I didn’t take nearly enough photos when I was in NYC. This is one of the few I took.
I’d like to say today was super-awesome with my new attitude but Nathaniel woke up 3 times last night and I was dead tired all day. I did a few of my todo list items, especially one big one but I still have a few dangling items I wish I could get to. I also have been thinking a lot about next year and my projects and my life in general etc. So that’s keeping me up at night too. Not in a bad way, just preoccupying my mind.
My little boys are being angels of course. Because that’s what they are.

David decided he was going to turn this box into a house and drew all the rooms in our house and the people in them etc. etc. Then explained it all to me for a good twenty minutes. Love this boy!

He then played with his Didj while Nathaniel napped and I worked.

After Nathaniel woke up, I worked out. My knee is still hurting and more than anything I am annoyed about it. I wish it would just go away and leave me alone now that I am finally working out. In the afternoon, they lounged around a bit while I worked. I love the way Nathaniel’s playing here:

And David played at sprout on the computer.

Then Nathaniel decided it was time to play with balls and convinced David to put this on.

I told David to throw the balls slowly and that Nathaniel couldn’t hold three at the same time. Alas, I was wrong.

And now they are eating and I am waiting for Jake cause I have to rush out to the hairdresser and then my parents will be here. I can’t wait to hug them!
I don’t know how many of you read my asides on the side of the blog but in case you didn’t see it, Tim Holtz decided to no longer have a design team and I just wanted to say that it was an amazing honor to design for him for as long as it lasted. I still remember the day I got the email from him and I was sure it was a prank. I hope you’ve enjoyed my layouts and thank you for all your kind words. I have more Tim stuff coming up and I will of course continue to use his amazing products on my work. Cause how could I not? He’s amazing. Thank you, Tim, for the opportunity.
And I also wanted to thank you for all your kind words about my pity party post. I really appreciate your kind words and will reply individually but I wanted to take the time here to thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we get a few days off work. I need it. I need to sit and relax and read and be with my family. I have two more projects and then I plan to sit and do nothing for a few days.
2. I am grateful that my parents will be here for a while. Not only is it awesome for me, for the kids, but it also means date night!
3. I am grateful for my kids again and again. They hugged so many times today that I almost cried. I adore them so deeply and am so thankful that they are in my life.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. making my box house
2. helping mommy by cleaning up {* his pick for the journal}
3. playing the cars game on my didj

I woke up this morning feeling rested for the first time in a long time but then I got cranky and whiny and just unmotivated to do anything at all. I am obviously in a mood lately and I wish I could snap out of it but I’ve learned from months of experience now that I just need to wait it out and it does go away. Cycle of life I guess.
At some point I decided to just bite the bullet and work hard and then workout and I was really glad I did. I have been worried that I was losing some of the hard work I’ve put into exercising since all I’ve done this last week was 1mile walks and they were tiring. But today I felt better so I walked for 2 miles and could probably have gone for a while longer. I am still trying not to force my knee so I go slowly but it was still good to do 2 miles. I will get my knee brace tomorrow and let’s see if that helps at all.
By early afternoon, I’d not taken any photos of the kids so I snapped some of the little boy while he tried to make a mess with the lego box.

He wouldn’t give me a smile but I still love these. I love his little hands. Soft hands. I love having him sit next to me on the couch and hugging him and smelling him. He’s growing up so fast. I love that he gets jealous when David hugs me so he cuts in to hug, too. I love that when David was lying on the floor today and I told Nathaniel to give him a hug, he walked over and lay on top of David to give him a hug. I love them so much.

i got a few of my older boy, too. Those magical blue eyes.

They can pierce my soul.

I’d promised David we could spend some time together after I finished my work. So I took a little break at the end of the day and colored with him. I did the girl and he did the boy.

The kids are eating and watching a little TV. I made my peace with the fact that there will be a bit more TV than usual around here for the holidays. Not a lot but a little more. That’s ok with me.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that my parents are coming tomorrow night. I haven’t seen them in too long and I miss them. I love them so.
2. I am grateful that I get my hair done tomorrow. I feel like changing it up but I am not sure how. Let’s see if she comes up with something.
3. I am grateful for a little perspective today. I’ve been feeling sorry for myself a lot lately (more on this tomorrow) and several people have been giving me perspective which I sorely need lately.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. watching chloe’s closet
2. playing with nathaniel
3. coloring with mommy {* his pick for the journal}

I had big plans for today. I’ll admit it, most of my major to-do list items for the rest of they year are completed. And yet, I’ve been creating a bit of work for myself. Which is stupid. I know this and yet I can’t seem to stop myself. So I had a full plate for today, all of which went out the window when Nathaniel decided that 3am was a perfect time to wake up for the day. We’re on something like day twenty without a normal night of sleep. We had bad tummy, teeth, time change, drippy nose, etc, etc. Many excuses to wake up all over the place. But I am officially worn out. (Actually I was like a week ago.) and I need to find a way to work with him so he goes back to sleeping relatively normal hours.
Anyway, so I got up at 3am tried to get him to go back to sleep but there was a lot of yelling. He doesn’t cry, just screams. REALLY loudly. I then took him in my bed but to no avail. Around 4-4:30, I just gave up. And thus began our day.
I figured it meant nothing was going to get done today, so I actually got to work right away. I did some of the mindless work I had left from last night and then I did a bit more after David woke up and I fed the kids, etc. Despite the early wake up, Nathaniel was in good humors.

After I put the little boy down, I took a little nap on the couch while David colored. Then he played on his Didj for a while and talked about how good he is at it.

Here’s the “just take the photo so I can move on, Mommy” look.

And here’s a spunky one from Nathaniel.

And one more.

After lunch, I finally felt ok enough to do the treadmill. I’ve been taking it slow. My knee is still in pain so I am walking just one mile everyday. Which is definitely effecting my stamina because I was barely able to do it today. Then again, it could be getting only 3.5 hours of sleep. Anyway, I am still doing it even if a little.
The rest of the day was more craftiness, hugging and watching TV and just lying around, enjoying a quiet Sunday. I did end up accomplishing most of my to-do list and I even backed up my computer which is always a good good thing. Here’s to hoping the little boy actually sleeps past 5am tomorrow.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that Jake comes home tonight. Our life just doesn’t feel complete without him.
2. I am grateful that this is a short week at work. They tend to make me super-productive and I am hoping this one will not be an exception.
3. I am grateful for my aching muscles. While i don’t like the pain, they are a sign of the fact that I am still working out and working on becoming healthier. So they can ache as much as they want.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. watching sprout. {* his pick for the journal}
2. playing with my didj.
3. playing with my legos.

So today was a great day! I put a bunch of tasks on my calendar last night so that I would keep getting alarms and just finish the tasks. And that’s exactly what I did! I did my work, my tasks, my exercise and even made some videos. I even went to the doctor because my knee’s been hurting a bit so I wanted to make sure it wasn’t something really bad. (It’s not. Runners knee. Be careful. Ice. Do inner thigh exercises. etc.) And then after I picked up David, I went grocery shopping with both kids and filled the house with fruit and yogurt and veggies. Yey! Good way to jumpstart my weekend.
All of this meant that I lost sunlight by the time I made it home. So I rushed the kids outside and tried to catch the last tiny bits of light. David gave me some funny faces.

And some sorta sad looking ones.

Nathaniel just ignored me altogether and rejoiced in being outside. Put shoes on, grabbed the ball and went for it.

I love that he’s wearing David’s shoes on the wrong feet. Love this boy.

Love both my boys so much. David and I did another grateful page in his journal and then the kids ate, played, etc. Jake’s out of town for the weekend so I have quiet time to read and craft at nights. My calendar is full of weekend reminders too, so let’s see how many of them I get to finish before he’s back.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I crossed of some of the annoying tasks on my list. Always happy to have those done.
2. I am grateful that the doctor told me I could keep exercising. I am worried if I stop now, that will be the end of this venture.
3. I am thankful that I talked to a friend tonight who gave me good advice and changed my perspective on something that was bothering me. Now I feel so much better and it’s amazing how a tiny shift can change an entire outlook.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. doing sand art in Native American Day.
2. walking in the Native American Day parade at school.
3. going shopping with mommy and Nathaniel

I was low on photos today. Not exactly sure why. I have this sweet boy.

And this sneaky one who’s smirking.

I’ve done a lot today. I’ve scrapped, worked, edited and uploaded some videos, played with my kids, walked 3+ miles, and yet I still feel like I have this todo list that I am putting off. Items I don’t want to do but I should. Items that I am wondering if there’s a reason I’m dreading doing them or if I am just tired.
I must admit all this exercise is making me tired. and worn out. I am going to try to power through tonight and get a bunch of items done and maybe the euphoria of that will help me get the others done. That’s how it works isn’t it?
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I am still working on the getting fit project. I have lost 12 lbs so far. Not enough but still a good start. I am working at this goal with determination.
2. I am grateful that my parents are coming next week. There’s some stress with visitors but I missed them so much and I love them so much.
3. I am thankful that I have only one more item left on my calendar. Which means I am home for the next few days after tomorrow. I can relax, play with my kids, and not feel like I have to be somewhere when I’d rather be home.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. playing with the big yellow alphabet classroom toy
2. music class at school
3. having daddy come home early cause he came home late last night

This morning started much better than yesterday. I woke up without pain so I was thankful. Especially since today was Nathaniel’s MMR shots. He was blissfully playing before we left for the doctor.

Especially with David’s toys while he was at school.

He cried a lot during the shots (MMR, flu, and chicken pox) of course but then was quiet soon after. When we came home, I put him down for his nap right away cause this week David has 3 minimum days in a row. When Nathaniel woke up we went to get David and I asked for a smile. Here’s what I got.

Yes, we need work. But I love the faces he makes as he speaks. He’s so full of expressions.

And so is this little one. Who’s been in good humor despite the shots.

And he’s been making messes and playing with everything in sight. Especially if it’s David’s.

I have book club tonight. A big group this time and I am not sure how they will fit in my house but I am not going to stress or try to look good. I am going to do my best and be me and hope for the best. Three cheers for authenticity.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I made a layout today. It had been three days since my last one.
2. I am grateful for some amazingly good news that I cannot share just yet. But very thankful today.
3. I am thankful that most of what I was worried about for the last month seems to have dissipated. I am still more stressed than I’d like but I am slowly coming around to that calm, happy place.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. watching some sprout
2. playing on nickjr.com
3. making a picture for mommy and one for daddy
4. making a vest at school for native american day

I woke up this morning and I was feeling really terrible. My headache had exploded overnight and it took more than three advils to make it go away. I had to lie on the couch for several hours before I could even get up. I was so upset that I would be too tired and sick to function and I just decided to give myself the day off. I slept, napped, relaxed and just didn’t do anything. If I get sick, everything will fall through so I might as well take one day and heal.
My sister sent Nathaniel some stuffed animals. Which he inspected closely.

And then grabbed all at the same time.

David got some toys, too. You’ll see them in his gratitude section.

And I snapped one more of the little boy who has a boo boo on his chin. (and he’s suffering a bad tummy which also caused diaper rash. Not to mention the MMR and chicken pox shots he’ll be getting tomorrow 🙁 ).

In the afternoon I felt much better, thankfully. I had David’s parent-teacher conference. He’s doing great. On target on everything and socially doing great, too. Knock on wood. Now that the kids are sleeping, I have a list of 20 items and I am still feeling far from 100% so I am going to go slow and try to finish as much as I can. It will all work out eventually. As it always does.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I am back home and getting back into my routine. I am a person of routine and as much as I loved being with my sister, home is the best place for me.
2. I am grateful that the weekend went well and I didn’t freak out. It was my first time leaving Nathaniel and I am so glad it went so smoothly.
3. I am thankful that David’s doing well at school and thriving. I wasn’t (and still am not) sure about public school but it’s going great so far. knock on wood.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1.getting the math toy – yona sent him a match quiz toy
2. playing tic tac toe – also a toy yona sent him
3. writing in my journal at school (he wrote about how happy he was to play wii)

Yesterday was a weird day in that I spent most of it on the plane. And yet I did so much before the day was half over. I exercised, I had brunch with my sister and her family, I went to FedEx to print my boarding pass, and I even got to meet with my highschool friend Burcu before I took off for the airport.
While I did all that, Jake and the kids went to the discovery museum which is where I imagine these were taken.

Yea, not the best ones but I still am happy to have them, especially since I didn’t live these days with them.

I was snapping photos on the other side of the country. Here’s my amazing sister.

Isn’t she so beautiful?

And so is her family. Wonderful, beautiful people inside and out.

Here she is with one of her twins, Aksel.

And here we are, the two of us. We look very different but we love each other so deeply.

I should have taken a photo with Burcu, too. Bummer.
The flight back was painful. I watched movies but I had a terrible headache. I am guessing it was from talking all weekend and my TMJ. But it would not end. Not when I got there. Not when I went to sleep. Not even when I woke up. So I went to bed at 8pm as soon as the kids were in bed and I checked in on some small things and went right to sleep. Grateful to be in my own bed. With my family.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I got to spend such a great time with my sister. We didn’t fight one single time. It was authentic, genuine and honest and so so so heartfelt. I love her so much.
2. I am grateful that I got home safe and sound and that the kids and Jake were all happy and relaxed and happy to see me.
3. I am thankful that thanks to a great coincidence I got to see my friend Burcu. I hadn’t seen her in probably six years and it was a miracle that we got to be in NYC at the same time.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. playing indiana jones on the wii
2. going to the museum with daddy
3. having mommy come back

As promised here I am trying to make sure I catch up on all the days I was gone. I left California at 11pm Friday evening and flew all night. I brought a full-size pillow with me, hoping to doze off on the plane. I did sleep for some of the flight, but of course, not nearly enough. When I landed in JFK, I took a cab to where my sister was staying and thus began our wonderful weekend.
I had made Jake promise to take photos but all he had was my little point and shoot so here are some photos he took.

These are outside in good light.

And you can see it’s not him, the camera is just not so good.

Though I still think my kids are cute. Then again, that’s my job 🙂 I am really thankful he took them perfect or not.

And here’s me with my sister and her boys.

We spent the whole day chatting and walking. We possibly walked over twenty miles. But it was wonderful and relaxed and no timelines, no obligations, absolutely no stress. Just the two of us for a long long time and then the five of us. It was beyond perfect. Absolutely, stunningly perfect.
We ate dinner at the restaurant next to their building. During dinner, I called David to get his three things. Since we were all together we decided Yona’s kids and Yona would do them, too. So here they all are.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that my flight was relatively uneventful and passed quicker than I expected (and that I got a bit of sleep!)
2. I am deeply grateful that I got to see my sister and brother in law and my nephews. I love them so much and we don’t see each other nearly enough. I am so so grateful I did go there. And every minute was spent so wonderfully. So deeply. So relaxed. It was truly amazing.
3. I am thankful that Jake indulged me and did not get grouchy one time that I called too much or checked in too much. They had a wonderful day and I could tell they were all happy which made me feel more relaxed and present with my sister.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. getting the lego indiana Jones wii game
2. playing wii
3. going shopping with daddy
Three Things Yona’s Grateful For:
1. having a relaxing lunch and chat with my sister
2. having my sister come to visit
3. the frame my sister made for me (the one i posted last saturday, she did love it.)
Three Things Aksel’s Grateful For:
1. having my aunt come to visit
2. getting an ipod touch
3. going to the empire state building
Three Things Jeff’s Grateful For:
1. Going to the nintendo store (and getting a game)
2. getting an ipod touch
3. having my aunt come to visit

And here we are. Friday. I leave in three hours. I spent the whole day working, crafting, hugging my kids, and packing. Exercising and being tired too.
The kids were a joy as they often are.

Especially this one.

Oh, ok, this one, too.

Lest you think it’s always strawberries and peaches here, here’s Nathaniel yelling at David cause he’s sitting at the chair and Nathaniel doesn’t want him too.

And here’s David’s response.

Yeah, not always so smily and perfect, my kids. But I love love love them.
I am off to spend just a bit more time with them before it’s time to leave for the airport. No Daily Diary tomorrow cause I am not bringing my laptop, I’ll catch back up on Sunday. See you then.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I get to leave my boys with their wonderful dad. My husband is amazing and they will have so much fun together.
2. I am grateful that hopefully tomorrow morning I get to see my sister!
3. I am thankful that I feel like I’ve accomplished a lot in the last two weeks and I can leave without stressing too much about what awaits me when I come back. I still have a long week next week but I feel less like I might crush under the buden of it all.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1.daddy being home
2. getting to go out to dinner
3. getting to spend the weekend with daddy

I feel better for the first time in two weeks. One would think having both kids at home is worse for the stress level and not better but I loved having both my kids home today. We snuggled up. We laughed and hugged and even did a little workbook work. I also snapped a ton of photos of Nathaniel.
In the middle of the day, the DHL man delivered this amazing piece of art. By my friend Lia, who is amazing. Amazing. This definitely was a big highlight of my day. David thought this was amazing too and looked at it for a long time. Thank you Lia!!

Here’s David relaxing with all of his silly bands.

When I tooted and hollered for Nathaniel to look at me, all he did was give me this face. “I’ll smile but I won’t look” face.

Then I made some more noise and I got this.

He was playing by himself when I worked and when David and I did workbooks.

And he’s quite creative. He’s got the hat, the wii remotes, and the shoe.

These are just for me cause I love them.

And I love him.

Soooooo much.

And when I asked David for a smile, here’s what I got from him.

My last night before I leave for NYC. In 28 hours I will be on a plane to NYC. Alone. Flying for the first time in three years. Seeing my sister and her family. I am worried, excited, thrilled and stressed. But I know it’s going to be amazing. As it turns out one of my best friends from high school will be in New York for the two days as well so I will get to see her, too. Which is extra wonderful.
Nathaniel seems to be getting better, too. thankfully. And I know this weekend will be special for the boys, too.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I get to go out tonight, too. I will see some good friends from work. People who are wonderful.
2. I am grateful that my flight tomorrow is late at night so I have all day to prepare and pack cause I have done nothing so far.
3. I am thankful that I spent lots of quality time with both my boys today! And I walked 3.2 miles today! I decided to alternate between distance and speed during the week. And today was all about distance. And i did it!! I am proud of myself. This is a big deal for me.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. playing on the computer
2. doing the workbook with mommy (we did word completions where letters or letter combos are missing from a word and you have to put them in.)
3. playing with nathaniel

I have two more days in this week and my todo list is still large, albeit getting smaller. Today was a quiet and productive day for the most part. I have been coaching myself not to stress. So far it’s only working so so.
This afternoon David had a classmate come over for a play date. Nathaniel took the opportunity to play, too.

David was mostly well-behaved. The little girl didn’t want to play Wii (though her dad did) so he nicely turned it off to play with her instead.

Nathaniel spent a lot of time making messes over and over. When we cleaned, he’d cry and then dump the whole thing back on the floor. He dislikes neatness maybe?

It was fun to see them all play together, though. Maggie’s sister joined us a while later, too and it was sort of like the feeling one must have with four kids. Overwhelming but also a lot of fun.

Tonight is mom’s night out for David’s class. This has been a very social week for me. I am a homebody so it’s taking a toll on me as well but I feel like I should go out more so I am making myself go to the events. Let’s see how tonight turns out.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I took Nathaniel to the doctor today just to be 100% he’s ok. He still has a runny nose and some more small symptoms now but he is perfectly ok. No infections, nothing in the ear or chest. Good to know before I go since I will be worried no matter what. But at least less so this way.
2. I am grateful that I get to go out tonight. Maybe I’ll make friends with one of the moms.
3. I am thankful that I get to watch Glee tonight. We were out late last night so I’ve been saving it!
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. maggie coming over for play date
2. mommy
3. daddy
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects