I am feeling grouchy at this moment so I will do this quickly. I have been working on improving my handwriting so I practice and practice in all sizes.
I love how my boys sit together sometimes, each doing his own thing but sitting next to each other. I love that.
I also love the “please take the photo already” smile David gives me lately. It makes me smile.
What I love the most is when they play together. Roaring like dinosaurs.
And stopping to give mommy a big smile.
And laughing at his brother.
Who can do a mighty scary roar.
I love taking these photos. Looking at them when I am grouchy is even better. Nothing went wrong today. Just a few small things. Like I have some scrappy stuff I have to do but I am not in the mood and deadlines always worry me. Like how I don’t like my sketch or art journal page from today. Like how it’s raining and I can’t go on my walk. Like how I am feeling tired and hungry. All of which are really nothing and there are happy sides to all the coins too. So I am going to let it all go. I will do some reading tonight. Some journaling. And a lot of resting. Tomorrow, I will get up, scrap, be thankful and start another day. Thankful for another day.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that Jake came home and played with the kids so much while I had my meeting. It was so nice to hear them giggling upstairs.
2. I am grateful that handwriting practice is paying off, super-slowly but nonetheless.
3. I am grateful that I have some more homework for both my classes. They are keeping me busy but happy.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that Daddy’s back. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I did subtraction Khan Academy with Daddy.
3. I am grateful that Daddy pushed me around in the laundry basket with Nathaniel.
We had music class this morning for Nathaniel. David got to have a new book to read since he has to come to class with us and be quiet. He was a total angel, completely quiet and perfect. Before we left, they were both in a fun mood.
Nathaniel played with the pillow.
And just made himself laugh and laugh.
I just snapped photos and let him play.
Then we came back and they played more and then it was naptime, then walk time, then more play time. David and I also read our book and watched some Khan Academy movies and did exercises. He played on the computer and I worked. Nathaniel played quietly.
And sometimes less quietly.
David was great all day and I felt bad for not snapping enough photos so I snapped one more. I need to snap more of him in action. I’m going to work on that.
Jake comes home tonight and I miss him so. I am feeling tired but content like most days. I have worked a bunch, did a bunch of art, played with my kids and exercised. Life is full.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that Jake comes home.
2. I am grateful that David and I are spending some great time together where I read to him, he reads to me, we do math, we take walks. I am so thankful.
3. I am grateful that Nathaniel and I are finally taking a class together. However small, it’s good to spend some time focusing just on him.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I watched addition four video. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that Daddy’s coming home tonight.
3. I am grateful that I played with Woody’s round-up lego.
I am always sad when the weekend is over. Even though I love my job and am really lucky and grateful to have it and to get to do it at home, I still love being with my kids and doing art and getting to just have fun. Alas, all good things must come to an end. Anyhow, our day was wonderful and uneventful. We played in the morning. I am still working on Soul Restoration 2 and Nathaniel is playing with his stickers.
David spent the whole morning building his last lego set.
And then when I asked him to pose with it, this is what I got.
We didn’t really do much else. We took a walk, read together, played together, played on our own, and laughed a lot.
Then they took baths, read a bit, giggled a bit and the little one went down. Then David read some of his new book to me and it was so wonderful to hear him read out loud to me. I am so grateful. Now they are in bed and I have just a little more to do in my Soul Restoration book. I also have to do my July newsletter and free downloadables. A few more items on my todo list might ideally get done tonight. And maybe, just maybe, the huge pile of laundry upstairs might get folded, too.
If I am lucky.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that David read to me. It’s amazing to get to hear your son read. I love it.
2. I am grateful that I’ve had a lovely weekend filled with art and family time. I feel so very lucky and thankful.
3. I am grateful that I did none of my todo list items this weekend but I still feel fulfilled and calm and happy.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I built the Woody’s round-up lego. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that Daddy’s coming home tomorrow.
3. I am grateful that I read four chapters in the Magic Tree House book to mommy.
I stayed up way past bedtime yesterday which meant I woke up groggy and tired this morning and it took me all day to catch up. Slowly I did but I couldn’t shake off the tired feeling all day. After I exercised, I sat with David so we could fix his lego ship as promised.
Then we all listened to music and played and laughed. I’ve been spending a lot of time on my Soul Restoration book. It’s been wonderful. David played with his ship, Nathaniel drew some and played with cars some and we all laughed a bunch. Then Nathaniel napped and I sketched and did my art journal and David played wii. Then when he woke up, it was time for our walk. As I told David he couldn’t have candy, this is the look I got in return.
So I snapped one of Nathaniel instead.
And one more.
When we came back home, we all decided it was a good idea to go out to eat so we went to our favorite place and here’s the shot I got then.
And when we came home, it was play time for a while more. Little one gave me one of his big smiles.
I love how he shows all of his teeth.
Now they are in bed and I am wiped. I plan to go to bed early tonight. No, really, I will!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful I am finally working on Soul Restoration art. It’s profound as I expected it would be.
2. I am grateful that I’ve now completed 29 art journal pages. I love them all in their own way, too. It’s so wonderful to get to do it.
3. I am grateful that I went out to dinner with my boys. I almost didn’t but it was so wonderful to sit in the sunshine and enjoy each other’s company.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful tomorrow is family night. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that we went out to dinner.
3. I am grateful that mommy helped me fix my ship.
4. I am grateful that I played wii.
And here we are at the end of another week. Our first full week off school was hectic cause there was lego camp and swim class and music class and soccer class and Daddy went on a trip so mommy had to do most of it and she also has work and a lot of art and on and on. But, alas, we survived it. This morning when we came back home from dropping David off, Nathaniel found this hat and put it on. He wore it for most of the morning.
Then he looked through a lot of choo choo books.
He really likes them the most.
After we picked David back up, we ate, Nathaniel napped, I worked, David played and then it was time for soccer class. I managed to only snap this terrible shot but it’s better than nothing of course.
and then I snapped a nicer one when we got home.
Now we’re relaxing and getting ready for bed. My plans this weekend involve making a few layouts if I get lucky. Working a lot on my Soul Restoration 2 homework/book and doing some art journaling and sketching and journaling of course. And tons and tons of playing with my kids. Hope your weekend is wonderful!
And, most importantly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!! I love love love you so!!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful we made it to the end of this week. It was a tough one for me.
2. I am grateful that David loved soccer, too. So far, we’re doing well with the classes, I am very grateful.
3. I am grateful that I have been putting the time into SR2 class. I have some things I want to think about more and I’ve been working a lot on painting my pages, enjoying the process, making the most of it all. These two classes have been truly transformational for me and I am very grateful.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful I got a sticker at the end of Lego Camp. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I started soccer class.
3. I am grateful that I got to build my police car lego set.
Happy Thursday. We had a relatively full day here today. We got up and I exercised and then Jake took David to lego camp and I worked and did art and Nathaniel played. When Jake went to pick David up, he took a photo of David and one of his creations. Which made me super-happy even though the quality of the phone picture is not so great.
Then I took a nice photo of David just for me.
In last night’s webinar, someone asked why I don’t scrap my kids’ outdoor photos and why it’s always the ones at home. The sad fact is we’re home way more than we’re out. I work full time at home so most of our days look like this. Pajamas, and relaxing.
playing with David’s books. (and his toes)
or other fun toys. still in PJs.
On a rare day like today, we got all dressed so we could take David to swim class. Here’s Nathaniel, annoyed that he’s in the stroller.
And finally out.
And here’s the big boy, loving every minute of swim class.
And someone here asked about all my books so I took super-quick, lazy shots around my table just to show you, I can do a longer, more detailed post if you’d like. The first photo has two books.
The big blue one is a journal I picked up at Borders and it’s what I am using for Soul Restoration 2. I will show more of it in some other post.
The red one is my daily book. It’s a moleskine with graph(square) paper . I love graph paper. It must be a European thing because I grew up with it and it’s much easier to find in Turkey than it is in the US for some reason. Anyhow this is my main book. Hold my todo lists:
and the daily sketches:
and the daily journaling:
I just started coloring the background with colored pencils, just for fun. so the pages are all filled with happy color. This is my second of these notebooks this year. The first one was painted blue and I just ran out of pages so now I have this one that I painted red.
Here’s another pile:
The book on top there is my daily art journal one I started a few weeks ago. It’s a Moleskine sketchbook and the pages are cream-colored and thick and about 5×8 inches.
The next two books in that pile are the Soul Restoration 1 book which was another random journal that I converted. And below that is the Strathmore Watercolor journal that I started in the beginning of the year for art journaling. It’s also around 5×8 and I just bought the large size of this journal. I’d like to explore watercolor more but for now I am doing a lot as is. I will use this book and the bigger one more soon.
Behind those books is this:
the ATC holder that’s holding my truth cards. And finally:
This is the big A4-sized watercolor moleskine that holds the weeklong daily art journal pages.
And there you go. Those are all my books at the moment.
Tonight’s plan is to work on SR2 homework and possibly go to sleep early. I need to get more rest than I’ve been and maybe even read a bit. Oh, and, you can see a recent layout by me on the Pink Paislee blog today, it’s made using the most awesome, brand-new mistables collection.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful Jake made is to DC safe and sound.
2. I am grateful that David loves swim class. I was really worried but it worked out great.
3. I am grateful that I got work done today without stressing and I managed to do some art, too.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful I played military with Nathaniel. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I built a car in lego camp.
3. I am grateful that I had swim class.
Well today started chaotically and way off schedule so as I played catch-up, the kids played together so of course I had to stop and take photos. I absolutely adore watching them play together. Might be my very favorite thing in the world to watch.
Then we took David to lego camp and I sketched and did my art journal as Nathaniel played with his stickers.
When David came home, I snapped a photo, read his book to him, and he was off to his friend’s house.
Nathaniel napped, I worked on my Soul Restoration work and a few other loose ends. When Nathaniel woke up, we walked over to David’s friend’s house and all six of us took a walk together in the neighborhood and then we went to hang out there for a bit until Jake came home. Then there was dinner and chaos and now I have to put the kids down cause my webinar for The Masterful Scrapbook Design series is about to start. Feel free to join us if you’re around!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that some of my art journal pages are on the Crafter’s Workshop blog today. I absolutely adore their templates and can’t wait to see their upcoming CHA release with Julie’s new templates. You can also see another one of of my Little Yellow Bicycle layouts on their blog.
2. I am grateful that I had the day off. I think I need a few more.
3. I am grateful that I am working on my Soul Restoration work. It’s bringing up a lot of questions and possibilities up for me. Exceeded all my expectations again, of course.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful I played Legos with Ece. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that mommy glued my lego together.
3. I am grateful that daddy picked me up from lego camp today.
Another day that flew by here. David’s going to lego camp this week so he’s gone all morning and Nathaniel and I just do all the things we do each day. Then when we pick him up Nathaniel goes for his nap and David does his chores, or activities, or spends some time on the computer. Today when Nathaniel woke up we took a brief trip to the book store and I bought a journal and an art book and David bought a few books and Nathaniel got a sticker book. By the time we got back home, Daddy was home so as he prepared dinner, Nathaniel played with his sticker book:
And Nathaniel yelled at me for bothering him.
And David laughed a bit. Then we read our book and he wrote his journal and now they are both upstairs in bed.
I’ve been taking Alisa Burke’s watercolor class but I hadn’t done any homework. Last night, I decided to do something quick and simple so I did last week’s homework which was to limit the number of colors to use on a page. This page uses only the primary colors, yellow, blue, red and mixtures of them.
My first time drawing poppies. It’s not amazing art or anything but it’s ok. I feel like all the sketching and art journaling has given me more confidence. I can start a project now without too much fear which is more than I can say for the past.
I took tomorrow off, just to relax a bit and spend some time with Nathaniel and read a bit and do some of my Soul Restoration homework and art. I am looking forward to it.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I bought a journal for Soul Restoration, I was trying to use the same one from the first class but it wasn’t working, now I have something just for this class.
2. I am grateful that I am giving myself room and space to figure some things out. I feel like my mind’s going in 11 directions.
3. I am grateful that I have the day off tomorrow.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful I got new books. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I have some chapter books to read now.
3. I am grateful that I spent some time playing connect four with daddy.
This morning was completely and utterly insane here but it is now passed so I won’t dwell on it. That’s my goal lately: not to hash and rehash things so that I can acknowledge them and then move on and try to go back to embracing joy. There are days that are rougher and days that are more pleasant but every single day some good and some rough things happen. I am hoping to acknowledge and handle all but focus mostly on the good so I can learn to be more joyous.
That’s the plan anyway.
I didn’t get to capture a lot of photos today. Just this one of David.
And Nathaniel when he woke up from his nap.
And one more as he stood next to me while we both did art.
That’s it. I have much to do tonight for my lovely husband so I won’t write up too much. I do have blog posts on both the Maya Road blog and the Pink Paislee blog today. Also over the weekend, Rebecca posted photos of my scrap space on the Pink Paislee blog as well.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I the dev channel is out and I made it through this crazy morning.
2. I am grateful that I am still art journaling daily. This has been such a gift.
3. I am grateful that David has a friend who lives very closeby and can play with him.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful I beat Ece in chess. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I had lego camp.
3. I am grateful that I went to Ece’s house.
Happy Father’s Day!! We woke up quite early this morning, thanks to Nathaniel. I immediately exercised so we could go out to breakfast. We had a lovely meal at a local cafe and then came back home and took some photos. As I was setting things up the boys were screaming for fun.
Nathaniel took a few extra seconds to figure out what was going on but then he joined in, too.
We took photos, we did tickle time.
And laughed a lot.
when the kids both took off, I snapped a few more of just the two of us.
we don’t have that many photos of just us.
I love him so much. My sweet, wonderful husband.
just as I got up to take the camera down, the kids ran to their dad and hugged him and I was lucky enough to catch it.
then Nathaniel got to watch a little Thomas.
here he is smiling to Daddy for putting it on.
He then went to nap and we all worked on our own stuff for a while. He took a long nap and woke up happy.
The boys went to play Atari for a bit as I took my walk around the block and then it was dinner time. I snapped a photo of David as he laughed at me.
After dinner was family night and David picked Monopoloy Jr. And a few rounds of connect-four with daddy.
now I have to do my todo list items for the weekend. I think I only completed one so far and we’re quickly running out of weekend time. I hope your weekend was as wonderful as ours has been!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I finished one of my big tasks for CHA, Just a few more left.
2. I am grateful that I am getting better at being kind and at letting things go. They are both constant work for me.
3. I am grateful that I learned how to draw a tulip today.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful it is father’s day. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that we played Monopoly Jr.
3. I am grateful that I played Atari with Daddy.
A relatively quiet and slow day here. I started the day by exercising of course and then it was family photo time:
Nathaniel would not let go of his blanket no matter how much I tried.
But we still had a blast.
I tried to get a photo of David with the blue shirt but it ended up blurry.
then Nathaniel napped, Jake went to work, David played Wii and I did my sketching and journaling. When Nathaniel woke up we took a walk and David showed me all of his Pokemon cards. So when we got home we looked up some more information about each. Here he is reading on wikipedia:
then I started my art journal page and Jake got home so he went out with David and rode the bike a bit and then all three of them played soccer in the backyard.
the little one loves the ball:
so does the big one:
and then it was close to bedtime so we gave the kids dinner and a bath and gratitude journals etc and now we are going to do a little work for Jake. I didn’t do much outside my daily task list but that’s ok. I have some things to do this weekend but none of them are super, duper time sensitive. So, all in all, I’ll write this one down as a good day.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I ended up with a journal page I like, it took quite a few iterations to get there today.
2. I am grateful that I am almost done with my first Moleskine journal. The one I write my todos in and do my sketches in and write my journaling in. I already have the second one ready and it feels good to see it so full.
3. I am grateful that I have some fun TV to watch while I do art.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful I had some candy. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played wii.
3. I am grateful that I learned all about Pokemon cards.
Lovely day here today. We worked, played, bought new stuff, did art, and had good conversations. David spent some time outside, using his watercolor set.
And the little boy was very jealous.
then he gave up and looked through magazines where he found a commercial for the upcoming cars 2 movie.
Then I worked, Nathaniel napped, David played, then there was lunch, quick trip to the store, and more work and then some art and it was bath time for the little one.
I snapped a few more photos.
I love how the blue shirt reflects off of David’s eyes.
more superman!
he was super-hyper and super-happy.
and then they were off. I finished my layout and went up to read a book to Nathaniel and sat and talked to David for a while. And now I am trying to put the last touches of my night so I can sleep. I only managed 4 hours of sleep last night so I don’t think I can stay up much longer. I am very much looking forward to this relaxing weekend.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I finished another layout for CHA with some new beautiful product that had me playing with so much color.
2. I am grateful that I bought a lot of fun stuff for David today, I love making him happy.
3. I am grateful that it’s the weekend!
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful I got some legos. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that mommy got me a pokeman set.
3. I am grateful that I got a lego sticker book.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects