Not a fan of this photo but I need to go shooting and I don’t have a lot of choices.
Good day! I got up and did a layout and then exercised and then rested some while I snapped a photo of the little boy.

After that, David and I worked for a bit and then I went up to shower while David played Wii and Jake came out to sit with them. When I came down Nathaniel was sitting cradled in his dad’s arm and happy as a clam.

I did another layout while listening to my book which I am almost finished with and Nathaniel walked around and chewed on things. When I went up to take photos of my layout, he looked up at me as he always does.

One more.

I tried to make sure to grab one of David, too. Didn’t come out all that great.

I was going a bit stir-crazy by now so Jake wonderfully agreed to take us all out to my favorite little cafe in Palo Alto. Some yummy food later we came home to watch the Tour and now it’s time to put the kids down and I will likely end the night with another layout. All in all, wonderful day.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. Making two layouts I love.
2. Quick but delicious lunch.
3. Grateful for some simple but wonderful family time.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. playing wii.
2. getting to eat a chocolate croissant.
3. daddy.

I snapped this while we were driving through San Fran to go to our camping trip. It was very foggy and I took it from inside the car.
Good day. We woke up too early and I took it easy most of the day but I felt much less cranky than usual. Nathaniel pointed to this toy when I grabbed him out of bed today. We’ve had this since David was a little kid. He never cared for it but Nathaniel loves it. He can’t get it to sing so he keeps brining it to me to press the buttons.

He often takes my breath away.

David’s been teaching him to play legos so he picks the biggest of his small pieces and they sit and play together. I love watching them.

That’s all I really have for today. I haven’t really been as diligent in taking photos. Mostly cause we’ve been lazying around and not doing anything special. Also cause I was cranky. But I am working on getting better at it.
I got my box from Margie today for The Girls’ Paperie Summer CHA and it’s so beautiful and I’ve already completed one layout. It made me so happy just to see the papers. We’re now getting the kids ready for bed so we can go out for date night.
Love date night.
Happy weekend!!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am so grateful for the weekend. I need this one.
2. I am grateful for all the yummy goodies I received in the mail. It’s wonderful to design for someone whose product I love so much.
3. I am grateful for a relatively smooth release today especially after yesterday’s nightmare.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. my lego book.
2. building legos with nathaniel.
3. daddy.

Well today started out much better. I went to bed early and so wasn’t really worn out when Nathaniel cried at 3:30am. He then went back to sleep (and so did I) until 6:30am. I was tired but not overwhelmingly. I rested a while and then did my exercise and I was feeling so good. Watching the boys play. (I bought this toy years ago for David at a yard sale and he loved loved it, too.)

And he loves David’s legos more than his own, of course.

And anything in any drawer he can get to.

And then he comes up to me with these eyes. I cannot resist them.

And poor David has to clean up after him like ten times a day.

My day got super-stressful and included a lot of screaming and lot of freaking out and stressing. All cause of work. Actually all cause I felt out of my element and I do not like feeling out of my element. I did not handle it well. I am still really hormonal and the two don’t mix well. It was a long, tough day that ended ok but man I have jaw and head and even chest ache now. And feel a collection of regrets of course.
Thankfully, tomorrow is another day.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am thankful that my husband is an angel and lets me complain and my kids are angels, too and they all forgive me every single day. I am so blessed to have them.
2. I am thankful that things ended up relatively ok. We’ll see in the morning for sure but for now it looks ok.
3. I am grateful there’s only one more day until the weekend.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. playing legos with Nathaniel. Teaching him how to play with legos.
2. playing some wii! (he got to do wii fit after I was finished).
3. daddy. (this is a standing item now.)

Good news is that my jaw is much better. Bad news is that it’s not all better. And I am grouchy and not motivated to do anything. So I am skipping my Happiness Project for now. It’s probably one of those self-fulfilling prophecies but there we are. I promised myself that I’d get back on the horse tomorrow.
Nathaniel sat down for the first time today and David saw it first and exclaimed and yelled for me to capture it.

And then I took a shot of him. Those eyes.

I love watching my kids play.

Especially when they look up to me with a wide smile.

And I love when they tickle each other and giggle and giggle.

And then quietly play some more.

Life is good. I need to work on being less grouchy. Life is good.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that despite my crabbiness, I got a lot of work done today.
2. I’ve been scrapping a lot lately. Just for fun even. I love that. I am grateful for it even more than usual.
3. I am grateful for good audiobooks again today. Been listening to Lonesome Dove as I scrap and I love it.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. my legos.
2. playing with Yona’s toy.
3. daddy. (this is a standing item now.)

I woke up this morning at 5am to excruciating pain. My jaw was in so much pain I could barely see. And all day I’ve been taking as much Advil as it’s safe to take just to keep the pain down. This seems to happen to me about once a month for a few days lately. I think the camping exacerbated it. It’s been hell so I’ve been lying on the couch, feeling sorry for my poor self, listening to my book and scrapping.
David has been quiet and helpful and kind.

for the most part. Nathaniel, too. Playing and going through everything.

Coming over to visit me.

Bothering David.

And playing with everything inside all the drawers in the kitchen. I’ve already had to move everything glass from anywhere he can reach.

I wonder if all this is conspiring against my happiness project. Then I tell myself, it’s ok. Take another day off, it’s no big deal. Your body and mind need the rest. And so does my jaw, apparently. So I am resting.
And telling myself it’s ok.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for Advil today. It’s working its magic.
2. I am grateful that for the most part my kids are amazing, kind and understanding.
3. I am grateful for scrapbooking and for the two awesome packages I got in the mail today. Happy mail!
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Legos.
2. playing with my toys.

So after last night’s craziness, at 3am or so I finally passed out again until around 6:30 when it was light enough out that I walked out and finally got to go to the bathroom and take 3 Advils. I tried to take a few photos but I was in too much pain so I sat on my chair and tried to read a bit until the Advils kicked in.
When the rest of the family woke up, we broke down the tent and I snapped the above shot of our site. This below is David coming back from the bathroom with Jake.

While we packed, we had to put Nathaniel in the car for a while and he wasn’t all that happy about it.

And here’s me trying to snap a happy photo of David. He truly enjoyed every moment of this experience.

And my partner in crime. Our fearless reader. On the way home, we stopped at a small cafe and had a delicious breakfast which is where I snapped this shot.

We got home late morning and I put Nathaniel down as Jake unloaded the car. Everything was put away and we all needed some relaxing downtime. I’m now about to put the kids down and relax some more. Maybe even scrap some.
I hope your 4th of July was great.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am so grateful I get to have one more day off. My work is closed tomorrow. Another day of rest for me.
2. I am grateful that we’re home safe and sound.
3. I am grateful for Tour de France. I love watching every moment of this race.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. camping
2. daddy. (i’m going to have to remove this as an option just cause it’s making him not think as hard.)

We left home early Sunday to go camping at Samuel P Taylor State Park which is about 90 minutes north of where we live. We decided to camp for one night since it was Nathaniel’s first time and we had no idea how he would do.
The only slot they had open was #18. By the little stream but also relatively close to the road so we could hear cars driving by. Still, it was a beautiful slot. I loved being near the water. I think water always makes me happy.

And among the redwood trees. The magnificent trees which always make my troubles seem small.

When we got there, we immediately got to setting up the tent and the kids had to wait in the car to make sure we could do it quickly and efficiently. They were quiet and nice for a while but then got cranky.

When we were finally done, we got them out and Nathaniel took a while to get acclimated, especially to his shoes. (Actually those were David’s old old shoes, too big for Nathaniel, but I couldn’t find his shoes somehow.).

So Daddy held him most of the time. (Neither was complaining about the setup.)

We then sat to have some food. Most of what we are was cheese (and salami) sandwiches, grapes, strawberries, nilla wafers, etc. Simple, easy things.

Then we took a little walk up one of the trails. A very short one before we turned around cause all of us were tired.

Here’s my single most favorite photo from the trip.

Some of those yummy wafers.

Nathaniel liked them just as much as David. (which was a lot)

Daddy loved playing with both of the kids.

I was worried about Nathaniel going to sleep but he was a champ. We brought his pack’n’play which fit inside the tent easily and he slept on a sleeping bag, covered with lots of blankets. He only cried for a few seconds before he lay down and went to a deep sleep. We ended the day with some delicious s’mores.

After the food, it was getting cold and I was way too tired. So around 7:30pm or so, we all got inside the tent, and I think I was sleeping within minutes. Which is probably why I woke up at midnight and I was in excruciating pain. Which never went away. David then peed through his clothes and had to be changed, Nathaniel woke up a few times and whined but nothing so extreme. I think the night was hardest on me.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am so grateful that we live so close to such a magnificent state park. It’s such a luxury.
2. I am grateful that both of the kids had a blast camping. They were so happy and neither whined for one second.
3. I am grateful for a wonderful fourth of july day with my family, in the middle of such beauty and peace.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. daydreaming (he dreamt about a nice raccoon, he said.).
2. daddy.

I am taking more photos tomorrow, I swear.
Nathaniel woke up obscenely early today. I was so tired, so worn out, I wanted to cry. But I did end up recovering a little bit after I lay down for a while. He was in great moods, though and loved it when his daddy wheeled him around.

While David played wii.

more laughter.

We took a brief break to watch Lance. I am a huge huge fan of Tour De France. I have been waiting for this year with great anticipation.

After he wreaked havoc and cleaned all the drawers, Nathaniel finally did play with his toys. Only once he emptied everything else.

I am still so very tired and working out today didn’t help much.I did do two layouts and read a bunch and several other things but I really need to go lie now and that’s what I am going to do. I hope you have great Fourth plans if you live in the US. I’m excited about ours!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I exercised again! go me.
2. I am thankful for audio books today.
3. I am so so grateful for a wonderful three weeks filled with Tour De France.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
2. daddy.

Today started slow and complicated. I am still feeling exhausted and unable to rest for some reason. So I had a slow start. I did get better and the kids were angels but I am still feeling worn out.
David’s been playing with his legos still. Loves them.

And the little boy is playing with his legos/blocks too.

Look at those little toes.

I even scrapped. Doing more layouts for CHA. I am trying to pace myself and just do one a day and see how it goes. Let’s see if I can manage it. Next week promises to be crazy with more layouts for CHA and then the AMM kit. So trying to take it easy now.
Plans for tonight are to rest and possibly read some. Lonesome Dove, here I come.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. Grateful that my kids are so good on their own.
2. Grateful that I am getting some good nagging tasks done. Ones that need doing.
3. Grateful that I am now starting a 4-day weekend!!
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. lego men.
2. daddy

Something weird. Not sure I like it but I am not full of options anymore. Gotta go shooting.
Today was a good day. Hard but good day. I will give a happiness project update in a separate post. There was a stupid pedometer in our room that decided to have an alarm go off at 2 in the morning, waking us both up. Which, of course, meant the rest of the night was super hard. Nathaniel woke up nice and early at 5:30am. And he’s gotten really good at rummaging through the drawers.

While David plays with his legos.

And chases him around to kiss him.

And hugs him.

I swear, he loves his little brother so much.
I am 100% worn out. Tired. I plan to veg on the couch all night as I process and print 60 some photos for scrapping. I like having my photos printed. This way, when inspiration strikes, I don’t have to sit and find photos. I have some The Girls’ Papirie CHA work to do and some more coming next week. I love Margie’s designs so much that just looking at the paper makes me happy.
I am *very* slowly reading Lonesome Dove, our book club pick and then I have two more really long books to read. I might take a break in between and read something quick and fun. I think the problem really is just how tired I feel lately. Hard to focus. Feeling good, though. Strong, happy, thankful.
Note to Self:
I think I am going to skip this section for the month of July while I do the Happiness Project since it will be mostly about that, I imagine. If it turns out I have unrelated things to say I reserve the right to bring it back. 🙂
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I exercised this morning. It hurt like crazy for something so small but still i am proud of myself.
2. I am thankful for getting to work with papers and product I love. I wanted to be on a design team for a while a few years ago but then I had stopped applying and I am so picky about what product I love and the idea of working with something less than ideal just so I can be on a team is unappealing to me. So I am eternally grateful that I get to be on a team and work with products I love. I am not taking it for granted for a second.
3. I am grateful for my July project. It’s tough but it’s making me happier.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. reading the book with mommy.
2. doing math with mommy.
3. daddy.

Fair warning: this post has a LOT of photos. Even more than my usual many. So if you don’t like seeing a ton of photos of my two boys, feel free to skip it. (having said that, if you don’t like seeing my boys, you’ve likely long stopped visiting my blog.)
I got home at 2:30am last night from the movie and wasn’t even tired. So, of course, this morning, I was. Tired and grouchy and cranky and so much more. I yelled, threatened, whined, sulked. And yet. My kids were mostly unfazed. Bless them. I captured tons of hugs, laughter and love so I wanted to post it all mostly to remind myself that even I can’t get in the way of their joy (not that I should be trying to, I need to be on better behavior.)

He’s trying so hard to make Nathaniel laugh.

and succeeds easily.

he kisses him.

watches him.

hugs him.

hugs him some more.

and he hugs back in spades.

my toothless boy.

laughing together.

Nathaniel discovered a drawer full of plastic cutlery and has been playing with them nonstop. He gets very focused.

In the afternoon, we took out some time and all 3 of us played legos. It was really wonderful.

And then there was more hugging.

And I am so glad I caught this face. It’s one Nathaniel makes too often and always cracks me up.

I feel all out of sorts for the last two days. I am hoping it will be better on a good night’s sleep which I plan to get tonight. Let’s hope I do.
Note to Self:
In the beginning of this month, I worked on some layouts for an upcoming free BPS workshop called Big Idea Festival. I haven’t seen the other designers’ work but I am pretty sure it will be fantastic and it’s totally free so you have nothing to lose. Click here to sign up. (And that’s my layout there on the right, love me some orange.)
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. Lego time with David (and Nathaniel).
2. My husband letting me sleep in this morning, I surely would have fallen apart without it.
3. I am thankful for my kids putting up with me on days like this.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. playing legos with mommy.
2. daddy.

I am exhausted. Last night, I was wide awake and couldn’t fall asleep and today I paid for it dearly. It will be even worse tomorrow since I am going to see Eclipse tonight after midnight. Ugh.
I’ve been thinking about how Nathaniel doesn’t rummage through stuff like David used to and I guess he must have heard me cause he greeted me like this today.

And then grabbed all the spoons (I love how he’s looking like he did nothing wrong).

And then he grabs diapers, pullups anything he finds. And the same wet shirt from the morning of course.

David finds it all hilarious.

My toothless boy.

And then there’s the hugging which of course melts my heart.

And then the whining cause Nathaniel wants to get into everything David is doing which gets annoying fast. But he tries to be a good sport.

In the afternoon we tried to use the blow-up pool I got but it was a quick and total failure so I gave up.

Now I have to feed, bathe, and dress the kids. Then time with hubby and ideally a nap before I have to leave for the movies…
Note to Self:
All done with my July preparations, I think….too tired to write more tonight, more coming thursday.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. Eclipse baby!!! I can’t wait.
2. I got my first set of The Girls’ Paperie today and I couldn’t stop smiling. Margie’s designs are so so so beautiful and I am so grateful to have anything to do with this. I am so lucky. So thankful. I can’t wait for the new products to arrive too.
3. I am grateful that my husband is coming home really soon and will help me cause I really need it tonight.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. all the legos there ever was.
2. daddy.
3. lego magazine again, too.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects