Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve always loved snap dragons. They are so wonderful.
Today was mostly a rest day. The last few days were a whirlwind. I had the inlaws, a lot of work, and I had to get some layouts for Margie for her HSN show. All of that was done yesterday so I had allowed myself to rest a bit today. And rest I did. I did some more catching up on personal work and work work and then I tried to rest. But if there’s even such a thing, I am too exhausted to rest.
Nathaniel was a bit off too. He wouldn’t take his nap and was in a funny mood.

This photo is blurry but I wanted to show you how he chipped off part of his front tooth a few days ago. He was mad and hit it against the tub.

David and I practiced some more smiling. Tuesday is his class picture day.

Nathaniel loves the outdoors so much. He is super happy when we’re in the yard.

Love of my life.

David decided to pull him around a bit and he loved it so much!

So did David. Here, he’s gassing up. Heh.

About to put the kids down and then rest and relax the rest of the night. My birthday weekend so I get the weekend off, right?
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for the beautiful yellow tulips and blue irises that came in the mail from my husband today.
2. I am grateful that the day was relaxed enough for me to be able to rest a bit.
3. I am grateful that I have nothing scheduled or required to do this weekend.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. making a cherry pie craft at school
2. playing with nathaniel outside in the yard (pulling his wagon)
3. watching a little tv with mom

Today was much better. Since I was done with my last minute layout project, I felt a lot more relaxed and finished a whole bunch of personal todos and I did almost all my work catching up so it was a good good day!!
While I worked in the morning, Nathaniel looked at his book. You can’t see it well in the photo, but it’s there hiding behind the pillow.

Today was the short day at David’s school and Jake’s parents came here early to come with me to the bus. And, of course, we practiced smiling some more. This looks like progress.

But then I get this.

Ugh. 4 days to picture day. We’re not doing so well. Then the kids did some playing in the backyard with their grandparents. And some hugging.

Jake’s mom had gotten me some gifts for my upcoming birthday and David helped me open those.

Nathaniel came to help, too. He likes to do whatever David does.

Some hugs and goodbyes and they are off to dinner with Jake and then the airport. I have still a good 30 items on my todo list and my class started today, too, and I have too many unanswered emails still. So off to tackle some of that!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that life will go back to “normal” tomorrow. I will finally hopefully get to establish the fall routine. Let’s see if I do.
2. I am grateful that the kids got to spend so much time with their grandparents and they all got along wonderfully. We’re blessed with great grandparents on all sides.
3. I am grateful that I got so so much work done today. It’s a big load off my shoulders.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. coloring my apple for school
2. watching a movie with papi
3. making a banner in art class (even though I didn’t get to finish it)

Fair warning: a lot of photos ahead.
I’m still under some kind of crazy off-schedule schedule where I get nothing on my todo list done. Nathaniel woke up at 4am again but then I just ignored him and he went back to sleep until 7 but by then I was awake so I couldn’t fall back asleep even though I refused to get up from bed. Didn’t start the day on the best note.
We dropped David off to the bus and then I had to finish a deadline so I worked while Nathaniel played. He’s loving the play table and being home without David for a bit.

I worked, he napped, I worked more, we ate and then it was already time to pick up David. When we got home, Nathaniel started taking the “outdoor” toys out.

And David decided to have fun with them, too.

We then practiced the smiling. He looks sweet here but oh so fake.

The kids were in such a good mood. Nathaniel kept hugging David.

And they would fall on the floor together.

And then he’d start to climb all over him.

David made a happy granparents’ day card at school this week.

Who knew my birthday was also grandparents’ day.

Then Jake’s parents came over and since they’re leaving tomorrow, I wanted to get som shots of them with the kids. Nathaniel and Meme first. Look at that smile.

And lots of love.

Then it was David’s turn.

I tried to get all three but it was quite the challenge.

Then it was Papi’s turn. Love the smiles here, too.

David wouldn’t give a non-fake smile so I told Papi to tickle him.

And then snapped this, too.

After the kids went down we went to see Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. It was absolutely fantastic. Now it’s 11pm and my class starts in one hour! You can still sign up!!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for a few awesome hours at the movies. Laughter and happiness.
2. I am grateful that my tight deadline assignment is finished and will be mailing tomorrow.
3. I am grateful that after tomorrow I can begin the business of establishing a new routine for the year.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. making my grandparents card
2. wrapping presents for mommy with meme
3. learning a new song at school (it’s about going in and out of bluebells, he said.)

Last night I had trouble falling asleep. Possibly because I’d made a list of 42 to-do list items. And then Nathaniel decided 4am wake up was as good a time as any. He wailed and wailed so I finally gave up and just woke up.
big mistake.
it meant that my whole day was exhausting. It also meant that this little one napped at 7am to 9am and then not again.

Then David called from school and said he lost his backpack and had nothing to eat. So I packed another lunch and rushed to his school. After I delivered it, I then found his bag so I brought it back home. Then I had to drive to Michael’s to buy a punch I needed for an urgent scrappy project I am doing. I scrapped a page. And I can barely hold my head up.
Then we picked up David from school and practiced smiling some more.

Yes, not really getting close. Honestly, I am too exhausted to write more. More tomorrow, I promise.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that my husband agreed to pick up some medicine for me instead of making me drive all the way there with two kids.
2. I am grateful that I found David’s bag. It would have been a shame to have to buy a new one this early in the year.
3. I am grateful that it was less stressful at work than I anticipated so I can do my work slowly and carefully.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. going to PE and racing like cars at school
2. watching more of scooby-doo two
3. getting to put a piece of paper in people’s cubbies at school (each of the kids have cubbies)

After three nights of only few hours of sleep, I finally felt way too exhausted and worn out this morning, so I spent extra time on the couch as the kids played at their new table.

I love this table and I think they do, too. Legos, logs, trains, it holds them all.

And Nathaniel grabbed David’s legos the moment he left the room, of course.

Then we practiced smiling some more. We’re still working on that. We need more work, don’t you think?

Mid-morning, Jake’s parents came over while Nathaniel napped, they took David to the children’s discovery museum which he loved. And I got to stay here and work on my art book which was also great. When they came back, Jake and his dad went to meet with a neighbor and Meme and David played some more dodgeball.

And Nathaniel watched nearby.

When Jake and his dad came back, we went to the Elizabeth Gamble Garden over in Palo Alto. We walked around as I snapped hundreds of flower photos. Yep, got many many many to post. And I snapped one of my mother in law. Isn’t she beautiful?

And here’s the little boy, trying to touch (yank) one of those pretty flowers.

After we came home and put the kids down, I got back to work on my art book which I wanted to finally finish. So I did that and I am now off to bed. I need another six days of rest but this week promises to be super hectic and then my birthday is in six days. Oh well, rest is not crucial, is it?
Happy Monday!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for some wonderful play time in my art book.
2. I am grateful for a wonderful leisurely stroll in the flowers gardens. Flowers make me happy.
3. I am grateful for this amazing, full, and wonderfully joyful weekend.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Going to the discovery museum
2. Going to the flower gardens
3. watching Scooby doo

There are many many photos today. We’ve had a very full two days so feel free to skip this and the next post.
Today was my husband’s birthday. 3-6. I wanted to make it extra special. So it started with my giving him his present the night before at 1am. I made him this book of stories from all of the people he’s had in his life. (more on the book later this week.) I had been working on it for months and I was worried he wouldn’t like it or it wouldn’t work ok. But he loved it. The only bad side effect was that he couldn’t fall asleep after getting it so he ended up staying up until 4am. But we let him sleep in, in the morning. We got up early and set the table and waited for him.

When he got up, I made pancakes and the four of us sat and ate. Amazingly, this was the best photo I could get of the three of them.

Before we began, David gave his card.

the inside of which he wrote all by himself. And on the back it says “2010.”

He then opened his friend Kendall’s present which was a boba fett sweater. I have no idea what that means but Jake was really happy and that’s all that matters.

As we finished having our little family breakfast, Jake’s parents showed up. David rushed to open the door and Nathaniel followed him.

I’d asked Jake’s parents to get a cake on the way and some candles. That’s a lot of candles, eh?

We ate some cake and then it was time to open more presents. David was all too happy to help open them.

Once Daddy’s presents were open (and there were many), David, Meme, and Jake went to Target to get David some legos and a playing table (I’ve had enough of having legos on my dinner table.) We then took a little break and went to a late lunch at a nearby cafe. When we came back, Jake setup the table and Meme gave David another present, too. So they went outside to play with it. David threw.

Meme’s jacket caught.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel woke up from his nap and saw the Lincoln logs Meme bought so he had some fun of his own.

Look at the way he’s crossing his legs, my little boy.

I made the house and he attacked it with vigor. It took many minutes to make and seconds to come down.

And David put his new legos together in split seconds too.

After a bunch more playing, it was finally time to put the kids down. They had dinner, bath and bedtime. We had reservations at Gary Denko (a fancy restaurant) in San Francisco so we got dressed and left for the city.

Our delicious dinner lasted a long time and we finally made it home around midnight and I basically crashed in bed. An amazing day and one I will remember for a long time.
Happy Birthday, my love. You make each of my moments brighter.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for my husband. Love and adore him.
2. I am grateful for all the friends and family members who contributed to his book and enabled me to give him such a wonderful gift.
3. I am grateful that today went smoothly and with utmost joy.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. My new legos
2. playing dodgeball with Meme
3. eating ice cream at the cafe
4. daddy’s birthday!!

again from the aquarium. not a fan of this one, but don’t have anything better at the moment.
It was a short night but it didn’t take me as long to wake up today, maybe I’m getting better about being a morning person after all. After we all woke up, David played some Wii and Nathaniel napped and then Jake’s parents came over. While Jake went out with his mom, David played with his dad.

And Nathaniel and I played outside.

After they came back, we all went out to lunch and while there I got David some beginner reading books. when we came back, he read it with Jake’s mom as Jake and his Dad went out to chat and I rested while Nathaniel walked around.

He found the fabric ball I made and literally played with it and entertained himself for hours and hours with it. Giggling and laughing.

And laughing.

Jake’s mom snapped some photos and I snapped photos of her snapping photos.

And then they played legos.

And now we’re off to see Salt. I hope your Saturday is going well, too.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for some more date night.
2. I am grateful a quiet day that was relatively productive and restful.
3. I am grateful that I have a few great books to look forward to, always love having a stash.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. going to lego.com with meme
2. playing legos with papi
3. looking through the kid section of ikea catalog with meme

More from the aquarium. Almost done, I swear.
I’ve been trying to get up earlier so I can be up before the kids and give myself some time to wake up. It’s working better,too and I hope to get it to be 5am. Slowly.
After we took David to the bus, Nathaniel did his share of playing and exploring while I worked. He’s drooling a bit and teething a lot.

When David came from school, he wanted to color and sat at his table. Nathaniel immediately went over to see what was going on and to watch his brother (and take the markers away of course.)

so he had to go sit at the big table.

and Nathaniel moved on to other toys like the wrapping paper my mother in-law had brought over to wrap Jake’s presents. (look at that hair!)

Don’t you love that “what, I’m not doing anything” look….

David and I practiced smiling some more. We’re not making a lot of progress. I am not sure what to do.

And then Daddy came home and they both rejoiced.

We all rejoiced. We love Daddy so much.

Once the kids went down, Jake and I got to go out again. We saw “inception” which I’ve been wanting to see for a long time and I was not disappointed one single bit. Loved it. Came home, finished my layout and I am now off to bed.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful to get to go to the movies.
2. I am grateful for a three-day-weekend.
3. I am grateful that I will hopefully get some crafty time this weekend.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Coloring my brown bear at school
2. Meme’s present (a book)
3. Seeing Mommy and Nathaniel at lunch (we dropped off some paperwork there so we stopped to say hi to David.)

A few leftovers from the aquarium.
This week has been a whirlwind and I don’t think it will let up soon. Jake’s parents arrived today which is great for the kids and for us too since we get to go on dates every night. But it also means that I am far from my regular schedule and thus everything piles up more and it takes me that much longer to go back on schedule. But oh well.
Here’s a snapshot I got while David was telling me about something.

And here’s Nathaniel playing with the alphabet bug. He loves any and all toys that make noise. He’ll get them to sing and then play with other things while he listens to the music and then when it stops, he goes back, presses whatever buttons he needs to so the song restarts and then he’ll walk away and play with other things again.

Which of course drives me absolutely insane.

but i do love him so.

So today was hectic at work, i went to a kindergarten coffee early morning for a tiny bit, nathaniel napped, i worked, craziness ensued, we went to pick up david, went to the doctor, rushed back home, in-laws came, played with kids, i made a layout, dinner, bathtime, bedtime, and then jake and i went out to a quickie (and bad) dinner and then came home to watch a little tv together and that was the end of the day. phew! Now I am about to head to bed so I can wake up at 5:45 and do it over again.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that my in-laws are here and Jake and I will get some date nights.
2. I am grateful that I had some time to play with scrappy stuff today. As much as I love paint, I love scrapping even more.
3. I am grateful that I got another stitching sampler in the mail today. Nothing like happy mail.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. making bubba the bear
2. coloring my green dinosaur at school
3. reading the lego catalog with meme (jake’s mom)

Oh I look at this photo now and wish so so much we were back in San Diego already. So calm, so happy. So peaceful. Not that I am not now but it looks so nice, doesn’t it?
I’ve been doing a mediocre job taking photos. I try to snap some of Nathaniel in the daytime while David is gone but we’re also struggling with naps since he seems to be taking them later now but I am still confused, so I put him down, I pick him up, then try again. So I forget to take photos.

Then I take ones of David when he comes home and today we practiced smiling again (yes I know, we’ve got a long way to go) and he showed me his Ali the Aligator. And they made a September calendar so we picked out Daddy’s birthday and Mommy’s birthday and MeMe’s (Jake’s mom) birthday, all of which are in September.

And now I am rushing to get it all done before I have to run out to go to book club. Phantom Tollbooth tonight. And I still have to prepare questions. ugh….
But let me also tell you this amazing news!

I love love love My Mind’s Eye products and their team is wonderful and they are also amazing people to work with. I am so truly blessed!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for my guest spot with My Mind’s eye. Yey..
2. I am grateful that David and I are reading books together and enjoying it.
3. I am grateful that I have this great artsy hobby and a love of reading. Both of these things are for me and they are good for my soul and make me so happy.
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. tracing the numbers on my calendar at school
2. Reading tales of a 4th grade nothing with mommy, the part where he wins the turtle
3. cutting out grass during craft time

Nope, I am not out of photos. Just wanted to post something different today. For a brief time, I painted today. For no particular reason. Well with a goal in mind but not cause I have something due or something that I owe. I just wanted to sit and play. So I played. Nice to play for no reason at all. I am not so good with paint and kept chanting in my mind as I painted “Just have fun. it doesn’t have to be perfect. Let it go.” And it worked cause they’re far far far from perfect.
This morning, I drove David to the bus again and we sat and read some more of Phantom Tollbooth. Then I drove back and worked while the little one played. I love watching him play, quietly, engrossed in his play.

In the afternoon, we went to go get David and then he and I read more of the Phantom Tollbooth which I had to finish today since it’s being discussed at book club tomorrow night. And so we sat and I read. Nathaniel got super jealous and kept wanting to come up on the couch. So we sat on the floor and he kept coming and sitting between us and putting his head on David’s lap and whining and trying to get attention. It was a bit annoying but also so very cute.
Then Daddy came home and David was overjoyed.

And they hugged and laughed and played.

Baths, bedtime, dinner, chatting with Jake and here we are, at the end of another day. Perfectly ordinary. Perfect day. Full of gratitude.
Still pondering my September project. I know I haven’t written about July and August, but I promise I haven’t forgotten.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I feel much better now. Still coughing a bunch but otherwise well on the road to recovery .
2. I am grateful that David’s had no punching for two days in a row now. He still loves school and is very excited to be there.
3. I am grateful that I made a little time to paint today.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1.coloring a schoolbus at school
2. daddy for playing legos with me
3. finishing phnatom tollbooth (we’re starting tales of a fourth grade nothing tomorrow)

Still sick as a dog here. Aching all over. Sore throat. Whine whine whine 🙂
Little boy work up at the crack of dawn. He was sad too so I just came downstairs with him and gave him some love. We all just relaxed and tried to wake up in our own way. I have to say, it’s a lot of work but so much fun to have two kids. I love watching them together. Especially when they show love.

And friendship. Cause that’s always the hope when you decide to have any siblings.

Here’s Nathaniel exploring David’s legos. While David colors. Look at those toes!

I spent most of the day lying in pain and reading my book while the kids played. In the afternoon, Jake took the kids to Walmart and Safeway and I decided it was time to get off my tush. So I finally did my snack bag sewing project. I’ve wanted to make this ever since I first saw tutorial. It’s so simple and lovely idea. Since David loves green, I picked a green, happy fabric. And it turned out wonderful. (btw, the sticky velcro did totally gum up my needle which later broke so be warned.)

I’d also wanted to make another bag like the one I just recently posted about. I wanted to make one that was deeper with a bigger pocket. I don’t have a lot of big chunks of fabric so there wasn’t a lot of option. I finally came up with a goldish fabric for the lining and a simple gray linen for the outside. And a little cord in gold finished the bag. I love it. I thought I wouldn’t and I broke TWO needles while I made it. But i do love it. Yey. I even put a small patch of velcro inside so I can close this one better.

When they got back, I put the groceries away, fed the kids and then we went out for David to ride his bike. Nathaniel just loves being outside, doesn’t care what we’re doing.

And his brother rode like a champ.

Which made him laugh. Laugh and laugh.

I love love that face. That happy, contented smile.

On the way home, Nathaniel got a chance to ride the bike too.

My three boys. I love how protective and loving David is of his brother and how much Nathaniel looks up to and loves his brother. And they have the most amazing Dad ever. I am a lucky lucky gal.

little boy went to sleep right after that. David and I did some more reading. We’re in chapter 65 now. It’s amazing. I then read some more Phantom Tollbooth. He’s really enjoying it. And so am I. Love that book. Then he went to bed and here I am on the couch again, watching the Emmy’s and in pain. I did finish my book today which makes me happy. I am halfway through Phantom Tollbooth and that makes me happy, too. And I stitched. Good. good day. Let’s hope pain is gone tomorrow.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I made my new bag, really excited about it.
2. I am grateful that the 1300-page book is finally finished. It was looooonnngggg.
3. I am grateful that Nathaniel’s hand does seem to be responding to the medicine, let’s hope doctor says it’s nothing!
Two Things David’s Grateful For:
I’ve been working with David so he can be more specific with his items.
1.daddy cause he helped me ride my bike
2. that we went shopping and bought things i like like bread and bagels
3. for my snack bag and your bag
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects