I think I should go track the cycles I seem to have on my blog. I get the sense that I get depressed and tired and whiny every six weeks or so. I don’t know if it’s biological or just feeling worn out after living a go-go-go life for a while. Either way, I seem to be on the down spiral right now but I know from experience that the pendulum will swing the other way soon. I am trying to wait patiently while I still continue to live my life.
I got these photos of David today that I love.

Especially this one. My stunning, stunning, boy.

Nathaniel was watching TV.

He’s gotten really demanding lately and wants me to put on a specific thomas and then changes his mind and gets super cranky and I cannot deal with it since I am working so now he gets no TV.

Which of course means breakdowns. and weeping. Thankfully, my mother in law got him a Thomas book so they read that together.

And then he read it a bunch on his own.

And then he had several more breakdowns at which point I decided he was ready for bed and now he’s lying in his bed playing of course. Ugh. I have a long list of things to do tonight and I sent everyone out of the house. But my hunch is I will end up just lying on the couch, watching TV, drawing, and maybe doing some art. That’s about it.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I made it through my 2.7 miles today. It was even harder today. I truly didn’t think I’d make it. But deeply grateful that I did.
2. I am grateful it’s Friday tomorrow. I really really need some more downtime.
3. I am grateful that I finally started the big art journal I wanted to do a la Judy wise. It’s been fun so far and I will show pictures at the end of the week. I am just so happy to play with watercolor, stamps, and just have fun.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I get to be the star of the day for tomorrow which is 100th day {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played on papi’s computer.
3. I am grateful that i get to play legos in bed tonight

I woke up in a better mood today thankfully. Things are still a bit fragile but I feel like doing some art last night really helped a lot. I got up and did pages of journaling, I exercised, Nathaniel didn’t nap and then napped and then was cranky. I worked, I read to David. So I did most of what I do in a day. I feel a little frazzled and disorganized still but I am feeling less depressed and less fragile which is wonderful.
Little boy having fun while watching choo-choo.

A good smile from my big boy.

And one from my little boy.

That’s all I got today. I still have to feed dinner, do some more work, post two more posts, draw my portrait and get ready to go out to date night so I will say good night and let you know that I will respond to comments ASAP and I am not ignoring you and I am deeply grateful for all your kind comments and thank you for visiting me day after day. thank you thank you thank you.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I made it through my 2.7 miles today. It was really hard and I didn’t think I was going to make it but I did.
2. I am grateful for another date night.
3. I am grateful that I journaled and made some art. Each time I journal more and more issues come up and get resolved, it’s truly like magic lately.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that it’s groundhog day {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played star wars with julian at school.
3. I am grateful that i started my dalmatian (named spot!)

I’ll start by telling you that I am still in a really grouchy mood. I can’t seem to snap out of it so I am just going to let myself off the hook and just let it get better when it needs to and in the meantime i will try to minimize the damage around me. Thankfully the boys are being amazing for the most part.

Excited when toys make noise.

David told me could he smile while he played please?

I explained that I needed a full on smile with the eyes.

And Nathaniel laughing while watching choo-choo.

Tonight’s plans are a bit in the air. I don’t want to do anything but have seventeen things to do. So let’s see which one I end up with. My inlaws just arrived so we have more options than usual for our evening.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I had a new lesson in four of my classes. Despite feeling overwhelmed, I love getting the new lessons and feeling inspired.
2. I am grateful that I got a lot of sleep in the last two nights. I needed the rest badly.
3. I am grateful that I was able to do my increased exercise today. More coming about this soon.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that meme and papi are coming to visit {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I read my book box at school.
3. I am grateful that mommy and I read our book

I woke up this morning and it didn’t take me long that I had somehow gotten up from the wrong side of the bed. I felt off. I think fragile is sort of the best word for it because I was weepy for a while and then tired and worn out and ended up the day grouchy. All day long, I literally did nothing. I finished my book, read to david, and exercised. I had the day off work so I could have accomplished a million things but I just didn’t feel up to doing anything at all.
At some point in the day, I just gave myself permission to waste this day away. My body and mind and soul needed the rest I guess. I am thinking it’s likely from having been away from home. When you meet me in person you can see that I talk nonstop. I mean a LOT and really fast. I am talk talk talk talk. I tend to come off really extroverted. But the fact is I am not. I much prefer quiet, introspective time. So when I am in a social situation nonstop like I was this weekend, I really need to wind down and go back to my comfort place which is always home. What I didn’t do today, which I should have, is journaling. I think writing would have helped but I didn’t even feel up for that. Maybe a few hours from now, I’d be up for it. I also hope I feel up to drawing my portrait which I also haven’t done yet. Let’s see.
The little one was very accommodating for most of the day and played quietly.

Here’s David, thinking of what to write in his gratitude journal.

And then writing it.

And then here’s Nathaniel trying to figure out which toy to play with while Choo-choo is in the background.

And then he asks for some grapes while he’s playing and he immediately spills juices of it all over everywhere so I tell him he can’t have anymore. And this is what I get:

Ah the joys of being a mom. And the plans for tonight are plenty but realistically I am guessing maybe one more thing will get done and that’s it before I head to bed. I will try to do my monthly review since January is now finished. By the way, newsletter goes out very early tomorrow so if you want the exclusive digital downloads, make sure to subscribe on the right top corner of the blog.
Happy Monday!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I had the day off, I really really needed it.
2. I am grateful that I didn’t have anything that was super time-sensitive so I was able to do nothing without too much worry about letting someone down.
3. I am grateful that new lessons in my classes go up tomorrow. Can’t wait.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I got to show the class my 100th day collection {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I finished my snowman album at school.
3. I am grateful that mommy and nathaniel came to school today (I volunteered in his class this morning)

So after the crazy day yesterday, I woke up again before my set wakeup call. Quietly went down to the gym (remembered my key this time!) and did my 2.6 miles. I was quite proud of myself to be honest. I then got dressed, packed, and put some makeup on. I snapped this right as I was leaving and there was absolutely no light hence the horrible quality..

While my boys where giving Daddy a hard time.

And being all sweet.


And being silly. As David loves to be!!

After a quick breakfast stop, we headed into the show again. We were there a little early, so I coveted the punches once more and then started working again. I worked all the way until about noon and then left with Michelle who owns A Million Memories and Jennifer and Tonya who design for her. Grabbed a quickie lunch and went in search of my shuttle. It was pouring rain by this point so getting on the shuttle was quite an adventure but I made it safe and sound and sat at the airport, read my book, got on the plane, chatted with the two lawyers who sat next to me, and made it home safely. I hugged and kissed my kids and hubby all the way home and made them dinner, cleaned up, put them to bed, and here I am. Safely home.
I must admit that while I liked going there, seeing friends, and seeing some of the products, I worked hard and really really missed being home. There’s nothing I love as much as being at home. Nothing. So I am deeply thankful to be home. And looking forward to going back to my routine. Sad, I know, but I love my routine. All of it. Even the hard parts.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I made it home safely and I am really grateful to be home.
2. I am grateful that I got to see Michelle and Tonya and Jennifer even if for just a little while.
3. I am grateful for all the nice comments from everyone about my layouts and just filled with gratitude over the kindness.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that mommy’s home {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played some games on the phone.
3. I am grateful that I got some new games for the phone

I am so sorry I didn’t get to write last night. By the time I came home from dinner it was 10pm and I was dead tired from being on my feet all day and just needed to go right to sleep. I would say it’s surprising that I took no photos during this weekend, but I have never been able to take photos during CHA so I am not surprised at all. The only photos I took were of the punches. I ran to the EK Success booth and took photos of every punch. Let me know if you want to see them and I will post. I have yet to look at them myself.
Before I tell you all about my day, I’ll start with the photos Jake took for me of the boys. I was so lucky in that he took photos with my nice camera and with his phone because he was able to upload the phone ones right away and I got to see this little boy staring at me with this face in the middle of the show.

And this handsome boy, too.

I missed my boys quite a bit so it was really really nice to have the photos.

I even walked around the Maya Road booth just to see their photos on my layouts cause I missed them so much.

I love them so much and am so grateful Jake took some photos for me.

Saturday was my only full day at CHA. I didn’t get to the hotel until 9pm or so and delivering my layouts, eating some food, chatting, etc, meant I wasn’t sleeping before midnight. Since I was going to get up at 6am for exercise, I was all worried. Obviously a little too worried because I slept fitfully all night. And woke up before the scheduled wake up call. I’d put all my stuff aside so as to not wake up my roommate, Katie, and went down to the gym, which was almost totally full. As I walked in, I realized I forgot my room key. Which meant I’d have to wake Katie up when I got back so instead I went down the to front desk and explained to them that though the room was not in my name, it really was my room. Thankfully, they sent security up with me and had me show proof of an object in the room with my name. Which meant I didn’t have to wake up Katie!!
Shower, getting dressed, etc, and we were off to the convention center. I’d never worked a booth before so I begged for some training and MR has a lot of products so I got some quickie training and that was it. Right before the show began, there were bagpipes and then we were on. Which meant that for the next eight hours with possibly an hour break, I talked and walked around to show clients product. I was on my feet for most of it which is amazing for me since I am generally very sedentary.
I got the luxury of having lunch with Dina Wakley and KL Yeary and Allison from Hambly (who was 7.5 months pregnant!) Then I went back to work. I got to talk to Stacy and Kayce of Big Picture and I did run to Little Yellow Bicycle, Pink Paislee, and The Girls’ Paperie briefly to see my layouts but that was it. The show ended at 6pm and I rushed back to the hotel with Katie so I could quickly change and be ready for Tracy to pick me up for the Big Picture dinner. Which was wonderful. But I felt pain literally on every single muscle in my body. And when I came back to the hotel at 10pm, I crashed. I was very worried I might not be able to do the 6am workout the next morning. But I told myself I was going to, anyway.
That was it for day 1. Just to give you a sense, ordinarily, I take about 8000 steps a day and on saturday I took 17,000 steps. So it was quite an active day for me.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I got to spend a lot of time chatting with Kayce and I got to meet Tracey.
2. I am grateful that I got to experience working on the booth, it was hard work but also a lot of fun.
3. I am grateful that I got to meet Rebecca and Margie even if for a small second. It’s nice to put faces to the people for whom I work. I also got to meet Emily and Lori. It’s nice to meet people whom you email frequently.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Playing Wii ALL DAY
2. Play games on the iPhone
3. Grocery shopping with Daddy

I know we’re not at the end of the day but am about to rush out the door to go to the airport and I wanted to make sure to post today’s entry. I had the day off work so most of what I did was to sit around and do errands and chores I’ve been putting off like folding several loads of laundry. I also packed and exercised and drew my portrait. I journaled, too!
Nathaniel kept me company while he wasn’t napping. He played right along me and even gave me some hugs.

I will miss the little boy so much!

Here he is after his nap, telling me to put choo choo on. (And now he’s got blah-blah too which is blue’s clues.)

And I tried to snap one of the big boy but he was thinking about what games to put on his phone and wouldn’t really look my way.

And the second I told him we were done, he went back to looking for games.

And now I leave for the airport. I hope that everything goes smoothly, I arrive safely, the shuttle takes me there without problem and my jaw pain goes down a bit because I am not sure how much Advil I can take in a weekend. Hopefully, I’ll be updating from Los Angeles, but otherwise see you in two days. Have a wonderful weekend!!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I can leave my kids and go on this trip. It’s all to the credit of my husband who is amazing and kind and a wonderful daddy.
2. I am grateful that I got much of my tasks for today done. I feel tired so I am hoping I might nap on the plane.
3. I am grateful for someone letting me help her today. I plan to write a lot more about helping in general at some point but i know it takes courage and heart to accept help as well as give it and i know it rewards both parties so much so I am deeply grateful for this person’s trust in me .
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I made a necklace at school {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that mommy downloaded three games for me.
3. I am grateful that it’s the weekend

Happy Thursday everyone! I had a quiet day and one with few photos so I will keep this short. Here’s the little boy playing. And me screaming loudly to get his attention.

And finally he looks.

And here’s David playing (and me screaming loudly to get his attention.)

And finally a “let’s just get this over with” smile

And there we go. Tonight is more journaling, some art, some preparing for tomorrow. Tomorrow I have the day off. I will be playing with my kids, packing, folding laundry and packing up my layouts and then in the evening I am of to Los Angeles, if all goes well. I have a long todo list but all small stuff so I have faith most will get done and that whatever doesn’t get done will not be essential.
Let’s hope i am right.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I spent time trying some clothes on today to ensure I have stuff to wear since I would have stressed if I left that to tomorrow (last minute).
2. I am grateful for some quiet time tonight. I hope to spend it organizing for the trip so that tomorrow can go smoothly and I can spend most of my free time just playing with the boys.
3. I am grateful for faith today. For people’s faith in other people and for taking a leap. I took one today and I am hoping the other person will take it with me. I am grateful no matter what.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that Ms. Merk has extra snacks in the class (he ate an apple extra today) {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played some games on the phone.
3. I am grateful that I played batman with julian today

I’ve been really slow this whole week. Operating well below capacity. I am guessing it’s cause my body, mind, and creative self all need rest after the last few weeks of constant work work work. I spent a lot of last night and this morning journaling and doing art for soul restoration. These classes are truly amazing for me right now. Even Misty’s class where I am not doing the art work, I am doing the journaling and it’s shifting things for me. Each page of journaling has been a revelation, an advice, a shift. It’s quite astounding and such a gift. I’ve been working on forgiveness a lot too. Especially forgiving myself. I am often hardest on myself.
I noticed today that now more than ever I’ve been working on myself. With the exercise and food, I’m working on my body, and with the classes and journaling I’m working on my soul and my creative self. I’m really trying to stretch, grow, forgive, let go. So far, so good for January. Making progress in a way that feels good. Feels rewarding. Feels new.
About 48 hours before I leave for LA. Trying to enjoy every moment with my little ones. Nathaniel’s been playing and quietly exploring. He says more and more words each day.

He knows which remote is for which machine and grabs the right one depending on his requests. Quite amazing how my kids will not even know the concept of having to wait until a certain time to watch a program. They get to grow up with DVR.

I asked David for a photo but Blue’s Clues was more enticing.

And then he laughed at me but I got to snap one in the meantime.

Nathaniel watching TV while sucking his thumb and holding his blanket. David writing his gratitudes.

Look at those toes! Oh the amount of noise I had to make to get him to look at me.

Tonight’s date night! I already did my portrait to ensure it wouldn’t crowd my mind and we could have a good time together. Some fun movie. Even though we don’t get to go out until later than usual, I am really looking forward to time with just us and going out and being at the movies. All things I love.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I am going to LA in two days, I am looking forward to seeing some good friends.
2. I am grateful for date night!
3. I am grateful for my kids. Today, for a few minutes, Nathaniel sat in front of me and ate some grapes with me. I got to smell his neck and hair and give him tons of kisses. I love him so deeply and really really feel blessed to get to kiss him so much.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that my birthday is coming up {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I got two new games for the phone.
3. I am grateful that Daddy’s home! (Aren’t we all? we love it when daddy comes.)

I honestly cannot even remember this morning. I took David to the bus, came home and then rushed back out to the TMJ doctor. Then I came back and did work, put Nathaniel down, exercised, did work. Nothing interesting.
I got my third lesson for Soul Restoration and I have to say each week I’ve been trying to play with paint, do textures etc but I always end up scrapping those. I dislike what I did. I feel inadequate like it’s a mishmash of crap. I cannot seem to turn off the conversations in my head. Which is why I go back to fabric or paper. Seems safer, less messy, harder to screw up. I look at her painting (and others’) with awe and wish I could do it too. And yet, I seem to be missing that gene.
The little boy spent some time looking through my soul restoration journal today.

I think he liked what he saw.

Then he played with his beloved stickers.

And let me take a nice photo.

So did David, one nice one…

Before all the crazy, silly, fun ones.

Tonight’s a lot of journaling. I find the journaling is really, really helping me so I am going to do more and more of it until it becomes more second nature, more something I’m making the time for. And then if I have time leftover, I will do my soul restoration art work.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I am taking the time to journal and do my homework. I am learning a lot about myself and really appreciating these classes so much.
2. I am grateful that I am finally seeing a doctor about my TMJ and getting some help and things are improving. Really grateful for that.
3. I am grateful for the quiet week I’m having. This week is low on commitment and engagements. It’s giving me time to rest and recuperate.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I got stamp with a dog on it at school {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played on the phone.
3. I am grateful that wilfin gave me a pencil

Lovely start of mostly rest and journaling this morning. Nathaniel decided that 3am was a great wake up time and he was beside himself. I tried to calm him down and finally once Jake was up for the day (4am) I took him to our bed. It took him another 45 minutes to calm down and fall back asleep. At six am the alarm went off and while he slept peacefully for another hour I made David’s lunch, breakfast, and read to him. So I decided taking it easy the rest of the morning was ok for Mommy. I then worked while Nathaniel sat in his bed and didn’t nap. Finally I gave up, I took him out, exercised, gave him lunch and put him back down and went back to work. Late nap meant I had to wake him up to go get David. And so he was cranky. But that’s just how some days roll here.
When we came back home, I finally snapped some photos.

My handsome boy.

And the super-sweet one.

Who has my heart wrapped around his finger.

And then we read more while David ate his veggies. After that he was allowed to play on the phone.

And Nathaniel got his own phone and walked around in circles while the phone played music. Laughing all the while..

And I spent some time making truth cards.

Now the kids are eating and I am reviewing my May class at BPC. We will be rerunning the Telling Stories Deeply class. So if you’ve been wanting to take it, it’s coming up. Likely for the last time I’m guessing. Then I have some posts to write, some more truth cards to make, and my portrait to draw of course. After I finish all that, I get to reward myself with some Misty Mawn videos.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I finally did some truth cards. I don’t know why I am overcomplicating them so much. I keep thinking they need to be pieces of art. They just need to be done. The point is the message, not the art.
2. I am grateful that I actually made it through the day without a lot of pain. I was worried that a night of so little sleep would mean a terrible day. It wasn’t so, thankfully.
3. I am grateful for my husband. He is so incredibly nice to me on so many levels and helps with the kids so much and he is my best friend. And I am a lucky lucky lucky girl.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I got a Pokeman book from the library {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played on the phone.
3. I am grateful that i read my book at school and my friends sat with me while i read

I started the morning by preparing my February newsletter and digital downloads. Here’s where I tell you once again, you can sign up for my newsletter on the right side of my blog. You get one email on the first of the month with exclusive free downloads. That’s it.
While I worked, Nathaniel played with a recent obsession. This monitor isn’t hooked up on the other side which means when you turn it on, it just beeps. nonstop. Makes you want to cry pretty much immediately. But, alas, the little boy loves it. Ugh.

Then I setup our family shoot. Which I tested and went through all of these. Me with the clicker, Nathaniel wanting it, and going all drama when he can’t have it and finally grabbing it and happy. Yep, happens each time.

Then started the family fun.

A ton of laughter.

I love these shots.

Then Jake went biking with David (which didn’t go so well).

And Nathaniel was very upset about being left behind.

David’s school is having 100th day on February 2nd and we’re supposed to do a collection. David suggested we punch butterflies. So we did and it turned out quite wonderful.

And when Jake came back home, he played with Nathaniel and the stickers while I scrapped.

After I was done, we had family night where we played a dino math board game. It was a lot of fun despite Nathaniel’s multiple breakdowns. And then the kids went to bed and I did some drawing and photo processing. The plan for tonight is more drawing and then replying to emails cause I still haven’t done that. I am pathetic, I know.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that it was a calming and productive weekend. A lot of revelations. Some art. Some scrapping. A lot of family time and exercising and reading. Just perfect. Especially since the next three weekends promise to be too hectic.
2. I am grateful for family night. I always have so much fun and enjoy my family so much.
3. I am grateful for a short week this week. I will try to work extra hard because I am leaving for LA on Friday and I want to get a ton of work done before I leave.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that mommy got some new games for the phone {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful for family night.
3. I am grateful that we did the butterflies.
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects