After Jake and I came home from the movies last night, we found my parents like this on the couch. It was only 9:15am. They are still very jet lagged.

My favorite thing about Thanksgiving is the fact that I get the next day off. When I worked on Wall Street, we used to have to go to work on Friday and it was so depressing. Now I get it off and I love love this extra day. All the thanksgiving events are over and since I hate shopping, black Friday is not an event for me. I just spend the day snuggling up with my kids and doing absolutely nothing. In fact, I told myself that this whole weekend will just be watching movies, reading books, and family time. Nothing on my todo list. I get the weekend off.
Unfortunately, Jake had to go to work today but he decided it would be fun to take David along, so they both woke up at 4am and went to the city. Jake was worried David might misbehave but I knew better of course. He was perfect. As he often is.
So the morning was just Nathaniel and me. I don’t think I ever saw him pickup this doll before. We’d gotten it years ago for David. At the time he was having some major speech issues and they’d told us to get him a doll. So we did. Anyhow, Nathaniel picked it up, so I snapped a photo.

And then he kissed the doll’s head. I couldn’t believe it. Never did that before. No idea where he got it.

He then continued to make a mess around the house.

In the meantime I changed my lens as I mentioned last night that I might. With my old camera (canon 20d) I used to use the 50mm 1.8 but then when I bought the full-frame 5d mark ii, I also bought a 85mm 1.8 and that’s what I usually use. It’s medium telephoto which means it is hard to get wide photos in a small space. And since I wanted my tree in our photos, I decided for the holidays I’d switch back to the 50mm. And here’s the tree.

I don’t like this lens’s portraits nearly as much but I think it’s an ok compromise for the holidays. I might go back, I haven’t decided yet. To be fair, this one’s also badly focused.

Nathaniel’s learned all about TV and likes it on. He doesn’t sit and watch often but i think he likes the noise like I do.

He also likes graham crackers almost as much as I do.

My mom came over early morning and we tackled David’s room. It was a huge mess so we picked everything up and moved everything around and did a fantastic job. Now I have room to fit a table there which is what I wanted to do. We did it while Nathaniel was napping and by the time David made it home, we were done. And he loved it!

My mom left shortly after and I worked out and Jake went out to work so I just snuggled with the boys and read my book. Little boy was really happy.

And the big boy sat with me and played on the computer.

And now they’re eating dinner and will be heading to bed, soon. David’s been up since 4am. My mom is about come over again so she can sit (or sleep?) while we go see another movie. Yey for getting to go on so many date nights.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that it was a quiet and wonderfully relaxing day.
2. I am grateful that we cleaned up David’s room. It was a big project I was dreading.
3. I am grateful that I exercised today. I was so tired and wanted to just be lazy but I got up and did it anyway.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. going to work with daddy {* his pick for the journal}
2. playing on the computer
3. playing with nathaniel