For this week’s stamp, I did something quick and small but it’s quite fun and very versatile. It’s a little flag stamp. I can use it to make little flags out of all the fun paper I have. Or I can stamp with color ink and just have fun little flag on my planner.
Here’s what the stamp looks like:

Simple but fun.
Fifty-two stamps is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

For this week’s stamp, I had so much fun! I saw this awesome stamp idea on pinterest and I wanted to try to see if I can do it, too and I was so thrilled to be able to do it. I know it’s not as useful as my regular ones which can be used more creatively and are more versatile. But, as a book lover, I loved making this one.
Here’s what the stamp looks like:

isn’t it so cute?
Fifty-two stamps is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

For this week’s stamp, I took another simple idea and wanted to run with it. I made this little tag and I feel like, like last week’s, it can be used so many little and big ways. I like stamps that can do that.
And here’s the stamp:

one more stamp carved. i’m enjoying this little project.
Fifty-two stamps is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

For this week’s stamp, I just did something fun. A little banner that I can use in my notebook or even in my scrapbook pages. Something small and simple but very reusable.
Here’s what the stamp looks like:

A fun little, useful one.
Fifty-two stamps is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

For this week’s stamp, I took an idea from my favorite Whole Life Challenge challenge. It was called 1-2-3. You pick six things you want to do on that day. 1 Must Do, 2 Want to Do, 3 Nice to do items. So this stamp has 6 lines. One for each of these.
Here’s what the stamp looks like:

And here’s a closeup of it filled out:

I like this because it’s also reusable for other purposes. I can stamp it and list my 6 todos for the day. or 6 meetings, 6 clients, 6 things to clean up, 6 things i’m grateful for etc. etc. In my case, the top line is for the date, the next line has no divider, it’s the must-do item. the others are nice and want ones.
It can also be used for something i want to do every week day. I could write m, t, w, th, f in the divider sections and my weekly goal on the top undivided line. and the date on the very top. This way I can track how much I run each day, for example.
A fun little, useful one.
Fifty-two stamps is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

Now that all my words are finished, I wanted to make something I could use in my Everyday Brave book or just in my daily planner, etc. I decided to make a little “celebrate” stamp where I could write a few things I can celebrate form that week, day, month, etc.
Here’s what the stamp looks like:

And here’s a closeup of it filled out:

i like cute stamps as much as the next person but since I plan to carve 52 of them this year, I wanted to make sure I make stamps that I will use again and again. Though I probably will end up with some cutesy ones too, of course 🙂
Fifty-two stamps is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

This is the final week of carving the Core Desired Feelings words. The final word is: open. I probably should have started with this one as it’s the shortest word and not super complicated.
Maybe because of those two facts, this one ended up being bigger than the others. Not too big but definitely bigger.

here’s to being open to the gifts of the universe this year!
Fifty-two stamps is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

Week four is another one of my Core Desired Feelings for 2015. This week’s word was serene. One that I thought would have been easy but it was really hard. I kept messing up my “s” and the first time I was carving it, I cut right through the top of it so it was no longer recognizable as a letter. I thought of salvaging it and tried to, but alas I finally had to admit it wasn’t going to happen.
So I gave up and started all over again, doing a slightly different version and ended up with what you see above. Here are the two stamps below.

the process of carving this wasn’t so very serene but i persisted.
Fifty-two stamps is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

This week is another one of my Core Desired Feelings for 2015. This next one was the longest of my words: abundance. I wasn’t sure how to tackle it and it took a few iterations to get it right so it was readable but not too big.
I thought of not making it cursive but I really liked the way it looked cursive so I kept trying until I got one that worked.

it’s long and hard to spell but i love the word abundance.
Fifty-two stamps is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

After my word of the year, the next four words I planned to care were my Core Desired Feelings for 2015. I figured this way, I could use them on my art projects for the year. or stamp them on my daily planner so I would remember how I want to feel.
So, the first one I decided to tackle was “alive.”
(Now you know what the next three weeks will be, too.)
This one didn’t feel very hard to make but it turned out to be a bit more square than I intended it to be.

Just looking at it makes me connect with the feeling of being alive!
Fifty-two stamps is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

Last year, I added stitching to my yearly projects. I liked doing something that didn’t involve painting, drawing, or pretty paper. It was different. I liked going outside my comfort zone. So I wanted to try that again this year. I knew I didn’t want to do stitching again. But I still wanted something different.
I thought and thought and then it came to me out of nowhere.
I would carve stamps.
One stamp for each week.
This might be crazy, it might be boring, it might be useless. I am not sure how it’s going to work out. But what I do know is that I am having fun thinking about it now. I had fun carving the first few stamps I did.
It might be tough to come up with 52 ideas. We’ll see. I plan to start the year with the words that are meaningful to me, so, of course, BRAVE had to be the first one.

Here’s to a year of carving!
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects