Today started out blah like everyday in the last week but then I’d asked Jake if we could go to the city for the day and walk on the Golden Gate Bridge (which is on my list for the year) and it was a fantastic day in the city so we decided to go do it. And it was absolutely awesome. More about this in a few Saturdays.
As soon as we parked, I asked Jake to take a photo of us. Nathaniel had napped in the car so he was still groggy.

And one more of us.

There are many more photos but I will save them for the 52 Things entry and post some throughout the week. As it turns out my camera is really dirty. I generally leave my shutter wide open to 1.8 but of course today I had closed it to 8 or 16 to capture some of the beauty which sharpened all the dirt and man there’s a LOT of it. I will have to get my sensor cleaned very soon.
Nathaniel’s been able to stand on his own for quite some time but for some reason I could never get a photo of it and finally today I managed to catch one.

I am going to wrap this up cause the babysitter will be here in 15 minutes and I still have to go get dressed. Happy Saturday.
Note to Self:
Wow, I’ve decided one of my biggest pet-peeves is guilt tripping. I so very much hope that this is not something I do often and I plan to do it never and I absolutely abhor it when others do it to me. It’s such a passive agressive way to communicate. A class I took a long time ago always said that you ask for what you want and you take what you get. You take what you get. I think it is important to remember to do that. Not to feel sorry for yourself. Not to make others do something for you out of guilt. What a horrible way to get something you want. Not only will I no longer cater to such people but I will work diligently to ensure I don’t do it. It’s amazing to see the effect it has on me when others do it and what better reminder for me not to do it to anyone else?
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. Getting to walk across the bridge. It was loud and windy but also incredibly fun and stunningly beautiful.
2. Even more grateful that we didn’t have to walk all the way back. Jake ran back, grabbed the car and came to pick us up. Yep, my superhero.
3. Very grateful for date night tonight. A wonderful ending to an incredible day. I am truly blessed.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Wii, of course. Today was the Wii day.
2. Going to San Francisco. David ran, skipped, jumped, and walked across the bridge with us and didn’t complain one single time.

One week from tomorrow Nathaniel turns one. One. I can’t believe how quickly a year passes. So much has happened in that time and yet it feels like it was just yesterday that I was in the hospital, giving birth to him. I will write more next week, I’m sure but I find myself wanting to document more and more of him before the moments pass.
He loves walking on the edge of our large couch and grabbing David’s toys.

When I tell him to put it down, this is what he likes to reply with.

And then he puts it right in his mouth. He’s gotten better at not eating things that aren’t food. He will still put it in his mouth first, but he will spit it out.

He loves playing with the TV and has learned that the Tivo remote turns it on. As soon as he or I pick it up, he looks at the TV to see if it turns on. Today he managed to record two shows and almost bought some stuff on the Tivo.

He loves playing with this toy, especially when it’s up there. He loves standing up and leaning over to play with it. He can stand up and down all by himself but he hasn’t walked yet unless one of us holds his hand.

His most favorite thing to eat is a tangerine. He can clear one off his plate in under two minutes. He also really loves drinking water ever since he’s figured out how to do it and doesn’t ask to nurse as many times a day now. (He was thirsty my little boy.) He also loves to eat all fruit, bread, cheese, yogurt. Some items on the so so list: meatballs, pasta, and veggies if mixed with yogurt.

He loves bath time and plays with (chews) all the toys. He doesn’t complain when I dump water on him but you can tell he’s shocked each time. As I am getting him dressed, he loves to squirm away and lift the blinds and look out the window. I always act surprised as he crawls that way and he giggles as he lifts the blinds. When I put him to bed, we play this game where he picks up his little rabbit and throws it. I giggle. He does it again and he giggles too. It’s wonderful until I walk away which is when the crying commences.
I love him so much, so deeply. There are no words to express my love.
Not to leave out David, I wanted to take the time to note three words he still says incorrectly but in the most amusing way. He will say sarcaspert instead of sarcastic. Destruction instead of construction. And protective instead of detective. They each make me laugh so much that I almost don’t want to correct him. (He also uses “for” instead of “so” often but we do try to correct that a lot.)
Long, useless day here. I am glad weekend is here and I hope it will give me some rest time.
Note to Self:
As promised yesterday, I spent some time getting organized today. I basically chunked my day into sets of hours. I first marked the things I cannot get out of like driving David to school and back, etc. Then I marked recurring things like meals, bathtime, bedtime, etc. And then I took the chunks of hours for work and allocated specific tasks to each part of the day, giving me cushion time to check my mail, handle last minute things, etc. Then I added some kids and me time. And finally some just me (or Jake and me, depending) time. I put specific tasks on days they need to get done. For example, I post on the Weekly Gratitude blog on Tuesdays so I generally write that Monday night so I added it to Monday’s calendar, etc.
I don’t know if this system will work or not but I am hoping it will stop the “I have so much stuff, which one should I be doing?” phenomenon I seem to be suffering from lately. Cross your fingers for me.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. This week, I am super grateful it’s Friday. I was last week too. I need to sleep this weekend and get myself some much-needed relaxation.
2. I am grateful that we have a babysitter coming tomorrow and I am looking forward to date night tomorrow, watching the movie Date Night.
3. I am grateful that I got organized. I am hoping this will work because I really need it.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Playing with legos. Again 🙂
2. Playing rockets at school

Today I felt all out of sorts again so I decided it’s finally time to get organized again. More below.
David spent some quality time making Nathaniel laugh today. It’s one of our favorite things to do. He was fake falling from the couch.

And making Nathaniel laugh.

Over and over.

Again and again.

It was such a joy for both of us. And then the little boy quietly went to play.

I made a whole bunch more journal pages. All to come tomorrow. Yey.
Note to Self:
So I decided I am going to make a schedule for my week. For my days too. I have weekly occurrences and daily events. I won’t plan to the minute but I will plan chunks of time. Making sure all the tasks I want to get done professionally and personally are allotted their time. I want to make a list of all my tasks and just kind of put them in zones and then see if it works for a week or two. I meant to do it tonight but Jake ended up needing some help so it’s at the top of my list for tomorrow, so I will tell you more once I do it.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I took a walk around the neighborhood tonight all by myself. It was great to smell the flowers, listen to a good book, and be alone for just a bit.
2. I am grateful for helpful people at work. I had to ping 20 people for a request today but I finally got someone who was there and generous with their time.
3. I am grateful for good doctors. I needed a prescription and I didn’t even have to go in and my doctor was so kind as she always is.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Playing with legos. He’s really loving it!
2. Playing with Noah’s whistle at school

I still remember years and years ago when I was in sixth grade, I took this exam when I was first learning English and there was a reading piece about daisies. One of the few flowers whose name I knew.
Today was a crappy day from the beginning. Nathaniel woke up at 4:30 and would not go back down. I was already feeling overwhelmingly tired and sick and drippy. He didn’t take but a 30 minute morning nap and would not fall asleep until 2pm. It was a LONG day and I didn’t get anything done all day. I just lay here in between sleep and wakefulness. What a waste of a day.
Thankfully David was an angel. He played with Nathaniel for a long time.

And Nathaniel practiced his water drinking skills. He loves that so much he won’t stop drinking all day long.

David brought out all of his legos.

And spent the entire day playing with them. I mean for hours and hours all by himself. He’s incredible.

Nathaniel played for a long time, too. In between nursing which he likes to do 15 times a day.

So an uneventful and long day here. I am tired and worn out and I need to just lie down and read my book and go to sleep.
Note to Self:
There are days when I just need to call it quits and do nothing. I mean literally nothing. Today was one of those days where I felt like I should be doing something the whole time. Instead, I should have just stopped. Lay on the couch, played with my kids, took a nap. Sometimes it’s best to actively take a day off.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. We watched Glee as a whole family and sat on the couch, held hands, and laughed.
2. Jake came home early tonight and he also went to go out and get groceries and even bought dinner. I am so grateful for him.
3. I am grateful that both kids are in bed now and I can just relax and then go to a blissful sleep (I hope.)
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Because he was such an angle, David got to play 20 mins of Wii tonight again and of course he was super-thankful for it.
2. He said he was very grateful for his lego time!

These flowers are called Venka, David tells me. He learned that from his grandmother (Jake’s mom.) They are beautiful aren’t they?
I took a few closeups of Nathaniel today, just facial expressions as he looked up to me trying to get up on the couch.

And he’s checking out the Tivo remote.

I’ve been feeling really exhausted lately. I wake up much more refreshed and less groggy than usual but then I collapse in the middle of the day and cannot pick myself back up. I just sink deeper and deeper and can’t get anything done. I probably should give up and take a nap but I don’t. I keep wishing it away but it doesn’t go. Ugh. Well hopefully tomorrow will be better. Or I will take a day off and sleep when Nathaniel naps.
Note to Self:
So, if you remember, I got a new Macbook Pro about ten days ago or so. This morning I wake up to an ad-email from Apple that tells me they just came out with new Macbook Pros. These are orders of magnitude better with a much nicer processor, more battery life, cheaper(!), and a better graphics card. Ordinarily, I would panic. But, instead, I patiently wait until the store opens, talk to the manager, call back 3 times and get exactly what I had hoped for: I got to exchange my computer for the new one and got to have AppleCare with the price difference. Woot! It’s rare that stores do the exact right thing in the exact right way, in my opinion but, in this case, that’s exactly what happened. Which was incredible and I was so stoked.
But the best part is that I was calm the whole time. Hopeful and occupied, yes, but I did not freak out. I made my peace with the outcome regardless of what it was. And that’s big for me. I still “needed” to take care of it immediately and the issue had to be resolved one way or another Which is something I need to work on. But being peaceful and not freaking out is a step in the right direction.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. Well, of course, my new laptop!
2. I am grateful for my art journal. It’s still coming together really beautifully and it really makes me happy.
3. I think Nathaniel signed for the first time today!! I am not 100% sure and we’ll see in the next few days if he repeats it but it really looked like he was signing milk. I am so so grateful that he’s learning it!!
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. David got to play 20 mins of Wii tonight so he was super-thankful for it.
2. And he got a surprise in the mail. Our accountant mailed him the lego pieces he accidentally left in her office. He was so happy and grateful that he played with his legos for a long time.

More nature. Enjoying playing with these.
Little boy’s been really good at playing by himself lately.

Until I interrupt (Like the click of the shutter) and he remembers I’m there.

More playing. As he was messing with David’s toy, he even figured it out for us.

We had just changed the batteries of this toy my sister sent but we couldn’t get it to work. As it turns out, you need to press it with two fingers and Nathaniel figured it out! So David spent all of his afternoon playing this game. Thank you Yona, he loves it!

Almost as much as Nathaniel loves turning on and off the TV.

So I stayed up until past midnight last night reading in bed while the whole house slept. I finished my book of course and have already begun the next one. I love it when I am on a roll and reading one good book after another.
I even did one page on my journal and plan to do another after I finish writing this up and before I have to go to bed. Here’s to hoping.
Note to Self:
I’ve been thinking about eating lately. Well, my well-being mostly. I don’t eat very well. No, I don’t eat burgers and fries but I do eat a lot more chocolate than I should. Honestly, on most typical days, I drink 3 cups of (large cups) coffee, eat 7 or so graham crackers, maybe half a bar of chocolate and one cheese sandwich (just bread and cheese). Some days I also eat 2 bananas, or a yogurt. Some days I eat a salad (very rarely). But most days it’s just the coffees, banana, chocolate, graham crackers. This isn’t a lot of food but it’s unhealthy. It’s not nutritious in any way and it needs to change. It’s ok to keep drinking the coffee (since the idea of giving that up seems to rise panic in me) but I need more nutrition. If not for me, then for the baby I am still nursing. But honestly, I don’t know where to begin. I feel so lazy most days. Nothing feels tasty. I can’t decide what to eat. Same with exercise. I just can’t get motivated about it. I’m not even thinking about losing weight as much as I am thinking about being healthy, having a good heart, etc. This is something I am very mindful of, especially lately. But not something I’ve figured out how to resolve just yet.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. Watching David learn his words. He’s been practicing every day and it’s so much fun to see his reading grow.
2. I am grateful that I finally cleaned up the desk next to the couch where I sit. It was one of those things I’d been putting off for months and now it’s all nice and clean.
3. Thankful for Glee coming back on this week. Love that show!
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Playing with the toy Yona sent (the one in photo above)
2. Playing with friends at school where they put stickers and build an underwater world
3. Drawing with mommy

The shades of green in nature never cease to amaze me.
It was another wonderful day. I spent the entire day in my pajamas. Reading. I started Jodi Picoult’s book and could not put it down. I intend to finish it tonight.
While I read, David played.

So did Nathaniel.

And then after Nathaniel’s food was finished, he did his favorite thing which is to go hang out at David’s table.

And touch his stuff, which David is not such a fan of and has started stopping him.

Here’s Nathaniel making a very unhappy face.

And finally he gives up and plays with David’s other toys.

It poured cats and dogs here today. I am ready for beautiful California spring. Come on already where is it? I have so many todo list items but they’ve all been put on hold while I read my books. I can’t stop. It’s like a magical world of wonderful stories and I’ve fallen in.
Note to Self:
So I am not such a big fan of Facebook. I am not even sure why but I’ve never really liked using it so much and now I have such a mix of friends. Friends from childhood in Turkey. Friends from work at Google and even from old work at Goldman. Friends from scrapbooking. Friends from CMU. All over the place. I’ve just avoided posting anything. I kept worrying what if I post about scrapbooking and all my non scrappy friends think I’m stupid or boring. Or that I’ll post something about Google Chrome and the scrappy people will be bored to tears. But finally I gave it all up today. I’m me. I have a weird, wide range of interests and if you don’t like to read my comments, just don’t. That’s ok. I won’t be offended. I don’t read everything either. It’s crazy to assume I can make everyone happy. Even crazier to assume I need to be different than who I am. That’s too much work. So from today on my blog posts show up at FB as links. Some might follow and others not. That’s ok. I might change this later I make no promises but for now I am ok with it. I am ok with being me. At least I think I am.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. Grateful for books this whole weekend. I’d been on a bad lineup lately of only wanting to read light stuff but the last 3 books I read (all of which i read this weekend) are not light and yet I read them without moving and they were all fantastic. (well i haven’t finished this one yet to be fair.)
2. Grateful for a wonderfully quiet day with my family whom I adore.
3. Grateful that it was ok for me to ditch all of my todo list for this weekend. That I don’t feel burdened down or stressed out.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Watching the They Might Be Giants DVD on science that Jake’s brother got David for his birthday
2. Going to his friend Arielle’s birthday party

Isn’t it? You just have to learn to look.
Today, a friend of Jake’s from work came to visit us with his wife and son. It was such a treat to have someone for the kids to play with. I have so many photos of Nathaniel’s face but not so many of the life we live. Just random shots with a lot in them so I decided I wanted more of those. However imperfect.

And the closeup of course. He just learned how to drink from this cup and enjoys doing it several times a day.

Great day. I finished my book last night. Magnificent one. I read 6 pages of another one before I went to bed. I woke up this morning, finished my kit layouts (more tomorrow) while Nathaniel and David ate breakfast and sat to read my book while Nathaniel napped. He decided to take a super-long nap which meant I could peacefully fall into my book (it was David’s wii day so he was playing.). I read nonstop for 3 hours. (bliss!) and then Jake’s friends came and we played and talked and had a lovely time. After they left, kids ate, showered and then went to bed. I made some coffee and dug back into my book. Finished it in one swoop. Karen Maezen Miller‘s new book Hand Wash Cold is absolutely and truly magnificent. Orders of magnitude better than the previous one which was truly amazing in its own right. More on this in a few weeks. I need to digest. Sit and write. But what an incredible way to spend my day. I was so moved by the end that I had to send her an email to thank her. Go find it and read it. I promise you will be grateful.
And now I am doing some photo processing, cleaning up, etc. Getting ready to start another book in bed. Feeling content in every single sense of the word. (That word seems to imply “blah” in our everyday use. Gives a feeling of settling. Nothing extraordinary. But if you look it up, it means: in a state of peaceful happiness. What more can one ask for?)
Note to Self:
One of the things I’ve been doing during this year of mindfulness and contemplation is working hard to separate my feelings/thoughts from the society’s. So I often ask myself “Does this really bother me or do I think it should?” This is my way of checking in with my own feelings. We are told so many things implicitly and explicitly by the people around us. By the media. By the movies. Books. Whatever. Everything and anything we consume has opinions. They often tell me how I should feel. While sometimes I really agree with them, other times I don’t. But it takes a lot of mindfulness for me to step back and separate my feelings from that of what’s around me.
For example, if I think about it deep down, it doesn’t really bother me that I don’t cook. Sure I want my kids to eat well and healthy. But they are both in excellent health. They are slim and active. They eat tons of fruits and as many vegetables as I can convince them to. They don’t eat any junk food or drink juice. So are they losing out because I don’t make intricate meals? Maybe but if I dig down deep, this is not something that really bothers me as much as I think it should. It only bothers me because I feel an invisible pressure to be a better mom which it (amongst other things) defined by cooking for my kids. And sometimes I do cook. And maybe I will do so more. But because I like to not because I feel pressure to.
I also often chat with my husband over IM. Sometimes we spend the whole night apart. He sits in his office in the garage and I sit in the living room working, doing art, reading. We might send some messages over Instant Messenger. We sometimes even use this medium to talk about concerns we have. We’ve found over the years that it adds a boundary that allows us to better manage our emotions and talk things out more clearly and listen to each other better. Some people might find these things crazy. People laugh at me a lot. But in the end, when I think deeply about it, it doesn’t bother me. These are the ways in which we’ve found to live our lives happily. It works for us. We’ve had a long and lasting relationshop for sixteen years. We love each other deeply and truly enjoy each other’s company. I know how much he loves me. He’s there for me every single time I need him and every single time I want him. So does it really bother me that we don’t always sit next to each other? No. It only does when someone tells me how they always sit with their husband every night, in a way that implies that this is a must-have for a sound marriage.
I have come to believe that there is no such thing a fast-and-hard rule about things like marriage, motherhood, or even life. There are families where the kids and parents eat dinner at a table every single night and yet the conversation is fake, the connection is nonexistent and there are families who eat in front of the TV but yet they are truly immersed in each other’s lives and are there for each other. Life, connections, and people are not simple enough to be reduced into one-liners. There are no rules that work across the board. It’s important to note what works for you and then do it without shame or worry. I feel like I am blessed to have found a way to make things work and make our life joyful for all of us. I will not let my worry of what others think ruin that for me. So, each time I find myself annoyed about something, I will work on remembering to ask: “Does this really bother me?”
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am yet again grateful for my kids, but especially David today. Jake’s friends’ little boy Nico was 20 months old and David was so incredibly gentle with him. There were times he boy tested his patience. Once he almost bit David. He yelled at him several times but David was regularly kind even though you could tell he was close to losing it a little. They ran around the house giggling, shrieking, and had a great time. I am so thankful for his patience, gentleness, and generosity of spirit.
2. Grateful for another incredible book. One that moved me deeply. One that I will definitely read all over again. And for writers like Karen.
3. Grateful for my kit today. I love scrapbooking. I love getting to tell my stories. I love looking over them. Feeling grateful for years of storytelling. And for Nathaniel’s baby book which is so close to being done. Can’t believe he’s almost one.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. The Wii of course.
2. Playing with Nico

Nature is magnificent. Fierce and calming and colorful and astounding. Isn’t it?
This morning, Jake had put a box of cereal on his bag to remember to take it to work. The little squirrel found it, shook it and then was thrilled to discover food coming out of it, which he proceeded to eat. And then his water was nearby, too so he basically spent the next ten minutes, shaking, eating, and drinking. He was mighty happy. Until I took the box away which he protested loudly.

We had our playgroup today after a few week absence. It was fun to be with other mommies and it was great to get a bit of sunshine.

I love these shots of the eyelashes. I loved them on David, too.

I’ve taken a small break from the journal to work on my A Million Memories layouts. April kit is absolutely beautiful and already sold out. I am working feverishly to finish Nathaniel’s baby book. I am trying to keep in mind a few good lessons I’ve learned this week (more below). I am enjoying the process but also focusing on progress. I am also hand-journaling on most of these, to make the process faster and more authentic.
And here’s the wonderfully welcome weekend. I just finished my book which was great but it always leaves me with a sad moment since starting a book is much harder for me than going through one. But I do have one this week that I am excitedly waiting to dig into. And not an electronic one even. So I am not as sad as usual.
Note to Self:
I was listening to Paperclipping Roundtable podcast yesterday and I heard a few pithy comments that I was still thinking of today, especially as I scrapbooked. The two guests were a listener, Heather Lord and Stephanie Howell, and they both said something that stuck with me. Stephanie said how years from now when her girls look at her layouts, they will not complain about how it doesn’t have the visual triangle and while I laughed, it’s so true. When I was looking through the layouts with David yesterday, he couldn’t care whether the photos were perfect or laid on the paper perfectly. He just loved that they were there. He wanted to hear the stories. The rest didn’t matter. He won’t care that the paper I used was six months old. He won’t even care if the greens or blues match honestly. He will only focus on the photos and the stories, I am sure of it. This is important to remember for me as I struggle to put my layouts together, especially when I focus so hard on the embellishments and where each should go.
Heather also said something pithy. She said her phrase of the year is “It’s better finished than perfect.” (I apologize, I am paraphrasing, since I am writing from memory.) But it’s so true! Years from now, the only layouts I will have are the ones I finished. The stories I did tell. Even without photos. Even with crappy photos. Or even with just photos. (As much as I like telling the story I think it’s still better to have a layout with photos that tell a story than no layout at all.) Maybe it was at some point, but scrapbooking is not art for me anymore. For art, I do the art journaling, the tags, etc. Scrapbooking is for telling my stories. It’s for keeping our memories. So a layout done, however imperfect, is MUCH better than a layout that is never done. So this is a good mantra for me. Something I need to remember as I get frustrated with how far from perfect my page looks. Better done than perfect!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. Grateful for another weekend. This weekend is a bit packed and I feel a bit stressed but I love the weekend. Being with my family and not having to stress about tending to both the kids and work is wonderful.
2. Grateful for magnificent books. Books that touch you deeply. There’s nothing like it.
3. Grateful to be scrapping this weekend. Any chance to tell our stories, to play with our photos. I am blessed.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Getting to go to the park with Mommy and Nathaniel’s baby group
2. Watching Hannah Montana before bed

I went shooting today. I am not sure why but I’ve been into playing with layers and altering images lately. Just having fun with photoshop.
Here’s Nathaniel giving me a face when I tell him to not touch David’s stuff. This one’s going to be a handful I can tell.

And here’s me attempting to take a shot of the kids as we go on our walk.

Days are passing a little too fast for my taste. I am finding myself disorganized. Not getting enough done but not sitting down to organize myself so I can see what I want to get done. It’s a bit of a cycle I’m afraid. Maybe this weekend I can snap out of it a bit.
I am feeling a strong sense of calm and happiness though. Not really worrying about anything too much and that’s rare for me so for now I’m going to indulge myself and let myself get lost in it.
Note to Self:
I was thinking, again, today about how when you like someone the actions they take, the words they say are so colored by your feelings toward them. So if I like this person I am always willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. I read their words and assume they mean well, they are humble, they are kind. I juxtapose my feelings on top of their actions and words all the time. When I like someone they look prettier to me. So does their art. Their words. Their intentions. And, of course, the opposite holds true, too. When I dislike someone, I assume the worst. I listen for the meanness. It just shows that we’re always listening with our own agenda. Even when we think we’re not. And I think this is a good thing to keep in mind. To check when someone is talking/writing and make sure that I am not imbuing the words with meaning that’s not really there. Or at least to make sure I give everyone equal benefit of the doubt. Isn’t that the least they deserve? I truly believe that all humans have a deep need to connect. Need to be accepted and to belong. We all express this need in different ways but in the end, we’re all just striving for the same goal. We all have our scars and our ways of dealing with them. I think everything works better when we treat each other with the best intentions. I want to be more aware of situations where I read into words that aren’t spoken. Words that aren’t there.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. It’s been such great weather here and taking a short little walk with both my kids was definitely the highlight of my day today.
2. I am grateful for sunshine. Living in California is something I take for granted a lot. But now that it’s sunny again, I park as far away as possible when I drop David off at school so we can take our time in the sun.
3. I made a layout about Nathaniel’s first Christmas today. David liked it so much that he got upset when he found out it was going in Nathaniel’s album. (which I am working feverishly to complete). I explained to him that this was Nathaniel’s first. He said he didn’t have a page for his first Christmas (of course he does; he’s the whole reason I started this madness.) so out came his baby album where we looked at his first Christmas which then led into looking at four years of layouts. David’s whole childhood right there in front of our eyes. He begged to stay up extra minutes just to look at the pages. (He had asked to stay up late and play legos but he said he much preferred looking at the layouts.) I am so grateful that I have this hobby. I didn’t care one bit about which page wasn’t perfect, I drank in all of our memories. He asked me to read all of the journaling and I enjoyed our hour together so much. I am so so grateful for these moments with my son. Maybe one day he will grow up and not care about these pages but for now he loves them and I love them deeply and I am so grateful for them. Each time I am caught up in the craziness of it all, I just have to remember tonight and remember that, for me, it’s not the product, it’s not the team I am on or the comments I got. It’s that these are my stories. Our stories. And we will get to live them again and again. Forever.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Putting together the rest of the lego set with mommy
2. Playing with legos

Our CSA started up again this week and I was so happy to see the box. I was just thinking this week that I need to stop the cycle of eating graham crackers, coffee and chocolate for all my meals. And now I have fresh veggies and I ate a salad with carrots, tangerines, pears, and some of yesterday’s Batman pasta. Some vinegar and oil and I was set. Delicious even. I was thinking they should make a website where you put in ingredients you have and it spits out recipes. There must already be a site that does that, no?
I wanted to post some photos of what’s typically happens around here. Just to make sure I have a memory of it. Here’s David watching Pink Panther as he eats his green beans. Usually I am not fond of him watching anything while he eats but I’ve found this makes him finish the veggies faster and with less whining so I left him do it during the veggies.

Nathaniel had some mangoes today and I tried to have another go at the fork, but not much success.

Here he is crawling around with the phone and the Tivo remote. Something he likes to do quite often. He’s figured out that the Tivo turns on the TV so he can do that several times a day, too.

And he absolutely loves taking off the power cable of my computer.

And while he stares at it, and as he brings it into his mouth, I go for an emphatic “No!”

Which is then met with this face.

And this face.

And then this face.

And finally this one.

We do this several times a day. It doesn’t seem to get old for him, ever.
Another semi-productive day. I haven’t managed to do any art, yet but I am about to, I hope. I made progress at work and David’s first day back wasn’t so hard on our schedule though Nathaniel did not take his afternoon nap at all. I can’t believe we’re mid-week already. This year seems to be flying by too fast.
Note to Self:
I’ve been thinking for some time now that I need some local friends. People around here that I can hang out with regularly. Even if once a month. I would love a local reading group. Or an art group. Something that I can count on recurringly where I am connecting with others with some kind of similar interest. The thing is, I am not sure how to go about making this happen. How do people meet people? I am not entirely sure where to start which is how I’ve been stuck for months, now.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. We went to the accountant to sign all the paperwork and checks for the taxes today. It’s all done. It’s our first time using an accountant and while I didn’t like to have to pay for it, I am so grateful it’s done.
2. I am grateful for the quietness of the last few days. I feel like I am getting things done but slowly. I am not adding to my todo list and I am crossing things off. I am not stressing myself out. I am feeling happy and calm for the most part.
3. I am grateful for nice comments and kind emails. I write this blog mostly for myself. for keeping a record of my life. But i do love the comments, the emails, the connection with others. so, thank you, i am grateful to you.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Playing the Indiana Jones game in his Didj
2. Getting to make the lego cars with Mommy
3. Nathaniel (he had 3 today. he was grateful for Nathaniel)

Last of my nature photos; I’m going to have to go take some photos tomorrow.
I thought today would be a good day to get Nathaniel to try pasta for the first time. David still doesn’t eat any pasta or rice and I wanted to make sure Nathaniel has a chance to try it all before he’s too old to be open-minded. I had some Spiderman pasta I’d bought for David so I cooked it for him. I tried giving it to him one at a time but he wouldn’t take it so I just plopped the whole bowl on his tray.

He stared for a while and then reached for one.

Stuck it in his mouth.

Chewed for a while.

And then wasn’t so happy.

But thankfully he continued. And I kept watching him and letting him try things. Until he picked up the bowl.

Which meant bowl-time was over and I tried a fork. But that wasn’t so successful either. He ate a few more and then we decided it was time to put it away and try more again tomorrow.

And here’s a cutie shot just for me.

He’s still dripping. After all I wrote yesterday, I sat and did an art journal page last night and it was so much fun. I loved it. It made me happy. I even played around with one today and started journaling, too. Still feeling a bit iffy but I am happy to be dipping my toes in.
A completely uneventful day here. Tomorrow David’s school starts back up and with Nathaniel’s new nap schedule it promises to be a bit disaster-ish. But I will keep an open mind and see how it goes.
Note to Self:
I noticed today that my desire to belong extends to my hobbies as well. I had been struggling so hard with scrapbooking and my place in it for the longest time. Which is a bit ridiculous since it’s a hobby. But when I get really involved in the community surrounding my hobby, I suddenly feel the need to fit in. To become a bigger part of the community. When I joined AMM, I quickly needed to be on the Design Team which would make me feel a greater sense of belonging. Years ago, when I wrote novels, I used to be a part of this community called Writers’ Village University (I am still a part of it now. Lifetime member.) and even there, I quickly needed to belong. I wasn’t just a member. I worked on their magazine. I wrote and taught classes. I did the same at AMM and then BPS and I even taught elsewhere. I applied for Manufacturer Design Teams. I wanted to write books. I wanted to belong. The need to belong is so acute in me. The need to be accepted, chosen, picked. And it’s pretty insatiable. I wanted to teach at BPS so badly. It was a dream come true for me. Still is. And yet I still get sad that I don’t get published in magazines or get picked for design teams. (To be fully honest, I haven’t applied in a year but back when I was, I didn’t get picked at all.) And yet, I know that most people I know who are on teams are overworked and frustrated and do not really really enjoy it. And I know that it would stress me out. It might even make me feel inauthentic. I don’t want to scrap for the product, I want to scrap for my stories. My life. My kids. And yet, the need to belong is overwhelming. Insatiable. It spreads all over my life.
Today, I thought about all this again. About my motivations behind things. About whether I can ever scrap just for myself again. Can I stop needing to belong? I belong with such good friends already. An incredible husband. Amazing kids. Loving and generous parents and sister. A fantastic job. Do I really need to create all this drama around my hobbies? Things I’m supposed to be doing for fun. I don’t know how to do this. But I know that I need to. This is about being mindful after all. I am open to suggestions.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am thankful for the small piece of art I did last night. Seeing it made me smile this morning.
2. I am thankful for getting to read to David tonight. I tend to want to rush bedtime routine and don’t always enjoy my time but tonight we snuggled into bed and I read the Polar Express to him. I know it doesn’t seem that way but I also know that my days of getting to read stories to him, snuggled up in bed are numbered and I am deeply thankful for them.
3. I am thankful for spending the whole day in my pajamas. I had absolutely no errands or chores today and I sat and worked and played with my kids.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Getting to level 3 in his Batman Didj game.
2. He couldn’t think of a number two as we didn’t do a whole lot today but then I told him he can pick general things too so he said he’s thankful for his Daddy. (not for you, Mommy, he added, oh so nicely.)
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects