Work is still going heavy and strong. But thankfully I was home today and it was considerably less stress and more comfortable. I did my exercise and even managed to read to David this afternoon. Everything else is at a standstill. I will catch up on them this weekend.
The house was a huge mess so here are the kids, cleaning up.

And then eating. My sweet boy.

Most days, they are so great about listening to me. I am so blessed and lucky. (ok, I am lucky even when they don’t listen but it doesn’t always feel like it!)

Tonight I plan to relax. I have some more work this weekend so I will take it easy. Relax, go on a date night with Jake, do some art journal (which has been sorely neglected) and watch some of the movies for the two classes I’m in. And then this weekend more art, some sketching, lots of hug time. Bring it on!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I am learning and growing and trying. It’s uncomfortable but also exhilarating.
2. I am grateful for date night. Movies. I love the movies.
3. I am grateful for the weekend. I’ve earned this one even more than usual!
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I get to play wii tomorrow{* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played with Julian at school
3. I am grateful that i get to play wii with daddy for game night on Sunday!

Today’s photos were also taken this morning.

Here’s David trying to not smile.

And the cutie pie who wouldn’t take his hand out of his mouth.

I love this blurry photo. Here’s Nathaniel running away from the camera laughing. So Nathaniel.

I worked all day and then had a BPC chat. SO now I get to rest. More tomorrow.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that things are going relatively smoothly at work. Big issues but nothing I can really fix right now.
2. I am grateful that tomorrow is Friday and I work from home.
3. I am grateful for the help and support of my colleagues. They are the best!
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I played with Julian {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that mommy came home earlier than yesterday
3. I am grateful that mommy stays home tomorrow!

I knew there was a chance I wouldn’t get back home until late today so I took some photos in the morning. Here’s Nathaniel playing with stickers.

I love love love him so.

And here’s the big boy, trying to make more interesting faces.

I asked him to tell me a story so he’s thinking.

Couldn’t come up with one on the fly like that (mostly cause he really wanted me to stop so he could play.)

Then I went to pick Brene up and went to work. As I imagined and knew, Brene is awesome. Truly real, fun, kind, generous and wonderful person. We walked around campus for a while and then she gave her talk which was so so amazing and it made me think, choke up, laugh, and nod so very much. Even though I’ve heard her speak before, it’s a profound experience for me each time. Each time she speaks, you can tell how passionate she is about this subject matter and it permeates your soul. She’s awesome. And I am so so thankful I got to experience this day with her. I will not forget it. (Even the two engineers who were videotaping the event were so impressed that they bought her book right after the talk. Not that I am the least bit surprised.)
And because I was so caught up in all of it, I didn’t even ask her to sign my book or take one single photo! But it’s ok. I have the memories. And those are with me at all times. I don’t think she reads here, but just in case, thank you thank you thank you Brené. You have truly made my day in every way!
After Brene got in her car, I headed to work. And the next minute I looked at my watch it was already four hours later. I made it home almost an hour after bedtime and still have a ton of work to do (as well as a huge headache).
So now I will relax for a short while, then work for a while and then crawl into bed so I can do it all over again tomorrow. But I am not complaining. Today was a good day. I was moved, inspired, and got to meet someone I’ve wanted to for a long long time. I am grateful.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful again that Jake was home, loving and caring for the kids so I could be worry-less at work. I adore him and feel grateful for him so much.
2. I am grateful that Brené came and I got to meet her. And she listened to me talk talk talk all day. And she was so real, so down to earth, so truly wonderful.
3. I am grateful for my job. It’s been a tough few days but I love my job. I love Google and I love our product and I love being a part of it however big or small.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I had music class {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that we played ninjas with julian
3. I am grateful that I got to stay up a little later than usual

I expected today to be stressful and it didn’t disappoint. I’ll start with the photos I took last night, this is the ship David and Jake built together. David loves it.

Since I knew I was going to be at work, I tried to take photos early in the morning before David went to school but he was feeling moody.

And then he laughed of course.

Then we dropped him off, I exercised, checked in my class and my work and then Jake was home and I went off to work. I spent pretty much all day working working working. Stressing. Talking. Working.
When I came home, the kids were almost ready to go down. I was surprised to find a package for Nathaniel from my friend Amy and when I opened it, it was Thomas board books. I cannot tell you how incredibly excited Nathaniel was. He grabbed them all and flipped through them immediately.

He was so excited. He lined them all up.

He kept looking at them, looking in them, holding them. Amy, I cannot describe it in words! Thank you so much and so deeply, you have totally made my day. And his day. This was so unexpected, so kind, so generous, so amazing. Thank you!
then it was time to put the kids down, and I still had work to do. At last, I did manage to push the build out (most of it at least) and now I am completely wiped. I will relax and then head right to bed. So I can start working again bright and early in the morning. But tomorrow I also get to meet and escort Brené which I am so so so excited about and a few more days and things will quiet down considerably. Then I just go back to working and working and chugging along as usual. Or so I hope.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that Jake has been doing such a great job and being so incredibly supportive. I haven’t worried about the kids one bit today. I was able to fully focus on work.
2. I am grateful I get to meet Brené tomorrow. A major highlight for me.
3. I am grateful for this amazing, unexpected present from Amy. I cannot tell you how very much it touched me Amy. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we ninjas with julian {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that daddy was home today
3. I am grateful that I had PE, I love P.E.!
4. I am grateful that mommy brought some orange juice for me

I woke up from the wrong side of the bed today (as they say) and could not shake it off. I just did not want to do anything at all. Despite all that, I did manage to exercise, journal, read to David and do a lot of work.
Nathaniel played quietly while I frantically tried to open bugs and find owners for issues.

Next thing I knew it was time to pick up David. Thankfully, soon after he came home, so did Jake. He and David built legos for a while as I worked. Then I realized I hadn’t taken a photo today yet. But David wouldn’t play along.

And then he couldn’t help himself.

and now the kids are down and I am still grouchy. I am stressed in anticipation of upcoming stress. How totally dumb is that?! Alas, I know everything is going to work out because it always does one way or another. And if it doesn’t that’s ok too. The world will not end. I just wish I could tell my heart all this. But it doesn’t listen when it’s so busy freaking out.
Instead I just decided to give myself the next few days off. I will do anything I want. Besides the exercise, all other things are optional. I don’t need to sketch or update my journal or anything I don’t want to do. If I do, great but it’s truly optional. If I just want to lie and watch TV or movies or surf for my spare time, it’s allowed until Thursday. After which I need to go back to being a good girl again.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that Jake is going to be around almost the whole time for the next three days to ensure my process is smooth and I have guiltless time to dedicate to work.
2. I am grateful for a very special guest coming on Wednesday.
3. I am grateful for not having anything on my todo list this week other than work so I can take downtime I know I need.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we played Indiana Jones at school {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that mommy and I finished our book
3. I am grateful that I build my lego ship with daddy

Here’s to another lovely, quiet, wonderful weekend day. It took me a while to get started but I did my exercise about an hour after I woke up and then it was family photo time. Here are some outtakes for you. Nathaniel complaining because David has the clicker.

Jake said something to make fun of me here (actually he was responding to me because I kept saying “don’t make that weird face” but he said it in such a funny way that I burst into laughter.

And I couldn’t stop. I love how Nathaniel has the clicker here and is staring right at the camera while the rest of us are cracking up.

And then it was tickle-time, of course. We always end with tickle-time. I love Jake’s face in this one.

And more tickling. David really enjoys the tickling.

Then everyone went to work for a while. Nathaniel went to nap (though he didn’t really nap until we took him back out and put him back in.) David tried to think of a way to play without electronics since I told him he’d had enough.

So he wouldn’t give me a smile.

I did some art, some sketching, and some reading. Then the little boy woke up and went shopping with his dad. When he came home, he played and I snapped photos.

I love it when I catch him looking right at me.

Then he went back to putting stickers on just about anything. Despite the fact that I kept saying “no Nathaniel, no” he just shook his head no and kept putting them on.

Then it was family time so we played Monopoly Jr again. And this time David won! He was very excited. He and daddy did some legos and then both the kids went down. I did some of my todo list items and I am now off to do some more art. This week promises to be stressful so I am going to enjoy these last moments of peace.
I hope your weekend was great!
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I made some more pages on my art journal.
2. I am grateful for family time. I love family time.
3. I am grateful for the peace and calm I feel right now. I don’t usually feel peaceful but this year it’s been more often than not. I am thankful.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we had family night {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I got to spend some time with daddy playing legos
3. I am grateful that I got to stay up a little later than usual

I woke up feeling tired today but also relieved because I had nothing I had to do. So I just relaxed for a tiny bit and then did my exercise. While I was relaxing, David lay on the floor and told Nathaniel to sit on him. And Nathaniel did. They both thought it was hilarious.

David was so good. He didn’t even complain when Nathaniel pulled his hair.

I love them so.
After my exercise and shower, it was family photo time. Since it was finally not raining, we thought it might be fun to do it outside.

Nathaniel grabbed the remote a few minutes into our session, of course.

And then everyone went to do their own thing. Jake went to get some work done, I did some art, David played his wii, and Nathaniel played with his trains.

Toward the end of the day, we decided it would be fun to watch a movie so we watched the one where the princess becomes a swan. Sadly, I can’t remember the name. It was ok. Now the kids are eating and soon it’s bath and bedtime. I am hoping I get to work on my art journal a bit tonight but I can’t seem to share the tiredness no matter how much I try. So I might just have to curl up in bed with a book.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I did some fun sketching.
2. I am grateful that I also worked on a page on my art journal where I did a she art piece.
3. I am grateful for another weekend day tomorrow.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I get to play batman on the wii {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that we watched a movie together
3. I am grateful that daddy will spend some time with me

I need to be reprimanded today because I agreed to not one but two things I should not have to this week. TWO! What’s wrong with me? Do I learn nothing? It made the last two days considerably less pleasant than they needed to be. There was really no reason for the stress I incurred and the lack of attention all the other things in my life got because of it. Lesson learned.
Apparently I need to learn this one again and again.
I have, however, still been exercising. And Nathaniel loves my FitBit. He loves seeing the flower. He presses until he gets it and then signs “flower” when he sees it.

David was in a good mood when he came home and he is such a delight to see .

I tried to grab another photo of Nathaniel but he wasn’t really feeling up to it.

As bedtime approached, I got to go out with my friend Nicholas to see Beastly. Then I came home, finished my daunting task and now I need to crawl into bed. I didn’t get to sketch today and i will not get to my art journal even so it will have to wait until tomorrow. The good news is my big task is finished and I can truly relax this whole weekend. All of it.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I finished what I promised to do.
2. I am grateful that I got to go to the movies. Love the movies.
3. I am grateful for my empty schedule this weekend.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I get to play wii tomorrow {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I stayed up extra late tonight
3. I am grateful for daddy

After the long post about getting things done, I got off course today with a new task that wasn’t even on my list. But once it came my way, I pretty much couldn’t focus on anything else so I just worked on it so I could get it off my chest.
Which might be why Nathaniel spent the day in his pajamas. Or maybe it was just that he looks so cute.

Lest you think I was being totally lazy, David and I did finish our book and do workbooks and write his gratitudes before he was allowed to play.

he even gave me a smile.

and so did the little boy. Is he not the cutest in his PJs?

The good news is that I did finish my task. Though now I have to sketch, journal, do my art page, and do a bunch of blog posts all before 10pm. That gives me three hours. Let’s see how much I can get done.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I finished my task and hope that the opportunity it was for really does open up!
2. I am grateful that tomorrow’s Friday. I love Friday.
3. I am grateful for my kids. They make me laugh so much and so often. I don’t know how I got so blessed.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we played tiny wings at school {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I will visit Daddy’s office this weekend
3. I am grateful that mommy got me three games for the phone

This is what Nathaniel does during the day. Makes a huge huge huge mess.

but then he plays.

and plays and plays.

and so does the big boy.

I am so deeply grateful for the people who invented legos!

and I am pretty sure my kids are, too.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that things are going relatively smoothly lately at work. I am crossing my fingers that things don’t change!
2. I am grateful that I finished another 2.8 miles. It was still really hard but I did it. so thankful.
3. I am grateful for art and photos and my kids and my husband and all the things in my life that are bringing me so much joy. There’s so much beauty everywhere.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we played batman at school {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that we had music
3. I am grateful that mommy got me some games for the phone

Today was a more relaxing day but still really busy and working a lot. I started my day with exercise and I will admit that 2.8 was considerably harder than 2.7. Seems silly but it was.
Nathaniel’s lip is healing and he seems in a better mood .

So was the big boy today.

See the lip? There’s a big bruise inside too.

But the little boy is actually doing ok. Thankfully.

Even smiling a lot. He’s a trooper!

Too tired to write tonight. Apologies, I will make up for it tomorrow, I promise.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I did another push today. go me!
2. I am grateful that I finished the 2.8 miles. It was really really hard but I did it.
3. I am grateful for some rest time tonight. I really need it.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we played angry birds at school {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that daddy and I read a comic book together
3. I am grateful that i had p.e. today

Wow. I am glad the weekend was quiet because today was anything but. Nathaniel woke up in hysterics at 5am and would not go back down. So I gave up and got up. Then it was breakfast, reading, taking David to the bus and exercising.
Nathaniel wasn’t really interested in letting me take photos today.

I worked all day and then we picked up David who was kind enough to let me take a photo.

then he made his silly faces.

You can barely see it but Nathaniel imitated him seconds later. (wouldn’t do it again for me to take a photo!)

Then, as David and I read more Nathaniel slipped and busted his lip. Which let into hysterics. I cleaned him and then hugged him for a long time. Then I had to rush and do the Chrome release so he sat to eat but of course was in pain.

Thankfully Daddy came home around this time and life was so much better. It took a while and quite a bit of drama but both of the kids went to sleep and now I am ready to pass out. Except that I have 6 more items on my todo list. Oh well. Some days are just like that!
By the way, if you’re on the edge about my class, you only have two more days to sign up. Now or never.
Also just a few more hours to sign up for the newsletter as the March one mails out in less than 5 hours.
Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I managed to push out the dev channel. Phew.
2. I am grateful for a few quiet hours before it’s sleep time for me. I plan to fill them with art and journaling.
3. I am grateful for new lessons in both my sketching and mixed media class. I love watching all the videos and look forward to them excitedly.
Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we played monster truck racers {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that i have p.e. tomorrow
3. I am grateful that i get to do another page in my washington book
projects for twenty twenty-five
projects for twenty twenty-four
projects for twenty twenty-three
projects for twenty twenty-two
projects for twenty twenty-one
projects for twenty nineteen
projects for twenty eighteen
projects from twenty seventeen
monthly projects from previous years
some of my previous projects