This story is about the first week of school. My boys starting 4th and 8th grade. My how the time flies. A really simple page but it still makes me happy.
Here are two more stories from my 2018 album. The content for these mostly come from the “light” kit (with a few bits from “learn”) which was one of my favorites because it had all these super-happy colors.
This layout is about when I went rock climbing with all my people. I don’t like this page all that much but in my album it looks just fine. I don’t like the journaling on that alternating color card. It also just feels too empty to me. But the whole point of this new way of doing things is that one individual page is not as big a deal as how everything fits together.
Stories from 2019 is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here. Everything on the pages is from Ali’s Story Kits unless mentioned otherwise.
This story is about how us right now. How I love taking our family photos and little things I want to remember from this moment in our lives.
Here are two more stories from my 2018 album. The content for these mostly come from the “light” kit which was one of my favorites because it had all these super-happy colors.
This story is from when we all went “hiking” together even though most of it was just walking and not really hiking.
Stories from 2019 is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here. Everything on the pages is from Ali’s Story Kits unless mentioned otherwise.
I spent a long time thinking about whether I wanted to continue this project from last year. After going back and forth, I decided there was a way I could transform it slightly and make it work.
After looking around for a long time, I liked this journal the best. I wasn’t sure if it was going to be nice in person but it’s absolutely beautiful.
I take two photos a day of something magical in my life and then on the third box i write down gratitudes from the day. I know that the new science says this practice only works if we do it 1-2 times a week but I believe in daily or never so I am going for daily here.
Some days I might not get to it, or some weeks I might really fall behind in which case I’ll do it weekly then 🙂
Here’s to Seeing more Magic in 2019.
Moments of Gratitude is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here.
This story is about how I love buying flowers for myself.
Midway through 2018 I decided to subscribe to Ali Edwards Story Kit to help make a travel album I was hoping to put together. I decided to buy a 6-month subscription thinking I could see if I used the contents for six months and subscribe longer if I did. I was hoping I could use a storytelling system similar to December Daily where I tell simple stories regularly and the sum of the parts would amount to magic like it does for DD.
This story is about our evening kayaking adventure at night when we were trying to see the meteor shower. We didn’t get to see any meteors but we had a truly wonderful time together.
I was so right. As soon as I got my hands on these kits, I was completely inspired to tell stories again. I completed my 30-page travel journal and then made 44 other pages. I’ve loved how my book ended up.
So my plan for 2019 is to share some of these 2018 pages with you and then make and share the 2019 ones as I receive the kit each month. These stories are a crucial part of my seeing the magic of our lives.
Stories from 2019 is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here. Everything on the pages is from Ali’s Story Kits unless mentioned otherwise.