I finally took the time to reply to comments. If you’re still waiting for a reply, please let me know and I am so sorry. The day went by too fast and I accomplished way too little. But I did exercise, finish my book, read to david, and scrap a page. I also went shopping briefly. It still felt like I wasted most of the day.
We did take some family shots. I wanted to change the location just to try out new parts of the house. As I set up the tripod, Nathaniel got ready, too.

Then I snapped one of the three of us. And then I realized the aperture was too open.

But not before I caught this one of David. Love it.

Everyone was in a tickling and happy mood so we laughed and laughed.

David laughed.

And so did Nathaniel.

I love these shots. Love all the laughter in all of them. Love that we’re having fun with the whole thing.
Plans for tonight involve getting some blog posts together, drawing a portrait, journaling, and maybe some more truth cards. Oh and replying to email. Yes, that’s the plan. Let’s see how far I get.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I finished another layout. It wasn’t due until March but I like being able to get things off my plate because I know that new things always come on.
2. I am grateful that I went shopping. Between the shoes and today’s shopping, I got a bunch of what was on my list for weeks done.
3. I am grateful for music today. I listened to music while I exercised today and it made all the difference in the world.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I played with the lights daddy gave me – they’re magnetic LED lights {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played wii.
3. I am grateful that I played with the computer.

I saw this in the shifting ground classroom today and it resonated so much with me. Worrying is definitely something I do too much of and I could not agree with this quote more so it needs to be upfront and center in my life.
Today was all about rest. And finishing touches. I added a few more touches to one of my layouts. I took photos. I finished up an art journaling page which was also homework for Soul Restoration. I watched a lot of TV and relaxed a lot. As well as working, taking David to school and back and taking Nathaniel to the dentist. But those are just part of a day.
We were all quiet and playing today in our own way.

I love how he surrounds himself with toys and then plays with each.

And I love this shot of David. He looks so wonderful, as he is.

And I really love how Nathaniel snuggles next to him at each opportunity. I love watching them sit together. I love seeing Nathaniel’s feet. I love how his fingers are inside the lego holes. I love how engrossed David is in reading. I love these boys so so much..

Tonight is all about more resting. Lots of journaling. Setting up newsletter for February. If you’re not, make sure to subscribe. I am going to be making new digital downloads this weekend. Any requests?
My plan is to catch up to all my homework this weekend. Draw faces. Journal. Make truth cards. Maybe even paint some. Let’s see how far I get. I might even scrap a page or two but just for me. I will likely print photos, too, so I am ready for more scrapping.
Oh, and, thank you so much for the kind words and encouragement for the running. Today was a much better day. I was able to go all the way without so much pain. I even felt like I could have gone longer if I needed to. That was certainly a good feeling because I worried I might never feel ok again. So it’s good to know it wasn’t permanent. As with everything else, I imagine it’s constantly shifting and adjusting.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that it’s the weekend and I don’t have anything I have to do. I work better when I am organized so I will plan some thing for the weekend before I go to sleep but if I end up “wasting it all away” that’s going to be ok.
2. I am grateful that Nathaniel’s teeth seem to be in good shape so far. He was very upset at the appointment but the dentist looked at his teeth and we’re good so far.
3. I am grateful for all my classes. Despite being a bit overwhelmed I am finding each of them very very valuable and I am grateful that I will now have more time to dedicate to each.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I read books on raz-kids {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played pretend (house) at school.
3. I am grateful that I played lego batman at school.

I just want to start by telling you that I am so sorry I haven’t replied to the comments yet. I swear it’s on my list. I have been working feverishly on CHA and my homework and faces etc. I am now officially done with CHA work. I still have a few more assignments for other things but I promise I will get to all the comments in the next few days. I apologize sincerely and don’t want you think for a moment that I don’t value each and every single comment.
Lest you think the little one is the only one who can pout. The big one comes like this, too.

But he’s quicker to change his mind.

And get silly.

And laugh at himself for being silly.

The little one is saying more and more words, showing more and more interest in things.

He loves looking through books.

And points my finger to things as he talks through them.

It’s hard being a mommy and seeing your kids upset. It’s hard working full time and then being there and being patient. It’s hard trying to teach and then not get frustrated when you get indifference or disinterest. It’s hard to not get caught up. It’s hard to follow your kids’ lead. There are so many challenges every single day. They come right alongside the joys.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that CHA work is finished. I am grateful that I will hopefully be going to the show and will for the first time get to see my work in booths. This year, I am blessed to be in four booths. I feel very grateful for all this opportunity.
2. I am grateful for book night. It’s always nice to go out and be with other book lovers.
3. I am grateful that tomorrow is Friday. This week flew by but I still need some downtime. This is my last non-busy weekend. Then I have CHA, visitors, birthdays for the next three weekends so I will enjoy this one.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I did a snowman page in my book at school {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that mommy and i did workbooks
3. I am grateful that I played on the phone

I have to make a plan to get out and take some photos. I’ve really been even more like a hermit than usual partly cause I am doing so much CHA work. But alas, it’s almost over and now it’s even getting warmer here. Lest you think it’s always laughter and roses here, today Nathaniel decided not to take his nap until much later. Then I had to wake him up because otherwise he wouldn’t sleep at night. So he woke up super cranky. And looked like this.

And this.

And this. It went on for quite a while. We went and got David and he was still crying.

The first thing he did was get David’s water out of his lunchbag which he does every night.

I snapped some shots of David.

And he acted all silly as he likes to.

Nathaniel watched suspiciously.

Then finally he started playing again.

But all that crying had gotten to me already. I feel tired and exhausted. Extra tired tonight since all the whining, wailing, and crying tends to wear you down a bit. I’m sure the little boy had a headache and I feel bad for him. I gave him lots of hugs and tried to play with him but he just needed to be alone and get over being tired.
By bedtime, he was throwing himself on the couch and giggling alongside David, of course.
Now they’re both sleeping and I am ready for bed myself. I have some organizing to do, some homework and a portrait to draw. Then it’s bedtime for mommy, too.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for a good day at work. I got some important things moving and I felt good about progress.
2. I am grateful for a kind offer from a good friend. I am always filled with gratitude at the generosity of others.
3. I am grateful that a lot of people have signed up for my classes at BPC already. I really, truly love teaching there so I am very excited to have both my classes coming up. If you’re enrolled in either of my classes, thank you for taking a class with me. I know both your money and time are important and I truly appreciate it deeply.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I did a project that compared sawdust and wood shavings at school {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played with mommy (we did workbooks)
3. I am grateful that I picked the people to invite to my birthday. I struggled a lot with this since we can’t invite the whole class (there’s a limit where the party will be) and so we had to pick some and not pick others. I told David to not talk about his party at all at school so as to not make anyone feel bad.

And back to work and back to school means back to our regular schedule. Up at 6, reading, eating, packing, dressing, bus, layout, etc. etc. And the little boy is still being funny.

So many people ask me how I get so much done in a day and can work from home. A big part of it is this.

My kids are just amazing. They play by themselves for hours. Happily. Every now and then they interrupt and we play together, we laugh and then they go back to playing alone. I am lucky, I really know it. Here’s David, showing off his gratitude journal.

And then having a bit of silly time.

I missed it but this is seconds after Nathaniel went over to hug him.

And then went back to playing.

And playing some more. He still into the blanket carrying of course.

And here’s David, playing on the iPhone which he gets to do after writing his gratitude, eating his veggies, and reading with mommy.

Nathaniel learned the word yellow today and he also started taking my finger and making it point at the things he wants. He’s getting more and more communicative and he’s so very cute. When we get food, he’ll nod yes or no and then point at his tray to show us where to put the food. Love that boy.
I have two more layouts to do and I am ready for CHA. Phew. I will like having something else to do in the mornings. I will like printing new photos out and gathering some stories. I need a little break after this. I will enjoy taking time to journal more and work on my classes more.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. Today, I feel a deep gratitude for my children. I am truly blessed as a mother. I have two incredibly nice, kind, loving and fun kids. They are so full of personality and character. I hope that it continues to be so. I feel so grateful.
2. I am grateful for another day of exercise. I must admit even after 109 days, it’s still really hard. I still have to drag myself to the garage. I still think I won’t ever get through it. I still feel tired at the end. But I do it. I am thankful and proud that I do.
3. I am grateful for a good, productive day. Some days feel out of control but today felt good. I have some todo items and I am woefully behind on email and replying to comments but still I don’t feel like I am drowning which is good for me.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I got a card from school (it’s a photo id) {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played on the phone
3. I am grateful that I went to school. He had a good day at school and worked on some fun projects, he tells me.

And here we are, already at the end of our long weekend. It’s 6pm which means I have this entry, a few more entries, a portrait, possibly some journaling and bedtime. And then it’s officially next week.
Our morning started with a trip to the dentist. Where David did awesome, as always. I took this with my phone.

I took another photo when we got home to show off his newly cleaned teeth.

Nathaniel made lots and lots of his expressive faces.

And laughter.

More faces. Oh uh.

Then he watched his brother play on the phone.

After nap time, it was time to take another family photo. As I set up, Jake ate some peanuts and, of course, Nathaniel wanted to be a part of that, too.

I cropped this out of one of family shots. He looked so wonderful.

There’s always much laughter when we do these shots. So we have a lot of outtakes.

and blurry shots.

Then, while I processed the photos, Nathaniel showed his dad some of his books.

And then spent some time looking through David’s notebooks.

While he played on the iphone.

I love this shot of both of them occupied and engrossed.

I spent most of the weekend doing homework and as of this morning I have a ton more (and even more is coming tomorrow). I decided I will have to come up with a schedule for all the homework I have in Misty’s class. I want to, scratch that, need to, spend more time drawing before I can move to painting. And same with painting. So once CHA comes and goes, I will spread it out. A month of just drawing, a month of painting, a month of collage, etc. Next month, I have the sketching class, too. Not to mention the two I’m teaching. Ugh. It looks like things will stay busy for a while.
Just the way I like it.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for a quiet day. It was busy in the morning but I spent most of the middle of the day lying on the couch, watching misty paint. Can’t think of a better way to spend my day.
2. I am grateful that we took another set of family shots. We already have more photos of us than we did in all of 2010.
3. I am grateful that I made an appointment for Nathaniel at the dentist. I am a bit scared since it’s his first and we haven’t been so good about brushing his teeth but I am grateful to start taking care of it.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I played on mommy’s phone {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that mommy and I read together
3. I am grateful that I did my workbook.

It’s so nice to have a three-day weekend. I sort of wish they were all 3-days. In 2002, I used to work 3 days a week and I never ever got used to it in a way where it felt long. It was the perfect number of days to work. Just when I started feeling tired, it would be time for my long weekend. I volunteered and took classes on the two weekdays I didn’t work and it just was the perfect schedule for me. So if every week was a 3-day weekend I think I would still enjoy it to bits.
Today started on the same schedule as everyday. I try to take family shots every day that all four of us are around so we set it all up but it was really early so there’s a lot of noise in the photos. Here’s one of the outtakes.

And another.

After I scrapped and exercised, it was time to read. We took the book basket down and Nathaniel picked a choo choo one.

And David picked a level 3 to read to me. Which he read beautifully. Then I read to him.

After that, it was quiet time for all of us. I did manage to snap this wonderful photo of David before I sat to draw some and journal some.

The little boy played.

And I love this photo. Jake took this while I was sitting and drawing. But look at the face Nathaniel’s making to try to get David’s attention (he was watching harry potter.) I love that Nathaniel sits with David so much and looks up to him so much.

And I love that David’s nice about it almost all the time.
We briefly had some friends over and then I had to run out and buy some shoes. Which reminded me how much I hate shopping. Then it was time for family night. We played some more Zingo and then Jake and David got to play a tiny bit of Wii because Jake had promised him earlier and they hadn’t gotten around to doing so.
And now the kids are asleep and I am moving a bit slowly but I feel good. I’ve done most of my homework in most of my classes. I have a bunch of setup I have to do for my blog and creative therapy, etc. But that’s on schedule for tomorrow. Tonight is about my portrait, some journaling, and some more drawing, all while watching the Golden Globes.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for family night. I love family night, even when it’s short.
2. I am grateful that I finally bought some shoes. I’ve been meaning to buy flats for a really long time.
3. I am grateful that I took the time to draw today. It was calming and I am thankful for the time.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I get to play will with daddy {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful for family night
3. I am grateful that I get to play with my legos a bit in my room

I don’t want to start each of my entries with how tired I feel so I won’t tell you that today. But rest assured, I do. Anyhow… Despite the fact that it was a weekend, I spent my day with a very similar schedule to my weekdays. Except, instead of working, I lay on the couch and read all the content and watched all the movies for my classes.
While I scrapped, the little boy read some more books.

And reacted to each page.

While the big boy played with his legos.

Then Nathaniel went down for his nap, I read to David, I exercised and then showered and took the Christmas tree down and then set up the camera for our family photo. Here’s me doing a test run.

And another. I told Nathaniel there was a squirrel in the backyard to get him to look at the camera, hence the expression on his face.

Here’s an outtake from our shot. David looks like he’s hurting cause he was playing wii and focusing too much. He took a long break after this photo.

Then he and Jake went to Target while Nathaniel and I rested.

And I snapped some photos.

While he laughed.

and laughed at me.

and then he realized his brother was gone which meant he could mess with the remotes.

The boys came back, we all put everything away and had dinner and now they’re almost ready for bed.
I plan to do a lot of the homework in my classes tonight. I stopped doing portraits two days ago and plan to restart that tonight, too. I must admit that I am most behind misty’s class. It’s partly because there’s a lot of homework but mostly because I truly feel like I can’t draw. I try and it looks terrible and I get impatient. I know it’s practice but when it sucks so bad you don’t even want to practice. Several of you commented on doing more emotion or shading etc with my portraits. The thing is I feel like I am so far from the basics that I am not ready to add expressions, feelings, my style yet. I can’t even draw two eyes that look the same. I can’t make noses or lips I like. I am working on those for now. I work hard every day to quiet the voice inside me that yells “you’re not an artist” or “you’re no good at this.” Again, I know it’s a lot about practice but it’s hard to feel inspired to practice when I think so little of what I create. anyhow….so I put it off. Which, of course, doesn’t help at all.
So off I go to journal, draw my portraits and maybe do another few drawings from misty’s homework. And then journal more and make some cards for the soul restoration class. Long night but full of joyful work. Let’s see how far I get.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that the tree is down. I loved having it up but I also like it gone for some reason. I put some lights up so that I can still feel the joy.
2. I am grateful that I have only five layouts left to do for CHA. I like making them but I think I’m ready for a break.
3. I am grateful for some quiet time tonight. I have some jaw pain again and I look forward to curling up and being artsy and introspective for a while.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that i got some shirts for school {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played wii
3. I am grateful that I get to stay up and play in my room a little tonight

I am really really thankful it’s Friday. I am still continuing my schedule but I am ready for a 3-day weekend. Here we come! I didn’t even take photos until the afternoon today but when I saw Nathaniel reading books, I couldn’t resist.

I adore this child.

And he’s so funny, he laughs at himself even.

When I picked David up from playdate, this is the first look he gave me.

But then I got a better one.

And the little one is still with his blankie. Blankie everywhere.

We have company tonight which means I have to rush again. I’ve been doing that too much lately. Six more layouts to go. One more delivery coming tomorrow hopefully. And then things will start to settle down. I even did some of my homework today in Soul Restoration. Photos coming Tuesday since it was in the art journal. I have to draw my portrait tonight since I skipped yesterday. And that’s it. Then I go to bed, wake up, and do it all over again.
I am so grateful for my life.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. So David went on his first alone playdate today. He got off the bus with his friend Maggie and her mom. He called me to let me know he was safe and there. He played and then I went to pick him up about an hour later. I was all worried about it. I kept thinking about all the things that could go wrong. But I decided to be brave and let him to this. And I am glad that I did. All went well and he had a great time. I am grateful that I had the courage to just let it happen. It’s hard for me so I am proud of myself.
2. I am grateful it’s the weekend! Especially since it’s a 3-day one!!!
3. I am grateful that I did some art today. I broke down and cried for a moment when doing the homework but it was wonderful and powerful and that’s exactly why I took the class so I am deeply grateful.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that i went to Maggie’s house {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I sat with mommy
3. I am grateful that I have a new partner at school

I’m keeping it short today. I am tired and grouchy so I think it’s better that way for all of us. My days are all the same right now. I wake up, I give kids breakfast, make david’s breakfast, read to david, take him to the bus, scrap, work, put nathaniel down for a nap, work more, exercise, work more. play with nathaniel. work more. get david. work more. make kids dinner. get them to go to bed. work a bit more. blog. draw my face. paint it. that’s about it. i have homework in my classes so i also try to do a bit of that. everything else falls through for now.
Nathaniel is still into the blanket. Not sure why. But I think it’s so cute.

Looks like a little baby, my boy.

My older boy. He’s so wonderful.

And so is this one. I am so blessed.

I am going to take some time to rest now and then I will go do some painting. Maybe it will restore my soul.
How are you doing? It’s been quiet so I just wanted to check in. I hope I haven’t been boring you. Let me know if you’re out there.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that my family is so supportive and so kind. They make my heart burst.
2. I am grateful for the kind words of all the people around me. Comments you leave here or in other places where my work is. I am always amazed by the kind words and never know how to reply. I just feel so thankful. thank you.
3. I am grateful that tomorrow is Friday and then we go into a three-day weekend. I need some extra rest and it’s coming soon.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that i played in the playhouse during choice time at school {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played with legos
3. I am grateful that I played on the computer this morning

Feeling exhausted today and I am about to leave for book club soon. I feel like it’s been so hectic here for the last ten days. I need to slow down so I can catch up. Any ideas?
Nathaniel likes to play this game where he’ll hit himself and go “ouch!” he likes to do it often.

He also smiles and laughs a lot.

More attempts at getting a good David shot.

And then he’s like enough! so he’s making funny faces at me.

Nathaniel is into anything David is into. All his electronic toys. And they turn off and he goes oh uh oh uh until someone turns them back on.

And today he decided he needed one of his blankets with him all day. He’s never done this before but he looks so so cute. Doesn’t he?

My plan tomorrow is to sit and get organized. I have about 8 more layouts or so for CHA. I have homework in all three classes. (I already did the one for my fourth class) and I have my own daily tasks. Not to mention the email and comments to respond to. So it’s time to get organized.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I got some wonderful new product today. It made me swoon and I almost shed tears with gratitude.
2. I am again grateful for the fedex man who came to my house cause I am not a fan of going to the post office and it’s so awesome that they come to pick it up.
3. I am grateful that I lost another 3.3 lbs this week! I was so shocked this morning because I felt really bad and thought I must surely have gained weight. But here we are!
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that i played golf {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played star wars at school
3. I am grateful that I played legos with mommy

I’m going to do this quickly tonight because I have a webinar for Masterful Scrapbook Design in 45 minutes. If you’re taking the class, I hope you come to chat with us. If you’re not, you should be :).
Since I’d printed my photos and planned everything I was able to wake up today and get right to work. I did one page and have the next two planned as well. Though I’ve found out that I have a batch of product coming tomorrow so I am guessing Thursday morning will be back to doing CHA samples. And then more product comes towards the end of the week, and finally another batch next week. Phew. It’s all ok though, I love working with these products and I am a truly lucky gal. Wouldn’t whine for a minute.
Today was a bit wonky cause I had to go to the jaw doctor again and then Jake had a childhood friend in town and Nathaniel decided not to nap on time. So we ate lunch together and it was oatmeal. I think he is a fan.

David gave me a nice smile today. Love this.

I’m always amazed at how Nathaniel has a thin layer of grime on his face at all times. No matter how many times I clean it.

But he is so very cute.

Lots of work today. Did the developer release and a bunch of triage and now I have the webinar. Then it’s time to paint my portrait and do some more drawing. You’ll get more detail tomorrow but my classes have all begun and with lots of homework so I am trying to do a little bit each night. Once all the CHA work is done, I’ll distribute to night and morning. So off to get ready!
I hope you’re well and if you have a moment, come say hi and let me know what you’re doing and what’s inspiring you. I need some new inspiration in my life. I’ve almost stopped reading all my feeds because it’s all feeling like same old same old lately.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I have so much fun and new product coming my way. it’s always fun to play with scrappy goods.
2. I am again grateful for all the classes I’m taking. They are each inspiring me deeply and pushing my boundaries and stretching me.
3. I am grateful that despite the cold outside, it’s nice and warm in here. I used to live in a house with a terrible draft and I never take the warmness and wonderful heat for granted.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we played a balloon game in PE {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I got to play didj
3. I am grateful that I looked through my lego magazine
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects