I read Gone Girl cause it kept popping up everywhere. I felt the first half was super-boring. I didn’t get into the story. I didn’t like either character.
And then there’s a big twist.
But then I still didn’t like either character. I kept reading just to see how it would turn out. and I hated the ending. HATEd. I mean really, really despised it.
So in the end, for me, it was a terrible waste of time.
I am sad I read it.
I read Haven and Mirage when I was looking for something fun to read. I had no idea what the topic was. And I don’t want to ruin it just in case you want to read.
But I will say I wouldn’t have read it if I knew. In the end it was a fun read and I don’t regret it. (Clearly since I read the second book, too.) but I can’t say it’s an excellent book. If you’re looking for a fun, easy read, go for it.
If not, there are many other better books.
But when the third comes out, I will likely read that, too.
Says a lot about me, I guess 🙂
I listened to State of Wonder on audio. I hadn’t read an Ann Patchett before so it was my first. This was a fun book to listen to while I sketched and did art.
There were several twists in the book and I liked them all ok. In the end, I didn’t think it was super-amazing and I hear Bel Canto is much better. But it was an okay read.
If you’re a fan of Patchett, it’s worth a read.
Then again, if you are, you’ve read by now I’m sure.
Ethereal is another supernatural young adult book. paranormal? I don’t even know what to call them. It’s just another one of those. It’s fast paced. It’s fun. Its characters are enjoyable.
It’s a quick read.
If you’re not sick of the genre and like to read something quick and fun, it’s a good one to pick up.
And there are a few more where that came from so you can enjoy the characters and plot for quite a few books.
And I read them all:
I will admit they sort of get progressively worse and also more explicit. So while the first was ok, the rest, eh.
I picked up Imagine cause I heard Noelle tweet about it and it sounded interesting. I rarely ever enjoy nonfiction novels. But this was a lovely exception.
Even though it took me a while to get through it, I enjoyed every bit of it and found it very fascinating. If you’re interested in how creativity works, I cannot recommend it enough.
And it’s not just about artistic creativity. It’s about creative thinking. It’s about out of the box ideas. It’s about how we come up with unique ways of looking at the world.
Daring Adventures in Paint sounded like a lovely book. It’s rare that an art book gets all positive reviews on amazon but this one did.
So I ordered it.
And I am glad I did. There’s magic in this book. It’s beautiful, happy, colorful and it has art instruction and step by steps. It also has encouragement and motivation. It’s rare to find both in the same book. And this book is also laid out beautifully and there’s just so much joy that comes out of it.
I really recommend it, especially if you’re sort of a beginner.
But even if you’re not.
Birthmarked is one of those fantasy books that I normally steer away from. I honestly can’t remember why I picked it up but I am glad I did. I read it really quickly. I enjoyed every minute of it and I almost started the sequel but then I decided to wait until the third one was out, too, read them all in one sitting.
I’m writing this in the summer of 2012 and I know it will be coming out in fall of 2012, so by the time you read this, I might have already read them all.
If you’ve read them, too, let me know what you thought.
edited to add: I have now read the other two and loved those, too. If the subject interests you and you like young adult novels, I can recommend this series.
False Memory is another book where a girl wakes up, no memory of who she is, etc. She then finds out she’s part of this team for a special project, blah blah.
You’ve heard it before.
But, just like the others, it’s fun. It’s fast. It’s enjoyable. I am glad I read it.
There are so many books like this now, but I like them so I keep reading them. If you like these kinds, too, I recommend it.
I was looking for something light to read when I picked up The Goddess Test. I’ve always liked mythology so I figured I was going to like this.
I wasn’t wrong.
It was a fast, fun, light read.
If you’re a fan of mythology and like romance, this one is for you. It’s not a genre I normally lean towards but I did like it. I probably will read the others.
Not much else to say for this one.
The Body Finder is a mystery novel for young adults. Not so common in the genre. At least not without a lot of other mystical things going on. And this has some supernatural side to it, too but it’s also more teenager than some of the others I’ve read.
I will admit that even though some parts of it were more gruesome and scary than I’d like, I really enjoyed it. And I know there are sequels. A few. I will likely read at least a few more of them.
If you’re into mysteries and like young adult genre, this one is recommended.
I had Amber Frost on my list for a long time. I wasn’t sure why but I finally picked it up and I am glad I did. I read it in one sitting. I really liked the characters. Even though the plot was a bit odd, I still really enjoyed it.
When I finished it, I couldn’t decide if I wanted to move on to part two or not. There was a pull to continue with the story, which I don’t feel often, but I still resisted it. I wanted to sit with the characters a bit more and see how I felt in a few weeks.
Still sitting.
But I do know that I will read it at some point.
I picked up The Selection because…actually I have no idea why.
I think I picked it cause I heard about it and the premise sounded interesting. I liked the cover, too. But it was mostly one of those “why not” situations.
And I am glad I did.
I enjoyed reading this book and swallowed it in one take.
The only bad part was the ending. I assume it’s cause the author knew there was more coming, but the story doesn’t really end. It sort of is like a “wait for the next part to see what happens” ending. Even if a book is a trilogy or 5-part or whatever, I like each part to be able to stand on its own. And I didn’t think this one did.
But I still liked it.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects