

The fact is, gender discrimination is there all the time. I didn’t avoid it. Most people aren’t even aware that they are biased. I, for the most part, haven’t internalized it. ( Though, I did internalize a whole lot of other things.) Just because it didn’t destroy my life, or at least not in the ways I’m aware of, doesn’t mean the bias isn’t out there. Doesn’t mean it isn’t important. And it surely doesn’t mean that it doesn’t affect many others.

Can you name twenty women from American history?

Previously? Good Mate.

Good Mate

As I explained yesterday I’m not very good at coming up with ideas on what to write lately, so I decided to use the aid of some hardware. I bought If and a bunch of other several books in college when it was fun to talk about such random issues with random strangers. To be fully honest, I don’t think I’ve cracked the book since then but this seems a good time as any.

So here’s today’s question: If you had to name the single most important quality of a good mate, what would it be?

Honesty: I think honesty is at the root of any healthy relationship. Even though it can be mean or not-so-fun-to-hear at times, but it’s still better than any untruth. Maybe this is exceptionally important to me because I worry too much and am not always completely self-confident. Ask any paranoid, the stories he or she is capable of coming up with are way worse than any awful truth. Honesty is also the core of trust and once you lose trust, what exactly do you have left? If I know that my partner is being fully honest with me at all times, all the extra layers of garbage are automatically peeled off and we’re communicating at the most fundamental of all levels. An honest mate is a mate who respects me and values me.

What other qualities?

Compassion: Someone I can lean on. Someone who will care for me and take the time to listen to me and understand me. Sounds cheesy but I think most people in the world want to be understood. Someone to listen to what I’m actually saying. Someone who will just hug me when there’s no good option. Someone who will choose to be by my side through thick and thin. Someone who loves his family, babies and animals. Someone who’s not embarrassed to kiss me in public.

Laughter: Someone who makes me laugh. Not much to say here. I love a man who can make me laugh.

Intelligence: I like people who make me think, people that give me different opinions, people who have interesting hobbies, people who can introduce me to new worlds.

How about you? What’s the single most important quality that you care about?

Previously? Quiet.


I don’t know what happened.

To be fully honest, it’s been this way since September. I just can’t seem to find something worthwhile to say. September and October were spent in confusion, disbelief, and applications. I honestly cannot even remember November.

December had me interviewing, brought a proposal, a promotion, a job offer, more holiday food, and a lovely New Year’s eve. All in one month.

January turned my life upside down, sent Jake back to work, meant we’re definitely not moving to Texas just yet, brought on some begging to make my new career work, and meant hours and hours of work planning for the upcoming wedding.

February so far promises my first flight since September, an engagement party in Istanbul, and more wedding arrangements.

Through all this, one would think I’d have more to write about. More to think about. More to feel. More to blabber on and on. But somehow I don’t. Most days, I sit on the computer, trying to come up with something fascinating, something interesting, something readable. And I end up with nothing.

I’m not exactly sure why.

I spend most of my free time lying on the couch staring at the TV. I knit like mad, trying to finish my sister’s and nephews’ scarves on time. I’m trying to keep the wedding thing together. I’m trying not to disappoint my manager and team at work. I’m trying to arrange our honeymoon plans. I’m trying to read up on teaching and study for the New York State licensing exams. My brain is pretty close to turning to mush and I am just barely able to do the context switching when necessary.

Maybe that’s why I can’t seem to write much lately. Any ideas?

Previously? Power of Many.

The Power of Many

I have heard that some scientists think that what makes humans superior to other creatures is that we’re social.

I believe in the power of many. In Turkish we have a saying and it translates to, “What does one hand have? Two hands make noise.” Okay, so it doesn’t translate well, but I hope you know what it is trying to say. It has always been obvious to me that two people can achieve a lot more than one, and three in return, can do even more.

Unless we’re talking about developing software.

But seriously, a single person has limitations on his or her capacity, just by the fact that a person can only do one thing at a time, be in only one place at a time. A crowd can disperse to attack the issue from a multitude of angles, bring the issue to a resolution. A single complaint might be whining, but a hundred people complaining often makes it a legitimate issue. Think about class-action suits, they symbolize the power of a crowd over one individual.

A group of people are stronger in pure muscle power as well as brain power. Having more people means more ideas, more points of view, and more experience to draw from. There are many studies proving that if humans grew up without other humans, they would not acquire language skills. We learn to speak so we can communicate with others. Because we live in a society.

There’s also the downside of the ‘power of many.’ There’s a famous psychology test where the subject is placed in a room with nine other researchers and shown two lines where one is obviously longer than the other. The psychologist asks each participant, starting with the nine researches who are acting as if they are subjects, which line is longer. Each researcher has been told to say that the longer line is the one that obviously appears to be the short one. By the time the actual subject’s turn comes up, he almost consistently replies in accordance with the undercover researchers.

Why? Because no one likes to sway from the crowd. Even when the answer is obvious and seemingly certain, very rarely do people want to give the single opposing response. It’s easier to roll with the crowd than to stand your ground alone. “If everyone said the answer is B, maybe I’m missing something. Maybe the answer is B.”

I bet your mom told you that it’s a bad idea to do what everyone else does, right?

Even though it increases the pressure to want to belong, I believe working in a group is consistently superior to working alone. It’s simply impossible to come up with as many ideas and see things from as many perspectives on one’s own.

The trick is not to give up your own sense of being in the process.

Previously? Finally.


I suck at waiting.

I suck at unclear.

I suck at undecided.

As of Saturday, my life was semi-decided, my part of the world was almost completely under control whereas Jake’s was still topsy turvy. I was semi-freaked out but also happy that my resolutions had worked out.

Saturday morning, Jake’s life made a big leap into the world of fantastic. Suddenly, he had options, each better than the previous. It was time for us to sit down and have a talk. A long talk. One of those you-know-you-have-to-but-wish-you-didn’t talks. One where we knew there was no safe path to walk, no one right answer. No one perfect solution.

We talked about the near future, the far future, the unknowns, the what-if, the but-what-about-mes, the beginning of a world of compromises. A few hours into it, I became confident this path wouldn’t lead us to answers. I knew the talk was going nowhere and I was getting more excitable by the minute. I told him we had to stop talking and I had to sleep.

I like to sleep when I feel the depression come on. It’s preferable to the uncontrollable crying. Wouldn’t you agree?

A few hours of sleep gave me all the answers. The ones I knew but was unwilling to admit. It made me realize that I needed to choose us over me and our combined goals over my personal ones. It sounds easy, but let me be the first to tell you: it’s not.

Once the decision was made, Jake’s life switched to steady and all-good and mine got completely destroyed. I had to go back to square one and travel the path once more. I had to beg, pray and wait.

I’m not good at waiting. Since Saturday morning, I’ve been alternating between vegging out in front of the TV and sleeping. I’ve avoided pretty much everyone, as well as my site. I had no motivation to do anything until I knew.

Well, now I know.

And as Heather would say, “It’s all good, baby”.

Previously? Loss of Identity.

Loss of Identity

I’m in the process of watching “Sound and Fury.” If you are, or ever have been interested in the deaf culture, I would highly recommend seeing this movie.

It tells the story of two families, one hearing, one deaf, both of which have deaf children. The hearing family decides to get a cochlear implant for their son. And the daughter of the deaf family says she wants an implant as well. She says she wants to hear the sound of babies crying, of cars crashing, talk on the phone, hear alarms.

The little girl’s parents do a lot of research, speaking with deaf and hearing families whose children have gotten cochlear implants. The father, of the girl, is against getting the implant cause he’s worried that the girl will lose her deaf identity and not be able to grow up with the deaf culture. The mother decides to extend her research and goes to the medical labs to find out if she, for herself, could get the implant. The representative at the lab explains to her that it’s much easier if the deaf individual is younger, so her daughter, at five, could get the implant without much adjustment, but for the mother it would be a major life change and it’s likely that the mom would keep signing.

The film shows the devastated deaf grandparents of the boy whose parents decide to get the cochlear implant and the crying grandmother whose deaf son decides not to get the implant for his daughter. I watched the movie, amazed at how similar it was to other common arguments I grew up with. A Jewish family whose daughter wants to marry a non-Jew, interracial couplings, a parent who moves into another country but wants to raise her children immersed in the culture she grew up with. At first look, there appears to be little difference between this argument and one of a French mother trying to send her kids to French-only schools and surrounding them with other French speaking children.

But then deafness is a disability.

Or so people say. And such, the issue becomes one of “if you could convert your child from a disabled one to a ‘normal’ one, wouldn’t you choose to?”

The movie addressed two main issues. One was specific to this girl whose parents were convinced that allowing her to have a cochlear implant would strip all of her deaf culture away. The father, keenly, observes that a girl who grows up with an implant and deaf parents, cannot speak English properly whereas a girl with hearing parents knows nothing about sign language or deafness. Such, they worry that the implant would mean she would end up belonging in neither the deaf nor the speaking world.

On a bigger scale, deaf people are concerned that if cochlear implants take over, every parent will implant one in their deaf baby and deaf culture will eventually disappear. Like Spanish people would cry at the loss of their culture, deaf people were crying at the potential death of theirs.

As a speaking person, it’s easy to judge. It’s easy to say that deafness is a disability and that if the girl could possibly hear, the parents owe it to the girl to explore that option. It’s easy to assume that since we can hear, hearing people must have a better life, more options. After all, I can sign and I can hear, so don’t I have the best of both worlds?

And yet, the movie made me think that maybe it’s not better. Maybe deafness is a culture just like ethnicity and religion. Maybe this girl will feel a stronger sense of belonging if she grows up deaf in the deaf community of her parents. Maybe much of life is accepting who you are and not forcing to fit in with the norm, assuming we even know what the norm is.


Or maybe not.

Previously? A Fickle Relationship .