And here’s number 19. Inspired by the amazing Susan Weinroth.

People often ask me how I can have both kids at home and still get work done and I’d like to say there are strict rules they follow but really I am just very very lucky. My kids love playing alone or together and are really wonderful to me.

This is may layout a day number 18.

The journaling reads: There’s nothing I love more than seeing the two of you together. Playing, happy. Laughing. I hope it lasts forever and ever. I love you with all my heart.

And, look, not a butterfly in sight!!!
Ugh, not happy with how this turned out. But the colors in those photos were hard to scrap…. I do love the photos so much and I am pretty sure I will like looking at them for years to come.

Journaling is about how wonderful it is to watch two people you love more than the world laugh together and love each other so much.

Day seventeen, baby!
And number sixteen. This is inspired by Alexis Hardy. I am not sure I can keep going though, they are taking longer and longer.

Journaling is about how Nathaniel is taking more steps every day. Love the boy.

And LOAD number 15. Halfway there (almost!)
No journaling today. Sometimes it’s ok to do no journaling. Other times lots of journaling. I think both are ok. I am enjoying this now. Trying not to question it too much and criticize even less.


out for publication, i will put it back when it’s up.

And now for something completely different. I was inspired by a stunning layout by Jen Jockish but it must not be my style at all because this layout took my hours to make and I am not happy with the results. Oh well. Can’t win them all. Another memory preserved after all and another layout in may done.

Still with A Million Memories May Kit. I haven’t had enough obviously. And still with the butterflies of course.

Journaling is about how Nathaniel loves looking out the window during our bedtime routine. It’s one of my favorite things so I wanted to make sure to capture it.

I made this using A Million Memories May Kit. Here is layout #12. I was feeling very uninspired today after an aborted attempt with glimmer mist etc. so I wanted to take it easy. I almost didn’t even make a layout but then told myself simple is fine. And here we are:

Journaling is about how it’s every mom’s dream to have her kids love each other so much. Love my boys so deeply.

With A Million Memories May Kit, too.

Journaling is about how Nathaniel likes to touch everything. Especially like to yank my computer cables. When I tell him to not touch, he always gets mad, sad, frustrated.

With A Million Memories May Kit.

Journaling is about how Nathaniel can’t talk yet so uses his face to express frustration.

This is with A Million Memories May Kit. Inspired by the Amazing Maggie Holmes.
Nathaniel has just started trying to play peek-a-boo. He often misses his eyes but he’s super-cute. I love the photos.

The details:

Another layout with the A Million Memories stunning May kit.

More details:

yey for happy layouts.
Journaling is all about how David makes Nathaniel laugh so much and how much we both love doing that.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects