I am not going to tell you about how tired I am today. How I haven’t slept past 4am for days now. I am just not going to whine. Instead I will tell you I made a layout. I exercised. I got some good news. I got happy mail. Those are some of the good things to tell.
Nathaniel’s been a handful. While I work, he wrecks the house. A lot. Poor David cleans up. But he wrecks again.

And David’s such a champ. Kind and generous and helpful. He can be difficult sometimes too but he’s such a good kid.

So is this one. I am so blessed and lucky.

Just feeling a bit worn out right now.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that things at work went smoothish this week. I might even be able to take a day off maybe. And rest maybe.
2. I am grateful for muscle pain. Enough to tell me I’ve been working out. But not so much that I can’t function.
3. I am thankful for the beautiful goodies that came in the mail today, can’t wait to dig in.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. getting my art items from school (kids art)
2. coloring my turkey
3. fixing my helicopter lego

This was the fifth day in a row that Nathaniel woke up at 3am, feeling wide awake and unable to go back to sleep. I am tired, worn out and about to keel over. I tried so hard to get him to go back to sleep. I took him in my own bed even and rubbed his back but nothing. So we got up. And thus started our day.
Which meant I was operating on low batteries all day long. I did take a short nap but it didn’t make up for the lack of proper sleep. I made a list of all the things I do every single day now and it’s getting pretty big:
1. full time job
2. meals for both kids, taking care of kids, driving david back and forth to school bus, changing a million diapers, playing with both kids
3. a layout
4. exercise for 1-2 miles, mostly running now
5. take photos of kids
6. process photos, pick good ones, edit etc.
7. write this blog post
8. most days i also write at least one more blog post. either for here or for weekly gratitude or creative therapy etc.
9. add to that bedtime, hubby time, email, reading my book, etc etc.
These are things I do every single day. It gets tiring. Especially when I wake up at 3am. So today I wasn’t so great at taking photos. I got this from David who did not want to be interrupted.

But Nathaniel smiled at me.

I am off to do more work so I can take off for my book club. More tomorrow.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I took the time to exercise. I really really didn’t feel like it but I did it anyway.
2. I am grateful that for book club tonight. Look forward to seeing good friends.
3. I am thankful that Jake came home early tonight. I really appreciate it so much when he helps with everything so much. He’s amazing.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. that daddy came home early
2. watching calliou
3. checking out a star wars book from the library

Today was all about crafting. I had a few projects that I want to complete before the goodie boxes come this week. I am leaving for NYC in 5 days and I have so very much on my list until then. I know I will be filled to the brim with anticipation all week, too, which won’t help productivity. I get to see my sister in five days!! My sister. Her husband and my nephews. I haven’t seen my sister in over a year and a half and my nephews and brother in law in almost four years! And in less then a week, I get to see them. In NYC of all places. My favorite city in the world.
After some morning crafting, we all decided to go to Whole Foods for some lunch. As I shot photos of my layouts, Jake got the kids ready and I couldn’t help but snap a photo. It’s low quality but I love it.

Nathaniel’s firmly in terrible twos land right now. We see a lot of this.

While David is kinder than ever. He has to put up with me going insane with Nathaniel’s shrieks.

But he helps, trying to make the little one laugh.

And we get this laughing while crying face.

He also shares his crackers and works hard to clean up all the mess Nathaniel creates fifteen times a day.

The little boy is super lucky to have a brother who does so much work and putting up and still loves him so so much.
And now I am off to do the worst part of all this creating which is processing photos and then maybe, just maybe I can actually read a few pages in my book. I need to start making my book list for 2011 too. 52 more books to read. Any suggestions?
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that finished some projects that had been nagging at me and i love the way they turned out.
2. I am grateful that we got so much family time together. There’s nothing I love more than watching my kids and husband play and laugh together.
3. I am thankful that David and I spent a lot of time doing workbooks. He’s so great at thinking creatively and critically. I love being a part of this with him.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. building my lego airplane with daddy
2. mommy
3. playing with nathaniel

I forgot what a huge mess December Daily creates. I finally set up my book today and after pondering it for so long, I love how it turned out, of course. I always love it.
It was David’s Wii day but the little one decided to have a go first.

And then imitated his brother.

Who is much more skilled at the whole Wii thing.

Most of what Nathaniel does is look up to him with envy and respect and love.

A lot of love.

And I tried to tear David away to snap some photos.

I got the funny faces, of course.

And while I worked on my book and David played, the little one created a huge mess. I should have taken a photo cause it was phenomenal. But he is so cute and so sweet that we just cleaned it up lovingly.

Besides exchanging a jacket and cashing a check, I got literally nothing done other than my December Daily. It took my entire day. Wait, I did exercise. More than ever before even. I did 30 minutes and 2.5 miles. I ran for 17 of those 30 minutes. Now I am aching all over and I have all the other items on my list that didn’t get done.
I am off to do some of that and process December Daily photos. More coming soon. Hope you had a lovely Saturday.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I ran. I actually ran more than I walked today. Go me!
2. I am grateful that I finished the December Daily. I’d been thinking about it for weeks now but I wouldn’t let myself work on it during October. I have a few other higher priority items on my list but I wanted to do it so I just did. Go me.
3. I am thankful that I get to have one more weekend day.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. playing wii
2. coloring
3. getting one more piece of halloween candy

Happy Friday!! Love Fridays. Especially Friday evenings. Especially on a weekend where we have no commitments.
While I was making lunch for Nathaniel, my mom called us on Skype and my nephew was there too so he made lots of gestures to try to get Nathaniel to imitate. Nathaniel watched with great interest.

And tried to imitate a bit.

He clapped and opened his arms and waved and we all laughed. Mostly at the joy of our kids interacting over such a long distance thanks to great technology.

When David came home, Daddy came soon after so he took him for a short bike ride.

And when Nathaniel realized he was being excluded from the adventure, he wasn’t happy. Not at all.

But when they were done, he made sure to put the helmet on a few hundred times and he even got Daddy to put him on the bike for a minute. Oh the little boys who get their way.

We have a friend of Jake’s coming over for dinner tonight. We normally get Turkish take out when we have rare guests. And tonight is no exception. But since I am trying to be so much healthier, I ordered salad for me and made sure the appetizers are things I dislike but Jake loves. Trying, really trying.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that despite feeling tired and not up to it, I still walked today. Only 1.3 miles but better than nothing.
2. I am grateful that I finished a bunch of crafts projects I wanted to finish this week. Consistent and steady always works.
3. I am thankful that my plans for this weekend are quiet so i will scrap some, read some and try to get ahead of my todo list for a change. Oh and cuddle up with my family a ton since I am leaving town next weekend.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. taking my batman book to school for share day
2. riding my bike with daddy
3. getting a wolverine silly band
4. watching a little sprout (yes, hanging head in shame.)

I am at the bottom of my photos so I need to go take some more. It’s been a little too hectic for some photo trips so I need to take the time. Today started with a trip to the TMJ doctor and some more shots to the temple. He did adjust my splint though so I am in a lot less pain than I was. Then we came home, Nathaniel napped, I worked, I walked, I worked. After lunch, I decided to put some clothes on him cause his pajamas were soaking. So I also snapped some photos.

I love this one so much.

My sweet boy is so handsome.

And then he went and dug up David’s shoes to complete the outfit.

When we got David, I tried to get some shots of him, too but he wasn’t as accommodating.

But I got one!

And that’s the end of another day. I did a small crafty project today so I am happy about that and I walked/ran so I am happy about that, too. Time with my kids, work, eating veggies. That’s about all I hope for from a day these days.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I am going shopping tonight. I decided to gift myself something for walking every single day for the last 34 days. Maybe a sweater.
2. I am grateful that though stressful, work is extra productive this week.
3. I am thankful that the weekend is almost here. And I have a bunch of things on my list but nothing too stressful and there are two happy mails headed my way for next week, too. I am a lucky lucky girl.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. mommy giving me a batman book (my friend Kathy gave me tons of reading books yesterday and I am so thankful, too.)
2. having our new art teacher at school (she’s the real teacher, she was away on maternity)
3. watching a little sprout (yes two days in a row, it’s been a rough week for me.)

Tulips are forevermore my first love.
After we dropped David off on the bus today, we went to visit my friend Nicholas. The plan was to walk his dog but I was tired and Nathaniel is still sick-ish so I asked if we could just hang out instead. It was a great way to start my day. Then we rushed home to let the cleaning lady in and Nathaniel loved having them here and showed off my wearing his hat.

And taking it off and wearing it again and taking it off again. About twenty times or so.

After they left, he took his nap and I worked and walked and worked more. We are a delicious lunch of sole fish, heirloom tomatoes and he even had some eggs. I went back to work and he just walked around, trying to decide what to get into next. Then he put on the headphones and walked around some.

And then grabbed my pedometer (which is not working at all and randomly making a LOT of sounds) and played with it some.

After we picked up his brother, we gave him the toy Nicholas gifted me this morning. David was a fan and played quietly with it for an hour.

When I asked for a smile, this is what I got.

Oh well.
All in all, much better day than usual. Mostly cause I kept my cool for most of it. I didn’t get to do a layout today and I have to rush to book club in a bit but I might finish a small project before then if I am lucky. If not, there’s tomorrow. Working on being less in a hurry and more peaceful. Peace peace peace. It always comes down to that for me. And being content. so much better than happy as Tara Whitney recently pointed out. I love being content.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful to have spent some time with my friend Nicholas and I get to see him tonight, too.
2. I am grateful that the house is all clean and tidy. Nothing like this great smell of clean.
3. I am thankful that the last of my December Daily items have arrived and I cannot wait to sit down and put my album together.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. playing with Nicholas’ toy
2. getting a silly band from a friend at school
3. watching a little sprout

I worked very very hard to become an American citizen so I never take the privilege of voting for granted. Never.
Today started around 3am when Nathaniel decided it was morning time. Then there was early morning naps which lead into the whole day feeling out of whack. As I worked, he played with everything and piled on whatever he could find. But he was really good for the most part.

And then my work went into a speedy downfall which started swallowing me up inside it. And from that point on it was chaos chaos and more chaos. It wasn’t until 5:30 that I remembered I hadn’t snapped a photo. So I quickly grabbed one of David.

And one of Nathaniel with all the food on this mouth. He was really whiny by this point. Exhausted and wiped from the super-early nap.

He’s still sick, too. And so am I. I am hoping we’ll recover sooner than later. Because the day was such a mess, I have a ton of emails, comments, and other todo list items piled up on my todo list. I also have my layout from this morning still sitting on my desk, unfinished. Which means I have to tackle those next.
I am also avidly watching CNN. Election nights are always my favorite to watch and really the only news I watch these days. No Glee tonight so more reason to stick to CNN.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that after all the chaos and stress, the build did go live and so I can now relax a bit.
2. I am grateful that I exercised. I will be grateful for that every day for a while. Lost one more pound, too.
3. I am thankful that I get to vote. I don’t take nearly as much time to appreciate the fact that I am American. This was a lifelong goal for me. It’s something I am deeply thankful for. Deeply. Democrat. Republican. Recession. or not. I am so grateful to be in this country. This is where I belong.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. drawing
2. sitting next to maggie on the bus
3. mommy

Well, November started on a good note over here. I got a lot of work done and I scrapped and I exercised. What more can one ask for? I didn’t snap as many photos as usual but that’s life.
Here’s the little boy reading quietly while I work.

And then I didn’t snap any photos until David came home.

One more smiley one just for Mama.

And the little boy also does his version of the smile.

I made a list of my todo list for November and I am just working my way down the list. Trying not to stress and telling myself I don’t have to rush ahead. A little step forward each day will do the trick. Right? It will!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I scrapped. I woke up really tired and worn out today. I am still coughing and congested. I thought the day would be terrible so I am really glad things turned out much better.
2. I am grateful that I am back to reading. I missed reading. I love reading.
3. I am thankful that I did not dip into the candy leftovers at all today. Not once!
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. riding my bike with daddy
2. checking out a star wars book from the library
3. having the teacher read us the chicken little book

Lots of photos today! We started the day quietly and I read my book while David played his Wii (since Jake’s parents were here yesterday, we’d moved his day to today.) And Nathaniel looked at the calendar some more. He loves that calendar so much.

And the minute David went to the bathroom, he took over the remotes.

And played some Lego Indiana Jones.

In the afternoon, I dressed the kids up and tried to snap some photos. The chicken wasn’t so happy.

The hulk was just scary.

Together, they look funny to me.

I snapped one more with all my boys.

Then we went out to trick or treat. I love my chicken.

Our next door neighbor was a duck so we snapped a photo of the two of them together.

And that was Halloween. Simple, quick, and fun. We got very few trick-or-treaters. So I have buckets of candy that will have to go to Jake’s work since I will not have them in the house. We’re all still a little sick with runny noses and throat pain. But hopefully on the mend. I did finish my book today and I did my walk and I even made a tag. All in all, wonderful weekend and here’s to a great November!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I walked 30 days in a row. Every single day. Around 45 miles this month.
2. I am grateful that I get to work on my December Daily next. Love that album.
3. I am grateful that my son is so sweet and did not have any breakdowns over halloween or not getting to eat all of his candy. He is so wonderful.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. playing wii
2. going door to door and getting candy for halloween
3. getting to eat some of my candy (he was allowed 4 of them. He picked: whoppers, skittles, m&ms, and sweet tarts).

I am filled with mixed emotions as we approach November. I have completed almost every single thing I aimed to finish in October. I have some major new deadlines coming in November but it should prove to be quieter than October and I have nothing big coming for December, except for december daily of course and the whole month itself. Yey. Today was pretty quiet. I did some art journal pages, used my treadmill, and a bit more work on my upcoming BPC classes. Jake, his parents, and David went to Target and got some clothes and some food. And Nathaniel got to have a new pair of shoes. Which he is very very fond of.

He’s also immensely fond of Jake’s mom’s crocheted blanket which she’s making for David.

Nathaniel’s crazy about the balls of yarn which he decided was better than any toy ever.

Except playing bouncy games with Jake’s mom, of course. Those are even better!

Since I missed getting photos of David I asked him to let me take some and this is what I got.

And this.

There you have it. That’s what it means to be almost six I guess.
I put a band-aid on his chin cause he won’t stop picking at the scab. Jake’s parents are out to dinner with him and then on their way back to Boston. I am hoping to finish my BPC work tonight so I can spend tomorrow reading Peter and the Starcatchers for my book club meeting this week. And then I have to cleanup the insanity that art journal month created on my desk so I can prepare for the insanity that is December Daily. Can’t wait to put my album together!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that my treadmill seems to be working just great. I still have to learn some of the programs but it was great not to worry about Nathaniel today.
2. I am grateful that Jake’s parents were here and they played so much with the kids and it was so great seeing them all interact.
3. I am grateful that it was a quiet and happy day. Those are perfect.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. going to meme and papi’s hotel and coloring
2. playing pbskids
3. reading meme my What’s a Wookie book.

Today was David’s Halloween party at school. I am the yearbook photographer for the class so I took a million photos. But as it turned out, not many of David. Here he is playing bingo.

And the little baggies his teacher prepared for each of the students. She’s awesome.

Nathaniel was there, too. He played the whole time. Jake’s parents were there so they kept him busy. It was so great to have the extra hands.

And here’s my boy. Hulk, baby!

Then we came home and Nathaniel went down for his nap. I got some work done and then it was time to get David. We rushed to a playdate he had and then rushed back home. My treadmill showed up so we got that setup while Jake’s mom gave the kids some toys.

Nathaniel watched his brother and he learned how to unwrap, too.

While Jake’s mom read directions, he was already grabbing parts.

David spent the rest of the night putting legos together and playing with Silly Bands while we put the treadmill together and Nathaniel played with the blocks and Jake’s mom. And then it was time for bed and date night. We saw Conviction. Great movie. And now I am off to bed. Art journal page coming tomorrow.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we get date night again. I love going to the movies so much.
2. I am grateful that the treadmill is here. I cannot wait to try it tomorrow.
3. I am grateful that it’s the weekend. I really really need the rest.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. playing with meme (while we were setting up the treadmill)
2. halloween party at school
3. going to maggie’s house and making milkshakes
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects