I hope you’re all enjoying the holiday season. Over here we celebrate
Hannukah, Christmas and New Year’s so it’s a long month of merriness. We
had a marvelous morning of waffle breakfast, opening presents, painting
David’s new solar system and now he’s napping while Mommy relaxes for a
bit. Hope yours is going wonderfully as well.
I wanted to thank you for your good wishes. We’re very excited and
thankful for this little baby. The last few weeks have been really rough
on me. I seem to have really bad morning sickness. I had a lot of this
with David, too, but this time it’s almost worse. I can’t seem to keep
enough water down so I have already been to the Urgent Care twice in the
last 5 weeks to get some extra water into my body. I am hoping the
nausea will be over soon but I wanted to let you know cause it’s why
things are a bit intermittent over here.
On a wonderful note, the baby seems to be doing fine and I am eternally
thankful for that.
For being gone for so long. It’s been a rough and busy few weeks. Thank
you so much for all your kind messages and I am so sorry I had you
worried. All is ok, I assure you. More soon. Very soon.
I worry about the stupidest things. Everything. All the time. It’s what
I do. Worry. I don’t know if I inherited it or just decided to take on
at some early point in my life.
I worry about big things too. My son. My marriage. My work. My health.
But really, most of my day to day life is worrying about the stupid
stuff. Whether David took a nap. If I ate too much. If I have enough
creative talent. If my house is clean enough (it never is). Does my son
eat enough veggies.
This week I’m working from home cause David’s school is closed. And
instead of enjoying my time with him and being thankful that I am
getting to spend this much of it, I decided to potty train him and be
frustrated about it 24-7. I worry we waited too long and he’s already
3.5. I worry he won’t ever learn. I worry I’ll scar him and make him
have bigger issues. I worry. I worry. I worry.
And so I am stressed. And then I am tired. It’s so incredibly stupid.
Instead I should be thankful my son is healthy enough for me to be able
to toilet train him. Thankful that I get to be home this week and can
take the opportunity and time to do it. Thankful that I was able to have
a child. Honestly. It sounds stupid like the “be happy you have arms and
legs” that moms always say but honestly, Karen, it’s time to shape up.
get to
toilet train.
I just realized Shimelle was still posting blog prompt but I was not
getting them, so this is going to be my attempt to catch up on them.
Let’s see how well I do.
Tuesday: When was the last time you said yes to something new? Share
that experience and what you learned with your readers.
This is an excellent question. It’s been a long long long time since I
said yes to something new and interesting or challenging on a personal
level. I should think about this some more. I have said no to some
things which is good for me since I am not so good at saying no so I am
proud of that.
Professionally, I agreed to help out with a new product which stresses
me out a bit but it’s also made me excited to be learning new things and
I am quite happy about that.
Wednesday:Tell your blog readers about a time when you suddenly had
more confidence than you expected — maybe in replying ‘yes’ or ‘no’!
For me, this was accepting to take a six-month business trip to Japan.
Logically, I thought it was crazy and I didn’t really want to do it. But
emotionally and especially in my gut, I really wanted to do it. I knew I
was going to do it so I put all my logic aside and jumped in with both
It turned out to be a really good idea and I am eternally grateful that
I trusted my gut.
Thursday:What’s one thing in your daily routine that you would
happily say ‘no’ to if you had the option to magic it away?
Work? Hmmm, other than that, lately it’s been putting suntan lotion on
David every morning. I really dread it for some weird reason.
Today’s prompt from Shimelle: Share a story with your readers about
one moment when you felt independent and in control.
I’ve had a few such luxurious moments in my life. When I moved to the US
from Turkey. I was really homesick for a few weeks but overall I was
much more in my element in the US than I ever felt in Istanbul. I had a
similar feeling when I graduated and moved to New York, when I had my
own apartment, my own job, and just my own life. I love it. Even now. I
am scared to do something to rock things but I do have a very nice life
and I feel lucky to be able to be independent (or feel that way even
with a 3 year old.). I love my life. I love my family. I love that I
made this life. We made it. It’s really magical.
I’ve always, always wanted to make my own choices. Ever since I can
remember and I love making them.
Thursday’s prompt from Shimelle was:What do you do when don’t feel
very creative or feel like you’ve hit a
creative block? Share a few tips that help you get back to yourself.
Honestly, I think the best thing is to walk away. Wait until the next
wave of creativity comes and don’t force yourself. Or just to play with
no plan in mind and see what happens. In the ideal world of no
deadlines, I think that’s the best thing to do. Give yourself permission
to rest. Relax. Rejuvenate. If only I took my own advice.
Wednesday’s prompt from Shimelle was: Who was your personal favourite
teeny-bopper pin-up? Share a story
about that dreamboat or another happy teenage memory with your readers.
This one didn’t make me think a long while. I didn’t even have one
poster in my room as a teenager. I have never been that type of girl. I
think that’s one of the reasons I was so miserable in Turkey. I just
didn’t fit into the tiny community I was stuck with. I also don’t really
equate teenage with fun. Then again, I did have a few good, solid
friends. One of whom I will be talking about in this week’s creative therapy piece.
The few friends I did have, I still cherish wholeheartedly.
Today’s post from Shimelle is: What’s your favourite reading
material? Like the kind of favourite that you would take it to read if
you had to cut off the rest of the world for years and years?
This one is easy for me. Fiction. I love reading fiction. Just about any
mainstream fiction will do. I don’t read genres that often so no
fantasy, romance, or horror. Rarely science fiction or mystery. No
historical fiction. But I will pick a good story over just about
anything else. My requirements for locations where I am willing to live
depend on where Amazon delivers.
I am constantly looking for new books and new authors. Not new, per se,
but new to me. Any suggestions?
Tell your blog readers about someone who has been a creative
influence in your life — a crafty mum, aunt or grandparent, an
influential school teacher or a friend who brought out your creative
side, perhaps.
Wow this one is actually a loaded question for me funny enough. My mom
is an amazingly talented person. She is a true artist in my mind but
she’s never been an artist by profession. She was an art restorer for a
long time and then a jewelry designer and now she’s an interior
decorator. But instead of it all inspiring me, it’s always intimidated
me. I always knew I just didn’t have whatever gene it was that you
needed. I’ve always craved being artistic. I’ve always wished I was
naturally talented at it. But oh well, I am good with computers…..
Friday’s prompt from Shimelle is: What was your favourite treat as a
child? What is it now? Share the story behind your favourite treats
(be they sweets or luxuries) with your readers to see if
they share your tastes.
Well when I first read this, I thought of bubble baths. I used to take
these bubble baths where I had music playing, a bowl of fruit floating,
and a fantastic book. I loved them. The second time I read it, I
immediately thought of chocolate. My grandmother makes this amazing
Chocolate Mousse. It’s mouth watering. Even now, when I visit home, it’s
the first thing she makes for me.
I don’t have either today but I am still addicted to chocolate.
Especially Lindt Lindor. It’s the very very best!
Thursday’s prompt from Shimelle is: What artistic technique do you
love but not use often? What artistic technique intimidates you? Maybe
you’ll find an expert in that technique reads your blog and can comment
with tips for you!
A great question as always. There are too many for me. Sewing. Vintage.
Painting. I would love to do any of these. They all intimidate me.
Especially the drawing. I so wish I could draw and paint better. I’ve
also always wanted to make a quilt.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects