The Joy of Art – September 20, 2023 at 04:37AM



Watercoloring: purple skies galore.


#art #watercolorlandscape #watercolorjournal #watercolors #watercolorpainting #purple #watercolor #landscapes #learningtopaint

The Joy of Art – September 20, 2023 at 04:35AM


Lettering: I’d never heard of this poem before but I love it.


#art #lettering #learningtoletter #loveyourimperfectletters #williammartin #poetry #watercolors

The Joy of Art – September 16, 2023 at 03:41PM



Lettering: my beautiful friend @maggieastolfi sent me these amazing watercolors by @kristythepainter and of course I had to try them right away!!! They are so amazing aren’t they?!


#art #lettering #loveyourimperfectletterschallenge #loveyourimperfectletters #quotes #watercolors #artforjoy #brightwatercolor

The Joy of Art – September 16, 2023 at 03:37PM



Sketching: I am still drawing just busy lately 🙂


#art #drawing #draw #sketch #sketchbook #learningtodraw #drawinghouses #sketching #sketchinghouses #pendrawing

The Joy of Art – September 11, 2023 at 08:58AM


Watercoloring: purple and yellow is one of my happy combinations.


#art #watercolorpainting #watercolorlandscape #watercolorjournal #watercolors #watercolorsunset #artjournaling #artjournal #landscapes #purple

The Joy of Art – September 10, 2023 at 07:05PM


Lettering: joy is not made to be a crumb. Mary Oliver is breathtaking isn’t she? Trying out a new journal today.


#art #lettering #loveyourimperfectletterschallenge #loveyourimperfectletters #gouache #beampaints #scribbleanddot #artjournaling #artjournal #learningtoletter #maryoliver #joyisnotmadetobeacrumb

The Joy of Art – September 07, 2023 at 09:29AM


Lettering: I love this quote. The light always returns.


#art #lettering #loveyourimperfectletters #learningtoletter #watercolorjournal #watercolors #gouache #thelight #light #brianandreas

The Joy of Art – September 07, 2023 at 09:28AM


Sketching: today’s house


#art #sketching #sketchinghouses #artjournal #sketchbook #houses #pendrawing #learningtosketch #learningtodraw

The Joy of Art – September 07, 2023 at 09:26AM


Watercoloring: I have mixed feelings on this one. But here we are.


#art #watercolorjournal #watercolors #gouache #watercolorlandscape #artjournal

The Joy of Art – September 06, 2023 at 09:08AM


Sketching: funky houses.


#art #sketchinghouses #sketching #learningtosketch #sketchinghouses #sketchbook #artjournal #pendrawing #drawinghouses #learningtodraw

The Joy of Art – September 06, 2023 at 09:07AM



Lettering: to the mind that is still the whole universe surrenders.


#art #lettering #letteringart #loveyourimperfectletters #artjournal #fodderschool #watercolors #gouache #laotzu #quotes #watercolorjournal #learningtoletter

The Joy of Art – September 06, 2023 at 09:04AM


Watercoloring: another snowy day scene


#art #watercolorlandscape #watercolor #watercolorjournal #watercolors #watercolorsnow #watercolortrees #artjournal