Also, if you’re curious about the history of flags, like I was, here‘s a small article which explains it in detail. Flags have been around for over 4,000 years and now every country has one. Neat, eh?
Also, if you’re curious about the history of flags, like I was, here‘s a small article which explains it in detail. Flags have been around for over 4,000 years and now every country has one. Neat, eh? Did you know that, in Italy, a man may be arrested for wearing a skirt? In Denmark, headlights must be on whenever a vehicle is being operated in order to distinguish it from parked cars. Funny enough, in New York, it’s against the law to throw a ball at someone’s head for fun and slippers are not to be worn after 10:00 P.M. Like these? Checkout more dumb laws. Have you seen Melanie Griffith’s web page? I’ll leave the comments to you on this one. Care about the world we live in? Check out Their mission is: “OneWorld is dedicated to harnessing the democratic potential of the internet to promote human rights and sustainable development.” Here’s some press about them. For some online activism, try out VoxCap. They have everything from Economy to Education. Wanna read about psychology instead? Try out PsycPort or Hate it all? Just like to take tests, you say? Have fun with Kingdomality or use this iVillage allHealth test to figure out what career is for you. Still not satified? Here’s another one that measures your charisma. Know some fun tests? Mail me. Sweet Aspirations is beautiful. I love its simplicity and the serene feeling it gives me as I browse through its pages. Know the meaning of concupiscent? Are you callipygian? Confused? Checkout Big Words. It will make you ebullient. Is clutter a problem for you? Take this test to find out. Me? That would be a ‘Yes!’ 🙂 Checkout this Shot Glass Chess Set and the Slam Man both proudly brought to you by Firebox’s Bachelor Pad. Here’s another article on someone who’s making changes in people’s lives. It’s long like most Fast Company articles are, but it’s worth the read. |
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