David’s been helping Nathaniel practice how to walk. Nathaniel likes to stand up but he’s not taking any steps alone just yet. David loves practicing with him. And so does Nathaniel. Let’s see when he’ll actually walk.

And then they both stop and start playing. And laughing.

He’s still sick and has a fully congested nose. It’s painful to watch. But he’s been in good humors because he’s the best baby on earth.

Since he woke up with a fever yesterday, I took Nathaniel to the doctor tonight and thankfully he has no ear infection or any other kind. He’s just sick the poor little boy.
I was quite productive today. I have a lot more work but it’s actually getting done. It helps to have two separate computer as it turns out because when I am on the work machine, I have nothing personal there and no way to waste time. It’s pretty amazing. I am still feeling a bit unmotivated and I am still making plans in my head but no actual art just yet. I am hoping the drive will come soon.
I haven’t yet done any of my silliness assignments either. I think it’s important to start a class when it actually starts or it throws me off. So I need to sit and catch up on this one.
Note to Self:
As I’ve noticed lately, it takes a while to get back into routine. The routine of life. The routine of art. Until about ten days ago, I was making some form of art daily and I was really enjoying it. I’ve made plans to continue that but I have yet to sit down and actually do it. Same goes for reading. When I read regularly, I seem to crave it more. I want to do it. I look forward to it. Yet when I don’t, I can go for days and never even think of it. I guess this is how people who exercise must feel. The more you do it, the more you crave it. So I need to find a way to get back on the treadmill of art. (Ugh that actually sounds boring but you know what I mean.) Getting up at 5am doesn’t help much but still it’s no excuse. I am confident that once I start again, I won’t want to stop.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am so thankful that Nathaniel doesn’t have another ear infection. So thankful.
2. I am thankful for the simple things today. For routine. For coffee. For time with my kids laughing. For sunshine.
3. I am thankful that my family is having a good time in Disney World. I am sad I am not there with them but so thankful that they are enjoying each other’s company.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Getting to build a big fort with the building blocks he got as a baby
2. Getting to play on Mommy’s phone at the doctor’s

Wanted to play around a bit today.
Despite the fact that I’m Jewish, we celebrate Easter in this house. For years it’s been a lot of fun for David and we wanted Nathaniel to have a ton of fun, too. They woke up early in the morning so we decided to save the egg hunting until after Nathaniel’s nap. As it turned out, he took a 3-hour nap and then woke up with a 102 fever. (Which likely means he has another ear infection I’m guessing….) I picked him up, nursed him, gave him some medicine and brought him downstairs for some hunting.
I’d setup the plastic eggs so the yellow and orange ones are for Nathaniel and the rest are for David. After we put him down, Nathaniel was so tired that he just sat there. Not sure what was going on.

Not David, of course. He knew exactly what this was about.

He was so excited and took less than 8 minutes to find all 15 eggs.

Jake tried to encourage Nathaniel by showing him what was inside his eggs.

He ate them just fine.

But he still wouldn’t crawl and get them. So David, once he’d picked up all of his eggs, picked all of Nathaniel’s too and opened them up for him.

Nathaniel really just sat there, looking tired and a bit out of it. But still incredibly cute.

The two boys surrounded him and made sure he was well taken care of. And so ended his first Easter.

A little while later, he felt much better and by bedtime he was giggling up a storm. David and I would “boo” and he’d giggle and giggle; it’s incredibly joyful to hear a little baby giggle.
As promised, I didn’t do a thing all weekend. I finished my book, started another, made some plans for the week, played with my kids, and today we watched a movie, did some crafts and that was about it. Just a fantastically relaxing weekend. I am looking forward to doing some art and catching up on my todo lists this week. Let’s hope it’s a productive one.
Oh, and, have to go to the doctor again tomorrow for the little boy 🙁 I don’t know what’s going on with him, I hope he’s ok.
Note to Self:
There was a moment today when all four of us were sitting on the couch, watching a movie on Jake’s computer. It wasn’t an amazing movie or anything but just sitting there, being together, doing something perfectly ordinary was the best moment of my weekend. I love my family so much and I am so grateful for ordinary moments. The magic of everyone being nearby, quietly enjoying each other’s company. It’s rare and I am so thankful for it.
I also meant to mention that yesterday, when we were in San Francisco, we went to a Vietnamese restaurant for lunch with our friends and this other couple approached us as they left and said “You have the most amazing kids.” They said they were so jealous of how well behaved our kids were and that their kids would be running around. Our kids really are well-behaved and sweet and mostly quiet. Not that I don’t know it, but it was a good reminder of another thing I should be more grateful about.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. Watching a movie with my whole family. All of us on the couch.
2. Watching David hunt for eggs and watching him watch out for his little brother. He’s such a kind soul.
3. Craft time with David. I love doing anything with him. I love that we get to sit and paint.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Easter egg-hunt of course!
2. Watching a movie with Mommy and Daddy (and Nathaniel).

More stunning nature. It’s truly breathtaking, isn’t it?
This is Nathaniel right before bedtime. The little boy’s schedule has been all over the place and he’s been a total trooper. Though I could totally do without the 5am wakeup time. But oh well….

I spent the whole day doing nothing at all. I am exhausted. Really really tired. I read my book, lay around and watched TV until it was time to go to San Fran to see a friend of ours. And now we’re back home and the kids are down and all I can think of is bed. I think I am just going to spend the night reading and then go to bed.
I did make a long catch-up todo list but it’s going to have to wait for during the week.
Note to Self:
I find that there are key words or actions that can totally set me off. I can go from feeling happy and blissful to seeing black and raging anger in a split second when the right button is pressed. This is something that I need to pay more attention. If it’s that hot a button, it must mean something, right? It needs attention. It shouldn’t be that easy to get me so upset. Especially when I’ve been paying such close attention and working so hard to be mindful. So when this happens next, I need to take the time to write it down so I can figure out the patterns and work on the issues that set me off so easily.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. Jake’s best friend and roommate from college happened to be in town today for a 24-hour layover with his new wife and I hadn’t met her yet so it was a huge treat to get to spend a few hours in the city with them. Nothing like good, solid friends.
2. While we were at the restaurant in San Fran, my manager’s manager from work saw me and came in to say hi and I hadn’t seen him in months so it was a real treat to get to see him even for a few minutes. So grateful he took the time to actually come in and say hi.
3. I am grateful that my book is an easy, fun but also engrossing read. It’s really long and taking me forever to finish but I am actually enjoying it.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Chocolate cupcake
2. Getting to play wii and on mommy’s iphone

Nathaniel has been hungrier than usual lately. Maybe he’s bored. Maybe it’s that his schedule has been so off. Maybe he’s having a growth spurt. Not sure. Either way, I try to make sure to give him food whenever he wants. I give him the nurition-filled food first and then give him the puffs he loves so much.

He will stuff his mouth with several of them simultaneously.

And then much away.

My parents have left this morning. Most of today was catching up on work, email, setting up my computer, etc. Nothing all too exciting. I know I said I wouldn’t but I think I will make a todo list tonight just to get myself back on schedule and see all the places where I dropped the ball in the last ten days. My parents and sister and her kids are off to Disney World right now. I am so sad that I cannot be there and be with them. I was supposed to go but traveling with both kids across the country alone was supremely daunting no matter how I thought of it. So I decided we’ll have to go next time. I am sure they will have the time of their life, though and I will be thinking of them. (And talking to them I’m sure.)
Note to Self:
I’ve always been one of those people who got her homework done as soon as I got home. I can’t stand the idea of having things dangling over my head. Knowing I have stuff due and it’s not done yet. This is something that makes my life hard at times but it also make me good at my job, good at school, etc. The thing is I can’t stand it when others aren’t like that. It drives me insane to leave work unfinished or to not do it until the last minute. It leaves me anxious and stressed out even when it’s not my task. I think this must be annoying for people who aren’t like me. And I think it’s something I need to pay attention to more. Respecting that not everyone does things the same way.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I love love love my laptop. It’s blazing fast. It’s so beautiful. Thank you soooooooo much, Mom!!
2. I am grateful that it’s the weekend and I will have some time to relax and to catch up on my life.
3. I am grateful that my time with my parents went so well and I got so much of what I wanted done and we chatted, and we spent so much quality time together. It hasn’t always been this way but this time it was almost perfect.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Playing on the computer. Jake spent the time today to fix David’s computer so he got to play Mr. PotatoHead on it.
2. Getting to have a lollipop. To be honest, he ate maybe 10% of it but it was enough to make him happy.

Well this time it was my mom’s turn. Here she is with the little one.

And a few with both kids.

David kept making funny faces.

I cannot believe it but my mom and I went through my entire list of possibly 47 items while she was here. We have touched every single room in my house. Added little accents to every little corner. Redid my wardrobe. Went shopping. Spent a lot of time bonding and being together. They spent a lot of time with the kids, too and both the kids adore both of them. Much to my dismay, they leave tomorrow. We will miss them both so terribly much. I am the luckiest person to have them in my life.
Note to Self:
This weekend is going to be all about relaxing. Reading. Art. TV. Nothing else. I plan to relax and then relax some more. I need it. I am writing this down so that if I find myself tempted to do lists, I can come here and remember that I told myself I would relax. I have a book to read. Some silliness drawings for my class. A new computer to set up and lots of sleep to catch up on. Rest. rest. rest.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I got a new Macbook Pro today. My first mac since college. (I have had several corporate ones but this one is all mine. I am thrilled to bits and can’t wait to play with it.)
2. I am grateful for my mom’s patience with me this whole week. We ran so many errands, did so many small and big things and she did not complain one single time.
3. I am grateful that David’s home from school for another few days. I love having him around all the time. He’s so awesome.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Playing with opapa. (My dad’s been telling David stories, playing with him all the time and it’s been the highlight of David’s days.)
2. Getting to eat pancakes and apple juice for lunch.

Some more shots of my dad and the kids.

Nathaniel was trying to be cooperative.

He did have fun for a few minutes, though.

We got even more stuff done today if you can believe it. Tomorrow is when the final stuff comes in and then the house will be all set and beautiful. Not that it wasn’t before but these are the extra little bits that just make it magnificent (in my opinion of course.)
I apologize for mentioning Carla’s class but not linking to it earlier. Here’s the link to: The Art of Silliness. I certainly can use some silliness in my life and I thought it might be fun stuff for David and me to do together, too. Starts tomorrow!
Note to Self:
I haven’t done art journal or scrapbooking stuff since my family arrived. While I love them so much and cherish every moment we’ve had together, I do miss doing some art. Especially since my mom brought me some divine fabric, too. This weekend, I am looking forward to sitting down and playing for a while. It’s amazing the role art plays in my life. Reading and art have become two things I cherish, crave, and need. They heal my soul and calm my spirit.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that my kids are wonderful and kind spirits. Nathaniel is standing up all the time now and today he was patting his belly; he looked just like a prairie dog. David’s so kind and wonderful with him and they both make my heart swell.
2. I am grateful for good heating. It’s cold outside again today and I love that I am in my warm home. I am grateful to have one.
3. I am grateful for my parents. They are so kind, so generous, such good good people. I am so very lucky.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Going to the movies with my Dad (they saw “How to Train a Dragon”)
2. Getting a new Didj game from my parents (Indiana Jones)

Nathaniel has way more fun playing with David’s toys than his. Advantages of having an older brother.

So we took a few photos with my dad today. Nathaniel wasn’t all that cooperative.

I tried to get all three of them.

And then it was just David and Dad.

And then we started the tickling session. My favorite.

We went to the movies again last night. The Ghost Writer. A political thriller. I hadn’t seen a thriller in a long long time. It was quite fun. I crashed as soon as I got home.
Note to Self:
My parents are only here for one more day after today. They leave Friday. It all went by like a blur and who knows when we’ll see each other again. I miss them so much. Thankfully we speak on Skype almost daily. My mom has helped me so much with the house in the last week. It looks thousands of times better. I will take photos and show it all as soon as I have a moment to breathe. We have 2-3 small tasks left and we are magically done with everything I hoped to do while she was here. It’s amazing how natural she is at these. Just another example of how when you know what you’re doing, it feels so easy and yet feels so monumental to those who don’t know it.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful to get to see yet another movie! To get to dress up and go out.
2. I am grateful for the beauty my mom added to my house. Grateful that she’s been so kind with her time and talent.
3. I am grateful that work is a bit less busy this week allowing me to have extra moments with my family.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Strawberry desert my mom brought
2. Playing with Opapa (my dad)

Nature. Stunning nature. (also our gratitude theme for April)
So I cut my hair. This is a bad photo but I wanted a record. I will try to get a better one this week. It will look cuter when my hair is natural (which is wavy.)

here’s Nathaniel coming to say hi while I work on the couch.

here he is asking for some milk.

here he is getting mad for not instantly getting what he wants.

yeah it’s fun. not.
but i love him so!
I am still feeling exhausted. I did a lot of work and cleaning up today since my parents were in the city. The house is looking much better between my mom, the cleaning lady and me. Oh and I finally got a coffee machine. A dinky little one but still….let’s see how it works.
Note to Self:
Tomorrow David goes on vacation for about 10 days. I want to make sure that we spend some of this time together doing things that we don’t normally get to do. I also have summer break coming up and there, too. It’s hard to juggle it all together but in a few months he starts kindergarten and then he’ll be in school all day long. I will miss having him around so much. He’s such a low maintenance and wonderfully helpful little boy.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for a more relaxing week this week. One that I hope to spend productively.
2. I am grateful that two books I am looking forward to and have preordered are coming out next week.
3. I am grateful that I signed up for a new workshop with Carla Sonheim and it starts in two days!
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Daddy bought him squeezable yogurt treats
2. Getting to watch some TV with mommy (while mommy folded laundry!)

Yesterday, by the time we came home from the movies (we saw Greenberg) I was way too tired to do anything at all. I didn’t even remember to take Nathaniel photos until at bedtime. Here he is looking out the window.

And more

ok, and one more.

I have so much to write but I’ve been so busy. My parents are only here for a few more days and I will catch up at length once they are out of town, I promise.
Note to Self:
I always stress when my schedule is off. It’s like things take just the right amount of time in my day so when I add something on, it throws everything off balance. I need to schedule “free time” more often maybe? Or prepare to just have it all go out the window when I have company. So I don’t ever stress.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. Some more house improvements and just general small things. Love the difference they made in my home.
2. Sweet, wonderful date night with my hubby.
3. Family dinner at Donato, our favorite restaurant. Despite Nathaniel’s screams.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Getting to have a chocolate croissant.
2. And chocolate ice cream!! (big day for little boy.)

More happy nature.
Here’s the little boy, whom I saw so very little today. I was out running errands all day and he spent most of the day with his Daddy and grandpa.

And David spent his day playing the Wii and running around and playing with my Dad. One lucky, lucky boy.

Great, productive day today. I got my hair dyed and cut. We went clothes shopping. We hung all the little frames in the living room. (and it looks great!) And then I went out to dinner with my parents. They’ve been here for 3 days and my mom and I already have done 90% of what I had on my list. It’s amazing. All things I’ve been putting off for months and months. I am so thrilled to finally be doing all these.
Note to Self:
So my plan for the things I mentioned yesterday has begun. It’s a major self improvement project (not on the inside but outside this time.) It started with cutting my hair, and getting new clothes. There are a few more major steps. I will write about it at length once my parents have left and I have some consistent chunks of free time.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. My hair, hair, hair. I was so looking forward to cutting it and I love it!
2. Some new, delicious tops from the always unusual anthropologie.
3. All the frames on my wall. This little project was 3-4 months in the making and it turned out beautifully. I am so grateful.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Playing wii! (shocker, right??)
2. Playing with with opapa (my dad)

Nothing like nature. Peaceful and beautiful.
Little boy’s ears are all clear! Woohoo! He’s still taking medicine for another day but he’s much better and I am so so thankful.

I caught David doing math today while he was working on a workbook my sister sent. He was so focused that he didn’t even hear me take the photos (and my camera is loud!) I am so proud of him and the person that he is. Beyond words.

And here’s one more of the little one.

I am glad this week is over. It was stressful and not productive in many ways. Now it’s weekend and I can focus on being with my parents. More pictures to hang. Furniture to arrange. Clothes to buy! You’ve all been quiet, too. I hope it’s cause you’re out doing really productive things and not cause you’re tired or overwhelmed.
Happy weekend everyone!
Note to Self:
Tomorrow I plan to start something I’ve been planning for a while. I will write about it at length over the next few weeks, I promise.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. My mom and how easily decorating the house comes to her. She has such natural talent and I am so grateful.
2. How wonderful and sweet Nathaniel was today when I grabbed him right after his nap and dragged him to IKEA for hours without food. He didn’t make a peep. Love that boy.
3. I am grateful to be resting a bit now. I feel incredibly tired. Grateful that it’s the weekend.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Playing police with opapa (my dad)
2. The new didj game he got (spelling and car racing.)

Trying something new. I found this beautiful frame here.
My mom and dad are here. It’s so great to see them and see how excited David was to see them. Nathaniel is still having attachment issues so he doesn’t like being with anyone but me.

Today was a stressful but also great day. For the next few days while my family is here, I expect the updates to be lighter than usual. Because if I’m not spending time with them, I’m spending time with my husband while they babysit so I am not home much. I’m sure to go back to my ordinary life when they’re gone.
Note to Self:
My mom and I finally put up some of the art and paintings I had lying around and my living room looks so much better now. My house actually has a personality. It’s quite amazing the difference it made. I plan to do more for the playroom tomorrow and also my bedroom and the kids’ rooms and I am really excited. I’ve been waiting almost a year for this and am so glad it’s coming together as I’d hoped. Tomorrow’s project is a bit bigger and more daunting but my mom is a master at this so I am not worried.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. Hanging up the living room art.
2. Going to the movies with my awesome hubby.
3. Seeing David so excited to see all his presents and seeing him be so well behaved when opening them. Seeing the kids with my parents is such a joy.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Awesome awesome presents he got from my parents and my sister.
2. Playing with my dad for such a long time right around bedtime.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects