The Joy of Art – December 03, 2023 at 01:53PM


I am taking @lizelayne five things December class. I’ve taken several of these before and always love them. Each day she sends some thoughts, a prompt for a list of five things and some wonderful links to poetry, music and more. I will be using her quotes to practice my lettering and her lists for my journaling and lettering. I will pair it with my fodders and @willa.wanders journal that I stitched in her class. A great way to add a little more creativity to December. So grateful for artists who help the rest of us practice more creativity.

#art #collage #herefivethings #herefivethings2023 #lizlamoreux #wendysolganik #fodderschool #willajournalscourse #willajournals #dianeackerman #quotes #loveyourimperfectletters

The Joy of Art – December 03, 2023 at 01:52PM


I am taking @lizelayne five things December class. I’ve taken several of these before and always love them. Each day she sends some thoughts, a prompt for a list of five things and some wonderful links to poetry, music and more. I will be using her quotes to practice my lettering and her lists for my journaling and lettering. I will pair it with my fodders and @willa.wanders journal that I stitched in her class. A great way to add a little more creativity to December. So grateful for artists who help the rest of us practice more creativity.

#art #collage #herefivethings #herefivethings2023 #lizlamoreux #wendysolganik #fodderschool #willajournalscourse #willajournals #josephcampbell #quotes #loveyourimperfectletters

The Joy of Art – December 03, 2023 at 10:42AM


More than he seeks…

#art #kolbieblume #thiswritingdesk #loveyourimperfectletters #primrosiajournal #practicingwatercolor #practicinglettering #practicingart #learningtowatercolor #learningtoletter #learningtopaint #landscapes #watercolorjournal #watercolors #watercolor #watercolorlandscape #watercolorsunset

The Joy of Art – December 02, 2023 at 09:30AM


Its width and depth.

#art #kolbieblume #thiswritingdesk #loveyourimperfectletters #primrosiajournal #watercolorjournal #watercolors #watercolor #watercolorlandscape #practicingart #practicingwatercolor #practicinglettering #learningtowatercolor #learningtopaint

The Joy of Art – December 01, 2023 at 07:43AM


The courage to lose sight of the shore.

#art #kolbieblume #thiswritingdesk #loveyourimperfectletters #primrosiajournal #artjournaling #watercolors #watercolorjournal #watercolor #learningtowatercolor #learningtoletter #practicingart #practicingwatercolor #practicinglettering #watercolorlandscape #watercolorseascape

The Joy of Art – November 30, 2023 at 07:38AM


Someone somewhere is looking at it too.

#art #kolbieblume #thiswritingdesk #primrosiajournal #loveyourimperfectletters #artjournaling #watercolors #watercolorjournal #learningtowatercolor #learningtoletter #practicingwatercolor #practicinglettering #watercolorseascape #watercolor

The Joy of Art – November 29, 2023 at 06:15AM


And now that you don’t have to be perfect….

#art #kolbieblume #thiswritingdesk #primrosiajournal #artjournaling #watercolorjournal #watercolors #watercolorsunset #watercolor #watercolorpainting #watercolorseascape #loveyourimperfectletters #learningtowatercolor #learningtoletter #practicingart #practicinglettering #practicingwatercolor

The Joy of Art – November 28, 2023 at 08:26AM


She adjusted her sails.

#art #artjournaling #kolbieblume #thiswritingdesk #primrosiajournal #practicinglettering #practicingwatercolor #practicingart #learningtowatercolor #learningtoletter #loveyourimperfectletters #watercolors #watercolorjournal #landscapes #watercolorlandscape #watercolorseascape

The Joy of Art – November 26, 2023 at 11:51AM

Until it teaches us what we need to know.

#art #artjournaling #loveyourimperfectletters #kolbieblume #thiswritingdesk #seascapes #watercolorjournal #primrosiajournal #learningtowatercolor #learningtoletter #watercolors #watercolorlandscape #watercolorseascape

Review: The Good Part

The Good Part
The Good Part by Sophie Cousens
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoy Cousens and this was no exception. It was a great sweet book that I loved reading. If you’re looking for something light and fun, this is one to not miss.

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Review: Savor It

Savor It
Savor It by Tarah Dewitt
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What a pure joy this book was to read! I loved the characters and the voice of the author almost immediately. This romance story is sweet, funny, thoughtful and just delightful. The town has Gilmore Girls vibes and both of the main characters are hard not to root for. Even though we don’t learn a lot about Izzy, she’s wonderful to root for, too. I hope there will be sequels as we can have Izzy’s story or Silas’ story next.

With gratitude to netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Review: The Takedown

The Takedown
The Takedown by Carlie Walker
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3.5 super fun, quick read. Funny banter. Good writing. Romance but also quite funny in many parts. Enjoyed this one.

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