Another lovely day at the karenika household. I woke up, read to David, did my pushups, ate breakfast, did my exercise and then sat down to make my todo list. Nathaniel and David played in the meantime and when I saw him with the hat on, I grabbed my camera. Seeing me, he smiled.

And since he wasn’t running away I kept snapping.

I love how the hat is backwards.

Goofy, walking away.

When he went down for his nap, David and I played with mega blocks he got for Christmas. We also did his spelling workbook. He made some lego creations of his own while I did my todo list items.

And then the baby woke up and we did another huge chore I’d been putting off for a long long time. We folded all the laundry and put it away and we moved all of David’s old (too small) clothes to Nathaniel’s room. We packed up all of Nathaniel’s old (too small) clothes and put them in boxes and rearranged everything just right. It took a few hours but I felt so good at the end. This was something I’d been putting off for a long time. And then I came downstairs and did another thing I’ve been putting off for a really long time so I feel like today’s a huge success already. I am now off to go paint my portrait for the day and then my hope is to do one more big thing that’s on my list. Let’s hope it happens.
Thank you for all your kind comments about my projects, I really do hope that you’ll join me in one or more of them. It’s always always more fun when more people play along.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I have more happy mail coming both from The Girls’ Paperie and from Pink Paislee. I am itching to scrap some non-holiday stories and very excited to get wonderful products to play with for the next few weeks.
2. I am grateful that I crossed of some big todo list items today. Things that had been transferred from day to day for months.
3. I am grateful that I added the pushups to my exercise routine. I cannot do a pushup to save my life but even the half ones I’m doing seem to be working because my arms and abdomens are in a lot of pain.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that i played on the didj {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I get to watch a lego movie with daddy
3. I am grateful that i helped mommy put away the laundry

Today was a work day for me and after so many days off, it was hard to work even though it was really quiet. I did get quite a bit done but I felt tired and lethargic all day. I started the 100 pushups project yesterday and it hurt me more than I thought at the time. Both my abs and my arms are in quite a lot pain. Which, I guess, means it’s working.
I didn’t take a lot of photos today. Here are the kids in the morning. Sitting, eating and watching choo-choo.

After whining for a long time, Nathaniel finally gets used to not having the TV on. (terrible color in these images but i cannot fix it. not sure if it’s the super-low light in my house or my new lens.).

I exercised and then Nathaniel took a nap while I worked and then while I worked some more, the kids played together. Certainly my very favorite thing to watch.

Oh and the hugging. The hugging is my favorite.

And now we’re all being lazy on the couch. Resting. I am off to draw some portraits and my watercolors arrived today so I might even sketch some, too.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I received some of The Girls’ Paperie CHA products today and it made my heart swell with joy. I am so grateful I get to play with these.
2. I should have mentioned this yesterday but I am so grateful to be on the Pink Paislee team for 2011. Lucky lucky gal.
3. I am grateful for another few days of quiet and reflective time. I love all this time with my family.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that i got to watch spiderman {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I get to play on the computer
3. I am grateful that i put together my airplane kit with daddy

tulips. they bring me more joy than any other flower.
Today was the perfect day. Perfect. I had no work and decided to just relax and not put any rules on my day. I did still exercise and read to David and read and do other things but for most of the day I just relaxed. And so did the kids. Our typical morning started like this. David on the computer and Nathaniel pointing to the TV and saying “choo choo”

Then he got curious about David’s game.

I told him no choo-choo so he played with his new toys for a bit.

And then the balls. He loves balls. It’s one of his few words.

David was a joy too. I love these shots with him looking down and a hint of a smile.

And then the genuine thing.

he loves making Nathaniel laugh and kept trying to do it today by juggling and falling on the couch.

and he succeeded.

oh, yes, he did.

Nathaniel played by himself for a while longer, too.

This was before the meltdown about the choo-choo or lack thereof. He threw himself from couch to the floor and kept going on and on about the TV. but I didn’t let up. Then Jake came, thankfully, and we all went out to dinner. Which was wonderful.
And now they are sleeping and I am about to snuggle up with more books. Tomorrow, there’s work.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for the amazing time I spent with The Beauty of Different and Ordinary Sparking Moments. Both amazing books. Now I get to finish The Gifts of Imperfection. Also amazing.
2. I am grateful for a great family dinner. Always grateful for time together.
3. I am grateful for a quiet day with lots of reflection.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that i got to go out to dinner {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I had a chocolate popsicle
3. I am grateful that we saw Christmas lights (a neighborhood by our house has amazing lights)

Here’s the promised waffle shot from yesterday. Today was another day of “just sit around and do anything you wish” for me. I spent most of the day reading my book (third this week) while the kids played with their new toys.

David gave me a wonderful smile but sadly I didn’t catch it in time.

After exercise (me) and nap (Nathaniel) time, they played some more and I scrapped. Daddy tried to get some work done. David and I played some legos while Nathaniel watched his Thomas.

When Jake came back, he set up to play with David and Nathaniel sat at the table too and started grabbing David’s legos. Which David didn’t appreciate.

So he watched while David and Daddy played.

And played with the few legos I gave to him. (Looks so sad, doesn’t he?)

I finished my book and my scrap page. Now we’re all sitting on the couch, on the computer, and the kids are almost ready for bed. Which means more snuggling up with books for me. I am truly enjoying this downtime and wish it would not end.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for all these fun books I’ve been reading this week and that I get to start another one tonight.
2. I am grateful that I put all the Christmas scrappy stuff away and cleaned my desk. I am reading for some non-holiday scrapping.
3. I am grateful that got to play with David today. I love watching his excitement as he plays and even more so when he wins.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that i played with my daddy {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I got to play a little wii and win some new games
3. I am grateful that I played lego games with my mommy

Last night, right before I went to sleep, I set the table. Christmas breakfast is one of my favorite traditions and I love this table. Simple but beautiful to me.

In the morning, I filled the containers with fruit and got down to making the pancakes.

After breakfast, David got to open his stockings. Let’s just say he was excited.

Nathaniel didn’t really get the concept but once a few presents came out of it, he was fascinated with the stocking.

And played with his cars immediately.

Then it was time to open presents and we always start with the youngest and go in order. So Nathaniel started.

And then David.

Within minutes everyone was playing with their new toys.

Nathaniel didn’t really understand how he got to have more and more toys. David was quite a bit more excited than he was.

But he did love each toy. (especially this camera mommy got him.)

Daddy snapped some photos of me, too. Here I am holding one of my favorite presents, Karen Walrond‘s The Beauty of Different. David was delighted that her name is the same as mine.

I tried to get Jake to take a photo of me and the little boy, but he wasn’t having any of it.

Then we opened David’s present to us. A little candle holder he made and decorated at school. Even the bag was beautifully decorated.

There was some choo-choo watching in between as Nathaniel is completely addicted to Thomas now and cries and begs for it.

After the present-opening was over, I used my brand-new remote to get a photo of all of us. The light was low and it’s not the best quality photo but I still love it because we’re all in it.

And there came and went another Christmas. The kids are eating dinner now and David and I are about to make one more Christmas dessert and then it’s time to get settled down for the night.
I hope your day was wonderful and you were with the people you love. A very merry day to you. And see you tomorrow!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for another wonderful Christmas. For a simple day with my family.
2. I am grateful that we’re lucky and blessed to have many presents today and more importantly a safe place to be warm and together. I do not take that for granted. I am grateful.
3. I am grateful that I can now cozy up with my new books and just enjoy my time off.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. grateful that i get to open all my presents {* his pick for the journal}
2. grateful that I opened the presents in my stocking
3. grateful for my Christmas waffle (photo tomorrow)
4. grateful for my spiderman megablock toy
5. grateful for my new wii game and playing it with daddy
I have so much to be grateful for today, Mommy, he added.

Today was all about sitting around and doing nothing. I spent most of the day reading. I did exercise and I read to David. David spent most of his day on the computer.

And he finished his advent calendar which Nathaniel checked out with great interest.

And he was also busy being cute.

He watched Thomas while I read and he was very busy being super super cute sitting with me.

I asked Jake to snap some shots and we got these.

And then Jake and David skyped with Jake’s parents. They celebrated Christmas today since Jake’s brother is flying to Oregon early early tomorrow.

Then we lazied around a bunch more. And then finally got up and went to get some fruit for Christmas morning breakfast. By the time we got home, it was almost bedtime, so the kids got into their Christmas PJs and we opened the one present. We always start with the youngest so Nathaniel went first. He didn’t really get it at first and asked for help. But a tiny tear by David got him clear and he got right down to business.

David was next. He got a remote controlled helicopter.

And I got some beautiful penguins. Then it was Jake’s turn and he got a power tool which excited Nathaniel almost as much as it excited Jake.

After a while of charging, they all flied the helicopter. Nathaniel was super scared but he was also terribly fascinated.

Meanwhile, I did a little sketching and some watercolor.

And thus ended our Christmas eve. I am now wrapping the stocking toys and then back to my book. I do still have a few nagging todo items and some emails that need returning. But I promised myself that 24 and 25 would be no obligations, no self-nagging, just doing whatever I feel like doing. So here we are.
I hope you’re having a wonderful time and enjoying this great time of year with your loved ones.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful to see the joy in my kids’ faces as they open presents.
2. I am grateful that I got to sit, relax, and read so much of today. No guilt, just fun.
3. I am grateful that tomorrow is Christmas!!!
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. grateful that i get to open one present {* his pick for the journal}
2. grateful that I played on the computer
3. grateful that i watched TV

I couldn’t get this photo to look the way I like but I am too tired to mess with it. Will try something else tomorrow.
A quiet, uneventful day here. David spent a little time on the computer in the morning and then played quietly while Nathaniel napped. During then, he found this baby sock of his and wanted a picture with it.

Nathaniel was kind enough to wake up at 4am this morning and would not go back to sleep. He’s been sick with a runny nose so I am trying to be nice to him but I am so so so tired. When he woke up from his nap, David played some wii (in lieu of Saturday since it’s Christmas on Saturday) and Nathaniel played with his toys..

And David’s batman car.

he played and played quietly.

he and I went to the garage while David played wii and we finally wrapped all the presents. It’s finally looking like Christmas here.

On an impulse, I bought a new lens yesterday so when it came today, I used it to take this photo.

and this one.

It’s a zoom lens. I haven’t used one of those in a long long time. It’s 24-75mm though and a 2.8 which means I have wide range and relatively good light. So for now, it will stay on until after the holidays. I also got a remote for my camera so I can take photos of all of us with it. I am very exhausted now but I also feel so blessed and thankful for my life, my family and that I get some wonderful time off from work so I can be with the people I love so much.
I hope you’re safe, healthy and warm.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I have so much new equipment lately. I love and use each and every single one.
2. I am grateful that I finished my book and started a new one that appears to be a lot of fun. Right now I only want to read fun books, not sad ones.
3. I am grateful that we a few more days off. I cherish this time of year so much and want each of the days to go slowly.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. grateful that I have some more presents {* his pick for the journal}
2. grateful that I played wii
3. grateful that mommy and i finished our first book

Jake was home today and even though I had no plans, I ended up pouting and wasting away most of the day. He was super-nice and helpful and kind. I got David a few extra games last night so he got to play a little Wii today.

Nathaniel took the opportunity to go through all of David’s stuff.

And I stopped David for a moment so he could let me take this.

Nathaniel’s been sick. He has a drippy nose and what might be a very low grade fever. But the nose is causing him to cough a lot and today he even threw up in the car from coughing so much. Poor boy. Though he’s mostly in good humor when he’s home.

Even when the TV is not on, which is a big no-no for him. But nonetheless things are actually well here. Tomorrow I will wrap all the gifts cause as of now, we only have like 5 under the tree and a good 30 in the garage. So tomorrow’s the day. And then I get to relax. Maybe even scrap a page or two. I will play with my kids and just enjoy the time off I have without guilt.
I am still exercising. Which is exhausting me but here we go. I have lost another 1.5 lbs this week so I am definitely making progress. Which is making me feel optimistic and giving me the energy to continue. So far, so good. Now I am off to do my December Daily. I hope you are doing well as well.
Next week I will post all about my projects for the new year so make sure to come back. I have some more posts this week, too. Especially one tomorrow that you will like. And the newsletter comes out January 1, if I can get my act together. With some downloadables.
So much to do. But I still love love love this season so much.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I finally got a new phone. And I love love love it already.
2. I am grateful that I got my hair done. I always love coming back from the hairdresser.
3. I am grateful that I get to rest for most of tomorrow and cuddle up with my kids. Those are the only items in my todo list I care about for tomorrow (and the exercise of course).
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. grateful that I played Lego Harry Potter {* his pick for the journal}
2. grateful that I played Sonic
3. having daddy home

Just a few shots today. We had our wonderful friend Jess and her hubby and kids for breakfast today. They were here from Los Angeles and came to visit on their way back home and it was so so so wonderful to see them. I did take some shots of her wonderful kids but I don’t like to post other children without permission so I won’t share unless she says it’s ok. It was a great way to start our day. Then I did my exercise and worked.
I took these photos of our tree last night when I came home from my friend’s. The idea is from Autumn and it’s such a wonderful idea and I love the way it came out. I saw Ali tweet about it two days ago and it reminded me that I wanted to try it out, too.

David gave me some wonderful smiles today. Love this boy.

Nathaniel wasn’t as cooperative. But that’s ok. Some days are like that..

I love how he sits at the chair and then can’t get down so looks at me with those eyes, pleading me to help him.

I’m still feeling quite tired. I think it’s the exercise and I need to eat more and eat more nutritious food. But since I am so tired, I am being lazy so not eating enough which of course lowers my energy. Oh well. it’ll work out.
Presents are still arriving here as we get close to Saturday. I am planning on wrapping one round tomorrow. I am not a fan of wrapping mostly cause I don’t do such a good job. I might put them in baggies this year. Not sure just yet. Let’s see…
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I go out again tonight but just a short trip hopefully.
2. I am grateful that I will have the next six days off. I need some time to relax and nap.
3. I am grateful that our friends Jess and Sam came over with their beautiful kids Maddie and Max. They are such wonderful people and it was great to get to see them.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. grateful that Christmas is coming {* his pick for the journal}
2. grateful that mommy and i read together
3. playing on the computer

No no no no. We’re into the twenties of the month. Means there are too few days until 2011 is here. But I need more rest time. Rest and recuperate! Oh well…
Above is a sneak from a painting I made last night. I have so many issues when it comes to painting. So many conversations in my head, inadequacies. I don’t know how to quiet them down.
Today was a “work very hard” day so I worked worked worked while the kids played. They are so good at playing thankfully.

David’s playing on the computer. He’s an amazing reader and writer now. Truly amazing.

Despite the work, I am still exercising. My fitbit came on Sunday and I’ve been wearing it nonstop. It’s pretty depressing though. I’ve only walked 6746 steps today. Not much at all. Ugh.

Here’s Nathaniel imitating David since both he and Mommy are on the computer, Nathaniel wanted to be, too.

He then hugged David several times and came to check in on me too.

and I will leave you with this blurry but happy face.

I have to work on my December Daily and then get the kids to bed. Then I am off to my friend Nicholas’ house. Here’s to a wonderful night with friends. The todo list can wait.
Oh, and, just in case you’re still not subscribed, I wanted to mention my newsletter again. First issue will be out January 1, 2011 (most likely) and will involve some exclusive digital downloads. To register, just go on my blog and look at the top right. Thank you!!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I go out to see friends tonight and might be seeing friends tomorrow. Both really great friends.
2. I am grateful that after one more day of work, I will have quite a few days off. I need some time to relax.
3. I am grateful that we had a quiet, peaceful and productive day.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. playing on the computer {* his pick for the journal}
2. grateful that mommy and i read together
3. playing with Nathaniel

Someone please slow down time. I am not ready for it to be the end of December yet. We’re more than halfway and I want it to slow slow slow down.
Welcome to another edition of “the faces my kids make.” Here’s Nathaniel watching TV.

Not even sure there are words for this one.

Here he is after throwing the toy to David’s face and my telling him that it was a bad thing to do.

Here’s my sweet (and lately sometimes not so sweet) boy with the blue eyes.

Here he is again, at the Target parking lot, waiting for Daddy to come with the car.

making his little brother laugh:

And there we are. My crazy, sweet, funny, and sometimes really difficult but always worthwhile boys.

Love them so. A quiet day here, hope it was the same for you.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that my todo list is finally quite small with nothing urgent on it. Or so I think at least. We’ll see tomorrow.
2. I am grateful that despite being deeply tired and achy, I am still walking/running.
3. I am grateful that I painted a bit tonight. I have a lot to say about painting but i am too tired tonight.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. grateful that mommy and i read together {* his pick for the journal}
2. playing on the computer
3. watching football with daddy

We’ve tried to go to Fairyland for three years. Each year, something came up and we were unable to make it there during the holidays. We were originally supposed to go yesterday but it was pouring rain.
So when we woke up this morning and it wasn’t raining, we decided to give it a try. Since it was David’s wii-day, he whined about leaving home but then when we got there, he was suddenly happy (shocking, I know!)

We walked around a bit. Everything was wet and most of the rides were closed. But it was still neat to be there.

All the rides were kid-sized. Which I loved. David got on the ferris wheel. And we all watched.

Nathaniel thought it was awesome.

He couldn’t stop smiling.

then we went to the puppet show of Cinderella. It was actually quite good.

Nathaniel loved it, too.

David was totally engrossed.

I love snapping photos of the kids while they are looking elsewhere. It makes me feel like I am taking a snapshot of their souls.

then we went to the magic show and David was a volunteer for a bit. He has fun in the beginning but I think he got more and more uncomfortable.

by the time that was done, rain was pouring down again and it was time to go home. David rode the ferris wheel one more time and we headed back home.

By the time we got home, it was time for dinner and gratitude journal, etc. Now the kids are off to bed and I am tired all over. My todo list beckons but first I get to rest. And possibly read my book. I’m reading the third book in the dragon tattoo series and it’s way to interesting so I don’t want to do anything else.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we finally got to go to Fairyland. It was one of those things I wanted to do for a few years.
2. I am grateful that most of my todo list items are done. I feel like I might actually get to relax for a week or two.
3. I am grateful that i got the fitbit! I’ve waiting for it for months.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. grateful that we went to fairyland {* his pick for the journal}
2. riding the ferris wheel in fairyland
3. playing wii
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects