As you already know, I’ve been taking Stephanie Lee’s class Shifting Ground. This class has been amazing. Which does not surprise me one tiny bit. Her previous class which I took in 2009 was also amazing. She has an incredible way with words. She is able to put my feelings, thoughts, worries into succinct and eloquent words. On Monday, she posted a long entry about the importance of regular journaling. Towards the end, she had a section about how some people worry that their journals will be found and read and if they write mean things, it might hurt the reader’s feelings. Here are some of Stephanie’s words (excerpted with permission):
If the people in your lives have doubts about your relationship with them and then they catch wind of you keeping a journal that you don’t want them to read, they will WANT to read it. Not because they care about what you’ve written as much as they want to know what is real and they want to know if their fears are real. No one wants to be in relationships that are uncertain even if you have no real problem with them in particular.
When I read these words, I was immediately taken aback by how true they were. I suffer from a lot of insecurity related to my relationships with other people. Because of my personal feelings of low self-worth, I tend to always assume that people aren’t really interested in being in my life but that they’re “putting up with me” for one reason or another. I am constantly paranoid that they are in the brink of walking out or they are talking behind my back. A good twenty years ago, I had people in my life like that. But back then I was a teenager and so were they. I notice lack of integrity (especially when it comes to friendships and popularity) is quite high during those years. And yet, despite many years of solid friendships, I still find myself paranoid, insecure, and scared. I feel uncertain in so many of my relationships. And even in my marriage sometimes. Mostly because I am so used to living with the worry of being left that I can’t imagine a world where someone wants to stay with me out of choice.
Stephanie then continues to say:
Live your life as transparent as possible. Reaffirm your commitment to those you love in your actions, words, and energy. They will trust that and be less concerned with the details of how you are able to maintain it. Let your demonstration of love – both for them AND yourself – be so strong and solid that there will be no room for them to doubt that what you are writing isn’t damning to them.
And this is exactly what I asked Jake to do for me this year. To be really honest and open. To spell things out for me that might seem superbly obvious to him. To let me know that he forgives me when I mess up. To assure me that he’s choosing to stay with me. I know this must seem sad to have to do after sixteen years of being together but it’s nothing to do with him or our marriage. It’s related to my personal fears and state of mind about life. I love what Stephanie said and I know for a fact that I am not the only person out there who is insecure in this way.
I took these words to heart and decided that I wanted to be better about my relationships, too. I want to make sure I am committed to the people I love with my words, actions and energy. I want to make sure my children, my husband, my friends know without a shadow of a doubt that I am committed to them and that I love them. I want to make sure there’s no room for doubt. There’s no reason to worry. There’s nothing but the strength of our bond. (And I love that she mentions love of oneself as well. I definitely need to work on that one.)
Even if it turns out they’re not insecure like I am, I cannot imagine anything but good coming out of this vow.
Thank you, Stephanie, once again for the weight and value of your words. Here’s to strong demonstrations of love and commitment.
Since I still can’t show my The Girls’ Paperie layouts (coming soon, I swear), I wanted to share with you some of the classes I have been working on and taking. In the next three months, I will be teaching or giving content to four classes and I am taking five classes.
I didn’t arrange for it to be that way. I have an already busy schedule and I would have preferred to spread them out a bit but things work out the way they do for a reason so I am just going to enjoy myself with each of these amazing classes. And if you’re a class-fanatic like I am, you might like some of these too so I thought it might be good to share.
I’ll start with the two I am teaching.
Embrace Imperfection – Starts: February 10 – Duration: 2 Weeks – Cost: Free
This class is completely free and all you need to do is to click on the image above to go sign up. It is two weeks on how to conquer your scrapbooking perfectionism. I talk about different areas where we seem to worry too much about being perfect and how it gets in the way of actually preserving your memories and why you should not worry so much about getting it all “perfect.” (btw, there’s no such thing as a perfect layout.)
Click here to read more and sign up.
Find Your Way – Starts: February 24 – Duration: 8 Weeks – Cost: $39
This class evolved from my layout a day experience back in May 2010. During that process, I finally managed to find my way, my style, my groove, whatever you want to call it. The experience was so exciting, so wonderful that I wanted to create a way for others to find their own unique way of scrapbooking too so they experience the same joy. Having my own way has saved me money and time. It has also increased my joy of creating a page tenfold. And as a side benefit, it has brought me a lot of amazing industry opportunities. In this class, we explore a different part of the scrapbooking process each week and slowly eliminate what we don’t like and discover what speaks most authentically to our creativity. It might sound wishy washy but it’s very concrete. You’re also strongly encouraged to do daily layouts along with the class (though not required.) I share over 80 of my own layouts in this workshop. If this class helps you discover half of what I did in May, it will be extremely amazing. (That’s my hope!)
Click here to read more and sign up.
Those are the two classes I’m teaching. There are also two other classes where I’ve provided material, written an article and recorded a webinar. Both of these classes are for:
Masterful Scrapbook Design – Starts: January 1 and February 1 – Duration: 1 Month – Cost: $10/month
This is an amazing series by Debbie Hodge of Get it Scrapped! It’s an ongoing series of design concepts for scrapbookers. Each month, she pickes a different topic and features four designers and explores that topic using their work. If you’ve ever read anything Debbie wrote, you’d know she’s very very thorough and detail-oriented and amazingly insightful. The January seminar alone was 56 pages!
I have specifically submitted content to the January seminar which is on Journaling (the other artists for January are: Dina Wakley, Paula Gilarde, and Lain Ehmann. And to February which is on Scrapbook page titles (the other artists for February are: Doris Sander, Aaron Morris, and Kayleigh Wiles.) This is a subscription-based class which you can add and turn off anytime and it’s $10 a month which is an amazing amazing deal! I cannot recommend it enough!
And now let’s move on to the classes I am taking:
One Little Word – Ali Edwards – Starts: January 1 – Duration: All Year – Cost: $36
It’s no secret that I’m a huge Ali fan and no secret that I’m a big fan of one little word, so I signed up for this class without hesitation. My goal is to do all the work in my art journal instead of an album like Ali’s doing. I’ve already listened to and finished the first lesson. If you’re into OLW and Ali as much as I am, it’s highly recommended. sign up here.
Stretching Within – Misty Mawn – Starts: January 10 – Duration: 5 weeks – Cost: $100
This is another class I jumped at the moment Misty put it up. It’s a mixed media class exploring drawing, painting, collaging, and writing. I’m a huge Misty fan and when I saw this, I thought she must have known my 2011 goals of drawing and painting more and better. The class started this week and it’s already unbelievably amazing. Sign up here.
Shifting Ground – Stephanie Lee – Starts: January 10 – Duration: 4 weeks – Cost: $75
I took Stephanie’s journaling class in 2009 and I was blown away. I love love love reading her posts and her words are just like little jewels to me. That class had some deep insights for me and changed my life considerably so having another class by Stephanie is a true luxury. If you’re into journaling even in the tiniest bit, I encourage you to take it. Sign up here.
Soul Restoration – Melody Ross – Starts: January 11 – Duration: 6 weeks – Cost: $99
I know I am sounding like a parrot but I am a HUGE Melody fan. Both she and her sister Kathy who are the two owners of Brave Girls Camp are amazing people and deeply deeply inspirational. I have not had the incredible luxury of going to Brave Girls’ Camp so this is the next best thing I can do. Sign up here.
Sketchbook Delight – Alisa Burke – Starts: February 7 – Duration: 4 weeks – Cost: $50
If you’ve been reading my posts in the last few weeks, you’ll notice that I want to learn how to sketch. I’ve been reading Danny Gregory’s books and scouring the internet to find some ideas and techniques. Recently I discovered Alisa Burke’s sketchbooks and I fell in love. Love love love. They inspired me to sketch immediately so I literally squealed with joy when I saw her offering that class. It’s the only one on this list that hasn’t started yet so if you’re interested in sketching, run run run. Sign up here.
And there you are. I hope to see you in one of my classes or one of the ones I’m taking!! If you know of other classes please do leave them in the comments. If you can’t tell, I love taking classes online!
After I thought about my word and my plans for 2011, I began to think more and more about what the word and the priorities meant. The end of the year is always a contemplative time for me. Likely it’s because I have a larger chunk of free time than usual and each year feels a bit like beginning a new notebook so I try to use the occasion to think and look forward and plan. I’ve learned that planning is tremendously effective. This is very long and mostly for my benefit (I like having a record of my plans and my thoughts) so feel free to skip. I won’t be offended.
About a week ago or so, I was reading Chris’s annual review article. I’ve read this before and have always liked the idea. I’m a technical person at heart and all these specific goals, measurable steps, etc. are right up my alley. Since I have my list of 9 priorities this year, I thought it would be a good exercise to see if I could come up with 3-5 goals for each.
So here we go:
Goals for Each Priority
1. Read and do workbooks with David daily (Project A Book A Week with David).
2. Take photo of full-family and write updates weekly (Project Us Right Now).
3. Write a daily diary of us + gratitude (Project Daily Diary)
4. Start a family night where we all play games or watch movies together (Scheduled for Sunday nights 6pm)
5. Sign up for a mommy/me class with Nathaniel (this still needs to be scheduled)
6. Schedule minimum bimonthly date nights with Jake
Health (Project Healthy For Life)
1. Do a combination of walking and running daily, work your way up to 5K a day
2. Complete the 100 pushups schedule
3. Do strength exercises 3x a week
4. Track exercise+food+sleep+water using the fitbit
5. Get minimum 7hours of sleep every night and 8 on the weekends
6. Eat at least one serving of vegetables daily and chicken/fish 3 times a week
7. Walk at least 8500 steps a day and work your way up to 10,000
8. Walk/Run a 10K
9. I also want to work on the coffee+graham crackers intake but not sure of the plan here yet.
I don’t share much about work on my blog and I won’t here either but I promise you I have 5 specific goals for work for 2011.
Art + Photography
1. Draw and paint a portrait six days a week (Project Six Portraits a Week)
2. Art journal weekly (Project Weekly Art Journal)
3. Sketch something small daily (15-30mins)
4. Go on a Monthly photo excursion alone or with a photo buddy
5. Write weekly extended photo articles on my blog
6. Figure out for once an all if I want an etsy shop and what will go in it
1. Create one layout a week just for me
2. Do monthly The Girls’ Paperie layouts
3. Do monthly Pink Paislee layouts
4. Do monthly Creative Therapy layout
5. Do monthly Write.Click.Scrapbook layout + write one more week during 2011
6. Successfully teach all four scheduled 2011 classes at Big Picture Classes and the one I am a part of in Masterful Scrapbook Design
7. Aim to do 5-6 guest design spots or classes (that I teach) this year
8. Submit to one magazine a month (maybe, I can’t decide if I want to do this just yet.)
1. Read a book a week (Project A Book a Week)
2. Read one book with David each week (Project A Book a Week with David)
3. Regularly attend both book clubs
1. Write at least one long thought/idea oriented blog post a week
2. Write one new class (if you have requests, please share)
3. Write one downloadable pdf for my site or etsy (if you have requests, please share)
4. Write+email a newsletter each month
5. Possibly do NaNoWriMo (not sure of this one…)
1. Learn to draw and paint portraits (Project Six Portraits a Week)
2. Take 5-6 online classes this year (already signed up for one with: Misty, Stephanie, Ali, and Melody so maybe I should aim for more)
3. Learn to write an iPhone/iPad application (sort of out there but achievable – let me know if you have an app you want)
4. Learn how to make a stop-motion movie
(more coming here)
Community (This is a particularly hard one for me.)
1. Reach out to people I admire more often (leave more comments/send emails)
2. Invite one book club member out to breakfast/lunch once a month
3. Go out to breakfast/lunch once a week (to work or elsewhere)
4. Ask one of the moms in David’s class out to lunch/coffee once a month
5. Do a weekly-open house for Nathaniel’s moms group
6. Invite guests over for dinner at least once a month
7. Stretch: Do a get-together or attend one
There we go. As more creep up over the year, I will likely come here and add/alter as needed.
Schedule for Blog
I’ve also come up with a schedule for my blog for 2011:
Mondays – Weekly Layout
Tuesdays – Art Journal Weekly
Wednesdays – A Book a Week, The Girls’ Paperie
Thursdays – Six Portraits a Week
Fridays – Healthy for Life, Pink Paislee
Saturdays – Us Right Now
Sundays – A Book a Week with David
And then there is Daily Diary and Monthy WCS layout and monthly Creative Therapy
I will also likely do Monthly Digital Downloads
And finally not directly on my blog but I will be doing the monthly newsletter which will also have digital downloads
Thoughts to Cultivate
There are some major focus areas I want to have throughout the year. Things that I want to come back to again and again. These will likely show up in my art journals but I also want to have them here for reference.
1. Let go of worry This is definitely the biggest issue for me. I worry constantly and I worry about the smallest things as well as the big ones. Even though I know worry is a wasted emotion I still can’t help myself. I want to work on this very actively during 2011. I’ve already talked to my husband and asked him to do some very specific things to help me. I’ve also decided to keep a god box. I want to be very mindful about what and who makes me worry more and create tangible solutions to each.
2. Slow down and be mindful I tend to be an over-achiever which is great but because I am so task-oriented and accomplishment-focused, I often rush through things. I am focused on the end and I don’t enjoy the journey. I don’t slow down. I don’t take my time, explore, learn, grow as much as I could. So my plan this year is to slow down considerably. Take my time drawing. Take my time reading and thinking. If some things don’t get done, that’s ok. I think that much more growth happens when we slow down and approach things mindfully.
3. Do not yell This one is self-explanatory. I absolutely hate hearing other people yell. And yet I do it more often than I’d like. This year, it’s a non-negotiable. It will not happen. It’s not a 5-10% thing. It’s all or nothing and the goal is nothing. People I love deserve my respect.
4. Be patient This one sort of goes along with 2 and 3. I need to practice more patience. I don’t need to rush through everything. I have young children. They are good good children. They are kind and generous and sweet. They deserve my patience. So does my husband. And me, too, I deserve being patient with myself.
5. Assume the best This sort of goes with number one. I tend to go to the worst possible outcome. Out of 1000 good comments I will remember the one negative one. I seek the criticism. I assume the person hates me, is mad at me, doesn’t want to talk to me, etc. etc. I assume people do not want me around. I assume I am doing a bad job and secretly people just don’t tell me. I have these amazingly negative theories about what others think/feel/do about me. It’s quite phenomenal and deeply damaging. And this year I want to turn this around. I want to be enough. I want to assume the best. I want to accentuate the positive. I’ve learned that if you repeat something enough to yourself and others, people start believing you. If you ask what’s wrong enough times, people start noticing things. You call negative energy and attention to yourself. I want to do the opposite. There’s so much good in my life and I want to bask in the glory of it. I want to always assume the best and remember and be grateful for the good.
6. Embrace joy I wrote about choosing joy before. This seems similar to 5 but it’s even bigger. Assuming is after something happens. Embracing is before. I want to seek joy. I want to quit worrying and embrace life and joy and bring forth good things in my life. Joy again and again. This would be so magical if I could do this. Just the idea makes me feel good.
7. Be comfortable in your skin Another big one for me. I have so many issues about who I am and how I look. But I think it’s time to start letting go of that and being free of my misconceptions. I want to get in the picture more so I can make peace with how I look. So I can see myself the way people who love me do. I want to get a new wardrobe, a new haircut, take care of myself a bit more. Not because I am not beautiful just the way I am but because my body deserves to be treated well. With kindness and compassion and it deserves more attention. Only the things you give attention to flourish. I’ve always had the notion that I am boring. I don’t drink or smoke or do drugs. I don’t dance. I don’t enjoy things that are often considered “fun.” But I love deeply. I am loyal and kind and helpful. I am resourceful. I am authentic. I am honest. This is me and instead of yearning to be something else, it’s time to love, accept, be grateful for who I am. I am deserving of friendship and love. And if I don’t believe that how can I expect others to?
8. Don’t criticize, work hard, do your best, let go Simple, obvious but often hard-to-do. This year, I want to focus on giving it all I have and then letting go. Just waking up, doing my best every day and then letting it all go when I lie down to sleep. Each day is a new chance. A do over. Another opportunity to get it right. So it’s best to let go each night and give myself the very best chance to get it right the next day.
And there we are. I am sure more will come up. But these are some of what’s on my mind.
Here’s to hoping 2011 is fantastic for all of us!
Happy 2011.
A New Year means a new word for me. In case you haven’t noticed it when I changed my banner, my one little word for 2011 is Free.
As I do every year, I feel like it’s the most important word I could have chosen. It has meaning on two levels for me:
The first part is about the past. I want to be free of my past. Of the ideas, thoughts, worries in my head of who I am, what I can do, what I deserve, etc. The past has a strong way of influencing who you are. And, of course, who you are affects your dreams, future possibilities and aspirations. The people and thoughts and words in your past shape who you’ve become and they are creating a limited view of the world for you. At least this is what I believe. I have a lot of strong convictions about what I am good at and what I should and should not do.
So a big part of this word (and this year) for me is letting go of the past. Of the hurt I carry around. Of the anger, jealousy, resentment I have for some of the people who broke my spirit. Of the words that were said to me or whispered behind my back. Of the limitations provided by my surroundings. Of the needs I think I have.
I want to be free of the past that’s chained to me. I want to feel like I am an empty vessel waiting to be filled with joy and possibility and dreams that I make up. Anything I want. Completely free. Starting over and not in the way I thought moving to America would help me start over. Not running away. Not trying to fake it. Not burying it all deep down. Not any of those avoiding tactics. I am happy to sit and face everything bad, sad, and ugly and just make my peace with it. Truly, genuinely let it go. I think this will be cathartic and I want to do it.
The other portion of this for me is about the future or maybe even the now. I want to feel free to do anything my heart desires. For example, I really want to learn to draw but I have a lot of voices in my head that tell me I can’t. I am not good at it. I am a computer person not an artistic one. Etc. etc. Same for exercise. I am not in shape. I can’t run. I can’t draw. I can’t can’t can’t. I have a lot of ideas of what I can and cannot do. What’s right and what’s wrong. I want to be free of all of that and feel free to do or be anything. I want to feel all that weight lift off.
I want to be free of worry. I want to let go and see that the world doesn’t stop turning and see that the people who love me still love me. I want to show myself that I can draw. I can run. I can. I can. I can.
So there you go. That’s my goal for 2011.
Since this word is so important to me, I’ve done a millon things to keep myself in this space mentally. I surrounded myself with reminders. I’ve decided birds and butterflies and angels are my symbols for free. And I’ve put them everywhere. Starting with my blog banner. If you look carefully towards the bottom of the flower stem, you’ll see the word “free.”
And then I got a necklace as I seem to yearly now.

Actually my mom brought the necklace. And when she came, she was wearing these two rings with butterflies on them. I begged to have them and of course she graciously agreed. I wear one right now:

I was taking this class from Tam at that time that I was thinking about my word. During the last class, she painted this amazing angel. I fell in love with her during the sneak she posted of the picture. I hadn’t even watched the video yet. And when I watched the whole thing, I felt like the angel was watching me the whole time and to my utter amazement (and joy), Tam wrote “I am free” at the bottom of the painting. I bought the print as soon as I finished watching the video and it hangs above my desk now.

I love love love love this image. I adore it.
My mom also bought me a birdcage and a nest and bird. It sits right next to my desk and the cage is open with the bird sitting on the nest outside the cage. As in, it’s free and not caged.

And finally I covered my art journal with a bird and cage, too. And I even put the word free on my daily planner moleskine:

I know I went overboard but, trust me, this word matters to me. What it represents matters to me. I cannot have enough reminders. I’ve also signed up for Ali’s Big Picture class. Depending on what they are, I plan to do the assignments in my art journal.
I also started a new tradition this year. A while back, I was listening to The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People and one of the things the author mentions is managing our time and how we spend much of it doing what’s urgent instead of doing what’s important. As in, we’re often reacting instead of thinking ahead and calmly acting in the direction of our dreams and priorities.
So I decided it would beneficial for me to make a “Priority List”. A list of goals and people I want to prioritize during 2011. This way, when an opportunity or request came my way, I could check my list and make sure it is aligned with my priorities before I accepted it. It’s easy to lose sight of things and take on projects that end up eating a lot of my time and not making me fulfilled. If I had my list to look at each time, I could keep what’s important at the forefront of my mind and make sure to prioritize it.
Here’s my Priority List for 2011:
* Family
* Health
* Work
* Art + Photography
* Scrapbooking
* Reading
* Writing
* Learning
* Community
These are not in order. Yes, most of the time my family comes first. However, there are times when work takes higher priority because it has to for a brief time. Or sometimes I might choose to exercise even if my son wants to play at that moment. These priorities are fluid for me. They are all a part of me and I want to make sure I value them and dedicate time to each. I also want to make sure I turn down anything that doesn’t line up with one of these.
I know it looks like it’s all-encompassing and I spose if you wanted to, you could make everything fit into one of these categories but, in my heart, I know what these mean. And I know when something comes along that doesn’t fit. Above everything, I want to stay true to my gut. I’ve made the mistake of doing something that will look good and make others think well of me before and it was a lot of heartache for me and so I want to listen to myself more and trust my gut and know that if I turn down something that feels wrong, other opportunities will still come my way and I will know when the right one is there. So I will have faith in myself and in the universe.
And I will prioritize the important.
Since I like visual reminders. I used a beautiful Maya Road product to remind me of my priorities for 2011. I coincidentally happened to have 9 so it was perfect:

I had a lot of long words so I wrote them all on the computer, printed, cut, inked, colored with copics, and then slightly embellished with mostly butterflies.
And there we are. Here’s to an amazing 2011.
The year I will finally be FREE.
Well here we are.
It’s the last day of 2010 and tomorrow a fresh, new year starts. And despite how I feel, I know that I am totally ready! Since I spend the last few weeks of the year thinking about my projects, I also begin working on them slowly so that it’s not a harsh cutoff as the year begins. So I’ve already been drawing and painting faces and reading to david and reading books from my 2011 list, and sketching, and exercising of course. this way when tomorrow comes it’s not like I am beginning 17 new things. or so I hope 🙂
The first thing I wanted to do when I look back was to review the projects I’d picked for 2010, so here we go in no particular order:
Weekly Gratitude
I think this one was a huge personal success. Not only did I fulfill the intent of posting thoughts once a week and art once a week but I also wrote down 3 things every day. And then in a wonderful spin-off, so did my son David. And then he started keeping a gratitude journal. This project is easily one of my all-time favorite things I did. Ever. You can find all of my weekly gratitude posts here.

Daily Diary
This, too, was successful. I managed to post diary entires for every day in 2010 (assuming I manage to post one tonight.) And I had a non-family photo for every day as well. According to my computer that’s 2,247 photos for this year for this project. I did do my gratitudes but I originally had also intended on writing some thoughts for each day and that got dropped somewhere along the way and I was all-too-happy not to pick it up again. It was hard for me to think of things to write and instead this year I decided to do longer, thought-out posts once a week. Let’s see if that works out.
Here’s a favorite shot from 2010 (it won’t come as a surprise of course)

and here’s a favorite shot for nathaniel (though I have many many):

and one for david:

and one for the love of my life:

As for me, I took this photo of me last night as I got dressed for company. It’s nothing special but just a visual reminder of all the hard work I’ve been doing lately:

You can find all of the daily diary posts here.
Crafting with David
This was one of those projects that got abandoned somewhere in the middle of the year. To be fair, we made quite a few projects together and we abandoned it because I started to teach David how to read. We did workbooks. And then we read together. And then he started the gratitude journal. So we did continue to spend time together but we didn’t craft as much. I do hope to make sure I do at least a few crafting projects with David all throughout 2011 because I still love the fact that he enjoys crafting. You can see all of crafting with David posts here.
A Book a Week
This one worked out perfectly. I read a lot. I read different genres. I went outside my list a lot but also read quite a few of the ones on my list. I made a new list for 2011. Transferred some over and I am still reading like crazy. I joined three different book clubs and my love of reading is going strong and possibly even flourishing. I’ve considered writing longer, more thought out reviews in 2011 but it’s just not interesting to me for some reason. I am more interested in reading the books. You can see all the books I read in 2010 here.
52 Things
I loved making this list and I loved even more that I worked on so many of these. Somewhere in November, I stopped working as hard. Partly because the things that were left didn’t inspire me and partly because I got tired. I am still very happy with what I did finish, especially since I would likely not have done most of those if it weren’t for my list. You can read all of the things I did here.
Then there were those things that I didn’t originally plan for 2010 but they happened and they were wonderful:
Layout a Day in May
This project was done without any planning and it completely changed my life. It helped me find my personal, unique voice. And I truly believe it brought me the amazing opportunities I have like designing for The Girls’ Paperie, Tim Holtz, and Pink Paislee. It made scrapping hugely fun for me and brought my hobby to another level. It also encouraged me write a brand new workshop so I could help others discover their own voice. I also got published in a wonderful Swedish magazine (more detail with photos coming soon.) You can see all my layouts from that month here.

I also did a few other projects and realized that focusing on something for a month works really well. (Except for the happiness one I did which didn’t work well and I had to abandon it.) Even the ones I did only halfway were worth it very very much. I can go on and on but to be honest I am pretty much done with this year.
My word for 2010 was loved. And I must say it was a good one. I feel very loved. Doing the gratitude project has allowed me to see how amazing my life is. How I get to be loved by my husband, children, sister, nephews, parents, good friends online and offline. I am a very very blessed person.
and now ready for 2011!
onward and upward!
I am so sorry about all the emails you just got. I was trying to update some old posts to make sure they had the right categories and unbeknownst to me, the program decided to just email them all out. It won’t happen again and I apologize profusely.
During September, I was honored to be a part of Tracey Clark’s I am enough collaborative. The following is a copy of the text I wrote for it. I just wanted to have a copy on my own site, too.
There’s this one scene in the movie Pretty Woman where Vivian is lying in bed with Edward. The dialogue goes like this:
Vivian: People put you down enough, you start to believe it.
Edward: I think you are a very bright, very special woman.
Vivian: The bad stuff is easier to believe. You ever notice that?
It might seem simple and cliché but I still remember, years later, how true that rang for me. The bad stuff is easier to believe. That has always been the case for me and throughout my life I always thought I had several legitimate “reasons” why I felt this way.
I grew up with a particularly good-looking set of friends. This coupled with childhood cruelty meant that I heard over and over again how ugly I was and how I simply didn’t fit in. For the longest time, this was my biggest excuse for feeling like I wasn’t enough. I would never be pretty enough. I would never be wanted. I would never be loved.
While my social life and self-image were both lacking, I did have areas of strength. I’ve always been a relatively good student. I am not a genius by any definition, but I graduated from a top college with multiple degrees. I then went on to work on Wall Street where I became a Vice President. I quit that to become a teacher for Teach For America. Then I moved across the country and got another job, which then led me to my current job with Google. I know of many people whose careers are far better than mine, but this is not an area (unlike my looks) where I was teased, discouraged, or showed signs of failure. If anything, I was a success.
And yet, it was an event at work that finally showed me how deep my insecurities went.
A few years ago, I was sitting in my office when I got a call that my manager was looking for me, could I please come down to his office. My mind immediately went to the bad stuff. He is going to fire me, I thought. While a small part of my mind whispered, “Why would he fire you?” the rest of me easily squashed that sensible voice. By the time I made it down the twenty steps, I was sweating and freaking out. When I walked into his office, he asked me to close the door. If I needed a final sign (and I didn’t) this was it. He was letting me go.
The next thing my manager did was to pull out a sheet of paper and show me the extra stock I was receiving for being a good employee.
I kid you not.
I was getting a bonus and that’s why he wanted to see me.
This one moment changed my life. It was such a clear picture of how out of whack my sense of self was that I could no longer deny it. I could no longer use my childhood friends as an excuse for not feeling enough. They might have made fun of my looks but they never called me stupid. On the contrary, they made fun of me for working too hard, reading too much, being too bright. So the worry that I wasn’t good enough for this job had nothing to do with them.
I finally had to admit that it was all coming from me. Somewhere along the line, I had embraced the “I am not enough” mentality and I was liberally applying it to all areas of my life. I am not pretty enough. I am not thin enough. I am not smart enough. I am not good enough. I am not enough.
This mentality has limited my life in so many ways. From the small things like how I haven’t worn a bathing suit in years or refuse to dance to the big things like not going after exciting opportunities because I feel I don’t deserve them or not standing up for myself when I am clearly being wronged. It has also meant that I live every minute of my life trying to measure up to a nonexistent example of “ideal.” I read other people’s blogs or watch my friends’ lives and take the very best of everyone and everything and wonder why I don’t have it. Why can’t I exercise that often? How come I can’t be the perfect mom? How come my art never looks like that? I constantly live with the fear that the people around me will finally wake up and realize that I really am not enough. My husband will leave, my boss will fire me, friends will stop calling, etc, etc.
Doesn’t it tire you just to read about it?
The fact is, it’s a lot of work to feel so inadequate all the time. It’s a lot of work to feel so sorry for myself. To feel so much anxiety. To be so sad all the time. To worry constantly.
So I’ve decided it’s time to let it all go. I’ve never been one for moderation. For me, it’s do or don’t do. I look at the person I’ve become and the constant worry I live with, and I know that I don’t want my kids to grow up with that around them. I don’t want them to see a mom who’s too insecure to dance. I don’t want to spend my days worrying about my work or my marriage ending. More importantly, I want my kids to grow up knowing that they are enough. They are strong enough, beautiful enough, and intelligent enough. They have everything they need. They are everything they need. And how can I help them build that mindset if I don’t have it myself?
Since the incident in my manager’s office, I’ve been focusing on taking responsibility for feeling inadequate. My childhood friends might have done some strong, initial damage but I chose to live with that story. I chose to carry it with me all these years and make it a part of who I am. Let it define me and my choices. I can only get rid of it if I take responsibility for its existence and my part in feeding it.
If I look into myself on a good day and stop focusing so hard on what other people might think, deep deep down, I see that reserve of strength. The quiet voice that tells me I really am enough. And that I can do this. I can let all the worry go and people will still be here and still love me and just being me, as I am, is enough. For anything. For everything.
It’s time to let that voice speak up. It’s time to stop believing the bad stuff and embrace the good. I deserve it. I am enough.
I’m still in my funk and whenever I get in these funks I seem to think a lot about the same issues that come back over and over to haunt me so I decided writing is a good way to get them out of my system.
Here are some things that are on my mind. They are not in order. They may or may not be connected. I am not going to worry about creating a connecting thread. What connects them is that they are all on my mind and in my life right now:
– There are several emails I’m waiting for. I sit here and hit refresh on my mail reader a hundred times a minute. I hate to be in this waiting stage. The idea of semi-stopping my life for someone who isn’t even bothering to take the time to respond to a two minute email drives me insane. But then I think about it from the other perspective. Likely, I am not the only one who sent email to this person. I get too many emails to respond to, and likely so do these people. Not to mention, sometimes I like to do things as opposed to respond to email. Or I might have something going on that’s urgent or time-sensitive. Or I could even be procrastinating. I know I don’t always respond timely and, intellectually, I know this person’s lack of response to me is not personal. It’s not about me. But it still drives me insane.
– Which also makes me think about how I must be doing that to some other people. Sometimes I save an email and don’t respond for weeks. If I stop to imagine that this person might be feeling exactly how I am feeling now, I shudder. (This is for anyone who might have sent me an email that I didn’t respond to, please email me again. Tell me that you’re waiting. I won’t be angry, I won’t think badly of you, I won’t be annoyed. Please email me and I will respond. Immediately.) I hate that I might be making someone feel the way I am feeling right now.
– I was listening to a podcast the other day where the author (orator?) was saying that when she’s writing messages on email or FB or Twitter, she writes and erases and worries about what others might think or say. I have to admit while I generally worry tremendously about what others think of me, I rarely ever edit my words. My blog posts (such as this) are written all in one sitting, one flow, without editing, and often without re-reading (I sometimes check for spelling errors cause my husband makes fun of me.) I just write. For me, this place is generally either to get my thoughts down or to work something out. It’s for me. I appreciate and love the people who come to visit but over the ten years my traffic has changed a lot. If I wrote for the visitors, I would never be able to stay authentic to me and never be able to change, grow, evolve. Not to mention it wouldn’t be nearly as interesting to me to go back and read my posts. Anyhow, all this made me think a lot about Gretchen Rubin’s “Be Gretchen” commandment that I mentioned a while ago. I was reading the other day that if you want your art, your site etc to speak to others, you need to have a focus. Something you’re standing for. And I thought, “what would be mine? What matters to me? What do I want to say?” and the thing I kept coming back to over and over was “be authentic.” Be who you are. What makes this place so amazing is the way we are all different and unique. The way we each have our own perspective. I think the very best thing you can be is you. I truly believe that. Sure, go ahead and improve, and be the best version of you. But still, be you. This is something I work hard on. I try really hard to be authentic to who I am. When I want to do something, I often focus on whether I am doing that for me or for how I want others to think of me, treat me, etc. So if there’s one thing I’d like to stand for, it would be authenticity. (With integrity and genuineness a close second and third.)
– I have this cycle where I do something to seek acceptance. I apply for something or email someone or whatever. I don’t get it. I get really really sad. Then I get angry and resentful. I start disliking the person, taking it all personally. It is all about me after all isn’t it? Then I get really frustrated with myself for being so immature. For applying even though the chances of getting it were slim. For not being able to take rejection in stride. For not being more mature. More graceful. More better (as David would say.) I get mad at the person. I get mad at myself. I drive myself absolutely insane. I swear I will never do it again. Time passes. Then it goes away. Then another opportunity shows up and I do the whole thing all over again. An intellectually, I know that the rejection is just one person’s opinion. I know that most of the time it has no long term bearing on my life. It often doesn’t mean anything. I’ve been on the other side of these things and I know how very arbitrary the process is. And SO not personal. So very random. And yet to the person who got rejected, it’s so personal. There are so many stories as to why I wasn’t selected. So many reasons. So many ways to beat myself up. Such a strong need and desire to be accepted. To belong and to be recognized.
– The funny thing is, the other side of that coin is bad, too. The ones where I do get accepted. They lose significance pretty quickly. If they chose me, it must have been meaningless. If they like me, they must not know what they’re doing. I always assume the worst. Always worry that this is the moment I will be found out for who I really am. Not bright. Not talented. Not good at it. I vividly remember this one day when my manager’s secretary called me to tell me he wanted to see me. I walked down the steps to his office, the whole time thinking I was getting fired. This was it. I swear that’s all I thought. I walked in and he told me to close the door. My heart was beating loudly. And you know what? I got a bonus. That’s why he wanted to see me. To give me more money. Talk about a twisted, warped sense of self. That day was a big awakening for me. Something I remind myself of often. That people don’t think of you the way you think they do. The way you think of yourself. Fact is, people don’t spend that much time thinking of you at all. But if they do, it’s rarely as negative as your mind makes it to be. This makes me realize what a shame it is to always be thinking so little of myself. Making small of the accomplishments and big of the losses. Stupid. stupid.
– One more thing. Despite all this, I still don’t want to stop taking chances. Applying. Trying. Striving. I think that’s the purpose of life. Growth. At least for me. I like aiming for things. Trying out for things. I think it’s a good idea to think really hard about whether I really want that thing before I apply. But if I know I do, then I want to be able to go for it. Not to be afraid of failure or ridicule or whatever. Life’s too short not to take chances. I just want to learn to handle rejection better (and acceptance better too!)
There you go. A lot on my mind today. Hitting publish without re-reading this time. (especially since Nathaniel just woke up and is crying in his crib.)
I’ve been feeling a little off for a few days, now. Nothing terrible but I can feel the negative feelings creeping in. The negativity is running constant conversations in my head, keeping me from being productive, and most importantly, from being happy.
Today, I decided it was time to do something about it. I think it’s time to create a bit of a clearing for myself. And I want to tackle it both physically and psychologically.
So I started to make a list of things I want to do:
– Go through and unsubscribe from all email lists (ALL of them)
– Clean up the little pockets of clutter in the living room (like the mail bucket, etc.)
– Move scrap albums to a new location where they can all be together and organized
– Clean out and clear off under my scrap table
– Reply to emails I have been putting off responding to (from laziness more than anything)
– Clear out the mess by my side of the couch
– Fold and put away laundry
– Clean out fridge, throw away anything that’s no longer good
Some other things:
I’ve noticed that there are certain blogs I read that make me feel bad. This has nothing to do with the blogger him or herself. It’s because of the state I am in right now that I find myself feeling resentful, frustrated, and upset. And I am not feeling these things in a productive way where it’s causing me to get excited and motivated. Instead, I feel not good enough. Not enough like these people. Not enough in general. And while I’d like to think and say that I am better than that, for now, while I am in this negative state, I decided maybe it’s best I stop reading them for a while. Until I stop comparing so much. I piled them all up and put them away in a folder called “not anymore” and one day if I feel stronger, I can venture there again. And if not, that’s ok too. Their life won’t change cause I stopped reading them but mine might.
Tonight I’m going to make a long list of things that are bothering me right now. I will look at the list and pick out any of the actionable items. If they are things that can be changed, fixed or otherwise modified, I will put them on a different list and assign dates, times, durations, action plans to work on them. If not, I will journal on the others until it’s a bit out of my system. The next day, I will journal (or art journal) some more. I will do this on and off for a few weeks.
I realize that I have some long term plans I made that are not interesting/fulfilling to me anymore. These are not commitments to other people (just to myself) and I think it’s time to revisit some. For example, today, I was supposed to be working on creating digital downloads for my site but I kept dreading it and dreading it and when I sat to do it. So I decided today that I will no longer be doing them. At least not regularly. If the fancy strikes me again, I might. Or if I feel like I have some ideas, I might. But I don’t want to feel pressured and like it has to get done. I have a full-time job, two kids, and a lot of other more important (to me) commitments. It’s time to stop feeling guilty and stressed about the less important stuff. If you were coming to my site just for these, I am truly sorry to disappoint you. Feel free to send me an email and I’ll let you know if/when they start up again.
My eating habits and my exercise (lack thereof) habits are on my mind lately. I want to work on both. I am not sure exactly how and I want to be mentally ready to commit to whatever I decide. Find something that works for me. Maybe the trick is to commit to something and then just go for it. Not sure yet. But I plan to work on a plan for this, this week, too.
And finally I want to make a list of things that I do which end up making me feel frustrated or upset. This will take some time but each time I feel frustrated, I plan to track it back and see what event I did triggered it. I know it can always be traced back to me. Once I find the root, I can eliminate it.
There’s likely more to go on this list but this is where I am for now. I think this is actually a biological slump, the one that I get regularly but I am using it as an excuse to do some things I should have been doing all along.

I know this is a blurry photo since I blurred out all the personal details and I know it’s likely boring to almost all of you but it’s for me and it’s so I can remember years from now. My good friend Cheryl who’s been there for me forever, asked me to design her a plain invitation for her upcoming birthday. I immediately said yes.
And then I immediately started dreading it.
I wanted to do it justice. I thought I might disappoint her and I love her so much I really didin’t want to disappoint her. I put it off for months and then when the time came to plan June, I made sure it was on my list first and foremost. I decided I needed to sit and do it. Even if it was bad, it was much better than not doing it.
So, I did it.
It’s simple. really simple. That’s my style. I can’t help it.
And I think she liked it. I hope she did. Either way, I am glad I did it. I love you Cheryl and I am so sorry I won’t be there for your special day. My heart and thoughts will be.
One of my 52 Things list items is to take a new workshop. I have actually sort of completed this one with Teresa’s class but I really like workshops and I was hoping you could help me collect a long list of workshops available online.
I cannot take classes in person right now as it means leaving the kids and there’s a long discussion there at some point but right now online is the option for me.
I am interested in everything from scrapping to drawing to painting to sketching to coloring to knitting to crochet to photography to fabric arts to journaling to anything and everything you can think of. If you know a class online, chances are I am interested.
If you help me out and if you spread the word for me, I promise to compile a nice, long list and post it here for all of us. Just comment here with the name and link and I will go looking.
By the way, even if the workshop is not offered right now, please do link to it as I know they tend to come back.
If you want to link to some in-person art festivals I would love that too but please note that they are not online and I will compile those so when I have more time next year, I hope to attend one of those too.
thank you so much in advance!!
Here are some I know of (in no particular order):
Big Picture Scrapbooking
get it scrapped! (art journaling, too) (mostly digital)
My Creative Classroom
Jessica Sprague (digital)
Kim Archer
Arts & Crafts, Mixed Media, Journaling
Paper Bella Studio
creative workshops
Remains of the Day
Thought Threads
Suzi Blu
Land of Lost Luggage
Art Journal
Carmen Torbus
Capture Your Dream
3 Creative Studios
LK Ludwig Online Workshops
Visual Journalism
Photography & Art/Manipulation
Visual Poetry
Dj Pettitt (appears to be down)
503 Photography
LK Ludwig Online Workshops
Paulette Insall
Misty Mawn
The Art of Silliness
Pursuing Portraits
Mondo Beyondo
Warrior Blogging
Your Courageous Life
Loving Kindness
Simplify 101
Art & Soul
An Artful Journey
Squam Art Workshops
Silver Bella
Inspiration Unlimited
Creative Escape
Art Unraveled
Wishfull (online)
The Art Nest
The Creative Connection

As I explained last year, I am choosing to have focus areas for my year instead of resolutions. This way, I can spend my energy focused on something that’s important to me and apply it to all areas of my life. Last year’s words were Peace and Bloom. While this has been a relatively rough year, I think I’ve made some considerable progress. (Though I still have a long way to go.)
This year’s word chose me before I had time to think about what I wanted it to be. I found this necklace a few weeks before I had Nathaniel and couldn’t stop thinking about it. So I finally bought it and have been wearing it since.
That’s my word for 2010. For the longest time, I’ve held on to the notion that I am not worthy of love. I can tell you many reasons why and I’ve always claimed it’s because I’ve had some cruel friends in my formative years. But I know none of those excuses are true. (This is the revelation that led me to start creative therapy.) The fact is, there’s no reason for me to feel this way. I’ve been blessed with an amazing husband who’s been by my side for 15 years. A family like no other. Sons who love and adore me. And great friends. It’s time I let go of this lack of self-worth. It’s time.
So this year. I plan to devote to honor those who love me and remember daily that I am loved. And cherish that.

projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects