I read We Are Water because it’s Wally Lamb and I love Wally Lamb. Love him.
I actually listened to this one on audio and it was really well done with multiple narrators, one of which was Wally Lamb himself. Fair warning: there are some triggers in the book. I don’t want to give away the plot or spoil anything but I want to say there’s one very disturbing character the book and this is the kind of book I usually would not pick up just for that reason.
BUt I am glad I picked up this one. Wally Lamb never disappoints.
I picked up Love Water Memory because I saw the author’s name in Jennifer Lauden’s blog and I just felt drawn to the book for some reason. I even checked it out from my local library.
I read it really quickly, mostly because I was interested in finding out what happened. I felt like it was an interesting story but it never got as deep as it could have. It felt like the story, the plot, the characters all stayed in the surface most of the time. I really liked the book and wished it had more depth because I think it could have been that much better.
My friend Evelyn gave me an ARC of An Ember in the Ashes because a friend of hers wrote it and she thought I might like it.
It was the first time I read a paper book in a while and I will admit i read the whole thing in one sitting. Literally. I opened it and never closed it until I finished it.
But that’s because Evelyn told me it was good. Had she not recommended it, i might have given up and not gotten to the good parts. Overall, it was interesting but not amazing in my opinion. I liked the male characters much more than the female.
I promised David I would read the whole Harry Potter series when we went home for the holidays (back in June) and I kept my promise. I had read number 1 years ago when it first came out. So I read 2-7 all back to back.
And they were fabulous.
After I read them all, we watched all the movies, and then we made a Harry Potter-themed food party. It was really fun and I am so glad to have shared this with him.
I am now much better prepared for Nathaniel.
I read Bark for book club. This is a collection of short stories by the amazing Lorrie Moore.
I’ve always been a fan of Lorrie Moore and her wonderful ways of telling sad, sad stories. This book is no exception. The stories are sad. Beautifully told, but so sad that it’s almost tough to get through the book. At least for me.
If you’re a short story fan, I’m sure you’ve already heard of Lorrie Moore, so you don’t need my recommendation on this one.
I read When I Found You because amazon recommended it and I’d read Pay it Forward many years ago and loved it.
This story, too, was very endearing. Depressing and outright sad at times but also wonderful at other times. I like how her characters feel real to me. I won’t read another one soon but I did like this one.
I read The Fracking King because Amazon recommended it.
It was really short, really weird and I am not sure I loved it. I also didn’t hate it. But there are so many books in the world, that it always depresses me a little when I read something I don’t love.
I read The 100 Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared because my friend Cole recommended it. I actually listened to this one, too. On Audible on my phone. Only while I drove the kids to and fro.
And such, it took quite a while to finish it, but it was so worth it.
This book is clever, funny, and quirky.
If you’re into different books that are quirky, I highly recommend this one.

I picked up There is Nothing Wrong with You because I’d listened to a Cheri Huber audio on Sounds True and really loved it.
This book didn’t disappoint me. I read it quickly and enjoyed it. I even shared bits and pieces with both Jake and David as I was reading it. If this is an area you struggle with, it’s recommended.

I decided to finish the Legend series by tackling Prodigy and Champion. I had really liked Legend so I was looking forward to these two.
I really liked Prodigy but lost all my interest by the time I got to Champion. To be totally honest, I can’t even remember what happened.
Alas, I don’t regret reading them. Just wish these books would be singles instead of trilogies.

I read, Beautiful Ruins because I’d kept reading about it and was somehow never in the mood to actually read it. I finally picked it up and decided to make my way through it.
And i did.
I finished the whole book.
Did I like it? Not sure.
I didn’t hate it but I am not sure it was awesome.
If you’ve read it, I’d love to hear your thoughts.

I read, The Invention of Wings because I’ve read Sue Monk Kidd before and I’ve loved it. I had heard this book was good but I knew practically nothing about the plot until I started listening to it.
It was such a lovely, such a heart wrenching, such an interesting story that I am really glad I read it. As someone who didn’t grow up here, I don’t know enough about abolition, let alone about women’s role in it. This was a really interesting read for me.
Recommended if historical novels are interesting to you.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects